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Factor VIII Test

Factor VIII Test

Factor – VIII test is nothing but examining the protein responsible for blood clot process. Clotting process means sealing the wounded area from excessive loss of blood. It involves platelets which is produced from liver. The blood clotting process is just like puzzle it is divided into Factor I – IX. Each protein must be placed in order to seal the blood. Important part of the clotting process is Factor VIII and IX. When these factors does not fill up the puzzle the bleeding will exceed. The Factor VIII test is required when following symptoms noticed excessive nosebleed, Easy bruising (Hemophilia), Dental procedure when ends up with excessive bleeding, blood discharge while urination, bleeding gums, and joint pains.

This test requires blood samples. Pricking and drawing out blood sample do not end up in excessive blood loss. So the physician must explain it to the patient. Patient must inform the doctor about previous medication. If any medication involves in blood thinning process, it might affect the results. Proper hydration required to the patient. New syringe must be used in order to avoid bruising due to infection. Cleansing pad, blood collecting tube, and cotton buds or plaster are other requirements. No fasting necessary

Blood clotting is a necessary property for a human being. If it lags it is better to be studied and treated in the earlier stage. Helps doctors to prescribe the medicine to patients accordingly. If any surgical procedure or operation has to be done on those patient's, the physician can take extra measures and medication in such a way there is no excessive loss of blood. The physician examining the test results and check for medicine to control the bleeding symptoms. Women with this Factor-VIII deficiency can consult the physician before getting pregnant.

Preliminary questions like previous medication and hydration must be asked. Patient must be set comfortably. If the test process is for kids make them feel comfortable and have their parents nearby. To find and draw out the venous blood tie up an electric band in arm and find the vein near elbow. If it is for toddlers find vein from thigh. Cleanse with alcoholic pad and poke with syringe and draw out enough blood. Press the cotton bud and put a plaster on it. It helps to stop excess bleeding.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Factor VIII
All age groups
55 - 200%
Average price range of the test is between Rs.400 to Rs.5000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Factor VIII Test?
Preparation for Factor VIII Test
Uses of Factor VIII Test
Procedure for Factor VIII Test
Normal values for Factor VIII Test
Price for Factor VIII Test
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Lybrate Gaurantee

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To loose wt. What are the diet style I have to follow? I can take both veg.&non-veg. Pl.explain for tiff. Lunch&Dinner. No sugar, no pressure and I am not taking any medicine.

M.D. - Ayurveda, Post Graduate Proficiency In Panchakarma, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
To loose wt. What are the diet style I have to follow? I can take both veg.&non-veg. Pl.explain for tiff. Lunch&Dinne...
It is great that you are not taking any medicine for losing your weight. Considering your height and Indian ethnicity weight 70 +/_ 3 may be suitable for you. Do not try to lose your weight in a hurry. For a sustainable result, you need to follow following diet and lifestyle. These diet and lifestyle go hand in hand, hence are equally important. Wake up early between 5: 00 to 6: 00 o'clock. Brush your teeth. I suggest Patanjali Danta Manjana (not paste) You may opt for any herbal Dant Manjan. This may stimulate your defecation and relieve constipation if any. Make it a habit that you go for toilet after you brush. You must not defalcate forcefully, but with time, you will develop this habit. If you have constipation, a cup of lukewarm water may help. Avoid tea, coffee, tobacco, cigarette etc. If any. After that, you should exercise at least for half an hour. Don't exercise if you have not passed your stool. Exercise may include Yoga Aasanas, Pranayama, push-ups, sit-ups etc. Lying down Bicycle Exercise can help reduce fat from buttocks and abdomen where it usually accumulates. Relax for about half to one hour. If you feel hungry, take a light breakfast. Breakfast must not be heavy. (Modern dieticians expect it to ne heavy). If not hungry do not eat. Take your lunch between 11: 00 AM to 1: 00 PM. Avoid overeating. It should be a balanced diet. Your body can digest this time very well. Make it a habit. Avoid excessive water intake. (Dieticians expect you take plenty of water.) Especially, just before, during and just after your meals. Lukewarm water is great for you. Avoid cold water. Excessive water consumption hampers your digestion and is an important cause for obesity. You can always take a sip of water if you feel thirsty. Do not eat anything else. You may take limejuice in the evening. Avoid junk food, Chinese food, carbonated beverages, cold drinks, ice creams, bakery products, oily spicy food. Take your dinner between 7: 00 to 8: 00 PM. The dinner should not be heavy. You need to follow 'early to bed early to rise' rule. Sleep at least for 7 to 8 hours. If you have stress say from your job or due to some another reason, spare some time for meditation. You also can do some activities like hearing music, playing games like table tennis, watching comedy serials and many more. Stress as an important factor contributing to obesity. Diet: Avoid sweet items, processed milk products, non-vegetarian food, potato products, soybean and its products, palm oil, hydrogenated oils. If you cannot follow above schedule due to your job prioritizes and/or if you work in night shifts, you need a special advice. I will be happy to guide.
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I am 27 years old. I got married recently. I am seeing that I am ejaculating very quickly which is leading to dissatisfaction between both the couple. Please advise. Can viagra be taken.

M.D. Consultant Pathologist, CCEBDM Diabetes, PGDS Sexology USA, CCMTD Thyroid, ACDMC Heart Disease, CCMH Hypertension, ECG
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I am 27 years old. I got married recently. I am seeing that I am ejaculating very quickly which is leading to dissati...
Its because of sexual weakness. To get rid of this problem permanently. Erection will remain hard for 30to40 minutes. To live a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy food and nuts. Be stress free and take sleep of 8to9 hours. Quit smoking and drinking if any. For further information consult me privately.

I am a boy of 21 and recently I had sex with my fiancée, but I couldn't last more than 5 minutes and that was first time for both of us. So my question is what we should do to last longer during sex?

Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery (B.U.M.S)
Ayurveda, Indore
I am a boy of 21 and recently I had sex with my fiancée, but I couldn't last more than 5 minutes and that was first t...
You are suffering from Premature Ejaculation that is very harmful at this very young age. Proper erection and sex timing is too important to have a satisfactory intercourse for both you and your partner. PE can eventually lead to embarrassment in front of your partner as you won't be able to satisfy her. This condition can be solved with proper ayurvedic treatment that will help you in getting and maintaining proper erection. There are other factor also that are affecting it. Conslt me privatly for more details.
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Hlo sir My height is 5'9" and weight is 80 kg I daily go gym and burn calories and I take 1500 calories daily after that my weight is not loss. I have belly fat So sir tell me how to lose my belly fat.

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Hlo sir
My height is 5'9" and weight is 80 kg I daily go gym and burn calories and I take 1500 calories daily after t...
Take high fiber low fat diet. Drink lot of water everyday. Take small and frequent meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hrs. Avoid outside food completely. Do regular exercise like crunches and pushups to reduce belly fat.
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For loss the weight how to loss my self weight please reply me and. please saying me.

Homeopath, Chennai
For loss the weight how to loss my self weight please reply me and. please saying me.
Diet and lack of exercise are the two most important factors that contribute to obesity. While the modern day diet is becoming more and more full of fats, sweets and empty calories, it is becoming devoid of nutritious vitamins and minerals. The fibre content is also decreasing. One tends to stack up on junk food in an effort to take a quick bite while on the go. At the same time, physical activity is on the decline. One has increased access to vehicles and the need to walk or cycle is almost not present. Even for commuting short distances, one uses cars or two wheelers. All these things are readily contributing to this epidemic of obesity. When it comes to getting rid of the excess fat, one needs to work conscientiously and consistently on both the counts mentioned above. One’s diet has to be altered so as to include more and more natural fruits and vegetables. Processed food and junk food should be cut down to the minimum. A daily exercise regimen needs to be adopted. Exercising for 30-40 minutes for a minimum of 5 days a week is necessary. Homeopathy helps by regulating the metabolic system of the individual. There are more than 100 medicines listed in the Homeopathic literature for obesity. It is a tough job selecting the right medicine for a particular patient. One needs to take into account a lot of things before selecting the right course of treatment. These things relate to other symptoms or conditions that may be present or the person may be suffering from. A lot of importance is given to the reason, if any can be found that stimulated weight gain. This reason could be a particular illness or an event or some psychological setback in life. The general reaction of the person to extremes of temperature, his or heating habits also need to be taken into account You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects.
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Popular Health Tips

4 Causes Of Arthritis And Its Ayurvedic Treatment!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Mandsaur
4 Causes Of Arthritis And Its Ayurvedic Treatment!

Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint in the body functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints.

Arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint pain. Joint pain is referred to as arthralgia. When four or more joints are involved, the arthritis is referred to as polyarthritis. When two or three joints are involved, it is referred to as oligoarthritis. When only a single joint is involved, it is referred to as monoarthritis.

Cause of arthritis

It is difficult to narrow down a single cause for it, but a combination of reasons may trigger this disease.

  1. Injury: A hurtful injury can cause your joint to get inflamed and may also damage the tissue around it leading to arthritis.
  2. Heredity factors: In many cases, the genetic make-up of an individual can also cause this.
  3. Diet and nutrition: Sometimes, consuming the wrong diet can cause your joint to either fall weak or affect the tissue around it. For example, sugar-rich foods are not good for your joints
  4. Less cartilage: Cartilage is a firm but flexible connective tissue in your joints. It protects the joints by absorbing the pressure and shock created when you move and put stress on them. A reduction in the normal amount of this cartilage tissue cause some forms of arthritis.

Symptoms of arthritis

Most common signs on the onset of this disease are stiffness, redness of the skin around a joint, pain due to inflammation, it might also affect your immune system causing a loss appetite if the disease is because of your immune system.

How can Ayurveda help?

Ayurveda can work wonders for this disease since a right combination of nourishing herbs and stable yoga postures improve your joint health for a longer time. Since the treatment is totally organic, the calcium absorption of your body is increased naturally without any side effects. Even Ayurvedic oils work well for joint pain and give you quick relief. If you have been to able to find the right treatment then Ayurveda is for you. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an ayurveda.

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How Supplements Are Beneficial To Improve Your Sexual Life?

B.A.M.S., M.D.(A.M), EX-M.R.C.G.P., EX-M.R.S.H., EX-M.S.I.E.C.U.S, EX-M.S.S.S.S.
Sexologist, Mumbai
How Supplements Are Beneficial To Improve Your Sexual Life?

Supplements are just a way to add vital nutrients in your daily nutritional intake, but are not the only solution. First of all, it is important to note that your sex life does not depend on supplements. Various other factors can both positively and negatively affect your sex life. Exercise, weight and medications you take can have both adverse and positive effects. Try to improve your sex life by altering these aspects before you use supplements. Nevertheless, here are some supplements which may be beneficial for your sex life.

  1. Iron: Iron is used to boost the libido of women. The libido comprises the arousal, desire as well as the ability to have an orgasm. However, too much iron is not good for you. Over 20 mg can cause stomach problems and constipation while over 60 mg is life threatening.
  2. Niacin: There are two types of cholesterol in your body. One is a good cholesterol, while the other is a bad cholesterol. Niacin is a type of B vitamin, which raises your good cholesterol level. Men who have high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction tend to see improvements in their symptoms by taking 1500 mg of niacin for 12 weeks.
  3. Yohimbine: This is a type of herbal supplement only used for men. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction and should only be used on men. However, it is worth note that high blood pressure, heart palpitations, anxiety, headaches and dizziness are all caused by yohimbine. Therefore, it should be used with care only when the doctor prescribes it.
  4. Panax ginseng: This is one of those rare drugs, which raises sexual desire in women and also corrects erectile dysfunction in men. It is worth mentioning that Panax ginseng also causes insomnia. Insomnia is one of the side effects of this medication along with diarrhea and painful periods for women. 
  5. Maca: This is a type of Peruvian root vegetable. It primarily helps women who are taking antidepressants and have lost their sex drive as a result. It can also be tried safely as it is a type of food as well and therefore, it is not as dangerous as some of the other supplements on this list. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.
5465 people found this helpful

Can Psychological Issues Cause Impotence?

Sexologist, Delhi
Can Psychological Issues Cause Impotence?

Impotence is embarrassing for a man. It not only affects his self-confidence, but also the relationship with his partner. It is a condition in which a man cannot achieve an erection for having sex. If you are experiencing symptoms of impotence, they are most likely due to physical issues. However, sometimes psychological issues can also be responsible for impotence.

Here are 5 psychological factors, which may be associated with the inability to achieve an erection indicating impotence:

  1. Stress: To a great extent, stress affects a person’s performance in bed. Due to excessive stress and pressure arising from different responsibilities and commitments, he might not be able to focus on sex. Extreme stress due to fear may leave him uneasy, thereby making it difficult for him to have an erection.

  2. Anxiety: After experiencing symptoms of impotency, it is likely that a man may get extremely anxious about the fact that he will not be able to perform well in bed again. This anxiety may also arise from relationship problems, sexual abuse in the past or when a person is in a new relationship. As such, during sex, anxiety may make a man self-conscious, which makes it quite difficult for him to have an erection.

  3. Depression: Feeling depressed or extremely sad because of any kind of issue such as a failed relationship, a poor career or recalling some past trauma may cause erectile dysfunction. Depression makes a person tired , thereby lowering his sex drive. The medicines used for treating depression may also lower libido,as a result of which a man may fail to get an erection.

  4. Low Self-esteem: Having a low or a negative self-esteem may cause performance anxiety. A person is likely to be worried about how he will perform in bed. Low self-esteem may arise from factors related to body image, past experiences and from an underlying feeling of guilt.

  5. Lack of Interest: Many conditions may divert a man’s interest from having sex. The lowering of libido will make it difficult for a man to get an erection and may lead to impotence. Such lack of interest may be on account of relationship issues, certain medications or because of ageing. Anger may also make a person lose interest in having sex.

If your sex life is getting hampered because of any such psychological factors, you must visit a doctor for seeking advice, suggestions and treatment. This will allow you to uncover and resolve the impotence-related problems, thereby letting you enjoy a healthy relationship with your partner in bed. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.

6334 people found this helpful

How Your Respiratory System Gets Affected Under Anesthesia?

FIAGES, FMAS, MS - General Surgery, MBBS
General Surgeon, Bangalore
How Your Respiratory System Gets Affected Under Anesthesia?

Adverse respiratory events (AREs) are leading causes of post-operative morbidity and mortality. Anesthesia is the use of medicine to prevent or reduce the feeling of pain or sensation during surgery or other painful procedures (such as getting stitches). Giving as an injection or through inhaled gases or vapours, different types of anesthesia affect the nervous system in various ways by blocking nerve impulses and, therefore, pain.

Anesthesia can help control your breathing, blood pressure, blood flow, and heart rate. It may be used to:

  1. Relax you,
  2. Block pain,
  3. Make you sleepy or forgetful,
  4. Make you unconscious for your surgery.

Adverse Respiratory Events (ARE)
Adverse outcomes of such events are fatal and lead to Death & Brain Damage. Three mechanisms of injury are reported to account for highest adverse respiratory events:
Inadequate Ventilation: Insufficient Gas Exchange can produce the adverse outcome. Esophageal Intubation: Incubation between the two sides of the esophagus inadvertently.
Difficult tracheal intubation: Tracheal Intubation is the placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea (windpipe) to maintain an open airway. It is performed facilitate ventilation of lungs in severely ill, anesthetized patients.

Other’s are as listed below:

  • Airway Obstruction
  • Inadequate inspired oxygen delivery
  • Aspiration
  • Endobronchial Intubation
  • Premature Extubation

Residual neuromuscular blockade is an important postoperative complication associated to the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs and is commonly observed in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) after non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are administered intra-operatively. Incomplete neuromuscular recovery can be minimized with acceleromyography monitoring. The risk of adverse respiratory events during early recovery from anesthesia can be reduced by intra-operative acceleromyography use.

Reintubation is a serious adverse respiratory event and the consequences include increased cardiac and respiratory complications, prolonged length of stay at the PACU, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital, prolonged mechanical ventilator support, higher costs, and increased mortality. Overweight and obesity have also been identified as risk factors for postoperative respiratory complications. Most adverse respiratory events are considered preventable with improved monitoring such as:

  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Capnometry
  • Combination of Both

Closed observation of the clinical factors and appropriate monitoring by well trained people are factors necessary to prevent adverse outcome. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a General Surgeon.

1836 people found this helpful

Know The Ayurvedic Approach To Reversing Diabetes!!

Graduate of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (GAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Panipat
Know The Ayurvedic Approach To Reversing Diabetes!!

Glucose is the primary ingredient within the body which is turned into an energy source. This is what we use when we move, walk or make the slightest movements. To metabolize glucose into energy, your body needs insulin, which is a hormone produced within the pancreas. However, if the body doesn't react to the insulin or the pancreas is unable to produce enough, glucose cannot be converted into energy and thus results in type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

  1. Sudden or gradual weight loss despite increased hunger - Many people complain that they feel hungry and eat more, but despite this, tend to lose weight. This occurs as the body cannot metabolize glucose and uses energy reserves from fat or muscles leading to weight loss.
  2. Frequent infections and slow healing - If you are afflicted with Type 2 diabetes, then it might affect your immune system and you may be prone to infections. Also, any cuts or bruises on your body will take much longer to heal than normal.
  3. Irritability and fatigue - Another common symptom of type 2 diabetes along with the other symptoms mentioned here is quick irritability and fatigue. This is because most of the body is deprived of sugar and thus lacks the energy needed to function normally. 
  4. Constant thirst and increased urination - If you feel constantly thirsty despite drinking ample water and urinating frequently, this may be a tell tale sign of type 2 diabetes.
  5. Skin darkening in folds and creases of the body - Also known as acanthosis nigricans; this is a darkening of the skin where it also becomes velvety to the touch. It usually develops in the folds on skin in areas such as the neck and armpits and is a direct result of insulin resistance.

Causes of Type 2 diabetes

Some of the most common causes of Type 2 diabetes could be:

  1. Being overweight
  2. Lack of physical activity
  3. Genetic predisposition or family history 
  4. If you are more than 45 years of age
  5. Hormonal problems such as Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Reverse Diabetes

There three major factors that can help you prevent and reverse pre- and type II diabetes: proper diet and appropriate nutritional and herbal supplementation, exercise, and weight management.

  1. Diet: Proper diet is critical for both preventing and treating pre-and type II diabetes. One of the most important dietary precautions you can take is to eliminate all refined sugars and sugar products from your diet. Also reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol and caffeine; avoid fast, processed "junk" foods and soda, altogether; and eat protein snacks between meals.
  2. Eating According to the Glycemic Index: Another important dietary tip is eat meals that contains an abundance of low-glycemic (low-sugar) foods. By doing so you can significantly improve your body's ability to maintain low insulin and blood sugar levels. Low-glycemic foods include raw, organic leafy green vegetables, fruits that contain pits, sweet potatoes, yams, organic whole-grain breads and cereals, most legumes and nuts, skim and buttermilk, poultry, white fish, shellfish, and lean cuts of beef and veal.
  3. Nutritional and Herbal Supplements: In addition to a healthy diet, many people at risk for or who already have pre- or type II diabetes will also benefit from various nutritional and herbal supplements.
  4. Exercise: Regular exercise should be part of every diabetic's daily routine. Exercise in combination with a weight loss program has been proven to reduce the odds of developing diabetes by 58 percent among people who are at risk for the disease. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult with the doctor for diabetes ayurvedic treatment.
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