Small samples of tissues are taken from the patient and examined under a microscope for diagnosis. Biopsies are used to determine the presence of cancer cells; however, few other infection and diseases can also be diagnosed. Frozen section is a type of biopsy procedure. The examination is done when the patient is under anaesthesia at operation theatre.
Doctors need the material for the preparation of frozen sections for sectioning. The material includes 2-methylbutane (isopentane), liquid nitrogen, dry ice, peel away base molds, frozen tissue matrix, long forceps, Necropsy tools, Superfrost Plus slides. After collecting the material, do the sectioning of frozen tissues.
Then, Standard Immonuhistochemical staining procedure is to be done for frozen sections. The materials needed to complete the procedure are Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), H2O2 Solution, antibody Diluent for IHC, Streptravidin - Horseradish Peroxidase, DAB Substrate Kit, Hematoxylin, Bluing Reagent, Graded alcohols and Xylene. Do the procedure as advised by the doctor.
During the surgery, doctor removes the portion of tissue. Then Pathologist examines the tissues and takes laboratory tests for diagnosis). The patient is under anaesthesia during the whole procedure. The examination will be done under a microscope. Cryostat is the refrigerated box which contains a rotary microtome and it’s temperature varies from -200C to -300C. Then the tissue section will be freeze with frozen aerosol sprays and put in the cryostat for sectioning. The tissue sections are cut and picked up on glass slide which are ready for staining. This whole process takes 5-10 minutes. When the slides are prepared, pathologist will examine the slides in microscope. As soon as the procedure is completed, examination report will be shared with all concerned doctors. Frozen Section is not an emergency procedure. An appointment should be taken from a pathologist atleast a day before the operation.