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D Dimer Test

D Dimer Test

D-Dimer is a type of protein which is produced when a blood clot dissolves in the body. D-Dimer is normally undetectable unless the body is forming or breaking down the blood clots and the level of D-Dimer rises in the blood. To check the level of D-Dimer in the blood, D-Dimer test is conducted. D-Dimer test is used in a hospital emergency room setting to determine if the person is at intermediate or low risk for thrombosis or thrombotic embolism. A negative D- Dimer test indicates that it is highly unlikely that a thrombus is present. Also, a positive D-Dimer test cannot detect whether a blood clot is present or not and indicates that further testing is required. A blood clot can cause health problems like Stroke, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation or Deep Vein Thrombosis.

There are no special preparations or outrageous requirement before the D-Dimer blood test. However, there is no need to fast before the test. You can have your daily food and drink before the test. Also, you can have your vitamins, medicines or other supplements as usual. You just need to know about the do’s and don’ts related to the laboratory. You also need to inform the doctor if you are on specific medications or taking blood thinners that relate to blood clotting. The test results might get affected if you do not inform your doctor prior to the test.

As already mentioned above, the D-Dimer blood test is used to assess the risk of forming dangerous blood clots. It is performed to check and confirm the presence of thrombosis in the body. Also, it helps in indicating several risks like pulmonary embolism, where a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the lungs, deep vein thrombosis, where large blood clots form in the legs and disseminated vascular coagulation, where an individual’s blood does not coagulate when it is supposed to do so. The test is often ordered by the doctors when they suspect blood clotting disorders or are at risk of such maladies.

The D-Dimer test is usually done by ELISA assay. The test is performed by just collecting a blood sample from the patient. The doctor uses a needle to take few milliliters of blood by injecting it into the vein on your arm. You might feel a stinging or pinch when the needle is injected but it last for just a few minutes. The blood sample collected is then analyzed to find out the presence of the protein in the blood. The evaluated reference ranges from 0-300 nanograms/milliliter of D-Dimer blood test.

LimitationsResults of this test should always be interpreted in conjunction with the patient's medical history, clinical presentation, and other findings. DVT clinical diagnosis should not be based on the result of Innovance® D-dimer alone.D-dimer levels can be elevated in many clinical circumstances, especially in hospitalized patients. D-dimer should not be used as an aid for exclusion of venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in pediatric patients in any circumstance and adult patients with6-8:• Therapeutic dose anticoagulant administered for >24 hours before D-dimer is measured• Thrombosis distal to the knee only• Fibrinolytic therapy within previous seven days• Upper extremity thrombosis• D-dimer levels may be falsely negative if the elapsed time between thrombosis onset and D-dimer measurement is sufficient such that D-dimer has been cleared from the circulation.The following conditions are associated with an increase in D-dimer concentrations, even in the absence of venous thrombosis:• Aortic aneurysm• Trauma or surgery within previous four weeks• Disseminated malignancies• Disseminated intravascular coagulation• Sickle cell disease• Sepsis, severe infections, pneumonia, severe skin infections• Liver cirrhosis• PregnancyAlso note6:• Patient samples may contain heterophilic antibodies (eg, human antimouse antibodies [HAMA] and rheumatoid factors) that could react in immunoassays to yield falsely elevated results. This assay has been designed to minimize interference from heterophilic antibodies. Nevertheless, complete elimination of this interference from all patient specimens cannot be guaranteed.• Patients with subsegmental/peripheral PE or distal DVT may have a normal Innovance® D-dimer result.9,10• Exclusionary claim of PE in patients with high PTP scores has not been established.
Plasma, frozen
2 mL
Blue-top (sodium citrate) tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
< 250 ng/ml
Average price range of the test is between Rs.800 to Rs.2200 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is D Dimer Test?
Preparation for D Dimer Test
Uses of D Dimer Test
Procedure for D Dimer Test
Limitations of D Dimer Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for D Dimer Test
Price for D Dimer Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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Homeopathic treatment for asthma is not only successful in treating Asthma, but is also safe and free from side-effects. Homeopathy offers a holistic cure as it goes to the root of the problem and treats the source. Recurrence of asthmatic attacks is a major discomfort for patients. Homeopathic medicines thus are literally a breath of fresh air for asthmatic patients, resulting in permanent cure. The Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after taking note of symptoms and the mental and physical profile of each patient. The Homeopathic treatment can completely root out Asthma, though it may take time before desirable results are achieved. You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects

Popular Health Tips

Homeopathy For Bronchial Asthma!

BHMS, Certificate in Sex Education & Parenthood, PG Dip (Preventive & Promotive Healthcare), Dip in LSM (Prescribing Exercises), Dip in LSM (Metabolic Disroders & Nutrition), Dip in Occupational health & industrial hygiene., MBA (Healthcare), Certificate in Good Clinical Practice, Dip in Healthcare Quality, Core Competency In Lifestyle Medicine, CHWA-USA, Fellowship in Cardiac Rehab
Homeopathy Doctor, Jamshedpur
Homeopathy For Bronchial Asthma!

Asthma is a disease that intermittently affects the lungs. When it strikes, the lungs become inflamed and the airways narrow. The sufferer’s chest tightens, breathing becomes difficult or wheezy, and a persistent cough may develop – especially at night.

Asthma can be triggered by allergies or have its onset from a stressful period of life such as an infection, a grief, or even the birth of a baby. Thousands die from asthma each year. It is a serious disease that is increasing in frequency.

For children and adults alike, the struggle to breathe during an asthma attack can be a frightening experience. While conventional medications relieve many of the symptoms of asthma, they cannot cure it. With homoeopathy, it is a different story.


  • Daily use of Paracetamol
  • Vaccines
  • Daily use of antibiotics
  • Caesarean sections
  • Asthma in family

Asthma is usually triggered by:

  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Exercise
  • Polluted or Poor air
  • Cold Air
  • Emotional Stress
  • Allergies

Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma-

When it comes to the treatment of Asthma, Homeopathy is much better at treating asthma. It is in stark contrast to allopathy, where inhalers and steroids are used to suppress inflammation. Homeopathic medicines do not aim at just reducing inflammation. They also intend to cure the basic cause of the recurrent inflammation. This way, not only the symptoms of asthma are treated but the incidence of asthmatic attacks is completely eliminated.

I have had patients coming to me who had been using inhalers or steroids for decades. They could not live without them. With a couple of months of Homeopathic treatment, they are able to live a disease free and medicine-free life. It is worthwhile to mention here that all Homeopathic remedies are natural and do not contain any chemicals. That is why these purely natural homeopathic remedies do not have any side effects at all. Some common homeopathic remedies for asthma include:

  1. Natrum Sulph: This homeopathic remedy is best for children who are suffering from asthma. Also, if asthma worsens due to humid weather, and symptoms such as wheezing or coughs are present, Natrum Sulph can be an excellent remedy.
  2. Arsenic Album: If your asthmatic attacks occur mostly in the night, and you feel extremely restless, Arsenic Album can prove to be very helpful. It is helpful for both chronic (long-term symptoms) and acute (short-term symptoms) asthma.
  3. Kali Bichrome: Asthma attacks that occur during night and in winters are best treated with Kali Bichrome. The remedy is also used to treat asthma combined with acute bronchitis (infection-induced inflammation of the airways).
  4. Nux Vomica: Heaviness and fullness in stomach, especially after a meal, associated with breathing difficulties is treated with Nux vomica.

Other than these four remedies, some homeopathic remedies focus on other symptoms, such as:

NOTE: These remedies are extremely active and it is best to consult a homeopath before self-medicating. 

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

3488 people found this helpful

Deep Vein Thrombosis!

MBBS, Dip.Cardiology, Fellowship in Clinical Cardiology(FICC), Fellowship in Echocardiology
Cardiologist, Ghaziabad
Deep Vein Thrombosis!

Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body. Most deep vein clots occur in the lower leg or thigh. If the vein swells, the condition is called thrombophlebitis. A deep vein thrombosis can break loose and cause a serious problem in the lung, called a pulmonary embolism.

Sitting still for a long time can make you more likely to get a DVT. Some medicines and disorders that increase your risk for blood clots can also lead to DVTs. Common symptoms are

  • Warmth and tenderness over the vein
  • Pain or swelling in the part of the body affected
  • Skin redness

Treatment includes medicines to ease pain and inflammation, break up clots and keep new clots from forming. Keeping the affected area raised and applying moist heat can also help. If you are taking a long car or plane trip, take a break, walk or stretch your legs and drink plenty of liquids.

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Asthma - Treating It With Homeopathy!

Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Asthma - Treating It With Homeopathy!

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder. In asthma, the airways of the lungs get inflamed. Due to this inflammation, there is swelling inside the airways. This also causes excess production of mucous. The combined effect of swelling and mucus production is that the passage of air gets obstructed. This makes breathing difficult. A whistling sound or wheezing is often heard in such patients. Often the patient gets cough due to this obstruction of the airways. This cough is a reflex of the body to get rid of the excess mucous in the airways. A sense of tightness or heaviness is felt in the chest. One cannot expand the chest fully while inhaling. This is a medical condition characterised by paroxysmal wheezing respiration dyspnoea.

Homeopathy for Asthma-

When it comes to the treatment of Asthma, Homeopathy is much better at treating asthma. It is in stark contrast to allopathy, where inhalers and steroids are used to suppress inflammation. Homeopathic medicines do not aim at just reducing inflammation. They also intend to cure the basic cause of the recurrent inflammation. This way, not only the symptoms of asthma are treated but the incidence of asthmatic attacks is completely eliminated. With a couple of months of Homeopathic treatment, you will be able to live a disease-free and medicine-free life. It is worthwhile to mention here that all Homeopathic remedies are natural and do not contain any chemicals. That is why these purely natural homeopathic remedies do not have any side effects at all. Here is a list of the top homeopathic medicines for asthma, along with the symptoms when they are used-

  1. Ipecac: Ipecac is used in treating asthma, where the patient experiences symptoms like heaviness and tension around the chest area. Sudden wheezing, suffocation is experienced followed by other symptoms like motions, vomiting and gagging. The cough remains constant, and the chest gets filled up with phlegm. Cold and perspiration is also likely to be experienced. A patient may feel as if a lump is present in the chest. Increased salivation is also indicated.

  2. Arsenicum: Arsenicum is an efficient homeopathic medicine, which treats asthma attacks, which take place after midnight. The patient is anxious, restless, and cannot sleep because of the fear of being suffocated. In such cases, the patient dozes off a bit, and wakes up with great burning sensation and sore feeling in the chest. Arsenicum is prescribed during chronic stages of asthma, usually in elderly people.

  3. Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is used when asthma attacks occur due to gastric disorders and during simple spasmodic asthmas. People who consume an excess of caffeine or alcohol are more likely to experience such attacks. A constricting feeling in the lower chest region may be experienced. These attacks commonly occur during the morning.

  4. Kali Bichromicum: This homeopathic medicine is used is asthmatic patients where the asthma attacks occur because of potashes. The attacks generally occur between three to four a.m. in the morning. The patient gets compelled to rise from sleep and sit up in order to breathe. A stringy yellow mucus may be produced, and the patient feels a lack of air in his chest.

  5. Natrum Sulphuricum: This is another effective medicine for treating asthma. The symptoms of asthma treated with this medicine get worse in damp weather. Most asthma attacks occur with a rattling sensation being felt in the chest. Bowel movement may become loose after this type of asthma attack. Alcohol and aerated drinks make the symptoms even worse. Such attacks are common in the morning with the production of a green mucus.

Homeopathy has no side effects and treats the underlying cause of asthma. You should consult a homeopathic practitioner before starting homeopathic treatment for asthma.

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