
DCT Tips

Homeopathic medicine for Jaundice

Homeopathy Doctor, Aurangabad
Homeopathic medicine for Jaundice

Jaundice is the disorder that starts from the symptom of yellowishness of a person's eyes and skin. Though it can be seen in urine, as it turns it yellow. It generally happens because of the high level of bilirubin that is present in the blood. It is a symbol of an underlying disease but it is not a disease itself. On the other hand jaundice is also known as icterus. It can cause many other things like infection in the liver, diseases of the liver, viruses such as hepatitis a, hepatitis b, hepatitis c, hepatitis d, or hepatitis e virus, disorder of the pancreatic cancer, disorder of the gallbladder. The jaundice can be diagnosed by the urine test and liver function test i. E. Lfts. The symptoms of jaundice are change in color of the skin, fever, pain in the abdomen, urine arising in dark color, flu-like symptoms, chills, clay colored stools, pruritus etc.


The following are the causes of the jaundice:

Autoimmune disorders

Inflammation of the gallbladder

Hemolytic anemias

Rare genetic metabolic defects

Pancreatic tumor

Excessive consumption of alcohol

Anabolic steroids


Cancer of the gallbladder

Reabsorption of a large hematoma

Infection of the liver ;

Infectious mononucleosis.

If someone suffers from jaundice, they should consult the doctor immediately to get rid of this disease. They might suggest you to avoid oily foods, outside foods and also don't consume any kind of drinks, avoid using electronic gadgets too. You can be suggested to have a healthy and nutritious diet and specially consume green vegetables and fruits. You can also prevent jaundice by avoiding smoking, avoiding the consumption of alcohol, taking vaccination etc.


For the treatment of jaundice, there are various kinds of homeopathic medicine that you can get from medical stores. These homeopathic medicines don't have any side effects. Some of the homeopathic medicines for the jaundice are given below:

Belladonna:- belladonna is the most effective homeopathic medicine that is used for treating the jaundice. Overall it is suitable for everyone, but it is more suitable for the treatment of children. These medicines are recommended to the people who have jaundice along with the following symptoms like passing greenish and thin stool, vomiting, nausea, burning and redness sensation into their whole body during high fever etc. So, for treating the jaundice, these medicine are very effective

Carduus marianus:- carduus marianus is considered as effective homeopathic medicine for treating the jaundice. This one is more helpful for adults and to the person who is alcoholic. These medicines are given to the people who have jaundice along with diseases of gallbladder. It is given to the people who have the symptoms of urine that is yellow in color, bitter taste, soreness and pain all over the body, pain in the right upper abdominal area etc. So, for treating the jaundice, carduus marianus can be taken ;

Chelidonium majus:- chelidonium majus is a homeopathic medicine used for treating the jaundice. This medicine is given to the patient who has pain below the shoulder blade. These medicines can cure the person who is suffering from jaundice within 10 days. It is given to the person who has jaundice along with the following symptoms like it could arise due to change in weather, heavy load in the head etc. So, in order to treat jaundice, these medicines are effective

Nux vomica:- nux vomica is a homeopathic medicine used for treating the jaundice. This medicine is beneficial for the person who is suffering from jaundice due to the excessive consumption of the alcohol. This medicine is effective for people who have jaundice along with symptoms like running noses on cold days, headache etc when they go out during the day time, constipation etc. So, for the treatment of the jaundice, this medicine can be used ;

Lycopodium clavatum:- lycopodium clavatum is considered as an effective homeopathic remedy for treating jaundice. This remedy is useful for people who have a thin belly. Usually this type of person looks older than their age as they have the complaints regarding lavish uric acid and also facing problems like digestive disturbance and kidney disorder of kidneys. The medicines have to be given when the people are suffering from jaundice along with the brown color spots seen on the abdomen, reddishness in the urine is seen, indigestion problem etc. Therefore, to treat the jaundice, lycopodium clavatum can be used

Podophyllum- podophyllum is considered as an effective homeopathic medicine used for treating the jaundice. This medicine is given when people suffer from jaundice along with the pain caused after rubbing. These medicines don't have any side effects as they are made using herbs. So, in order to treat the jaundice, podophyllum can be taken

Bryonia alba:- bryonia alba is a homeopathic medicine used for treating the jaundice. Its common name is wild hopes. These medicines are considered effective in a case when the people are suffering from jaundice along with the increase in the level of thirst. So, for treating the jaundice, bryonia alba can be used ;

Arsenicum album:- arsenicum album is considered as an effective remedy for treating the jaundice. It is prescribed mainly to the people who are suffering from jaundice along with the pain in the abdomen. It is also suitable for the person suffering from fear of being alone and also of death, feeling vomiting when the smell of food enters your nose. Therefore, to treat the jaundice, arsenicum album can be used.


Thank you so much for giving your precious time to read the article. I think you might have got the information regarding the jaundice and the treatment that has to be done for the jaundice by homeopathic medicines. Jaundice is a kind of disease that occurs when there is an increment of bilirubin in the blood. The symptoms that can be seen in person are yellowish eyes along with the color of the urine getting yellow accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Jaundice can even affect a person's eyes as well as to their kidneys and digestive system. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines for the treatment of jaundice are podophyllum, nux vomica, carduus marianus, natrum sulphuricum and arsenicum album.
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Vitamin deficiency anemia

General Physician, Delhi
Vitamin deficiency anemia

When in the body there is deficiency of vitamin b-12 and folate which causes the body not to produce healthy red blood cells. This is not producing healthy red blood cells by the body called anemia. Anemia can be caused by genetics like sickle cell anemia and when they do not get iron which make up the structure of red blood cells. Vitamin b-12 and folate also help the body to make red blood cells in shape, however the deficiency causes to deshaped of rbc whose function, to carry oxygen, gets reduced. This reduction in oxygen can make you short of breath, fatigue. Vitamin and folate found in vegetables which when they get reduced for a long time anemia happens or when the body doesn't absorb the vitamins due to other problems.


Symptoms of vitamin deficiency develop after a long time like months or years. Signs are not very serious at the beginning but later they can be. Symptoms are: fatigue

There will be shortness of breath sometimes or at crowded places.

We may find the body dizzy approx most of the time.

Your skin might change its color to pale or yellowish skin.

Due to irregularity of transferring the oxygen in the body you may have irregular heartbeats.

You might suffer from weight loss.

Due to uneven transfer of oxygen in the whole body, feet can get numb. ;

Muscle weakness will be seen which functions less in insufficient oxygen.

There will be an effect on the brain like behaving angrily.

There will be mental confusion which can cause unsteady movements and forgetfulness.



Vitamin b-12 and folate also help the body to make red blood cells in shape, however the deficiency causes to deshaped of rbc whose function, to carry oxygen, gets reduced. This reduction in oxygen can make you short of breath, fatigue. Vitamin and folate found in vegetables which when get reduced for a long time anemia happens or when the body doesn't absorb the vitamins due to other problems.

Vitamin b-12 deficiencies

Low levels of vitamin b-12 in our body can be due to many reason which are:

Diet: eggs, milk and meat or some cereals which are fortified with vitamin b-12 are the sources of vitamin b-12. People who do not consume these foods may have a lack of vitamin b-12. Fortified foods are cereals and products of yeast. ;

Pernicious anemia: some time immunity of the body is commanded to attack at stomach cells. This cell produces an intrinsic factor which is necessary to absorb vitamin b-12. When this is not absorbed there will be anemia called pernicious anemia.

Gastric surgeries: when the stomach or intestine goes under surgery of getting removal of itself the cell gets reduced which produces the intrinsic factor. There will be less absorption of vitamin b-12.

Intestinal problems. Crohn's disease and celiac disease, or tapeworm which can occur in the stomach due to eating unhealthy fish, reduce the absorption of vitamin b-12.


Folate deficiency:

Folate is also called vitamin b-9. Green vegetables and liver are the sources of it. Peoplewho do not eat green vegetables or liver have deficiency of folate or their body is not able to absorb it.

Absorption of folate is due:

Diseases of the intestine such as celiac disease can interfere with absorption of folate.

Surgical removal of the stomach or intestine can interfere with absorption.

Alcohol consumption interferes with absorption.

Some medicines also interfere with it. ;

Folate is necessary for pregnant women. Lack of folate can cause birth defects like spina bifida. People who go under kidney dialysis need a larger amount. Breastfeeding women are needed in high amounts.


There are many health problems when there is deficiency of vitamin b-12 or folate. Anemia aids that diseases to occur. Some disease are:

Pregnancy complications: for a growing baby in the womb need folate in high amounts. Deficiency can cause defects in brain and spinal cord development.

Nervous system disorders: vitamin b-12 deficiency can cause mental confusion, forgetfulness, numbness or tingling at feet. These are neurological problems caused by deficiency of vitamin b 9.

Gastric cancer: pernicious anemia caused by damaged stomach cells caused by an immunity system which produces the intrinsic factor needed for absorption of folate. This anemia can lead to gastric cancer.



Healthy diets can help you to get rid of deficiency of folate and vitamin b-12 and anemia can be treated this way which relied on vitamins:

Foods sources rich in vitamin b-12 are:

Beef, liver, chicken and fish


Fortified foods like cereals

Milk, cheese and yogurt

Foods sources rich in folate include:

Broccoli, spinach, asparagus or any green veggies.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, bananas, strawberries and melons.

Grain products like wheat and barley contain it.

Liver, kidneys of animals and yeast, mushrooms and peanuts.

Many people take injections or medicines of vitamins to cope up with deficiency.


People who suffer from anemia due to vitamin deficiency should check their diet. They should include milk and veggies. Ignorance can lead to many other serious diseases. For any other information or queries please visit the doctor.


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पीलिया का होम्योपैथिक उपचार

MBBS,Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
General Physician, Alwar
पीलिया का होम्योपैथिक उपचार
पीलिया क्या है
पीलिया एक ऐसी चिकित्सकीय अवस्था है जिसके कारण व्यक्ति की त्वचा, म्यूकस मेंब्रेन और आंखों का रंग पीला पड़ जाता है। रोगी को पेशाब भी पीला हो सकता है। दरअसल यह कोई बीमारी नहीं है बल्कि एक अंतर्निहित बीमारी का संकेत है।

पीलिया का दूसरा नाम इक्टेरस भी है। इससे पहले कि हम पीलिया के लिए 5 सर्वश्रेष्ठ होम्योपैथिक दवाओं के बारे में बात करें, आइए समस्या को थोड़ा बेहतर समझें।

रक्त में बिलीरूबिन की मात्रा बढ़ने से पीलिया होता है। यह पीले-नारंगी रंग का होता है। बिलीरुबिन शरीर में आरबीसी के टूटने का उप-उत्पाद है। आरबीसी के टूटने के बाद लिवर इसे खून से प्रोसेस करता है।

आरबीसी की क्षति से बिलीरुबिन का स्तर बढ़ सकता है। साथ ही, इस बिलीरुबिन को प्रोसेस करने में लिवर की अक्षमता भी इसे शरीर में एकत्रित करने का कारण बन सकती है।

सारांश - पीलिया में पीड़ित की त्वचा, म्यूकस मेंब्रेन और आंखों का रंग और पेशाब पीला पड़ जाता है। दरअसल यह अंतर्निहित बीमारी का संकेत है। रक्त में बिलीरूबिन की मात्रा बढ़ने से पीलिया होता है।

पीलिया किस कारण होता है
पहले ही जैसा बताया जा चुका है, पीलिया का मतलब बिलीरुबिन के बढ़ने के कारण पीले रंग का मलिनकिरण होता है। बिलीरुबिन की यह वृद्धि विभिन्न कारणों या बीमारियों के कारण हो सकती है।

यह लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं के बढ़ते विनाश के कारण हो सकता है। ऐसे में हो सकता है कि लिवर पूरे बिलीरुबिन को प्रोसेस न कर पाए। एक अन्य स्थिति में, आरबीसी का विनाश नहीं बढ़ता है लेकिन लिवर बिलीरुबिन की सामान्य मात्रा को भी संसाधित करने में सक्षम नहीं होता है।

लिवर से जुड़ी कई बीमारियों में ऐसा हो सकता है। तीसरी स्थिति में शरीर प्रसंस्कृत बिलीरुबिन को बाहर नहीं निकाल पाता है और यह रक्त में एकत्रित हो जाता है। पीलिया के कुछ सामान्य कारण नीचे दिए गए हैं-

मलेरिया- मलेरिया आरबीसी की क्षति का कारण बन सकता है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप बिलीरुबिन बढ़ जाता है।
रक्त विकार- सिकल सेल रोग या थैलेसीमिया पीलिया का कारण बन सकता है।
हेपेटाइटिस- लीवर के संक्रमण से पीलिया हो सकता है जैसा कि हेपेटाइटिस ए या हेपेटाइटिस बी या हेपेटाइटिस सी के विभिन्न रूपों में होता है। अधिकतर, ये संक्रमण मूल रूप से वायरल होते हैं। वे तीव्र या जीर्ण हो सकते हैं।
एल्कोहलिक सिरोसिस- लंबे समय तक बहुत अधिक शराब का सेवन करने से लिवर सिरोसिस हो सकता है। ऐसे मामलों में लिवर अपना सामान्य काम नहीं कर पाता है।
पित्त नलिकाओं की रुकावट- पित्त नलिकाएं पतली नलियां होती हैं जो पित्त को यकृत और पित्ताशय से आंतों तक ले जाती हैं। कुछ मामलों में, वे अवरुद्ध हो सकती हैं। यह पित्त पथरी या कुछ कैंसर के कारण हो सकता है।
दवाएं- स्टेरॉयड, गर्भ निरोधक गोलियां या दर्द निवारक जैसी कुछ दवाएं भी लिवर को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं और बिलीरुबिन के स्तर को बढ़ा सकती हैं।
सारांश- पीलिया के सामान्य कारणों में मलेरिया, रक्त विकार, हेपेटाइटिस, एल्कोहलिक सिरोसिस, पित्त नलिकाओं की रुकावट जैसे बहुत से कारण हैं।

पीलिया के लक्षण
पीलिया का मुख्य लक्षण आंखों का पीला पड़ना है। यह आमतौर पर सबसे पहला लक्षण होता है। बाद में यह पीलापन पूरे शरीर में मुंह, छाती, पेट और त्वचा तक फैल जाता है। इसके कुछ अन्य लक्षण भी हैं-

आंखों, मुंह और त्वचा का पीलापन। यह पीलापन त्वचा के नीचे फैल जाता है। गंभीर मामलों में, आंखें भूरी भी हो सकती हैं।
पेशाब भी गहरे पीले रंग का हो जाता है।
मल सामान्य भूरे रंग के बजाय हल्के पीले रंग का हो सकता है।
पूरे शरीर में खुजली हो सकती है।
थकान की अनुभूति हो सकती है और व्यक्ति आसानी से थक जाता है।
मतली या उल्टी हो सकती है।
कुछ मामलों में रोगी को पेट में दर्द हो सकता है।
रोगी का वजन घट सकता है ।
पीलिया के अन्य लक्षणों के साथ कुछ रोगियों को बुखार भी हो सकता है।
सारांश - पीलिया के सामान्य लक्षणों में आंखों, पेशाब , मुंह और त्वचा का पीलापन, पूरे शरीर में खुजली, थकान, उल्टी या पेट में दर्द हो सकता है। कुछ मामलों में रोगी का वजन घट सकता है।

पीलिया का इलाज
प्रचलित एलोपैथिक चिकित्सा प्रणाली में शायद ही पीलिया का कोई इलाज है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि लिवर सभी एलोपैथिक दवाओं को प्रोसेस करता है।

जब लिवर पहले से ही काम नहीं कर रहा हो, कोई एलोपैथिक दवा देने से समस्या और भी बढ़ सकती है। इसलिए डॉक्टर पाचन तंत्र के लिए सिर्फ आराम करने की सलाह देते हैं।

उन्हें लगता है कि लिवर अपने आप फिर से सामान्य रूप से काम करना शुरू कर देगा। इसलिए वे भारी भोजन, मसाले और नॉन वेज न लेने की सलाह देते हैं। डॉक्टर भी ऐसे खाद्य पदार्थों की सलाह देते हैं जो पेट के लिए हल्के हों जैसे गन्ने का रस।

सारांश- एलोपैथी में पीलिया का कोई खास इलाज नही है। डाक्टर आपको परहेज और आराम की सलाह देते हैं।

पीलिया का होम्योपैथिक इलाज
एलोपैथिक चिकित्सा पद्धति के विपरीत, होम्योपैथी में पीलिया के लिए अच्छा उपचार उपलब्ध है। ऐसी कई होम्योपैथिक दवाएं हैं जो लिवर के सामान्य कामकाज को पुनर्जीवित कर सकती हैं।

ये होम्योपैथिक दवाएं बहुत प्रभावी हैं और लिवर की कार्यप्रणाली को जल्दी ठीक करती हैं। उपचार शुरू करने के तुरंत बाद बिलीरुबिन का स्तर कम होना शुरू हो जाता है। सही होम्योपैथिक दवा का चुनाव रोगी के लक्षणों पर निर्भर करता है।

होम्योपैथी में पीलिया का कोई निश्चित इलाज नहीं है। जैसा कि अन्य मामलों में होता है, प्रत्येक रोगी के लिए उपचार को अलग-अलग करना होता है। एक रोगी में मौजूद सभी लक्षणों को ध्यान में रखा जाता है।

सारांश - होम्योपैथी में पीलिया के लिए कई प्रभावी दवाएं हैं। सही होम्योपैथिक दवा का चुनाव रोगी के लक्षणों पर निर्भर करता है। प्रत्येक रोगी के लिए उपचार अलग-अलग हो सकता है।

पीलिया के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ होम्योपैथिक दवाएं
पीलिया के इलाज के लिए कई होम्योपैथिक दवाएं हैं। किसी रोगी को कौन सी दवा देनी है यह उसके लक्षणों पर निर्भर करता है।

कार्डुस मैरियनस
यह पित्ताशय की भागीदारी के साथ पीलिया के लिए सबसे अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवाओं में से एक है। सेंट मैरी थीस्ल इस दवा का सामान्य नाम है। यदि रोगी को लिवर क्षेत्र में दर्द होता है, लिवर बढ़ा हुआ है, लगातार मिचली आ रही है और उल्टी हो रही है।

इसके अलावा रोगी को हरे अम्लीय द्रव की उल्टी हो रही है, कब्ज और दस्त हो रहे हैं, तो उसे इस दवा से लाभ हो सकता है।

इन लक्षणों में रोगी को यहां तक कि लिवर की बीमारी के साथ टांगों, पैरों और अन्य आश्रित भागों में सूजन भी हो सकती है।

यह दाहिने कंधे के ब्लेड के ठीक नीचे दर्द के साथ पीलिया के लिए सबसे अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवाओं में से एक है।

यह दवा जिन रोगियों को दी जाती है उनके लक्षणों में दर्द स्थिर रहता है, पूरे पेट में आर-पार और लिवर क्षेत्र के आसपास कसाव का अहसास होता है, गर्म चीजों को खाने-पीने की इच्छा होती है। मुँह का स्वाद कड़वा होता है।

नक्स वोमिका
यह शराब के दुरुपयोग के कारण पीलिया के लिए सबसे अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवाओं में से एक है। इसमें लम्बे समय तक शराब का सेवन करने से लिवर खराब हो जाता है।

रोगी अकसर अधिक तेल मसाले युक्त भोजन का सेवन भी कर रहे होते हैं। इसमें रोगी प्राय: चिड़चिड़े स्वभाव का होता है। ठंड के प्रति असहिष्णुता होती है और हर समय ठंडक महसूस होती है।

पेट में दर्द होता है जो आमतौर पर खाने के बाद बढ़ जाता है। सुबह के समय मतली अधिक होती है। लिवर खराब होने लगता है। लिवर के क्षेत्र में तीव्र दर्द होता है। इन लक्षणों में नक्स वोमिका काफी लाभकारी होती है।

यह बढ़ी हुई प्यास के साथ पीलिया के लिए सर्वोत्तम होम्योपैथिक दवाओं में से एक मानी जाती है। इसमें म्यूकस मेंब्रेन का सूखापन बढ़ जाता है। यह सूखापन बढ़ी हुई प्यास में परिलक्षित होता है।

रोगी को हमेशा प्यास लगती है। वह बड़ी मात्रा में पानी पीता है। यह पानी की कमी कब्ज का कारण भी बनती है। मल सूखा और सख्त होता है। लिवर के आसपास दर्द होता है। पेट में दबाव पड़ने से दर्द बढ़ सकता है।

यह लिवर क्षेत्र में दर्द के साथ पीलिया के लिए सबसे अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवाओं में से एक है। इसमें रोगी को पेट में कमजोरी या डूबने की जैसी अनुभूति होती है। रोगी उदर क्षेत्र में दर्द की शिकायत करता है।

पेट के बल लेटने से यह दर्द दूर हो जाता है। पीलिया के साथ डायरिया भी हो सकता है। इस दवा को लेने से लक्षणों में राहत मिल सकती है।

पीलिया यानी जॉनडिस किसी अंतर्निहित बीमारी का संकेत है। रक्त में बिलीरूबिन की मात्रा बढ़ने से पीलिया होता है। इसेक लक्षणों में आंखं, त्वचा पेशाब का पीलापन से लकेर थकान, वजन घटना तक शामिल है। इसका होम्योपैथी में कई इलाज है। कई दवाएं हैं पर कौन से दवा इस्तेमाल होगी यह रोगी के लक्षणों पर निर्भर है।

जानिए एनीमिया से जुड़ी बेहद जरूरी बातें

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Physician, Agra
जानिए एनीमिया से जुड़ी बेहद जरूरी बातें
हमारे शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए खाद्य पदार्थों में मौजूद पौष्टिक तत्वों और खनिजों की आवश्यता है और जब शरीर में इन्ही पौष्टिक तत्वों व खनिजों की कमी हो जाती है तो शरीर को कई प्रकार के विकारों का सामना करना पड़ता है। ऐसा ही एक विकार है एनीमिया, जिसकी वजह से शरीर को कई समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। वैसे तो एनीमिया कई प्रकार के और कई कारणों से होते हैं। हालांकि इसका एक कारण विटामिन की कमी भी है। तो चलिए आइये जानते हैं कि वह कौन-कौन से विटामिन हैं, जिनकी कमी की वजह से एनीमिया होता है।

विटामिन की कमी से क्यों होता है एनीमिया
एनीमिया की वजह से शरीर लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं की कमी हो जाती है, जो पूरे शरीर में पर्याप्त ऑक्सीजन ले जाने के लिए आवश्यक है। शरीर में लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं के स्तर को पूरा रखने में कुछ विटामिन काफी सहायक होते हैं। अतः अगर हम ऐसे खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन करते हैं, जिनमें लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं का निर्माण करने वाले विटामिन्स पर्याप्त मात्रा में पाए जाते हैं, तो एनीमिया नामक बीमारी से खुद का बचाव किया जा सकता है।

लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं को बनाने में ये विटामिन्स होते हैं सहायक
विटामिन सी- विटामिन-सी की कमी से शरीर में एनीमिया की समस्या उत्पन्न हो सकती है। इसके अलावा धूम्रपान भी एनीमिया की समस्या की वजह बनता है। क्योंकि धूम्रपान खाद्य पदार्थों से से विटामिन-सी को अवशोषित कर लेता है। संतरा, अनानास, कीवी पपीता, अमरुद जैसे फलों में विटामिन-सी पर्याप्त मात्रा में मौजूद रहता है।

विटामिन बी12- विटामिन बी12 की कमी से भी एनीमिया हो सकता है। इसलिए शरीर में विटामिन बी12 की कमी भी नहीं होनी चाहिए। यदि आप पर्याप्त विटामिन बी12 युक्त खाद्य पदार्थ का सेवन करते हैं तो आप एनीमिया की बीमारी से बच सकते हैं. मांस, अंडे और दूध का सेवन विटामिन बी12 की कमी को पूरा कर सकते हैं।

विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट- पत्तेदार हरी सब्जियां और फल विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट के प्राथमिक स्रोत हैं, और आपके आहार में उनकी अपर्याप्तता के परिणामस्वरूप एनीमिया भी हो सकता है।

एनीमिया के लक्षण
विटामिन की कमी से होने वाला एनीमिया एक ऐसा रोग है जो धीरे-धीरे विकसित होता है। इसमें वह कई महीनों से लेकर सालों तक का समय ले सकता है। शुरुआत में तो एनीमिया के लक्षण सूक्षम हो सकते हैं, लेकिन जैसे-जैसे एनीमिया विकराल रूप लेता जाता है, शरीर में समस्याएं भी बढ़ती जाती हैं। इसके लक्षण निम्नलिखित हैं-

सांस लेने में कठिनाई
चक्कर आना
पीली त्वचा
अनियमित दिल की धड़कन
वजन घटना
हाथ पैरों में सुन्नपन या झनझनाहट होना
मांसपेशी में कमज़ोरी
व्यक्तित्व में बदलाव होना
अस्थिर हरकतें
मानसिक भ्रम या भूलने की बीमारी
शरीर में विटामिन की कमी के कारण
शरीर में विटामिन की कमी के कारण सिर्फ खानपान ही नहीं, इसके कई अन्य कारण भी हो सकते हैं। तो चलिए उन कारणों के बारे में जानते हैं जिनकी वजह से शरीर में विटामिन सी, विटामिन बी12 और विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट की कमी हो सकती है।

विटामिन बी12 की कमी के कारण
जिन खाद्य पदार्थों में विटामिन बी12 पाया जाता है, यदि हम उनका सेवन सही मात्रा में नहीं करते हैं, तो शरीर में विटामिन बी12 की कमी हो सकती है। मांस, अंडे और दूध में यह पर्याप्त मात्रा में पाया जाता है।
विटामिन बी12 को आंतों में अवशोषित करने के लिए आंतरिक कारक नाम के पदार्थ की जरुरत होती है। यह स्थिति तब होती है जब शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली पेट में कोशिकाओं पर हमला करती है। पेट की यही कोशिकाएं आंतरिक कारक नामक पदार्थ का उत्पादन करती हैं। कोशिकाओं को छति पहुंचने की वजह से वे आंतरिक कारक पदार्थ का उत्पादन नहीं कर पाती और शरीर में विटामिन बी12 की कमी हो जाती है।
यदि पेट या आंतों के हिस्से को सर्जिकली हटा दिया गया है, तो यह उत्पादित आंतरिक कारक की मात्रा को कम कर सकता है और विटामिन बी12 को अवशोषित करने के लिए उपलब्ध स्थान की मात्रा कम कर सकता है।
क्रोहन रोग और सीलिएक रोग विटामिन बी12 के अवशोषण में हस्तक्षेप कर सकते हैं।
विटामिन बी9 या फोलेट की कमी
फोलेट को विटामिन बी-9 के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, यह मुख्य रूप से गहरे हरे पत्ते वाली सब्जियों से प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है। यह लीवर में पाया जाने वाला पोषक तत्व है। फोलेट की कमी तब हो सकती है जब लोग फोलेट युक्त खाद्य पदार्थ नहीं खाते हैं या उनके शरीर भोजन से फोलेट को अवशोषित करने में असमर्थ होते हैं।
इसके अलावा आंतों के रोग जैसे सीलिएक रोग, आंतों के एक बड़े हिस्से का सर्जिकल निष्कासन या बायपास, अत्यधिक शराब का सेवन, प्रिस्क्रिप्शन दवाएं भी फोलेट की कमी के कारण हो सकते हैं।
गर्भवती महिलाओं और स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं में फोलेट की मांग बढ़ जाती है, जैसा कि गुर्दे की बीमारी के लिए डायलिसिस से गुजरने वाले लोगों में होता है। गर्भावस्था के दौरान फोलेट की कमी जन्म दोष पैदा कर सकती है। हालांकि, फोलेट की कमी अब उन देशों में कम है जो ब्रेड, अनाज और पास्ता जैसे खाद्य उत्पादों में नियमित रूप से फोलेट मिलाते हैं।
विटामिन की कमी से होने वाली अन्य समस्याएं
विटामिन बी12 या फोलेट की कमी से शरीर को निम्न स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ सकता है-

जब गर्भवती मां से उसके विकासशील भ्रूण को पर्याप्त हलेत प्राप्त नहीं होता तो भ्रूण में मस्तिष्क और रीढ़ की हड्डी के जन्म दोष विकसित कर सकता है।
विटामिन बी12 की कमी से न्यूरोलॉजिकल समस्याएं हो सकती हैं, जैसे हाथों और पैरों में लगातार झुनझुनी या संतुलन की समस्या।
इसके अलावा विटामिन बी12 की कमी मानसिक भ्रम और भूलने की बीमारी का कारण भी बन सकता है क्योंकि स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क क्रिया के लिए विटामिन बी12 आवश्यक है।
विटामिन बी12 की कमी की वजह से हानिकारक रक्ताल्पता पेट या आंतों के कैंसर का खतरा बढ़ जाता है।
एनीमिया से बचाव
आप विभिन्न प्रकार के विटामिन युक्त खाद्य पदार्थों को अपने दैनिक आहार में शामिल करके विटामिन की कमी वाले एनीमिया के कुछ रूपों को रोक सकते हैं।

विटामिन बी12 से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों में शामिल हैं:

बीफ, जिगर, चिकन, मछली, अंडे, गरिष्ठ खाद्य पदार्थ, जैसे नाश्ता अनाज, दूध, पनीर और दही
फोलेट से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थों में शामिल हैं:
ब्रोकोली, पालक, शतावरी और लीमा बीन्स, संतरे, नींबू, केले, स्ट्रॉबेरी, खरबूजे, समृद्ध अनाज उत्पाद जैसे ब्रेड, अनाज, पास्ता और चावल जिगर, गुर्दे, खमीर, मशरूम और मूंगफली
अधिकांश वयस्कों को निम्नलिखित मात्रा में विटामिनों के दैनिक आहार की आवश्यकता होती है:
विटामिन बी 12 2.4 माइक्रोग्राम (एमसीजी)
फोलेट या फोलिक एसिड - 400 एमसीजी
गर्भवती और स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं को प्रत्येक विटामिन की अधिक आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

Top 10 Doctors for Jaundice Treatment in Hyderabad

MD - General Medicine
General Physician, Hyderabad

1. Dr. Sreekanth appasani

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-sreekanth-appasani-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, dm - gastroenterology

19 years experience 800 at clinic


A well-known figure in the medical community and a highly skilled gastroenterologist, Dr. Sreekanth appasani. He graduated from andhra medical college with an mbbs degree before earning an md in internal medicine from nims hyderabad and a dm in gastroenterology from pgi chandigarh. His skill in treating jaundice is the best example of his medical brilliance.

All forms of liver diseases, including jaundice, are the focus of Dr. Appasani's expertise in diagnosis, management, and treatment. In order to provide comprehensive care to patients with various types of jaundice, such as viral hepatitis, genetic disorders, or alcohol-related cirrhosis, etc, he employs a multidisciplinary approach.

2. Dr. Govind verma

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-govind-verma-gastroenterologist

Dm - gastroenterology, md - general medicine, mbbs

28 years experience 800 at clinic


Dr. Govind verma is a prominent gastroenterologist and the former head of the department of gastroenterology, hepatology, and therapeutic endoscopy at mumbai's p. D hinduja national hospital. His distinguished career has been defined by his exceptional abilities and significant contributions to the field of gastroenterology.


He specialises in jaundice symptoms and treatment, making him a sought-after medical professional among clinicians worldwide. Dr. Govind verma's efforts to raise awareness about jaundice and treatment options are admirable.


He believes in exploring all possible avenues for improving diagnosis and treatment through innovative methods that help reduce costs, making it available to many more people suffering from this condition.

3. Dr. Chetan b. Mahajan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-chetan-b-mahajan-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, Ms. - general surgery, dnb (general surgery), mnams (membership of the national academy)

26 years experience 500 at clinic


Jaundice causes skin, mucous membranes, or eyes to be yellow. It's caused by an increased concentration of bilirubin in the body and can indicate various medical conditions. Dr. Chetan b. Mahajan is an experienced jaundice surgeon.


He's a respected doctor who's dedicated his career to treating this disease. Dr. Mahajan has an mbbs from kem hospital, mumbai, an Ms. In general surgery from the university of mumbai, and a dnb in general surgery from the university of delhi.

His extensive knowledge of jaundice diagnosis and treatment allows him to craft personalised strategies for each patient, using both traditional and alternative holistic therapies, such as nutrition counselling or herbal supplements.

4. Dr. Sreepada kameswara rao

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-sreepada-kameswara-homeopath

Dhms (diploma in homeopathic medicine and surgery)

35 years experience 450 at clinic 149 online


Most of the time, jaundice is caused by liver disease, like cirrhosis or cancer. It can also be caused by gallstones, pancreatic problems like pancreatitis, or infections with parasites like malaria. Depending on what's causing the problem, you may need to make changes to your lifestyle, like changing your diet, or taking antibiotics if you have an infection.

Dr. Sreepada kameswara rao has been a homoeopathic doctor for 35 years. He is an expert at helping people with diseases that can kill them, like jaundice. Dr. Rao is well-known for being able to successfully treat this long-term illness. ;

Many people who came to him in desperate need of relief from their symptoms were fully cured after seeing him. He thinks that homoeopathic medicines, which are natural and don't have any side effects, are the best way to treat jaundice.

5. Dr. T lakshmikanth

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-t-lakshmikanth-gastroenterologist ;

Ms - general surgery, mbbs, fellowship in laparoscopic & advanced laparoscopic surgical - gem hospital, coimbatore - 2006

28 years experience 450 - 600 at clinic 350 online

Dr. T. Lakshmikanth has been in practise for over 25 years, during which time he has become an accomplished gastroenterologist and general surgeon. He earned his mbbs from Dr. M. G. R. Medical university in chennai, india, and his Ms. In general surgery from jjm medical college in davangere. ;

The hi9 health awards recognised Dr. Lakshmikanth as the best doctor in surgical gastro for his outstanding achievements in his field. Dr. Lakshmikanth has extensive experience treating digestive system disorders, including jaundice symptoms like skin and eye yellowing, dark urine, pain, vomiting, nausea, etc. ;

Also, he is an expert at endoscopy and colonoscopy, two surgical procedures used to examine the digestive tract in search of the underlying cause of a patient's illness.

6. Dr. Parthasarathy g

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-parthasarathy-g-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, Ms. - general surgery, m. Ch - surgical gastroenterology/g. I. Surgery, fellowship in hepatobiliary surgery & liver transplantation

21 years experience 500 at clinic


Dr. Parthasarathy is one of the best gastroenterologist for treating jaundice and related ailments in india. With over 20 years of experience, he has attained the respect of many patients and peers alike. He won a gold medal for the best research paper at the indian association of surgical gastroenterology national meet, which speaks volumes about his accomplishments.

He has conducted numerous clinicals trials, gained expertise in many aspects of gastrointestinal diseases and holds regular lectures to help other doctors understand the science behind these conditions better. ;

He stands at the forefront in terms of diagnosis and treatments for advanced cases like pancreatic cancer, gallbladder disease etc, making him one of the most sought after gastroenterologists in india today.

7. Dr. K. S somasekhar rao

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-k-s-somasekhar-rao-gastroenterologist ;

Dm - gastroenterology, md - general medicine, mbbs

20 years experience 1500 at clinic 400 online

Dr. K. S. Somasekhar rao has an educational background that is commensurate with the prominence that he has achieved in the field of gastroenterology. First receiving his md ;in general medicine from mrmc of gulbarga, he went on to receive his dm in gastroenterology from srmc of chennai. ;

He has years of clinical experience to his credit, and as a result, he is well-versed in the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for jaundice. As a result, he is one of the most sought after doctors for this condition. His attention to detail and depth of understanding aid patients in receiving the highest standard of care throughout the entirety of their treatment.

8. Dr. G v rao

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-g-v-rao-gastroenterologist ;


0 - 200 at clinic

Even though jaundice can be a serious condition, it is easily treatable and preventable when caught early enough. Don't ignore any jaundice-related symptoms, such as yellowing of the skin or eyes, if you experience any of them. It's crucial to seek out a qualified medical expert as soon as possible in order to receive a precise diagnosis and get started on treatment right away.

Gastroenterologist Dr. G v rao is one of the leading authorities on the diagnosis and treatment of jaundice. With many successful cases under his belt and years of experience, Dr. Rao has established a reputation for offering trustworthy care to patients with this condition. ;


He has received several honours, including the president's appreciation award from the association of surgeons of india and the star of excellence award from the vgm hospital & aagg trust in coimbatore (ap).

9. Dr. Ravula phani krishna

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-ravula-phani-krishna-gastroenterologist 

Fellowship in hpb and transplant surgery, fellowship in hpb oncology,

M. Ch - surgical gastroenterology/g. I. Surgery - sanjay gandhi

20 years experience 400 - 600 at clinic


Dr. Ravula phani krishna is a well educated gastroenterologist. He has an m. Ch. - surgical gastroenterology/g. I surgery from sanjay gandhi postgraduate institute of medical sciences and an Ms. - general surgery from jawaharlal institute of postgraduate medical education and research (jipmer). 


Dr. Krishna has a deep awareness of jaundice's origins and remedies and provides individualised solutions to his patients' concerns. He believes it's crucial to look at each patient's unique circumstances when diagnosing jaundice before creating an unique treatment regimen.

Dr. Krishna has considerable expertise examining jaundice symptoms such as yellowing skin, lethargy, dark urine, nausea, abdominal discomfort, etc, allowing him to make an accurate diagnosis based on the patient's medical history, physical exam results, and laboratory tests as required.

10. Dr. Rupjyoti talukdar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-rupjyoti-talukdar-gastroenterologist 

Mbbs, dm-gastroenterologist

21 years experience 650 at clinic


Jaundice is a disorder that causes the skin and eyes to turn yellow. It happens when the body produces too much bilirubin, a yellow pigment, as a result of red blood cell loss or liver disorders. 


According to Dr. Rupjyoti talukdar, a gastroenterologist with considerable experience in identifying and treating jaundice, there are numerous potential causes for this illness, including viral hepatitis, drug use, or side effects from some medications. Dr. Talukdar is uniquely qualified to handle this illness. You can put your trust in his treatment. 

Dr. Talukdar recommends that when it comes to jaundice treatment options, it is critical to understand the underlying reason before any medications can be provided properly.


How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

Gynaecologist, Delhi
How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

Hemoglobin is a type of protein that is found in the red blood cells of the body. It is the protein that is rich in iron. The function of hemoglobin is to transport the oxygen to the tissues and to the organs of the body. Hemoglobin carries the oxygen from the respiratory organs of the body to the tissues. The level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy should be 11.5-13.0 g/dl. When the level of hemoglobin in the pregnant woman falls below 10.0 g/dl, then it is not at all good for the embryo along with the pregnant woman. If the level of hemoglobin falls down, then it can lead to the disorder of anemia. The pregnant women should have a hemoglobin test frequently. If a woman is pregnant, then the level of blood along with the iron in the body increases. To maintain the proper level of hemoglobin, pregnant women should eat more foods that are rich in iron, vitamin c etc.


Hemoglobin during the pregnancy is increased from the following:

Intake of vitamin c:- vitamin c helps in increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Vitamin c helps in protecting the cells and fight against the free radicals. Some of the foods that contain a large amount of vitamin c are broccoli, citrus fruits, potatoes, strawberries etc. They help in the protection of the cell and keep the body healthy during the pregnancy. So, you should take more amount of vitamin c in order to increase the hemoglobin during the pregnancy

Exercise:- exercise also helps in increasing the hemoglobin level during the pregnancy. During the pregnancy, most of the ladies become inactive and lethargic which leads to the fall in the level of hemoglobin. So, exercising regularly may help in improving the absorption of iron and also helps in increasing the flow of oxygen to the parts of the body. So, for increasing the hemoglobin level, you should exercise regularly

Beetroot:- beetroot is considered as one of the best natural remedies for increasing the level of hemoglobin during pregnancy. Beetroot is rich in vitamins, folic acid, iron and minerals. Because of the presence of the following substances in the beetroot, the level of hemoglobin in the body increases. Beetroot can be consumed as a salad or can also be consumed in the form of juice. The beetroot helps in the formation of the new red blood cells and increases the flow of oxygen to the parts of the body. So, you should consume the beetroot in order to increase the hemoglobin in the body during the pregnancy

Consumption of the green leafy vegetables:- green leafy vegetables helps in increasing the hemoglobin level during the pregnancy. These vegetables help in increasing the level of absorption of iron intake. They contain a large amount of vitamin b and c that helps pregnant women to remain fit and healthy. Some of the green leafy vegetables that should be consumed during the pregnancy are moringa, broccoli, and spinach. So, green leafy vegetables can be eaten to increase the hemoglobin in the body during the pregnancy

Eat the foods that are rich in proteins:- the foods that are rich in protein should be taken in order to increase the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Hemoglobin is a combination of the protein i. E. Heme and globin. Proteins are essential for increasing the level of iron during pregnancy. Some of the foods that are rich in proteins are boiled eggs, paneer, lentils and nuts. If the following foods are consumed during the pregnancy, then automatically the level of hemoglobin increases

Increasing the level of iron:- iron plays an important role for increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. If more and more intake of iron is done, then it leads to the formation of the red blood cells which in turn leads to the increment of the hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Some of the foods that should be consumed for increasing the hemoglobin during pregnancy are peanut butter, eggs, tofu, fish, green beans, meat, etc. So, for the increment of hemoglobin level in the body, you should take more and more foods that are rich in iron during the pregnancy

Medications:- there are various medications that can be used for increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy. Cyanocobalamin, carbonyl iron, injection of alglucerase etc can be taken for increasing the level of hemoglobin. This helps in keeping the pregnant lady fit and healthy. So, medications can also be taken in for increasing the hemoglobin level during the pregnancy. ;


Thank you for spending your precious time here and reading this tip. I hope you got the required information after reading this tip. Hemoglobin is very much necessary during the pregnancy. The main objective of hemoglobin is to transport the oxygen to all the parts of the body. The level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy should be in between 11.5-13.0 g/dl. You should consume more supplements of iron, green leafy vegetables, proteins, etc for increasing the level of hemoglobin during the pregnancy.
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Top 10 Doctors for Jaundice in Delhi

DM - Gastroenterology, MD - General Medicine, DNB (Medical), MBBS
Gastroenterologist, Delhi

1. Dr. Shalini m a

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-shalini-m-a-gynaecologist ;

Mbbs, ms, fellow in reproductive medicine (frm), f. Mas

8 years experience 500 at clinic

Dr. Shalini m is a well-known and highly competent gynaecologist and women's health specialist. She earned her Ms. From the reputed pes institute of medical science in kuppam. She has extensive experience dealing with a variety of conditions, ranging from jaundice to fever and abdominal pain, having worked in this field for numerous years. ;

Her professional approach to each patient allows her to rapidly assess problems and provide appropriate medical remedies. No matter how difficult the diagnosis, she ensures that all patients receive the greatest treatment options available to meet their specific needs. She also considers any personal preferences they may have before recommending any medicine or other forms of treatment. ;

2. Dr. Rajesh upadhyay

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rajesh-upadhyay-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, mrcp - gastroenterology, certification in liver diseases, fellow of the royal college of physicians (frcp) ;

45 years experience 900 - 1000 at clinic

Dr. Rajesh upadhyay is a distinguished gastroenterologist and hepatologist who has made important contributions to the area of medicine. His exceptional work has earned him various honours, including the famous Dr. B c roy national award. Through his tireless effort and commitment, he endeavours to enhance the lives of those afflicted with digestive system ailments such as jaundice and abdominal pain. ;

His expertise in detecting and treating these problems is unparalleled in this field of medicine, and he works tirelessly to discover a solution that offers hope to all those under his care. Dr. Upadhyay takes great delight in keeping current of latest breakthroughs in gastroenterology and hepatology research so that he can provide his patients with the most cutting-edge treatments. ;

3. Dr. Shashank agrawal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-shashank-agrawal-sexologist ;

Bachelor of ayurvedic medicines and surgery (bams), post graduation diploma in emergency medicines and services (pgdems), md - alternate medicine

9 years experience 200 at clinic 200 online

Dr. Shashank agrawal is a renowned ayurvedic physician who focuses on the evaluation and treatment of jaundice, a condition brought on by an excess of the bilirubin in the blood. Dr. Agrawal has been using his knowledge to help his jaundiced patients get healthier and live better lives. ;

As a result of considering the specific requirements and habits of each patient, he is able to develop an individualised treatment plan. Dr. Agrawal's ability to integrate his expertise in both contemporary medicine and traditional ayurvedic practises makes him well-suited to treat complex symptoms.

4. Dr. Vishal garg

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/noida/doctor/dr-vishal-garg-gastroenterologist ;

Dm - gastroenterology, md - medicine, mbbs

21 years experience 550 - 1200 at clinic

Dr. Vishal garg of noida is an internationally acclaimed gastroenterologist. Many have praised his skill in identifying and relieving the most difficult symptoms of jaundice. He is a well respected member of the indian society of gastroenterology and has been practising for over 21 years. ;

People who have sought treatment from him attest to his competence and professionalism, and they report being quite pleased with the results of their care. He listens carefully to the patient's history and symptoms before offering a diagnosis or treatment plan. Many people have benefited from Dr. Vishal garg's holistic approach to treatment, which has helped them get their lives back on track swiftly and efficiently.

5. Dr. Siddharth jain ;

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-siddhart-jain-gastroenterologist

Liver transplant, surgical gastroenterology, fellowship in abdominal multi organ transplant surgery, ms, mbbs

22 years experience 800 - 1000 at clinic 500 online


One of the most well-respected medical professionals is Dr. Siddharth jain, who specialises in gastroenterology and liver transplant surgery. His experience in treating jaundice, which is characterised by uncomfortable symptoms such as fever, lethargy, and dark urine, has proven to be of great use to patients who have sought his assistance.


Dr. Jain is widely recognised as an authority in the field of medicine, and he has spent his entire career working to improve the quality of care and treatment available to patients who are afflicted with liver illnesses. Due to the ground-breaking work that Dr. Jain has done, he is widely regarded as being among the most qualified surgeons in india to do these procedures.

6. Dr. Randhir sud

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/gurgaon/doctor/dr-randhir-sud-gastroenterologist

D. M. (gastroenterology), m. B. B. S, m. D. (general medicine), visiting fellowship in ercp

45 years experience 2500 - 2700 at clinic


Dr. Randhir sud has been a lighthouse of hope for millions of people in india who have stomach problems like jaundice. The bharat ratna priyadarshini award, which is considered india's highest honour, was given to him for his hard work in the field of gastroenterology. It shows how hard he works to give his patients good care and get great results.


Throughout his career, Dr. Sud has worked very hard to understand each patient's needs and make correct diagnoses every time. Despite numerous distractions, his early interest in medicine was evident when he decided to pursue a specialisation in this field despite his youth.

7. Dr. G s lavekar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-gandhidas-lavekar-ayurveda

Ph. D - ayurveda, md - ayurveda

47 years experience 500 at clinic 300 online


Ayurvedic physician Dr. G s lavekar has been practising conventional indian medicine for over 47 years. He is renowned for his proficiency in treating jaundice using ayurvedic drugs and treatments. The skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow when someone has jaundice. This is brought on by the body's accumulation of bile pigments. 


Dr. Lavekar is a specialist in recommending herbal medications and therapies to help persons with jaundice recover swiftly and securely. He could advise them to drink warm water combined with honey and lemon juice or natural juices like amla juice. Additionally, he advises eating a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients to aid the body's natural healing process. 

8. Dr. Ramesh garg

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-ramesh-garg-gastroenterologist 

Mbbs, md, dm

31 years experience 800 - 1000 at clinic


Dr. Ramesh garg is a renowned gastroenterologist and gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary pathologist with over 20 publications in national and international journals. He is well-known for his knowledge of jaundice, having seen and treated several cases of the ailment. 


Dr. Garg is passionate about understanding the biology of jaundice and developing creative treatments to aid those who are affected by it. His effort to discovering novel techniques of treating jaundice demonstrates his commitment to improve patient care outcomes and promoting medical research as a whole. 

9. Dr. Piyush ranjan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-piyush-ranjan-gastroenterologist-1 

Dm - gastroenterology, md - general medicine, dnb (medical), mbbs

28 years experience 700 at clinic


Dr. Piyush ranjan is a prominent gastroenterologist with 28 years of experience from delhi. He is an authority in the treatment of jaundice, a liver illness that affects millions of people worldwide today. As seen by the health care excellence award he received, Dr. Ranjan has exerted a great deal of effort to discover effective therapies, and his efforts have been quite fruitful. 


His approaches are based on study and thorough knowledge of the problem, allowing him to treat patients efficiently and in a shorter amount of time than other specialists. Dr. Ranjan is well-known for his patient-first approach, in which he ensures he comprehends a patient's problems prior to administering medical care. 


His constant attempts to identify new therapies have gained him the respect of both his peers and the patients who seek his assistance with difficult situations. 

10. Dr. Praveen sharma

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-praveen-sharma-gastroenterologist 

Mbbs, md - general medicine, dm - gastroenterology

24 years experience 1000 - 1500 at clinic 500 online


Dr. Praveen sharma for problems with the digestive system, a gastroenterologist is the best person to see. He has an md in general medicine and a dm in gastroenterology from the university of delhi, which makes him an expert in his field. He is an expert at treating problems with the digestive system, such as jaundice, weight loss, abdominal pain, and other problems. 


Dr. Sharma has a lot of experience, which makes him a reliable doctor for anyone who comes to his clinic with a digestive problem or pain. He looks at each patient carefully and comes up with treatments that fit their needs and keep their safety in mind. His friendly personality makes it easier for patients to talk to him without being afraid and better understand the treatment plan.

13 Simple Tips To Increase Hemoglobin Count At Home

General Physician, Pune
13 Simple Tips To Increase Hemoglobin Count At Home
The simplest way to define hemoglobin would be that it s a protein present in your red blood cells that primarily transports oxygen throughout your body. Apart from carrying oxygen, hemoglobin is also responsible for taking carbon dioxide out of red blood cells and then sending it to the lungs. So, if you have low levels of hemoglobin, it will be very difficult for your body to carry out these functions. Subsequently, the carbon dioxide is released from your lungs as you exhale.

In this article, we will be teaching you how to boost your hemoglobin levels with natural or home remedies. So, if you feel, or already know, that you have low hemoglobin levels, you must read this article thoroughly. Just follow these easy tips and you will see your hemoglobin level rise back to normal.

1. Increase your iron intake according to healthcare experts across the globe, a person with low levels of hemoglobin must add those food items to their diet that are rich in iron. It is widely believed that iron is one of the best supplements that can uplift a person s hemoglobin levels. You should also know that the best sources of iron include eggs, fish, meat, dried fruits such as figs and dates, soy products, leafy greens such as spinach, green beans, broccoli, peanut butter, nuts and seeds, and so on.

2. Consume more foods rich in folate or folic acid a kind of vitamin b, folate is instrumental in the production of hemoglobin in your body. There is a component in your hemoglobin called heme, and it primarily carries oxygen. You must know that folate is essential for your body to produce this heme. If your body does not get an adequate amount of folate, your red blood cells won t mature, which can then lead to serious conditions such as anemia as well as low hemoglobin levels. Some great sources of folate are rice, spinach, peanuts, beef, avocados, kidney beans, lettuce, and black-eyed peas.

3. Increase your vitamin c intake according to most expert healthcare providers and nutritionists in the world, it is essential for your blood to have a combination of both, iron as well as vitamin c. You must know that vitamin c is very important for better absorption of iron. Foods that are rich in vitamin c include strawberries, papayas, oranges, lemons, broccoli, bell peppers, grapefruits, tomatoes, and so on.

4. Eat at least an apple or a pomegranate every day apples and pomegranates are great sources of iron. So, if you consume an apple or a pomegranate every day, it can help maintain a normal level of hemoglobin and promote healthy blood flow in your body.

5. Try drinking nettle tea at least twice a day nettle is not just an ordinary herb but a great source of b vitamins, iron, and vitamin c. According to healthcare experts and doctors, nettle can prove instrumental in uplifting a person s hemoglobin levels. Moreover, in order to make nettle tea, you need to add dried nettle leaves to hot water and let it steep for at least 10 minutes. You can also improve its flavor by adding a little honey to it. Try drinking it at least a couple of times a day.

6. You must avoid iron blockers if you want to maintain a healthy hemoglobin level, you must keep in mind to avoid having food items that tend to block your body s ability to absorb iron. Some of these items include tea, coffee, wine, beer, and cola drinks.

7. Regular exercise can do wonders for you if you have low hemoglobin levels, you must start working out on a regular basis as soon as you can. It must be noted that when you work out, your body starts producing more hemoglobin in order to meet the rising demand for oxygen throughout your body.

8. Choose high-intensity workouts the role of working out is undisputed when it comes to maintaining your overall health. Moreover, certain studies have proved that when you exercise with the aim of maintaining hemoglobin levels in your body, you must opt for intense workout sessions rather than doing moderate exercises.

9. Talk to a health expert right away you must consult a health expert or a dietician as soon as possible if you have low hemoglobin levels. They will suggest ways to improve your diet for a better hemoglobin count.

10. Take iron supplements (after consulting an expert) many doctors or physicians prescribe iron supplements to patients with very low hemoglobin levels. So, if you think that you also need these supplements, you can take them, but not without a doctor s prescription.

11. Drink beetroot juice every day consuming beetroot is one of the best and most trusted ways to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Beetroots are not only a great source of iron, but they are also rich in potassium, fiber, and folic acid. There are many people who don t like eating raw or cooked beetroot. If you are also one of those folks, but you still look forward to maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels, you can choose to have beetroot juice at least once a day.

12. Try incorporating brown rice into your regular meals brown rice is considered a superfood that can safeguard you from many diseases, including stomach-related issues as well as cholesterol problems. Not only that, brown rice is also rich in iron content and can help you maintain healthy hemoglobin levels.

13. Increase your consumption of dark chocolate dark chocolates contain more than 80 percent cacao and are widely known for improving a person s hemoglobin levels. So, if you want to maintain a healthy hemoglobin count, you must start having dark chocolate more often.

Conclusion: in the end, we hope that this article was helpful to you. Also, we want you to keep in mind that you must talk to a healthcare expert or doctor before you go about following any of the above-given tips and suggestions.

4 people found this helpful

Five Tips To Increase Hemoglobin!

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Five Tips To Increase Hemoglobin!
Five Tips To Increase Hemoglobin!
1 person found this helpful

Can Siddha Help Cure Jaundice?

Siddha Specialist, Chennai
Can Siddha Help Cure Jaundice?
Jaundice is a disorder marked by yellowness of the skin as well as the eyes. An increased amount of bilirubin in the body triggers this condition. Bilirubin is the product that is left after the break down of red blood cells. The liver excretes bilirubin. But if too much bilirubin is produced because of an underlying illness, or the liver function has been impaired, it will lead to jaundice.

Which Illnesses does Jaundice indicate?
In adults, jaundice could be the symptom of any of the following illnesses or conditions-

Reaction to a medicine
Liver cancer
Infection of the liver
Liver parasites
Cirrhosis of the liver
Haemolytic anaemia
Jaundice may strike both adults as well as children. It is very common among babies who have been born preterm because their livers have not developed completely.

Jaundice in Siddha -
Siddha is a very old branch of medicinal science that cropped up in the southern part of India. According to Siddha, the human body mirrors the world around it. And our bodies too are made of the five elements- earth, fire, air, water and ether and three humours- Vata, pitta and Kapha. Usually, if there are too much of one of the elements in the body it may trigger an imbalance in the humor and this is at the root of all illnesses. So the aim of Siddha is to discover which humour is present in excess and then restore to balance.

Jaundice is mentioned in the ancient texts of Siddha medicine. It is called manjal kamalai . Manjal means yellow and Kamalai means losing interest. It refers to a common side effect of jaundice. The person afflicted by it often loses interest in food and his/her everyday duties and activities.

Jaundice, in the Siddha texts, is the result of the distortion of pitta humour and it turns the skin, eyes and tongue yellow. When a person consumes too much spicy and hot food or if the person is too active, pitta levels will rise. This leads to pitta neer to mingle with blood, which will stagnate in different parts of the body.

According to Siddha, the symptoms of jaundice are -

Constant fatigue
Different parts of the body may turn yellow
Fever and shivers
The medicines of Siddha are all derived from herbs. Jaundice medicine is taken in the form of powder or a paste that is applied to the forehead or mixed with milk and consumed.

A person is advised against staying out in the sun for too long. As for diet, meat, poultry, salt and tamarind are prohibited. Rice has to be cooked twice before consuming. Fast food should strictly be avoided. Vegetables should be fried in ghee. Some foods that Siddha recommends are -

Whole wheat flour

Siddha is a safe and secure way to treat jaundice because unlike allopathy, it does not leave a lasting and detrimental effect on the human body.
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