Culture and Sensitivity - Synovial Fluid Tips


General Physician, Ahmedabad

When there are high levels of uric acid in the blood a condition occurs called hyperuricemia. When there are high levels of uric acid in the blood it can lead to many diseases like highly painful arthritis disease called gout.

High uric acid can lead to many more health problems like kidney diseases, heart diseases and a few more. ;

Purines are nucleic acid ring structure bases. When these purines break down in the body uric acids are formed. These purines are found in the food we eat.

;Such foods are:

1) red meat

2) organ meat

3) seafood

4) beans

When we urinate we discard uric acid but when the body makes too much or we are not able to discard it through urination, hyperuricemia occurs. Discarding is an indication that the kidney is not functioning properly.

These uric acids at many places get crystallized by forming bonds to another and deposit at one place. Mainly it forms near joints or in your kidney. When immunity sees it as foreign substances wbc attacks the crystal causing it pain and inflammation.



1) gout is a type of arthritis called gouty arthritis. 15 percent of people suffer from hyperuricemia. When there is a sudden drop in the levels of uric acid gout can be experienced. Gout at joints are isolated attacks for a short time like flares. But there are people who experience chronic gout. In this there are numbers of attacks for a long period of time.

Sometimes called gouty arthritis, occurs in about 20 percent of people with hyperuricemia. A rapid drop in uric acid levels can also trigger gout. Gout can appear as isolated attacks, or flares. Some people experience chronic gout, which involves a number of attacks occurring over short periods of time.

Gout can occur at any joints like knee, elbow, feet, ankles and sometimes toes and fingers. These are normal occurrences of gout. Usually gout happens to inflammate at night and continue to pain for a long period of time.


Symptoms of gout in the body are:

There is severe pain in your joints.

Joint stiff in the morning.

Joints are not able to move.

Redness and swelling are seen in the area of joints.

Misshapen joints can be seen.

2) kidney stones

Uric acid deposits in cyst to form the crystal stones in the kidney. Sometimes these stones are small in structure and can easily pass in urine while urinating. For some people these crystal forms are big and cannot leave the kidney or urinary tract which cause high pain in the abdomen. ;

Symptoms of kidney stones are:

There will be pain in the abdomen, back or in the urinary tract.

We might feel nauseated.

There is pain while urinating and urinating is increased.

There might be blood in your urine.

Your urine may smell more and you have fever and chills.

Sometimes when there is urine accumulation in the urinary tract there is bacterial infection.


3) tophaceous gout

When there is accumulation of crystal for many years it grows to form tophi. It is formed by clumping. These become hard and lumps like which are found in joints, ear. It makes the joint pain heavily and many where it compresses the nerves. High form can be visually distinguished.


People who are at risk:

Anyone can have hyperuricemia, it's not specific to somebody.

Who can have it more readily are:

Who consumes alcohol.

Medication given there is heart disease.

Some kind of pesticide exposure.

Lead exposure to people can be the cause.

Any other kidney diseases.

People who have high blood glucose and high pressure of blood

People with hypothyroidism can easily suffer from it.

People with high intake of proteins.


Hyperuricemia is diagnosed:

Blood and urine samples are tested to measure the creatine levels. It gives you the details of uric acid levels and kidney functions.

A blood sample is taken from the hand. Urine samples are taken for 24 hrs. By this doctors can determine the problem.

Doctors advised you to take a purines free diet which help doctors to determine:

1) to check whether you are eating high purine diets.

2) your body is making too much uric acid in the body.

3) your body excrete uric acid but maybe not enough.

3) when there is a change of gout, the doctor advised to check the knee by extracting fluid from joints. This is done by a fine needle and sent to the lab to determine the crystal in joints and to what levels it has reached. This tells us everything about gout.



Gout is treated with following medication:

1) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) prevent the inflammation of the gout. Ibuprofen, naproxen are given.

2) colchicine is given to people who don't have relief from nsaid.


Kidney stones are also tested with all this medication.


The hyperuricemia can cause severe problems with diseases like kidney stones and gout. Many people take medication without consulting the doctors. All this can make you suffer all your life so please follow the doctors.
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Know How Safe Is Homeopathy As Compared To Other Treatments!

Homeopathy Doctor, Gwalior
Know How Safe Is Homeopathy As Compared To Other Treatments!
Homeopathy literally translates to same/similar and study. The philosophy of homeopathy is like cures like. The medications that are usually prescribed by homeopathy doctors contain the same ingredients which would cause the disease. For example, if gout is due to excessive uric acid, the treatment also would include uric acid, but at highly diluted doses.

There is constant controversy as to whether this actually works. While there are numerous patients who have benefitted from using these products, there is another segment which claims that they just have a placebo effect and actually are not of any medicinal value. The following are some points raised by clinicians and patients all over which question homeopathy.

Arriving at the right prescription: No two individuals are given the same treatment in homeopathy, even though they may have the exact clinical presentation. The doctor needs to spend a lot of time to discuss other symptoms and then come to a conclusion as to what to use. This is extremely complex and even tricky sometimes. Arriving at a wrong conclusion and giving the wrong medication is quite possible if a proper diagnosis and case study is not done. This is one big risk that is raised against homeopathy.
Limited trial periods: Another argument against homeopathy is that none of these products have gone through clinical trials and therefore their safety is a big question. There are also reports of people having had adverse reactions to some homeopathy medicines.
Uncertain responses: Just as the diagnosis, even the response to treatment is unique and specific to individuals. While some medicine might work for a person, it may not work for another. Also, the duration of treatment can widely vary. Some might respond in days, others might take weeks or sometimes even months. In the meantime, there could be other symptoms arising as a result of the medicine per se.
Homeopathic aggravation: Going by its basic philosophy, homeopathy uses the same medicine to treat the symptoms which would induce it in the first place. Therefore, there is a high chance of initial aggravation of symptoms at the beginning of therapy. Patients who choose homeopathy are often warned of this and advised not to worry about this, as this is a typical observation.
Drug interactions and side effects: Many homeopathy products have significant side effects. What can affect one body system in a positive way can have a negative effect on another body system. However, the argument is that the medicine is used in highly diluted forms and are not capable of causing any adverse effects.
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Gout - Can Homeopathy Take Care Of It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Ernakulam
Gout - Can Homeopathy Take Care Of It?
Gout is a form of arthritis which leads to inflammation along with severe attacks of pain and redness in the joints. It typically affects a single joint at a time, however, in a few cases, the gout is affecting numerous joints at a time. The large toe is most affected, but gout can affect other joints at ankle, foot, knee and wrists and hands as well.

What causes gout?
Gouty arthritis arises by the disposition of uric acid crystals in the joints which is derived from purines. Some foods comprise of copious amounts of purines, particularly organ meats and red meats along with alcohol, shellfish, and anchovies. When the uric acid is within normal limits, they get easily passed through the kidneys in the form of urine. But when the uric acid is at high levels, it causes gout.

How can homeopathy help in the treatment of gout?
In homeopathy, the approach to treat gout is to treat the affected person as a whole in place of the signs and symptoms of gout. Therefore, it is important to know about the constitutional type of the individual rather than determining the disease therapeutically. Besides taking appropriate homeopathic medicine, it is advised to maintain a healthy diet for proper management of the condition.

The homeopathic experts choose the remedies according to the entire picture of the patient and not just on the basis of the physical symptoms. Therefore, factors like mental and emotional state, lifestyle, character, stress levels, family history and other general factors come to play. Here are some of the most effective homeopathic medicines that are able to cure gout symptoms effectively:

Urticaurens: This homeopathic medicine helps in the elimination of uric acid from the body. You can take this medicine for hives like eruptions, pain in ankles, wrists and acute gout deltoid.
Colchicum: When the gout attack is so severe that you are not able to touch or move the affected area, you can take Colchicum. It is suitable for the treatment of inflammation, oedematous swelling along with coldness of feet and legs. It can also be used when the symptoms tend to be worse during the night and in warm weather.
Ledum pal: When the gouty pains shoot all across the foot, joints, and limbs, Ledum pal can come to your rescue. It can also be used when the ball of the great toe is swollen and become hot and pale.
Benzoic acid: This can prevent and cure the symptoms of gout especially, dark-colored urine and pain in the great toe. Typically, when the uric acid levels are increased, benzoic acid is indicated.
The treatments mentioned above are some of the best homeopathic treatments for gout, yet, it is recommended to consult an expert before you decide to self-medicate.
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Gout - Know More About It

Diploma In Orthopaedic, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Orthopedic Doctor, Mumbai
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I am Dr. Sanjay Alle, Orthopedist. Today I will talk about gout. Gout is arthritis of a small joint caused due to uric acid. What is the cause of hyperuricemia in the blood? Most of the cases are idiopathic. We don't know the exact reason for happening this problem. But the secondary causes could be because of the under secretion of the uric acid or over-production. So, we see medical conditions like hypertension, hypothyroidism. A few of the drugs also cause a uric acid problem. This also happens because of the high content of unhealthy food. Some genetic conditions also cause hyperproduction of uric acid. And there are many conditions which cause hyperproduction of uric acid. So, what are the symptoms? Pain, swelling, inflammation in this condition. So, there are different stages for hyperuricemia. Now, we are having a routine examination of full body check-up. We normally find that there is a high level of uric acid. In the 2nd stage, the patient is having acute symptoms. We see that the patient has acute monoarticular pain and severe pain and inflammation.

In the 3rd stage, it will become chronic if we are not treating at the acute stage. This is very much similar to rheumatoid arthritis. What is the diagnostic investigation we have? In investigation, we get a needle-shaped monosodium urate crystals. Apart from that, we have blood investigations mainly uric acid level in the blood. We also have to do a premium profile just to rule out any nephropathy. This is very much common in the renal stone and what is the treatment as such? We divide the treatment into 2 parts. One is medical and another one is non-medical part i.e. dietary restrictions. We should not give a long list that we should not do this and that. We simply advise the simple basic steps like to avoid red meat, seafood and if they are alcoholic, then they should avoid alcohol, and the 4th is smoking. With these simple things, we get good control over hyperuricemia.

2nd is the medical part. The patient can be treated as per the stages. No medicines should be recommended in the initial stages. If they are overweight, then weight reduction. 2nd is dietary restrictions. Acute stages can be divided into 2 parts. We also give a short course of steroids. While giving steroids, we should be more cautious in diabetic patients. If the diabetes is not under control then w should refrain from using the glucose steroids. The only complication will be of diarrhea. If the patient is compatible with the symptoms of diarrhea then we can simply shift to the short course of steroids. We have to select the patient for long-term treatment. If the patient is having 2-3 episodes then the patient is for a long term treatment. So, what are the treatments? A few treatments are having a side-effect of hypersensitivity reaction. In renal conditions, we should customize the dose which is very difficult. So, our main is to reduce the uric acid level less than 6 in a normal patient and less than 5 in renal impairment patients. This is the basic information about hyperuricemia. I hope you have basic information about hyperuricemia. For more information, you can contact me through Lybrate.

Thank You!
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Gout - How Homeopathy Can Help In Treating It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Ranchi
Gout - How Homeopathy Can Help In Treating It?
Gout is a disease of the joints. It is a kind of arthritis, which is caused by the deposition of uric acid in the joints. The deposited uric acid causes inflammation of the joints. The disease occurs when our body fails to eliminate the excess uric acid in blood by excretion or the production of the acid is increased.

The level of uric acid in our bodies goes up when the amount of purines in our meals is increased. Purines are responsible for the production of uric acid. They are found in meats, alcohol, sea food and other food items. When digestion of these foods takes place inside the body, purine is released into the blood stream. Uric acid level is also increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes other factors like intake of insufficient water, consumption of medicines and obesity can also affect the uric acid level in the blood.

Symptoms of Gout

One will notice a redness and swelling around the affected joint. Gout commonly affects the big toe, ankles, hands and wrists. The patient has to deal with intense shooting pain in the joint. The patient also feels some itching in the affected region. Some patients develop nodules called tophi in the joints.

Homeopathy Treatment for Gout

In most cases, patients seeking allopathic treatment for gout take frequent pain killers to get rid of the pain. The pain killers will provide temporary relief. But the main problem persists. However, homeopathy treats the root cause of the problem and aims at eradicating the disease completely. In this article, three commonly used homeopathic medicines used for treating gout have been listed. However, these medicines may not suit all individuals with gout. The effectiveness of the medicines largely depends on the patient s lifestyle. These medicines are listed below:

Colchicum: It is the primary medicine given to patients suffering from gout. It is good for the treatment of the chronic cases. It is given to patients who suffer from pain in the big toe. The pain is unbearable, when the affected area is touched. The region turns hot, red and swollen. In these patients, the pain starts from the left side usually. The patient feels feverish. Their problem will intensify in warm weather. Their joints get stiffer.

Ledum Pal: It is for patients who suffer from gout pain travelling upwards. The pain is likely to start from the patient s feet and travel towards the knees. The patient will not be able to bear external warmth. The patient feels better with cold application.

Benzoic Acid: This medicine is for patients who suffer from gout along with offensive urine. The odour of the urine is intolerable. The colour of the urine is unusual brown in colour sometimes. There is a cracking sound in the joints.

Homoeopathic medicines can be a big boon for all those who suffer from high uric acid. These medicines work by reducing the uric acids overproduction by the body and accelerating the removal of this waste product from through the kidneys.

Homoeopathy is known to control the uric acid diathesis and is also useful in acute attacks. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints.

One big advantage that homoeopathy offers in the treatment of high uric acid is that once treated the chances of relapse are very less, this is also subjected to the condition that diet and Alcohol and weight are well controlled.

With continued treatment from a specialised homeopath, the patient notices reduction in the frequency of attacks and intensity of pains with gradually leading to complete cure.
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5 Homeopathic Remedies For Gout!

Homeopathy Doctor, Bangalore
5 Homeopathic Remedies For Gout!
Gout: a brief idea: In the simplest of words gout can be defined as the inflammation of joints due to continuous accretion of urate crystals. An excess of uric acid can make a person suffer from gout. There could be a higher percentage of uric acid in a person's blood due to two chief reasons; an inept excretory system that fails to rid your body of surplus acid and also greater production of the acid. Arthritis is of three kinds; gout is one of those three. Homeopathy is known for its efficacy in treating gout.

Homeopathic remedies for gout:

Urtica urens can cure gout: This homeopathic medicine is prescribed by a professional practitioner if the person is susceptible to cold. Urtica urens can work on a patient if he or she is allergic to snow, air, touch and water. Hive like eruptions on your ankles, wrists, and shoulders can be treated through regular consumption of this medication.
Ledum can relieve you of pain: A painful, swollen area that develops on the small joints such as the joints of your toe fingers can be cured with the use of Ledum. The sensation of shooting pain in your limbs or feet can also be dealt with Ledum. Apart from that swollen small joints can be given momentary respite by falling back upon the cold compression therapy. Patients are advised to take this medicine if they exhibit intolerance to external warmth.
Lycopodium is effective on sore joints: Chalky deposits of urate can be found in a person's knees. This results in chronic gout. Chronic gout has symptoms like limited urination. The urine may or may not have red sediments. People have also been reported with symptoms like extreme backache. Lycopodium successfully cures cases of unceasing gout.
Try out benzoic acid for a big toe: If your gout is accompanied by stinking yellow urine you probably need Benzoic acid. Gout could be so severe that it might result in a stiff limb. In certain cases it makes a person limp. The thumb of your feet might get swollen making you have a big toe. A big toe usually kills you with tearing pain.
Arnica deals with bruises: Arnica is your go to solution in case of a throbbing, stinging pain in any part of the body. This medication is a cherished answer to aches in every household. When gout is tender and it hinders free movement, this medicine comes to your aid. The medicine also heals bruised eruptions.
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Effective Homeopathy Remedies That Can Cure Gout!

General Physician, Hyderabad
Effective Homeopathy Remedies That Can Cure Gout!
Gout is a form of arthritis which leads to inflammation along with severe attacks of pain and redness in the joints. It typically affects a single joint at a time, however, in a few cases, the gout is affecting numerous joints at a time. The large toe is most affected, but gout can affect other joints at ankle, foot, knee and wrists and hands as well.

What causes gout?
Gouty arthritis arises by the disposition of uric acid crystals in the joints which is derived from purines. Some foods comprise of copious amounts of purines, particularly organ meats and red meats along with alcohol, shellfish, and anchovies. When the uric acid is within normal limits, they get easily passed through the kidneys in the form of urine. But when the uric acid is at high levels, it causes gout.

How can homeopathy help in the treatment of gout?
In homeopathy, the approach to treat gout is to treat the affected person as a whole in place of the signs and symptoms of gout. Therefore, it is important to know about the constitutional type of the individual rather than determining the disease therapeutically. Besides taking appropriate homeopathic medicine, it is advised to maintain a healthy diet for proper management of the condition.

The homeopathic experts choose the remedies according to the entire picture of the patient and not just on the basis of the physical symptoms. Therefore, factors like mental and emotional state, lifestyle, character, stress levels, family history and other general factors come to play. Here are some of the most effective homeopathic medicines that are able to cure gout symptoms effectively:

Urticaurens: This homeopathic medicine helps in the elimination of uric acid from the body. You can take this medicine for hives like eruptions, pain in ankles, wrists and acute gout deltoid.
Colchicum: When the gout attack is so severe that you are not able to touch or move the affected area, you can take Colchicum. It is suitable for the treatment of inflammation, oedematous swelling along with coldness of feet and legs. It can also be used when the symptoms tend to be worse during the night and in warm weather.
Ledum pal: When the gouty pains shoot all across the foot, joints, and limbs, Ledum pal can come to your rescue. It can also be used when the ball of the great toe is swollen and become hot and pale.
Benzoic acid: This can prevent and cure the symptoms of gout especially, dark-colored urine and pain in the great toe. Typically, when the uric acid levels are increased, benzoic acid is indicated.
The treatments mentioned above are some of the best homeopathic treatments for gout, yet, it is recommended to consult an expert before you decide to self-medicate.
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Can Homeopathy Help In Treating Gout?

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Can Homeopathy Help In Treating Gout?
Gout is a disease of the joints. It is a kind of arthritis, which is caused by the deposition of uric acid in the joints. The deposited uric acid causes inflammation of the joints. The disease occurs when our body fails to eliminate the excess uric acid in blood by excretion or the production of the acid is increased.

The level of uric acid in our bodies goes up when the amount of purines in our meals is increased. Purines are responsible for the production of uric acid. They are found in meats, alcohol, sea food and other food items. When digestion of these foods takes place inside the body, purine is released into the blood stream. Uric acid level is also increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes other factors like intake of insufficient water, consumption of medicines and obesity can also affect the uric acid level in the blood.

Symptoms of Gout

One will notice a redness and swelling around the affected joint. Gout commonly affects the big toe, ankles, hands and wrists. The patient has to deal with intense shooting pain in the joint. The patient also feels some itching in the affected region. Some patients develop nodules called tophi in the joints.

Homeopathy Treatment for Gout

In most cases, patients seeking allopathic treatment for gout take frequent pain killers to get rid of the pain. The pain killers will provide temporary relief. But the main problem persists. However, homeopathy treats the root cause of the problem and aims at eradicating the disease completely. In this article, three commonly used homeopathic medicines used for treating gout have been listed. However, these medicines may not suit all individuals with gout. The effectiveness of the medicines largely depends on the patient s lifestyle. These medicines are listed below:

Colchicum: It is the primary medicine given to patients suffering from gout. It is good for the treatment of the chronic cases. It is given to patients who suffer from pain in the big toe. The pain is unbearable, when the affected area is touched. The region turns hot, red and swollen. In these patients, the pain starts from the left side usually. The patient feels feverish. Their problem will intensify in warm weather. Their joints get stiffer.

Ledum Pal: It is for patients who suffer from gout pain travelling upwards. The pain is likely to start from the patient s feet and travel towards the knees. The patient will not be able to bear external warmth. The patient feels better with cold application.

Benzoic Acid: This medicine is for patients who suffer from gout along with offensive urine. The odour of the urine is intolerable. The colour of the urine is unusual brown in colour sometimes. There is a cracking sound in the joints.

Homoeopathic medicines can be a big boon for all those who suffer from high uric acid. These medicines work by reducing the uric acids overproduction by the body and accelerating the removal of this waste product from through the kidneys.

Homoeopathy is known to control the uric acid diathesis and is also useful in acute attacks. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints.

One big advantage that homoeopathy offers in the treatment of high uric acid is that once treated the chances of relapse are very less, this is also subjected to the condition that diet and Alcohol and weight are well controlled.

With continued treatment from a specialised homeopath, the patient notices reduction in the frequency of attacks and intensity of pains with gradually leading to complete cure.
4963 people found this helpful

Can Homeopathy Help In Treating Gout?

BHMS, MBA (Healthcare)
Homeopathy Doctor, Dehradun
Can Homeopathy Help In Treating Gout?
Gout is a disease of the joints. It is a kind of arthritis, which is caused by the deposition of uric acid in the joints. The deposited uric acid causes inflammation of the joints. The disease occurs when our body fails to eliminate the excess uric acid in blood by excretion or the production of the acid is increased.

The level of uric acid in our bodies goes up when the amount of purines in our meals is increased. Purines are responsible for the production of uric acid. They are found in meats, alcohol, sea food and other food items. When digestion of these foods takes place inside the body, purine is released into the blood stream. Uric acid level is also increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes other factors like intake of insufficient water, consumption of medicines and obesity can also affect the uric acid level in the blood.

Symptoms of Gout

One will notice a redness and swelling around the affected joint. Gout commonly affects the big toe, ankles, hands and wrists. The patient has to deal with intense shooting pain in the joint. The patient also feels some itching in the affected region. Some patients develop nodules called tophi in the joints.

Homeopathy Treatment for Gout

In most cases, patients seeking allopathic treatment for gout take frequent pain killers to get rid of the pain. The pain killers will provide temporary relief. But the main problem persists. However, homeopathy treats the root cause of the problem and aims at eradicating the disease completely. In this article, three commonly used homeopathic medicines used for treating gout have been listed. However, these medicines may not suit all individuals with gout. The effectiveness of the medicines largely depends on the patient s lifestyle. These medicines are listed below:

Colchicum: It is the primary medicine given to patients suffering from gout. It is good for the treatment of the chronic cases. It is given to patients who suffer from pain in the big toe. The pain is unbearable, when the affected area is touched. The region turns hot, red and swollen. In these patients, the pain starts from the left side usually. The patient feels feverish. Their problem will intensify in warm weather. Their joints get stiffer.

Ledum Pal: It is for patients who suffer from gout pain travelling upwards. The pain is likely to start from the patient s feet and travel towards the knees. The patient will not be able to bear external warmth. The patient feels better with cold application.

Benzoic Acid: This medicine is for patients who suffer from gout along with offensive urine. The odour of the urine is intolerable. The colour of the urine is unusual brown in colour sometimes. There is a cracking sound in the joints.

Homoeopathic medicines can be a big boon for all those who suffer from high uric acid. These medicines work by reducing the uric acids overproduction by the body and accelerating the removal of this waste product from through the kidneys.

Homoeopathy is known to control the uric acid diathesis and is also useful in acute attacks. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints.

One big advantage that homoeopathy offers in the treatment of high uric acid is that once treated the chances of relapse are very less, this is also subjected to the condition that diet and Alcohol and weight are well controlled.

With continued treatment from a specialised homeopath, the patient notices reduction in the frequency of attacks and intensity of pains with gradually leading to complete cure.
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Uric Acid - Know How Ayurvedic Treatment Can Give You Respite From Uric Acid!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD (AM), PGDPPHC, ACLS
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Chandigarh
Uric Acid - Know How Ayurvedic Treatment Can Give You Respite From Uric Acid!
Our body is a wonderful mechanism that uses different fuels like enzymes, lipids, hormones, bile, glucose and a plethora of other bodily fluids to ensure sound sustenance. A healthy body is that in which all these fuels exist in harmony. When this balance is disrupted, the vessel goes through a lot of disorders.

Uric acid is produced as a result of the breakdown of the body cells and some of the foods that we consume. Usually, the kidneys eliminate the excess uric acid from the body. However, when the kidneys fail to do so owing to kidney stones or other kidney conditions, the amount of uric acid increases in our blood-stream and causes a condition called gout, which is accompanied by inflammation of the joint.

Allopathic medicines that are prescribed to treat uric acid in the blood can cause a lot of side-effects including nausea, diarrhoea, and gastrointestinal disorders. Ayurvedic treatment, on the contrary, is an age-old method of curing disorders by the use of natural products that do not lead to any side-effects. Here is a quick discussion on some of the major Ayurvedic components that can treat uric acid-

When the Sanskrit term Triphala is translated into English, it means three fruits. The three fruits that are used to make this Ayurvedic blend are Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. All these fruits induce detoxification. Uric acid is nothing but surplus body toxic. Triphala purifies the body by working against this excess toxic.
According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of five elements, fire, air, water, earth, and space. Pitta dosha is a condition that is accompanied by the increase of the fire element in the body. Uric acid is indeed produced in excess by fiery foods like animal organs such as liver, alcoholic drinks, and sea foods. Some Ayurvedic medicines use natural components like Neem, Katuki and Manjistha to cure uric acid which develops due to pitta dosha.
Giloy, also known as Tinospora is an Ayurvedic component that strengthens the immune system and Daruhaldi, also known as Barbery, is another component that reduces inflammation of the joint.
Ayurvedic drugs are made up of various herbs working in synergy to cure the disorienting symptoms of uric acid. These herbs include Amla, Haritaki, Bahera, Vacha, Neem, Manjistha, Katuki, Giloy, Daruhaldi.
A person with uric acid must stay away from foods rich in purine and fructose. Apart from taking Ayurvedic drugs one can also consume fruits like strawberries, grapes, blueberries, and cherries, drink 2-3 liters of water every day, add baking soda to their diet to fight excess uric acid.
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