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Dexa Scan Test

Dexa Scan Test

DEXA scan is a full-body x-ray scanning test to measure and analyse the body composition of an individual. It tests the bone mineral density (BMD) by passing two X-ray beams over the body. It is, therefore, known as the Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Scan. The test typically diagnoses osteoporosis, a disease which leads to a broken bone situation. It compares your bone density to the standard bone density according to your age, gender, and ethnicity. The results are provided in the form of T scores. It is a short test usually lasting for around 5 minutes.

The scan does not require any special preparations. You can follow your daily schedule before going for the test. It is not carried out as the usual MRIs or CT scans. Therefore, there will be no claustrophobic feelings. The dress for the test depends on the body part which is scanned. Clothes with metal fasteners are not allowed. You will be given a gown to wear according to the body part for scanning.

The prime use of the DEXA scan is to evaluate a person’s bone material density. Secondarily, it is also used for calculating the complete body composition and the availability of fat in the body. It helps you in identifying certain long-term health risks such as diabetes, hormonal imbalances, and more. It is also useful for analysing the fat loss and muscle gains in certain parts of the body. This method is FDA approved and is used more commonly than other BMD tests such as BMI and BodPod.

The scan involves you lying flat back on an X-ray table. A large scanning arm is slowly passed over the body. As this arm moves, two beams of X-ray cross the body and scan it. The hip and the lower spine are the most commonly scanned body parts for the test. More than one part is also scanned in some cases. The detector records the X-ray that has passed through the body and produces an image of the scanned region.

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Table of Content

What is Dexa Scan Test?
Preparation for Dexa Scan Test
Uses of Dexa Scan Test
Procedure for Dexa Scan Test
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From d past one month I am having a pain in my heel area of my right leg. Actually this pain started 2-3 years back but it happen only sometimes but now I am suffering from pain from past 1 month. I do not know please help me with the reason and how to diagnose if there is any problem or not. Although I have slipped disc problem as well.

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From d past one month I am having a pain in my heel area of my right leg. Actually this pain started 2-3 years back b...
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Hi I am having diabetes since 2010 whenever I check my Sugar at home it is around 180 but when get it checked from lab it was about 289 and even I am loosing my weight.

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
Hi I am having diabetes since 2010 whenever I check my Sugar at home it is around 180 but when get it checked from la...
Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. Blood glucose checked with gluco meter or with venous blood at labs, can be having such a huge difference. You have not mentioned whether it is fasting, after food or random. If you are loosing weight means blood glucose is not well controlled. Hence my suggestion is please come back with following details: FBG, PPBG & HbA1c%, drugs being taken with dosage, dietary pattern and extent of exercise being done daily. Based on those details I will be able to guide specifically. Once if the blood glucose is well controlled then weight loss is stopped and one can even regain the same. Thanks.
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Please tell me what atta should we eat in house for - each one of following - Mom looking for Weight Loss,
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Go for multi grain atta mix chana, jawar ragi, soy atta in whole wheat atta with bran which is not available in packed atta either buy fresh atta from chakki or mix bran in it. You all need high fibre diet. Consult me privately for customized diet according to your family needs.

Hi sir. Since last 7 years I have a heavy back pain. I am feeling so stress with it. Please sir give your advise for it.

Master of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Physiotherapy
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Hi sir. Since last 7 years I have a heavy back pain. I am feeling so stress with it. Please sir give your advise for it.
Hello, If you are having the pain severe then get an xray done at the earliest and start a physiotherapy session. You can consult me for further investigations.
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Popular Health Tips

Epidurals - Know The Benefits & Disadvantages!

MBBS, MD - Anaesthesiology, FIPM, Fellowship in palliative medicine, certificate in interventional pain management, Multidisciplinary pain management course
Pain Management Specialist, Pune
Epidurals - Know The Benefits & Disadvantages!

Modern women want to have it all, in personal and professional life. They want to experience the joy of motherhood but not the pain associated with normal delivery. For such women, epidural analgesia during labour is a blessing. Epidural analgesia/anaesthesia is given to pregnant women during childbirth. Epidural painkillers stop the pain signals transmitted nerves from uterus. This stops the pain sensation of labour. For epidural analgesia, a catheter (small tube) is inserted into the epidural space in the spinal cord. It is through this tube that the drugs (painkillers) reach the desired nerves. 

Types of Epidurals: 

Epidurals can be 

  1. Injection with top-ups: Once given, epidurals help to relieve the pain that arises due to contractions. When the epidural starts to wear off, top-ups or refills are used. The refills can last for 1-2 hours. 
  2. Combined Spinal Epidural: Compared to the regular epidurals, the combined spinal epidurals are powerful, quick, and more effective. Here too, epidural painkillers are made to pass through the catheter, once the first injection wears off. It is also known as Walking Epidural. 
  3. Continuous infusion (patient-controlled epidural analgesia): Here, the other end of the epidural catheter is attached to a pump. This pump continuously infuses the painkillers into your back. For an effective response, top-ups may be used. Many hospitals allow patients to control the pump. 

Merits and demerits of having an epidural--


  1. Epidurals make the delivery smooth and hassle free. 
  2. Epidurals are relatively safe as only a small fraction of the medicine reaches the baby. 
  3. Women stay fully awake and experience no pain during the cervix dilation. This enables them to push the baby out with more energy.
  4. Depending on the requirement, the dosage of epidurals can be adjusted. 
  5. Epidurals help to lower the cases of C-section delivery. 

Though epidurals make childbirth easy, one cannot overlook its demerits. 

  1. Infections can sometimes occur. 
  2. Sometimes epidural analgesia can have a patchy effect, causing some pain to persist. 
  3. Though rare, epidural can result in nerve damage. 
  4. Epidurals bring about a fall in blood pressure. At times, this can be risky for the baby. 
  5. Nausea, headache, itchiness, backache, soreness are the common side effects of epidurals. 
  6. Epidurals relax a woman, thereby reducing their urge to push the baby out. 

Thus, they may take longer than usual to push the baby. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Pain Management Specialist.

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Know The Ayurvedic Approach To Reversing Diabetes!!

Graduate of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (GAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Panipat
Know The Ayurvedic Approach To Reversing Diabetes!!

Glucose is the primary ingredient within the body which is turned into an energy source. This is what we use when we move, walk or make the slightest movements. To metabolize glucose into energy, your body needs insulin, which is a hormone produced within the pancreas. However, if the body doesn't react to the insulin or the pancreas is unable to produce enough, glucose cannot be converted into energy and thus results in type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

  1. Sudden or gradual weight loss despite increased hunger - Many people complain that they feel hungry and eat more, but despite this, tend to lose weight. This occurs as the body cannot metabolize glucose and uses energy reserves from fat or muscles leading to weight loss.
  2. Frequent infections and slow healing - If you are afflicted with Type 2 diabetes, then it might affect your immune system and you may be prone to infections. Also, any cuts or bruises on your body will take much longer to heal than normal.
  3. Irritability and fatigue - Another common symptom of type 2 diabetes along with the other symptoms mentioned here is quick irritability and fatigue. This is because most of the body is deprived of sugar and thus lacks the energy needed to function normally. 
  4. Constant thirst and increased urination - If you feel constantly thirsty despite drinking ample water and urinating frequently, this may be a tell tale sign of type 2 diabetes.
  5. Skin darkening in folds and creases of the body - Also known as acanthosis nigricans; this is a darkening of the skin where it also becomes velvety to the touch. It usually develops in the folds on skin in areas such as the neck and armpits and is a direct result of insulin resistance.

Causes of Type 2 diabetes

Some of the most common causes of Type 2 diabetes could be:

  1. Being overweight
  2. Lack of physical activity
  3. Genetic predisposition or family history 
  4. If you are more than 45 years of age
  5. Hormonal problems such as Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Reverse Diabetes

There three major factors that can help you prevent and reverse pre- and type II diabetes: proper diet and appropriate nutritional and herbal supplementation, exercise, and weight management.

  1. Diet: Proper diet is critical for both preventing and treating pre-and type II diabetes. One of the most important dietary precautions you can take is to eliminate all refined sugars and sugar products from your diet. Also reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol and caffeine; avoid fast, processed "junk" foods and soda, altogether; and eat protein snacks between meals.
  2. Eating According to the Glycemic Index: Another important dietary tip is eat meals that contains an abundance of low-glycemic (low-sugar) foods. By doing so you can significantly improve your body's ability to maintain low insulin and blood sugar levels. Low-glycemic foods include raw, organic leafy green vegetables, fruits that contain pits, sweet potatoes, yams, organic whole-grain breads and cereals, most legumes and nuts, skim and buttermilk, poultry, white fish, shellfish, and lean cuts of beef and veal.
  3. Nutritional and Herbal Supplements: In addition to a healthy diet, many people at risk for or who already have pre- or type II diabetes will also benefit from various nutritional and herbal supplements.
  4. Exercise: Regular exercise should be part of every diabetic's daily routine. Exercise in combination with a weight loss program has been proven to reduce the odds of developing diabetes by 58 percent among people who are at risk for the disease. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult with the doctor for diabetes ayurvedic treatment.
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Pain killers and Heart Attack Risks!

FRHS, Ph.D Paed Neuro Rehabilitation, MPT - Neurology Physiotherapy, D.Sp.Med, DPHM (Health Management ), BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
Pain killers and Heart Attack Risks!


  •  Doctors have found the use of pain relievers to treat respiratory infections like cold flu may increase the risk of heart attack.
  • For the study, researchers analyzed insurance claims from taiwan's national health insurance program from 2005 to 2011 with data from roughly 10, 000 patients who were hospitalized for a heart attack.
  • The purpose of the study was to assess whether cardiac risk factors from an acute respiratory infection and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, pain relievers combine to further increase the risk of heart attack.
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Myths And Facts About Diabetes!

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
Myths And Facts About Diabetes!

 1) Diabetes is curable :

Diabetes is  mainly due deficiency of Insulin (hormone produced by Beta cells of pancreas), plus resistance to action of insulin, overweightor obesity  and inactivity. Therefore, to treat diabetes we need drugs that initiate insulin secretion, reduce insulin resistance. In some cases  insulin itself. Plus dietary control and regular exercise to maintain normal weight or reduce excess weight. Hence it can only be effectively controlled. Cure is not possible.

2) Eating Sugar or Sweets causes Diabetes :

It is incorrect to say that eating sweets and / or sugar causes diabetes. Basically excess food intake will lead to excess production of glucose. That puts excess load on insulin producing cells in pancreas due glucotoxicity. Also due to central obesity  the fat around internal organs causes lipotoxicity affecting the beta cells. Therefore, excess food intake in general and weight gain  are the reasons for diabetes.

3) Jaggery is better or safe in diabetes :

Jaggery and sugar both are essentially same. Both contain sucrose, as they are prepared from sugar cane juice. Hence eating either of these will increase blood glucose considerably. In jaggery there are some vitamins and a few antioxidants. But both are bad for a diabetic person.

4) Rice should not be eaten in diabetes :

Not really true. Because in south India this is the major or at times only main food. Rice has a high glycemic index so gets converted to glucose rapidly. So polished rice is not good. Brown rice is better. Quantity should be regulated. All other cereals  also are converted  glucose after digestion. 

5)Allopathic Medications Damage Kidneys, so go for either Ayurvedic or Homeopathic Drugs :

In fact diabetes itself affects kidney, particularly the filtering membrane of glomerulurous  (a filtering unit in the kidney).   Even when diabetes fairly well controlled, kidney does get affected. The drugs used to treat diabetes  help in overcoming kidney damage. Therefore it is wrong to think that modern drugs cause kidney damage. In fact some of the other drugs contain heavy metals (Bhasmas), which can be harmful to the kidney.

6) Sugar intake is essential for body :

Some people keep asking that eating sugar is very necessary for getting energy for the body tissues. This is not at all true.  Because all the cereals like rice, jowar, wheat, ragi, bajra and other millets, contain starch as the main ingredient. Hence intake of each of these foods  provides glucose after digestion. So there is no separate need for taking sugar.

Few things to be remembered and practiced are :

  • Always use whole grain flour, as it contains a good amount of biber content for making chapati or roti.
  • Consume more of green leafy vegetables and salads with every meal.
  • Consider fruits and green leafy vegetables as part of regular snacks
  • Take small meals on more number of occasion to avoid glucose surge.
  • Avoid Maida and foods made from it. It is probably worst kind of food that one can consume.
  • Form healthy food habits.
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Hot Flashes - 5 Causes Behind It

Gynaecologist, Jalandhar
Hot Flashes - 5 Causes Behind It

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when the menstruation ceases, bringing an end to a woman's childbearing years. There are a number of symptoms that mark this stage, including hot flashes, which are very commonly experienced in such cases. Hot flashes are like a feeling of a red hot flush that may wash over the body and lead to excessive sweating. It occurs in the blood vessels that are closest to the surface of the skin. Yet, menopause is not the only reason why one may experience these hot flashes.

Here are some of the reasons that may trigger these hot flashes:

1. Carcinoid syndrome: This is a disease that may cause hot flashes as a symptom. In this condition, a tumour will usually release varied chemicals into the body, which can create varied symptoms that seem like hot flashes.

2. Hyperthyroidism: Overheating of the body and the system from within is something that many patients suffering from hyperthyroidism may experience. This usually happens when the thyroid glands end up producing too much of the thyroid hormone that brings about many symptoms ranging from depression to weight loss and even hot flashes. In hyperthyroidism, the body goes into a hyper mode, which usually leads to overheating of the same. This gives rise to frequent and often severe hot flashes.

3. Hormonal changes: There are many hormonal changes that may affect various men and women from time to time. A drop in the level of the estrogen hormone is something that many women go through on a regular basis. This may happen due to pregnancy as well. Also, this condition usually brings about symptoms like hot flashes.

4. Eating disorders: The way we eat and nurture our body is the way the body reacts. When there is a case of an eating disorder like dyslexia or bulimia, it may lead to varied symptoms, including hot flashes. This is due to the fact that the body's hormonal levels as well as the nutritional level plunge to an all-time low. In many such cases, hot flashes are the body's way of demanding better nutrition. These disorders can also give rise to related conditions like the hypothalamus disorder.

5. Hypothalamus disorder: Hypothalamus disorder may also cause hot flashes. This is a condition that is caused due to poor eating habits. This disorder is characterised by a major drop in one's nutrition levels and also leads to many hormonal changes. These changes often lead to symptoms like hot flashes and other related complications. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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