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DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test

DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test

Deep vein thrombosis is third of the major killer cardiovascular cause of death after myocardial infarction and stroke. DVT could develop due to changes in the endothelial blood vessel lining (due to activation of endothelial lining or any physical damage) venous stasis and hypercoagulability. The doctor will inquire about the medical conditions like swelling and check the heartbeat and lungs. He/she may also look for bulging veins, changes in skin colour et al. Ultrasound is the main way to detect the Deep Vein thrombosis however if the results are obscure doctor may avail other tests like MRI or CT scan, D dimer tests.

Overnight fasting is recommended. It is also recommended to discontinue intake of heparin 1 day before the examination and oral anticoagulants about 7 days before the test is to be conducted. However, this is subject to the situation at hand and doctor will advise based the testing requirements. So is done to avoid dilution or any purported effect on test results. Tell the doctor about any medical conditions if present. Also, your BP, diabetes, etc. would be measured before taking you for DVT testing.

As mentioned above DVT is the third largest killer after stroke and myocardial infarction, so any instance of swelling and consequent testing can help avoid the death of the patient due to it as it can be cured after treatment. The patients are in treatment prescribed blood thinners, use of compression stockings or insertion of filters into the vein in case the patient can’t intake medicines. Clot busters can also be used for treatment.

After preliminary examinations like analysis swellings and studying legs for tenderness or pale skin symptoms. The usual process involves sending ultrasound waves from over the affected area. These rays are interpreted and if the clot is present it might get detected. It may also involve blood testing to be done. Here levels of D dimer is studied. Other methods include injection of dye into a large vein in the foot or near the ankle. Which, is later monitored for the presence of any clot with the help of X-rays. CT or MRI scans may also be used if the doctor is not satisfied with the above techniques.

platelet free plasma
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Type Gender Age-Group Value
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
All age groups
around Rs 6500

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Table of Content

What is DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test?
Preparation for DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test
Uses of DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test
Procedure for DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test
Price for DVT-Deep Vein Thrombosis Panel Test
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