Culture and Sensitivity - Breast Milk Tips

स्तनों से जुड़े मिथक और तथ्य: क्या है सही, क्या नहीं।

MBBS, DGO, FCPS - Mid. & Gynae
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
स्तनों से जुड़े मिथक और तथ्य: क्या है सही, क्या नहीं।
हमारा शरीर किसी बड़ी गुत्थी की तरह है जिसे समझना काफी कठिन हो सकता है। ऐसे में शरीर के अलग अलग अंगों को लेकर अकसर लोगों में भ्रम की स्थिति होती है।

विशेषकर महिलाओं के शरीर से जुड़े कई मिथक समाज में फैले हुए हैं। तो आइए जानते हैं महिलाओं के स्तनों से जुड़े कई मिथकों और उनसे जुड़ी सच्चाई के बारे में।

ब्रा पहनने से ब्रेस्ट कैंसर होता है

इस बात का कोई सबूत नहीं है कि ब्रा पहनने से ब्रेस्ट कैंसर होता है।

आप बेफिक्र होकर अपनी ब्रा पहनना जारी रख सकती हैं। जैसा कि मिथक है, ब्रा पहनने से आपके शरीर के रोमछिद्र सांस नहीं ले पाते हैं और "विषाक्त पदार्थों" का निर्माण करते हैं। लेकिन तथ्य ये हैं कि आपकी ब्रा आपके शरीर को उसकी प्राकृतिक डिटॉक्स प्रक्रियाओं से नहीं रोक रही है।

एंटीपर्सपिरेंट स्तन कैंसर का कारण बनता है

कुछ अध्ययनों ने शरीर के ऊतकों में परिवर्तन के लिए डिओडोरेंट्स में कुछ तत्वों को जोड़ा है, लेकिन कोई अध्ययन निर्णायक रूप से एंटीपर्सपिरेंट्स और स्तन कैंसर के बीच कोई संबंध स्थापित नहीं कर पाए हैं।

कुछ वैज्ञानिकों ने एल्युमीनियम युक्त एंटीपर्सपिरेंट पर चिंता व्यक्त की है, क्योंकि शोध बताते हैं कि एल्युमीनियम युक्त उत्पाद हमारे शरीर के अंदर के ऊतकों को बदल सकते हैं।

कुछ वैज्ञानिकों का मानना है कि डिओडोरेंट का उपयोग स्तनों के इतने करीब किया जाता है, एल्यूमीनियम युक्त एंटीपर्सपिरेंट स्तन के ऊतकों में हानिकारक परिवर्तन कर सकते हैं। हालाँकि, आज तक कोई भी शोध इस सिद्धांत की पुष्टि नहीं करता है।

स्तन में कोई गांठ नहीं होने का मतलब स्तन कैंसर नहीं है।

आप गांठों की उपस्थिति के बिना भी स्तन कैंसर का शिकार हो सकते हैं।

स्तन कैंसर के अन्य लक्षणों को पहचानना महत्वपूर्ण है, जिसमें रंग परिवर्तन, एक या दोनों स्तनों के आकार में बदलाव, त्वचा का धुंधलापन या पकना, दाने जैसे लक्षण, निप्पल डिस्चार्ज और दर्द शामिल हैं।

यदि आप स्वस्थ हैं, तो आपको अपने स्तनों के बारे में चिंता करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है

एक स्वस्थ जीवन शैली जीने से निश्चित रूप से आपके स्तन कैंसर का खतरा कम हो सकता है, लेकिन यह आपके जोखिम को खत्म नहीं कर सकता है।

हम सभी को पौष्टिक आहार खाने और नियमित व्यायाम और भरपूर नींद लेने का प्रयास करना चाहिए, क्योंकि ये आदतें हमारे कई रोगों और कुछ कैंसर के जोखिम को कम करती हैं।

हालांकि, सबसे स्वस्थ लोगों में भी स्तन कैंसर विकसित हो सकता है। आहार और व्यायाम के अलावा कई कारक आपके स्तन कैंसर के जोखिम को प्रभावित करते हैं।

पुरुषों को ब्रेस्ट कैंसर नहीं हो सकता

हालांकि यह उतना सामान्य नहीं है,पर पुरुषों को स्तन कैंसर हो सकता है।

यह आमतौर पर वृद्ध पुरुषों में होता है, लेकिन यह किसी भी उम्र में विकसित हो सकता है। पुरुषों को स्तन कैंसर के लक्षणों के बारे में जागरूक रहना चाहिए और स्तन कैंसर के अपने पारिवारिक इतिहास के बारे में जानना चाहिए।

मैमोग्राम से स्तन कैंसर होता है

मैमोग्राम के दौरान रेडिएशन की मात्रा बेहद कम और सुरक्षित होती है।

मैमोग्राम स्तन कैंसर के शुरुआती लक्षणों को पकड़ने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है, और मैमोग्राम के लाभ जोखिमों से कहीं अधिक हैं। हालांकि इस तकनीक की सीमाएं हैं, नियमित जांच आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं।

स्तन हमेशा एक ही साइज़ के रहते हैं

आप सोच सकते हैं कि आपके स्तन आपके जीवन के दौरान ज्यादातर एक ही आकार के रहते हैं, लेकिन यह वास्तव में सच नहीं है। वजन बढ़ने से भी आपकी ब्रा का आकार प्रभावित हो सकता है।

आपका अपने शरीर में होने वाले परिवर्तनों पर ध्यान देना महत्वपूर्ण है और आपकी ब्रा कैसी महसूस होती है ये भी महत्वपूर्ण है।इससे आपको स्तन को आकार के बढ़ने का अंदाज़ा हो सकता है।

आपके स्तनों का आकार बताता है कि उनमें कितना दूध बन सकता है

यह तार्किक लग सकता है कि आपके स्तन का आकार सीधे दूध उत्पादन से संबंधित है, लेकिन यह बिल्कुल सच नहीं है। सच्चाई यह है कि आकार केवल तभी मायने रखता है जब गर्भावस्था के दौरान स्तनों में बदलाव नहीं होता है।

यदि आपके स्तन बदलते हैं तो आप यह नहीं बता पाएंगे कि आपके स्तन कितने बड़े या छोटे हैं, इसके आधार पर आप कितना दूध पैदा करेंगे।

स्तनपान कराने से आपके स्तन शिथिल हो जाते हैं

बहुत सी महिलाओं को लगता है कि यदि वे स्तनपान कराती हैं, तो उनके स्तन ढीले पड़ जाएंगे। जानकार मानते हैं कि सच्चाई यह है कि उम्र के कारण स्तन शिथिल होते हैं।

स्तनपान कराने से आपके स्तन शिथिल नहीं होते हैं, इसलिए यदि आप स्तनपान कराने को लेकर असमंजस में हैं, तो कम से कम यह एक ऐसी चीज है जिसके बारे में आपको ज्यादा चिंता करने की जरूरत नहीं है।

जेनेटिक्स स्तन के आकार में कोई भूमिका नहीं निभाते हैं

हालांकि आनुवंशिकी ही सब कुछ नहीं है, लेकिन जब स्तन के आकार की बात आती है, तो जीन्स कुछ भूमिका निभाते हैं। स्तन का आकार आनुवंशिक और पर्यावरणीय कारकों का एक संयोजन है।

कुछ लोगों को बड़े स्तनों का पूर्वाभास होता है। इसके अलावा, जैसे-जैसे लोगों का वजन बढ़ता है, उनके स्तन भी बड़े होते जाते हैं।

आप एक ही साइज की ब्रा पहन सकती हैं, चाहे कोई भी ब्रांड हो या स्टाइल

अधिकांश महिलाएं एक से अधिक आकार की ब्रा पहनती हैं, चाहे वे इसे जानती हों या नहीं, इसलिए यह सोचना एक मिथक है कि आप ब्रांड, कट या कपड़े से कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता।

जीन्स की तरह ब्रा का फिट होता है, इसलिए आप अलग-अलग आकार पहन सकते हैं। जानकार मानते हैं कि कट, सामग्री, यहां तक कि निर्माता की आकार देने की विधि के आधार पर आप कई अलग-अलग आकार की ब्रा पहन सकते हैं जो आपको फिट हो सकती हैं।

इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आपको लगता है कि आपका आकार 34C है। इस साइज़ा में किसी एक ब्रांड की ब्रा आपको सही आ सकती है पर ब्रांड बदलने पर साइज़ में फर्क आ सकता है।

Common Types Of Cancer You Don't Know!

General Physician, Fatehabad
Common Types Of Cancer You Don't Know!
India is slowing making its way towards the top listed countries with the maximum number of cancer ;patients. It actually ranks third in the world after china and the usa. The statistics are alarming. While genes play a part in determining who will contract cancer and who won t, you can still reduce your chances of getting it, if you spot the signs early on and seek treatment right away. Read on to learn about the most common types of cancer in the country and some of their symptoms.

Breast cancer

The incident rate of this disease is 25.8 among 10, 000 women in india. And the mortality rate is around 12.7 in 10, 000.

The symptoms of breast cancer are-

A lump in the breast

Change in the shape of the breasts or nipples

Pain in the breasts

Retraction of the nipple

Discharge of blood from the nipples

If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a doctor who will recommend mammography. A woman who has reached her 40s should opt for regular mammography. And every woman should perform self-examination as soon as she turns 20.

Oral cancer

Of all the reported oral cancer incidents around the world, 86% of the cases are from india. The chief reason why so many cases of oral cancer arise in india is due to the inclination of indians for tobacco consumption. Alcohol too contributes to it. Detected in the early stages, oral cancer may not be fatal. ;Here are some signs you need to watch out for-

Ulcers in the mouth

Teeth falling out prematurely

Voice becoming harsh

Pain while ;swallowing saliva and food

Kicking the habit of smoking and excessive drinking is suggested. But if you cannot quit, make sure you regularly check your mouth for abnormalities.

Cervical cancer

The cervix is present at the lowermost part of the uterus. And cancer of this organ is shockingly common. Some of the symptoms of cervical cancer are-

Bleeding between periods

Unnatural discharge

Bleeding after sex

Pain the lower abdomen

Cervical cancer can be detected through a pap smear test.

Lung cancer

It is one of the leading causes of death in india. Both first hand and passive smoking can lead to it. Some of the symptoms are-

Breathlessness and hoarse voice

Pain in the chest

Blood while coughing

Try avoiding smoking at all costs. Wearing a pollution mask will help. Cancer can be lethal. But the right action at the right time can save you.
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Cancer - How Can Homeopathy Help?

Homeopathy Doctor, Ludhiana
Cancer - How Can Homeopathy Help?
Cancer is the most dreaded disease of our times. There are many different types of cancer depending on the organ it originates from. Some of the most common types of cancer include breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, and skin cancer. Cancer can affect men, women, and children of all ages. The exact cause of cancer is unknown and though there are many things one can do to reduce the risk of cancer, it cannot be completely prevented. Advancements in modern medicine have helped a relief for many types of cancer. Though homeopathy is said to have no side effects, but it is important not to self-medicate and to follow the doctor s prescription.

On the other hand, homeopathy can help treat cancer without as many side effects. This is because all homeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal, or mineral matter. Homeopathy is a holistic form of medication that addresses and cures the root cause of the issue. This form of medication is dependent on the symptoms being exhibited as well as the patient s physical, mental, and emotional health. Two patients suffering from the same types of cancer may be prescribed different medications based on their physical structure and emotional state. Thus, a homeopathic remedy must always be customized for a patient. Homeopathy can be prescribed for children and adults of all ages and can be beneficial to the treatment of various types of cancer at varying stages.

Homeopathy is often used alongside other forms of therapy for cancer. This form of the medication does not interfere with other drugs being taken, radiation, chemotherapy etc. Given the serious aggressive nature of most types of cancer, homeopathy is not usually advised as a standalone form of treatment. Along with treating the cancerous cells, homeopathy can also help relieve secondary symptoms. For example, it can help reduce stress, pain, fatigue, nausea etc. It can also help deal with the side effects of other forms of treatment.

When taking homeopathic medication, it is important to remember that the treatment works slowly. Hence, patience is a must. Stopping treatment midway will not have any side effects but will not do the person any good either. Similarly, changing medication or the dosage of a medicine will not always help. Though homeopathy is said to have no side effects, very high doses can sometimes have side effects. Thus, it is important not to self-medicate and to follow the doctor s prescription.
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Breast Cancer - Know Self Checks To Access It!

MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Fellowship in Surgical Oncology
Surgical Oncology, Ranchi
Breast Cancer - Know Self Checks To Access It!
Breast cancer is most common cancer in women but can occur in men as well. It follows the same path as any other cancer, the cells start growing at an alarming rate and can even spread to other parts of the body. These cells form a cluster or a lump inside the breast and it s usually a noticeable lump. Breast cancers can originate at any part of the breast or the arm pit.

Breast cancer does not always mean there will be a lump though, sometimes it can be detected through a screening mammogram, especially, programmed to detect cancers at an early stage even before the symptoms start to show or can be felt.

Yet there are a lot of telling signs of breast cancer that might go unnoticed by the untrained eye, so for your benefit, here are some questions that you should ask yourself:

Does your nipple/breast feel unusual? Signs of this include;

Lump near the nipple or anywhere in the breast or underarm area

Soreness near the nipple area involving skin irritation, rashes and redness

orange peel texture , when your breast feels like the texture of an orange peel,

Does your nipple/breast look unusual? Signs of this include;

uneven breasts, where one side is more swollen or has shrivelled

your nipple might be turning inwards or looks inverted

small indentations or dimpling of the breast

colour of the nipple might change due to inflammation and redness

Is there any discharge from your nipple? If you see your nipple discharging fluids and you are not lactating then check the colour of the discharge. It could be bloody, clear liquid or a yellow discharge.

Are the veins in your breasts prominent? If the veins in your breasts have become visible and easily noticeable then it is a sign that you should get checked for breast cancer.
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Breast Cancer Is Curable In Early Stages!

General Surgeon, Bangalore
Though breast cancer is a deadly disease, breast cancer detected at an early stage is often curable. In our country, one of eight women is suffering from this breast cancer.

Breast cancer note often presents as a small lump in the breast which can be detected by various methods by increasing the awareness of methods of detection.

The most easiest and most important way of detection is self breast examination. Self breast examination is a simple and easy exam that one can do themselves. To make it simple, it's just looking for any changes in nipple or architecture of breast and axilla. If any lump or nipple discharge is present, then consulting an oncologist and get a mammography done to identify the lesion is one of the easiest and practical things in detecting breast cancer.

The detection of early breast cancer can provide an opportunity to improve the breast conservation rate and cure the disease.

Breast Cancer - Know The Stages & Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of!

MBBS, DNB ( Radiation Oncology), Fellowship in Uro Oncology, Fellowship in Brachytherapy
Oncologist, Mumbai
Breast Cancer - Know The Stages & Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of!
What do Sheryl Crow, Kylie Minogue and Angelina Jolie have in common; they are all breast cancer survivors. Being diagnosed with cancer is a scary thought but it should come as a relief that many types of cancer can be cured, breast cancer being one of them. However, this depends largely on the stage of diagnosis. Hence, it is essential to understand and recognize the symptoms of this disease.

Breast cancer can affect men and women. However, it is more common amongst women. A lump in the breast is usually the first sign of breast cancer. This may feel like a small pea or make part of the breast tissue denser thereby changing the contours of the breast. Some people may also notice a clear discharge from the nipple. This can be easily felt during a routine breast examination at home. If you feel something along these lines, you must consult a doctor immediately.

Along with a physical examination, your doctor may ask for a biopsy of the breast tissue, blood tests, X rays etc to determine a breast cancer diagnosis. If you do have breast cancer, these tests will also help the doctor find out what stage the cancer is at. There are 4 stages of breast cancer:

Stage I: From this level onwards, the cancer is said to be invasive. In Stage IA the cancer cells spread to the fatty tissue while in stage IB, a few cancer cells can also be seen in a few lymph nodes.
Stage II: In stage IIA, a small tumor may be seen in the breast. In Stage IIB this tumour may be as big as a walnut. Cancer may or may not affect the lymph nodes at this stage.
Stage III: At this stage, cancer is considered to be in its advanced stage and is harder to treat. In Stage IIIA cancer cells can be found in up to 9 lymph nodes around the breast. In Stage IIIB the tumour advances into the chest wall and skin surrounding the breast. In Stage IIIC more than 10 lymph nodes may be affected.
Stage IV: This is also known as the Metastatic stage. In this stage, the cancer cells would have spread beyond the breasts and lymph nodes. Common organs to be affected are the lungs, brain, bones and liver.
Treatment for breast cancer depends on many factors including the type of cancer, the speed at which it is growing, the stage of diagnosis and the patient s overall health.
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Breast Cancer - How To Get Rid Of It?

Multi Speciality, Gorakhpur
Breast Cancer - How To Get Rid Of It?
Breast cancer is a very common form of cancer that develops in the cells of your breast. Cancer typically forms in either the ducts of your breast (the pathway through which milk reaches the nipples from the glands) or the lobules (the glands which produce milk).

Breast cancer can affect both males and females. However, it is more commonly observed in women aged between 45-55 years.

Look out for these symptoms!
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer include the following-

Discharge of blood from the nipples
A lump near the breast or the armpit
Scaling or peeling of skin around the breasts
Sore nipple
Breast pain
Swelling of lymph nodes in the armpit or on the neck
Change in the shape and size of the nipple or the breast
An inverted nipple
What are the risk factors?

Age- Breast cancer usually strikes at an older age. Women aged over 55 years are most often diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
Family history- If you have someone in your family who ve had a history of breast cancer, then you too may develop this disease later in life.
Inherited genes- Mutation of certain genes- BRCA1 and BRCA2- can put you at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Obesity- People with Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than or equal to 30 are at risk of developing breast cancer.
Alcohol consumption- Aggressive or frequent alcohol consumption can make you prone to breast cancer.
Early menstruation- Those who ve had their first menstrual cycle before the age of 12, are more likely to get affected by breast cancer in the later stage.
Postmenopausal therapy- Women undergoing hormonal therapy or medications combining progesterone and estrogen to treat menopause have a greater risk of having breast cancer.
What is the treatment for breast cancer?
After a thorough evaluation of your overall health condition, your doctor will determine the options to treat your breast cancer depending on the type, size and stage of the cancer. The usual methods of curing breast cancer are-

Lumpectomy- This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure whereby smaller tumors are removed from the lumps of your breast. Your doctor will only remove a portion of the cancerous lump, leaving the remaining portion of the breast intact. This allows for better symmetry of your breast. However, you may need to undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy following a lumpectomy to make sure that all the cancer cells are destroyed.
Mastectomy- This surgical procedure is performed to remove all of the breast tissues including the ducts, lobules, nipples and areola.
Sentinel Node Biopsy- In order to determine whether or not cancer has metastasized to other body parts including the lymph nodes, your doctor will first discuss with you the importance of removing the lymph nodes which are likely to be in the receipt of the lymph drainage from the tumor.
Breast removal- In certain cases where people have a greater risk of developing breast cancer due to family history or genetic susceptibility, removal of both breasts are prescribed by doctors.
The rate of survival for breast cancer has increased in recent times owing to modern treatment techniques. Nearly 90% of breast cancer patients survive for at least 5 years after the treatment is done.
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Breast Cancer - How To Avert It?

MBBS, Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Gynaecologist, Ahmedabad
Breast Cancer - How To Avert It?
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women about 1 in 8 women in the USA develop invasive breast cancer. The incidence of breast cancer has increased with changes in lifestyle including smoking, drinking and loss of physical activity. The risk factors are age, ethnicity and family history cannot be changed. However, there are some risk factors that can definitely be acted upon to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer.

Weight management: Obesity is one of the major risk factors for breast cancer and managing weight and a good body mass index will help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. This is especially important in women undergoing menopause.
Reducing smoking: The benefits of quitting are manifold and reducing the risk of breast cancer is one of them. This will, as a byproduct, also result in a host of other benefits including improved quality of life, reduced chances of heart disease, stroke, and other cancers.
Physical activity: In addition to helping in weight management, this also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. The ideal recommendation is 30 minutes of physical activity per day, plus strength training.
Breastfeeding: This helps in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Prolonged feeding is shown to have a greater protective benefit.
Hormone replacement therapy: When possible, limit the use of hormone replacement therapy for prolonged periods of time. Explore options of non-hormonal substitutes or use the least permissible or required dose. Be sure to get periodic check-ups when on hormone therapy.
Reduce exposure to environmental pollution: Higher levels of pollutants are linked to a higher incidence of breast cancer. When possible, avoid getting exposure to environmental pollutants.
Screening: If there is a strong family history or other risk factors, then screening can help detect breast cancer very early in the process. Recommended ages for mammography are as follows:
If you are age 40 44: Go for annual mammograms after discussing risks and benefits with the doctor.
If you are age 45 54: Go for annual mammogram.
If you are age 55 or over: Mammograms are recommended every other year. You can choose to continue to have them every year. Self-breast exams are not sufficient. However, if being done, they can also be an input to an abnormality.
Cautious use of birth control pills: Birth control pill usage to be discussed with your gynaecologist if you are above 35 years of age and smoke. The good news is that the risk associated with it disappears slowly after the pill is stopped.
These will help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, early detection, and improved prognosis.
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Breast Lump - Know Forms Of It!

Advanced Infertility, MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Visakhapatnam
Breast Lump - Know Forms Of It!
The presence of a lump or a tumor in the breast is not always indicative of breast cancer. In some instances, the breast tumor can be benign or noncancerous as well. Thus, to understand breast cancer better, one should know the difference between a benign and malignant breast tumor. In this article, we will discuss the factors that differentiate a benign breast tumor from a malignant one.

Breast Fibroadenomas

Breast Fibroadenomas are benign breast tumors that often affect women in their early 20s and 30s (can also affect women of other age groups). Research suggests that in spite of being benign and noncancerous, breast fibroadenomas make a woman more susceptible to breast cancer in the future.
It may be difficult to decipher the underlying factor that triggers fibroadenomas. However, increased use of birth control pills (that results in an elevated estrogen level) can be a contributing factor.
Thus, in spite of no discomfort, it is safe to get fibroadenomas removed by lumpectomy or by radiation therapy. There are also instances when fibroadenomas dissolved on their own.
Sometimes, the lobules of the breast can undergo enlargement resulting in the formation of lumps (can be a tumor or a cyst) that are non-cancerous in nature. Such tumors are known as Adenosis.
The benign tumor growth can also develop in the milk ducts of the nipples, a condition known as Intraductal papillomas (characterized by discharge from the nipples).
To stay safe and lower the risk of breast cancer, doctors often recommend the removal of the tumor.
Differences between Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors

One of the major factors resulting in a tumor is the abnormal growth of cells that could be triggered by an injury, infection or prolonged inflammation.
A factor that plays a pivotal role in differentiating malignant from benign breast lumps or tumors is its ability to metastasize or invade other organs, cells and tissues of the body.
A malignant tumor starts off as a primary tumor that remains confined within its point of origin. Gradually, the cancerous growth metastasizes, invading other neighbouring as well as distant cells and body organs (Secondary cancer or tumor).
Benign tumors, on the other hand, contains chemical adhesions that prevent their metastasis and invasion to the other vital organs in the body.
As compared to malignant tumors, benign breast tumors, once removed, do not recur.
On the cellular level, microscopic examination reveals that malignant breast tumors often contain unusual, mutated, and modified genes and chromosomes.
More than often, malignant breast tumors give rise to Paraneoplastic Syndrome. The Paraneoplastic Syndrome is characterized by elevated production of substances (can be antibodies or hormones) by the cancerous growths or tumors. The hormones or the antibodies circulate in the bloodstream and can alter the functioning of a host of vital body tissues and organs with deleterious health consequences.
Such things seldom take place in the case of benign breast tumors.
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Breast Cancer - Homeopathy And Cupping Therapy

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery), M.D. ( Alternative Medicine) , Diploma in hijamah cupping therapy, Certificate in experimental psychology, Certificate in basic psychology
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Dehradun
Breast Cancer - Homeopathy And Cupping Therapy
Breasts are glandular secreting organs with 15 -20 lobes with ducts opening in the nipple to secret milk. Breast tumours usually arise from the cells of milk sacs. There are certain signs which shouldn't be ignored to prevent and cure cases of breast cancer namely, pain, lump, hardness in lump, bleeding, red spots, boils, puckering and skin lesions. The swelling on axillary lymph nodes should also be considered as a factor. If uncontrolled, it spreads to bones too.

Long term usage of estrogen hormone has got some footing in being a cause of breast cancer but the exact cause is unknown. Allopathy offers the trinity of RCS (radiation, chemotherapy and surgery) as an option that has got it's own pros and cons.

Homeopathy if combined with cupping therapy can work wonders in curing breast cancers if detected early.

Homeopathy offers around 30 core and 50 supportive medicines for the malady. The homeopathic medicines sought to work as constitutional, general or localized, drainage or detox, an antidote to chemotherapy side effects and immuno-booster.

Some of the medicines that are very effective are apis mellifica, arsenic iod, asteris rubens, baryta iod, belladonna, bellis p, bromium, bryonia, bufo r, calcarea flourica, carbo animalis, carbolicum acidicum, carsinosin, chimaphila u, condurango, conium m, heckla lava, hoang man, hydrastis c, kalium muraticum, calcarea phosphorica, lachesis, phytolacca d, scorphularia n, silicea, tarentula c, thyroidinum, tuberculinum, curcuma longa and hydrastis.

This, when combined with cupping therapy or wet hijamah therapy, has proven to be better than anything else.