Culture and Sensitivity - Conjunctival Swab Tips

Quick Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

MBBS, MS (Ophthalmology), DNB (Ophthalmology), FRCSEd (Ophthalmology, FRCS (Glasg) Ophthalmology, DBA (Business Administration)
Ophthalmologist, Kochi
Quick Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

What is conjunctivitis?

An inflammation of the conjunctiva, sometimes known as pink eye, is medically referred to as conjunctivitis. The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent covering that covers the white area of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Pink eye is a frequent name for this condition. It is a condition that can be brought on by either an infection caused by viruses or by bacteria.

What are the signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis?

The following is a list of common signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis:

Redness and swelling of the eyelid and the white part of the eye

Pain, itching, or burning in one or both eyes

Abnormally large amounts of tears or discharge coming from either one or both eyes

Blurred vision

Sensitivity to light (photophobia)

The sensation that something is gritty and embedded in your eye.

An increase in mucus production

What are possible complications of conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis can have a range of potential complications, including:

Spread of infection: in the absence of appropriate treatment, the infection has the potential to spread to other regions of the eye.

Recurring inflammation: some people may experience chronic conjunctivitis that does not go away with medications.

Permanent eye scarring: severe cases of conjunctivitis can lead to permanent scarring of the conjunctiva, leading to vision problems and sensitivity to bright light.

Reduced tear production: long-term inflammation caused by some types of conjunctivitis can reduce a person s tear production, leading to increased risk of eye damage over time.

Infected cornea: an improperly treated case of bacterial or viral conjunctivitis can lead to an infection in the cornea, which can result in vision loss and require surgery for correction or repair.

Quick home remedies for conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Put a warm compress on the eyes: applying gentle pressure with a warm, wet washcloth on the eyes can help reduce itching and discomfort.

Avoid rubbing or touching the eyes: it is important to limit the amount of bacteria that gets near the eye by avoiding any sort of contact. If itching or irritation occurs, let it be and avoid rubbing or touching your eye area.

Clean and change pillowcases often: change bed linens and pillowcases frequently to prevent reinfection if you are suffering from bacterial conjunctivitis.

Refrain from using makeup: avoid using any cosmetics, especially mascara and eyeliner, while your eyes are inflamed in order to reduce irritation that may worsen symptoms of pink eye - especially when it comes to bacterial conjunctivitis!

Increase intake of vitamins a & c: vitamin a helps boost immunity against infection while vitamin c helps fight off inflammation due to conjunctivitis (pink eye). Increasing intake of these vitamins through natural dietary sources such as spinach, carrots, citrus fruits may help provide relief from pink eye symptoms.

Make an ayurvedic decoction with triphala, neem, and ghee: drink this concoction twice daily to reduce inflammation and nourish the eye tissues.

Cow s ghee: add a few drops of pure cow s ghee into each eye before bedtime. This will help to relieve itching caused by conjunctivitis.

Amla juice: rub amla juice around the eyes at least once a day to reduce redness and soothe itchiness associated with conjunctivitis. You can also make a paste of the powder of amla and apply it gently on your eyelids, or drink a teaspoon or two of the juice every day for best results.

Wash your hands regularly: this reduces your risk in spreading the infection to others that may contact you directly or indirectly through items you have touched such as door knobs or phones etc.

Cold compresses: place cold compresses on your eyes every few hours for about 10-15 minutes at a time throughout the day to reduce discomfort from conjunctivitis symptoms such as irritation and swelling in the eye area and redness around the eyes.

Seek immediate medical attention: if you develop any inflammation, pain, discharge from your eyes, itchiness or light sensitivity, you should immediately see a doctor for treatment.

Keep away from anyone who is suffering from conjunctivitis: since it is highly contagious during its active stages, you should avoid coming in contact with conjunctivitis patients.

Wear sunglasses: when going outside, wear sunglasses since sunlight can make infection worse.

What are the surgical treatments for conjunctivitis?

The surgical treatments for conjunctivitis depend on the type of conjunctivitis and severity of the condition. The two main forms are bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis.

For bacterial conjunctivitis, surgery may be an option if medical treatment has failed or if there is a contaminant present. This can involve scraping the affected conjunctival membrane to reduce the presence of bacteria and applying a topical antibiotic to prevent further infection.

For allergic conjunctivitis, surgery may involve draining away excess fluid or removing tissue that has built up due to inflammation caused by allergens. ;

Ocular surface reconstruction: it may also be done to reduce ocular discomfort associated with allergies. Surgery in this case is usually done as a last resort when medications have not alleviated symptoms sufficiently.

Best doctors to consult for conjunctivitis?

Ophthalmologists: an ophthalmologist is a type of medical specialist that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of eye illnesses and disorders like conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is one of these diseases and disorders. They are able to prescribe medications to assist minimise the symptoms of the condition, and they are also able to provide advice on preventative actions to help reduce the number of outbreaks.

Optometrists: optometrists are healthcare professionals who specialise in primary eye care services such as vision testing, contact lens fittings, eyeglass prescriptions and management of certain eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis.

General practitioners (gps): gps are trained to diagnose and treat a variety of illnesses or conditions related to different organs in the body, including eyesight problems such as conjunctivitis. Gp s may refer individuals for specialised testing for further examination if necessary or earlier diagnosis is desired.

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Red Eyes - Know Reasons Of It!

MS - Ophthalmology, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Red Eyes - Know Reasons Of It!
While red bloodshot eyes may look worrisome at first sight, it is not a cause for concern all the time. There are benign, short-lasting bouts that will disappear on their own to serious medical reasons that could require intervention.

Listed below are some common causes and ways to manage red eyes.

Conjunctivitis- The most common cause of red or pink eye is conjunctivitis- infection of the membrane covering the sclera. The blood vessels are irritated and give the eye a red hue. This is contagious and very common in children, needs to be treated with antibiotic drops based on the cause.

Allergy- Be it pollen, dust, dander, or some chemicals, the eyes could be sensitive to it and get inflamed and take on a red colour. This can be treated with a combination of prevention by avoiding exposure to the allergen (which causes the allergy) and some antihistamine drops if required.

Contact lenses- Extended or improper use of contact lenses is the main reason for red eyes in contact lens users. There is reduced lubrication, increased accumulation of dust and microbes if the lens are not removed at frequent intervals. Removal of the lens and visit to the doctor are important for managing this.

Computer Vision Syndrome- With people spending a large amount of time staring at computer screens and tablets and phone screens, the dryness in the eyes increases, thereby leading to red eyes. The reduced blinking when working on computers also affects the condition. It is therefore very important to take conscious breaks to stare away from the monitors and use special glasses if required. In some cases, eye drops may also be required.

Occupational Hazard- For people working outdoors, conditions such as dust, heat, smoke, and dry air increase the chances of red eyes. Reducing exposure as much as possible and use of protective eyewear is extremely essential.

Dry Eye Syndrome- The tear glands produce a constant source of lubrication for the eyes and also cleanse the eyes from the minute dust particles and other irritants. For various reasons, the tears produced may not be sufficient and can lead to red eyes. Artificial tear substitute could be used for managing this.

Some benign reasons like swimming, smoking, lack of sleep, pregnancy, common cold also produce bloodshot eyes.

On the other hand, corneal ulcer, uveitis, ocular herpes, glaucoma, and other medical conditions could also lead to red eyes.

If it persists for more than 2 days, is painful, associated with discharge or sensitivity to light, it is important to seek medical help, especially if associated with injury or trauma.
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Eye Problems - Know Forms Of Them!

DNB Ophthalmology, MD - Ophthalmology, MBBS
Ophthalmologist, Mumbai
Eye Problems - Know Forms Of Them!
Most individuals suffer from eye problems sometime in their entire life span. Since our eyes are one of the most important assets and sense organs, periodic check-ups are recommended to prevent serious eye problems. Here is a list of 5 primary eye diseases, their causes and cure:


This disease is commonly called pink eye. It involves swelling of the conjunctiva lines inside the eyelids which cover the sclera of the eyes as well.


1. May occur because of factors like viruses, bacteria and substances, which cause irritation such as shampoo, smoke, dirt, chlorine in swimming pools.
2. Dust, pollens or similar allergies may cause this disease in sensitive people.
3. This disease is infectious in nature and spreads from person to person.

This disorder may be treated with eye drops, pills or ointments containing antibiotics. Avoid being with other people when affected and also abstain from using contact lenses.


In the case of this disease, the optic nerve of the eye is damaged and can lead to loss of vision over time. Build-up of pressure takes place inside the eye.


1. Occurs due to intense pressure within the eyes or the intraocular pressure.
2. The extra pressure destroys the optic nerve.
3. Permanent blindness is caused if the disease is not controlled and treated.

Eye drops, laser surgery, and microsurgery are methods for curing glaucoma.

Ocular Migraine

This temporary disease causes loss of vision in one eye and generally does not last for more than an hour. This might happen after a migraine headache.


1. Mainly caused due to health-related issues than from eye problems.
2. Also occurs from regular migraines.
3. It is related to spasms caused in the blood vessels of the retina.

This disorder can be cured by using aspirin, epilepsy drugs and blood-pressure medication known as beta blockers.

Retinal vascular occlusion

This disease affects the retina and lowers the supply of oxygen-rich blood.


1. Factors such as atherosclerosis, blood clots and blockage in arteries, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or smoking lead to this disease.
2. The blood flow to the retina is restricted.

Medicines like blood thinners, eye injects such as vascular endothelial growth can cure this disorder.


Paralysis of the eye muscles occurs. Can occur in more than one of the eye muscles.


1. Happens due to interruption of messages sent to the eye from the brain.
2. Caused by muscle disorders.
3. Also caused by migraines, thyroid problems, stroke, etc.
Special eye patches and eyewear are used for treating this disorder, for relieving double vision.

Eye diseases are very common, and a large number of eye diseases can occur from different reasons and causes.
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Common Eye Injuries And Prevention Tips

MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology
Ophthalmologist, Jaipur
Common Eye Injuries And Prevention Tips
While it's assumed that numerous eye injuries are inflicted at work, just about the same number of them may happen while at home.

Luckily, most eye wounds are preventable. Find ways to prevent eye injuries, as the eyes are very sensitive and delicate.
Here is a list of some of the most common eye injuries and tips on how to prevent them:

- A lot of eye injuries happen from dust particles entering the eyes, causing itching and burning sensation. Protective glasses should be worn when doing any kind of activity in a dusty area with flying particles.

- Pencils, scissors, forks, knives and all similar sharp objects can cause a serious eye injury. Day to day household items like bungee cords, wire coat hangers, rubber bands and fishhooks are capable of causing eye injuries. You must always remain aware and super conscious while using such objects.

- While performing activities such as dusting, sweeping or lawn mowing, make sure to protect your
eyes well as dust is involved.

- Children are very curious by nature. Thus, all hazardous stuff like fertilizers, acids should be kept away from their reach. These contain harmful chemicals, which may inflict fatal damage to the eyes.

- Cooking powder and spices like chili powder can cause injury to the eye. Always wash your hands
after using these items, so that you don't harm the eyes if you by chance rub them with your hands.

- Precautions should be taken while dealing with heat or boiling water or oil. They may spill and cause damage to the eyes.

- Secure floor coverings and railings. On the off chance that a kid or elderly man lives in your home, use a safety gate at the top and base of stairs, and consider covering sharp furniture edges and corners with a padding material.

- While travelling in a car, abrupt jerking or breaks may cause the head to bump and cause injury to the eye. Always put on your seat belt and do not allow children to sit in the front of a car.

- Many modern toys which are very attractive have got sharp edges because of their fancy design. Abstain children from playing with these kinds of toys.

- Laser pointers, a common fun gadget for children is very harmful and causes permanent damage to the retina. Stay away from laser pointers.

- Wear eye gear to protect your eyes during sports activities. Also wear goggles during swimming as chlorine in swimming pool water damages the eyes.
Eye injuries may happen out of nowhere. You must always remain alert to avoid eye injuries.
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Eye Redness - Know Reason Behind It!

MS - Ophthalmology, Followup Programme Cornea & Anterior Segment, MBBS
Ophthalmologist, Alwar
Eye Redness - Know Reason Behind It!
While red bloodshot eyes may look worrisome at first sight, it is not a cause for concern all the time. There are benign, short-lasting bouts that will disappear on their own to serious medical reasons that could require intervention. Listed below are some common causes and ways to manage red eyes.

Conjunctivitis- The most common cause of red or pink eye is conjunctivitis- infection of the membrane covering the sclera. The blood vessels are irritated and give the eye a red hue. This is contagious and very common in children, needs to be treated with antibiotic drops based on the cause.

Allergy- Be it pollen, dust, dander, or some chemicals, the eyes could be sensitive to it and get inflamed and take on a red colour. This can be treated with a combination of prevention by avoiding exposure to the allergen (which causes the allergy) and some antihistamine drops if required.

Contact lenses- Extended or improper use of contact lenses is the main reason for red eyes in contact lens users. There is reduced lubrication, increased accumulation of dust and microbes if the lens are not removed at frequent intervals. Removal of the lens and visit to the doctor are important for managing this.

Computer Vision Syndrome- With people spending a large amount of time staring at computer screens and tablets and phone screens, the dryness in the eyes increases, thereby leading to red eyes. The reduced blinking when working on computers also affects the condition. It is therefore very important to take conscious breaks to stare away from the monitors and use special glasses if required. In some cases, eye drops may also be required.

Occupational Hazard- For people working outdoors, conditions such as dust, heat, smoke, and dry air increase the chances of red eyes. Reducing exposure as much as possible and use of protective eyewear is extremely essential.

Dry Eye Syndrome- The tear glands produce a constant source of lubrication for the eyes and also cleanse the eyes from the minute dust particles and other irritants. For various reasons, the tears produced may not be sufficient and can lead to red eyes. Artificial tear substitute could be used for managing this.

Some benign reasons like swimming, smoking, lack of sleep, pregnancy, common cold also produce bloodshot eyes.

On the other hand, corneal ulcer, uveitis, ocular herpes, glaucoma, and other medical conditions could also lead to red eyes.

If it persists for more than 2 days, is painful, associated with discharge or sensitivity to light, it is important to seek medical help, especially if associated with injury or trauma.
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Child's Vision - Know Common Problems Of It!

MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, MD - Social & Preventive Medicine / Community Medicine
Ophthalmologist, Bhopal
Child's Vision - Know Common Problems Of  It!
A child s sense of vision is constantly developing through infancy and childhood. At the same time, there are a number of diseases and eye conditions that may affect a child s vision. The more common amongst these affect the child s ability to focus and the alignment of the eyes. These include:

Amblyopia or lazy eye: This condition refers to underdeveloped vision in one eye. It is a fairly common condition and may be caused by the misalignment of eyes. In such cases, both eyeballs look in different directions and are unable to focus on one object.
Ptosis: In such cases, the upper eyelid droops and partially covers the eye thereby obstructing vision.
Conjunctivitis or pink eye: This refers to a bacterial or viral infection that causes inflammation of the conjunctiva. It is highly contagious and characterised by an itchy discharge in one or both eyes and the reddening of the white part of the eye.
Chalazion: Chalazion is characterised by the development of a small lump on an eyelid. This typically occurs as a result of the clogging of the meibomian gland.
Stye: Styes are a common childhood occurrence. It is usually caused by an infected eyelash and appears as a sore, red lump on the eyelid edge.
Preseptal or orbital cellulitis: Orbital cellulitis usually develops as a result of an eyelid infection or upper respiratory infection. It could also be the result of trauma. Some of the typical symptoms of this condition include redness of the eyes, swelling and pain around the eyes. The swelling may even keep the eye from opening completely.
Blocked tear duct: If the tear duct is blocked, the risk of eye infection is greatly increased. As a result, the child s eyes may water excessively.
In almost all cases of eye infection, the earlier it is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat and the less permanent damage it can cause. Hence, it is important to get your child s eyes checked regularly by an ophthalmologist. Ideally, a child s eyes should be screened at least once between the ages of six months to a year and between three to three and a half years.

Once they start going to school, their eyes should be checked at the slightest complaint of vision problems. This is because refractive errors such as nearsightedness or farsightedness and astigmatism may develop at this age. In many cases, if a child wears corrective glasses in the early stages of such refractive problems, the condition may resolve itself.
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Eye Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Help?

Homeopathy Doctor, Ghaziabad
Eye Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Help?
Eye allergies or allergic conjunctivitis involves the inflammation of the conjunctiva in the eyes. Eye allergies are different from contagious or bacterial conjunctivitis. Eye allergies are common during summer.

Homeopathy is an ideal way to cure eye allergies without any side effects. Here are some homeopathic medicines, which treat eye allergies, along with the symptoms when they are prescribed.

- Apis Mel
This homeopathic medicine is ideal for eye allergies characterized by burning and stinging in the eyes. Oedema accumulates around the eyes; the eyelids swell and become puffy. Watery discharge comes out of the eyes.

- Euphrasia
This is an ideal medicine for treating eye allergies where there is an acrid discharge from the eyes. The discharge is acidic and burns the skin it comes in contact with, and there is burning pain in the eyes. The eyes stay watery.

- Argentum Nitricum
It is an ideal homeopathic remedy in case of eye allergies with prulent discharge. The patient develops photophobia and splinter like pain is felt in the eyes. The conjunctiva swells and the discharge is abundant.

- Ruta
This is a great homeopathic medicine to cure eye allergies where there is a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes. Indicated by severe eye irritation, the patient feels as if a dust particle is stuck in his eyes. The eyes become red and quite painful.

- Pulsatilla
Pulsatilla is an ideal homeopathic medicine when there is relief due to the application of cold water. Symptoms include discharge of a thick, yellow fluid from the eyes along with itching and burning. The eyelids feel like they have been agglutinated.

In case of eye allergies accompanied by itching or burning sensation, you can apply natural home-based remedies as well. They are:

- Applying a cold compress
Application of cold compress around the allergy affected area will give you relief. Soak a cloth in cold water and apply it gently. Use chamomile tea bags as a cold compress.

- Use cucumber
Put slices of cucumber over the affected area in the eyes to get relief from eye allergies. Cucumbers possess anti-irritation properties and reduce puffiness, swelling and irritation.

- Rosewater
Rosewater is an effective remedy for eye allergies. It soothes and cools the eyes, and the eyes become clear. You can use rose water as an eye drop or wash your eyes with it.

- Green tea
Green tea is completely natural and provides relief to eye allergies. It accounts for soothing the eyes and is anti-inflammatory in nature.

Eye allergies are common and affect people most during the summer. They reoccur every year and give you a bad time. Homeopathic and natural treatment methods for eye allergies are among the best remedies.
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Allergic Conjunctivitis - How To Take Care Of It?

MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, DNB - Ophthalmology, ICO
Ophthalmologist, Mumbai
Allergic Conjunctivitis - How To Take Care Of It?
If your eyes suddenly look reddish and feel extremely itchy, you may be suffering from allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis is triggered by exposure to allergens like pollen or mould spores. An allergy to eye drops or contact lens solution can also trigger this condition. Allergic conjunctivitis is a very common health condition and more common during the hay fever season.

There are two types of allergic conjunctivitis; acute allergic conjunctivitis and chronic allergic conjunctivitis. Acute allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by the swelling of eyelids and intense itchiness and burning. Amongst the two, this is a more common condition. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis can occur during any season and has symptoms that come and go. It is a milder response to allergens such as dust, food, pollen, chemical scents etc.

On presenting the symptoms of conjunctivitis to a doctor, he may ask for an allergy skin test, a blood test or a scraping of the conjunctival tissue to understand the type of conjunctivitis you are suffering from. Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with a combination of medication and home care.

Antihistamines are the most common form of treatment for this disease. This can reduce and block the release of histamines in the body. Artificial eye drops may also be used to create a screen over the eye and prevent the eye from coming in contact with the allergen. Eye drops may also be used to shrink swollen blood vessels in the eye. Steroid eye drops may also be used along with anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Home care to treat allergic conjunctivitis focuses on preventing the trigger. Today, apps on your phone can update you n the pollen levels in the air. Close your windows every time you notice a higher than normal pollen count and keep your home as dust free as possible. You could also use an air purifier in your home. Also, avoid exposure to strong chemicals, dyes, perfumes etc.

To avoid the condition from worsening, avoid rubbing your eyes and wash your hands every time you touch your eyes. Disinfect your towels, sheets and pillowcases that come in contact with your eyes every few days with hot water. Wash eyes with cold water twice daily especially after coming home from outside. Do not share your make up or brushes with other people. This is a healthy habit to follow even when you are not suffering from this condition. While you suffer from pink eye you should also not wear contact lenses. Once the eye has healed, discard the old lenses and replace them with a new pair.
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Acute Red Eye - How To Administer It?

MBBS, DNB - Ophthalmology, FRCS
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Acute Red Eye - How To Administer It?
A red eye is one of the first and most common symptoms of conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inner side of the eyelid. It is usually the result of a viral infection and can easily spread from one person to another. Conjunctivitis can also be a symptom of STDs like gonorrhea or Chlamydia. In newborns, conjunctivitis can be vision threatening while in grownups it is not considered a serious health risk.

The symptoms of conjunctivitis differ according to the cause of the infection. Some common symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

* Green or white discharge from the eye
* Redness of the white part of the eye
* Inflammation of the eyelid
* Waking up to crusted yellow discharge
* Itchiness and burning in the eyes
* Increased sensitivity to light
* Blurred vision

An eye examination and testing a sample of the fluid secreted by the eye can be used to diagnose conjunctivitis. It can easily be treated at home and does not require hospitalization. Antibiotics are often given in the form of eye drops and ointments to treat conjunctivitis. These usually need to be applied 3-4 times a day for a period of 5-6 days. Wash your eyes before putting the eye drops. Once applied, close your eyes and roll the eyeball around to distribute the medicine and keep it from overflowing out of the eye. Wash your hands immediately after applying the eye drops.

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious. If you are suffering from it, you should take a few days off work and restrict your social interactions. Wash your hands frequently as you may unconsciously rub your eyes. This is especially important with regards to meals and finger foods. Also, avoid sharing towels, pillow cases etc to minimize the transmission of the disease from one person to another.

Avoid using makeup while being treated for conjunctivitis. With conjunctivitis, the eye is more sensitive to irritants and thus a speck of makeup can worsen the situation. Also, avoid contacts. If you wear contacts regularly, dispose of the current set and start using a fresh set after your doctor gives you a clean chit.

Artificial tears or non-prescription eye drops can also be used to relieve the itchiness and burning in the infected eye. If only one eye had been affected by conjunctivitis, do not use the same eye drop bottle for both eyes.
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Lens Or Glasses - Which One To Opt For?

MD - Ophthalmology, MBBS
Ophthalmologist, Navi Mumbai
Lens Or Glasses - Which One To Opt For?
Eyeglasses and contact lenses are both used for vision correction. Both of the options have their advantages and disadvantages but a number of factors like lifestyle, comfort and age etc. are important while deciding which one to choose.

Here is a list of the fundamental differences between using spectacles and using contact lenses:

1. Distance from the cornea
Lenses are worn directly on the eye and are in constant physical contact with the cornea while glasses are worn over the eyes.Contact lenses may cause infections in the eye because the user has to touch the eye in order to wear them and to take them off.

2. Difference in vision
Since the lenses of the spectacles are a little distance away from the eye, vision can be slightly distorted but contact lenses can provide natural and accurate vision. Also, side vision is not improved by glasses as you have to turn your head to see what is beside you. The contacts move around with your eyeballs and the peripheral vision is in focus.

3. Ease of use
Some people find eyeglasses difficult to use because of the constant weight on the face and the obstruction caused by the frames of the glasses. There may also be a constant need to adjust the frames. Often eyeglasses slip down the nose when you sweat or engage in rigorous physical activity. Contacts are free from all these hassles- they not distracting or obstructive and so they are extensively used by dancers and athletes.Spectacles is very uncomfortable to wear during the rains or in humid weather because they fog up.

4. Infections and complications
Contact lenses can get displaced inside the eye and they can be difficult to reposition. They also cause the eyes to itch and water if you wear them for a very long time at a stretch or if tiny dust particles enter your eyes. The use of eyeglasses is far more flexible in this respect- they can be removed in case your eye itches or burns, but regular use of glasses causes dark circles and bags under the eyes.

5. Aesthetic differences
People often prefer contact lenses as they do not change the physical appearance- they help you to look natural and you can also use colored lenses to change the color of your eyes. Glasses may look slightly unnatural but some people also prefer them for the fashion quotient.

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