Culture Throat Swab Questions

Hello sir. Few months ago. I was tested positive for aso titre whose value was 400 although I don't have any symptoms at current but I have heard thar rheumatic fever can cause damage to heart and can cause neurological disorders. I am afraid may be I will get that. Although I never got rheumatic fever till now but yes I keep getting strep throat here and there each month which get better with azithromycin I am only afraid that I will catch any neurological problems. Please help me I am afraid too much.

General Physician, Ambikapur
Hello sir. Few months ago. I was tested positive for aso titre whose value was 400
although I don't have any symptoms...
You should work on increasing immunity if you are getting infection every other month. Get complete treatment for throat infections so that they do not bother you in future. To increase immunity you can take vitamin supplements, chyawanprash, kaadha, protein rich food etc. Also exercise regularly.
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When you have rheumatic fever and start taking the treatment what are the after effects?

Diploma in Anesthesia, MBBS
General Physician, Hyderabad
When you have rheumatic fever and start taking the treatment what are the after effects?
Rheumatic fever causing Streptococus can affect many parts of the body apart from fever. Major areas affected by it are joints and heart. but its not compulsory that these should get affected. evern if affected the severity/intensity varies from person to person. So do not worry and Do not start looking for these things. take life easy and the treating doctor will always advises medicines to prevent other systems getting affected. As and when, if at all, you develop some problem consult the appropriate doctor
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Is rheumatic fever curable? And we can treat with it? I am suffering by throat infection, back pain. I have aso titre little high. Some time I think I am suffering by rheumatoid arthritis too (but don't know in sure, it's because of back pain. When I deep breath I feel heavy heart.

General Physician, Delhi
Is rheumatic fever curable? And we can treat with it? I am suffering by throat infection, back pain. I have aso titre...
Acute rheumatic fever can be treated, but it leaves behind many sequelae including heart diseases. Has a doctor diagnosed you with rheumatic fever. It needs a panel of tests to diagnose. Similarly goes for rheumatoid arthritis. I would need to ask further history to assess the magnitude of the problem and to give suggestions accurately. Consult me, privately. Recommendations: 1) hot water fomentation and diclofenac 100 mg for back pain. 2) warm saline gargles.
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My wife had rheumatic fewer when she was 14 years old. Dr. diagnosed her with leaky valves. She undergone balloon therapy that time. She now sometimes has low bp and shortness of breath that's it. No further symptoms I just want to know how homeopathy treatment wil work on her.

Homeopathy Doctor, Raebareli
My wife had rheumatic fewer when she was 14 years old. Dr. diagnosed her with leaky valves. She undergone balloon the...
Dear user it will much better if she opts for Homeopathic treatment which will resolve most of her issue and without any further symptomatic complaints ever.
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I am Suffering From Aso Titre disease My Age is 17 years When I test my Blood After That my Result Show Aso Titre 1: 400 Sir Please Suggest me which type of Food will avoid please tell.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
I am Suffering From Aso Titre disease My Age is 17 years When I test my Blood After That my Result Show Aso Titre 1: ...
Hi lybrate-user. ALSO titre is a test name. The disease is Rheumatic fever. And it cannot be controlled or prevented or cured by food. You will need to take proper homoeopathic treatment. Soon. It first affects joints and then heart. So take action fast. Don't avoid taking proper treatment.
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My brother suffering from rheumatic disease all joint pain swelling, fever specially in winter season take analgesic than relief. weakness in feet, hand. Age 25 year problem in childhood please advice me.

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines and Surgery(BAMS), Post Graduation Diploma in Emergency Medicines And Services(PGDEMS), MD - Alternate Medicine
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
My brother suffering from rheumatic disease all joint pain swelling, fever specially in winter season take analgesic ...
Hello lybrate user according to Ayurveda Vata vikriti is the main factor for pain.... Treatment- 1-apply prasarini oil or pranacharya restopain oil on your affected part and give hot water fomentation . 2-take yograj guggul and agni tundi vati after lunch and dinner with warm water. 3-Take maha rasnadi kwath 2-2 tsf twice a day. 4-Take pranacharya vatari capsule and syrup twice a day.. Diet- Avoid fermented food...Junk food....potato rice....sleep well...
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