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Fructosamine Test

Fructosamine Test

Fructosamine is a glycated serum protein which is formed by the combination of glucose and protein in the blood. Higher the levels of blood glucose, higher will be the concentration of fructosamine. Hence, the blood fructosamine levels reflect the amount of glucose present. Glycation mainly involves albumin which is the principal blood protein. Other protein substance may also combine with glucose. These protein substances have a lifespan of about 2-3 weeks. By measuring the level of fructosamine, you get an idea of the level of blood glucose over the past 2-3 weeks. Fructosamine test is usually performed on a blood sample to measure the level of fructosamine in blood. The test is performed to confirm Diabetes and also useful in estimating the blood sugar trends in the diabetic patient.

No preparation is needed for the fructosamine test. You also do not need to fast for the test. You can have your regular medicines, food, and drink before the test. You just need to keep certain factors in mind which might affect the level of fructosamine in the blood. You need to inform the doctor regarding the medical condition or allergies or if you are on any medication before undergoing fructosamine test. You also need to keep in mind the do’s and don’ts of the laboratory. You will be provided with specific instruction by the doctor depending on your conditions.

Fructosamine test is generally used to help a person with diabetes monitor and also to control the level of blood glucose. The level of fructosamine in the blood is a mirror of the level of glucose over a period of 2-3 weeks. The test is used by the diabetic patient to help them control their blood sugar level. The test is also useful in pregnancy because the insulin and glucose needs of the fetus and mother change rapidly during gestation. It is also helpful when the conditions affect the average age of red blood cells, such as blood loss, sickle cell anemia and hemolytic.

Fructosamine test is conducted by collecting a blood sample. The blood sample is either obtained by inserting a needle or through a finger prick. The area on the upper arm is first cleaned with an antiseptic liquid and an elastic band is wrapped around the upper arm. The doctor or nurse will then inject a needle into the vein of the arm to draw the blood sample. The blood collected is then stored in a tube and is sealed with the name labeled on it. The collected blood sample is then sent to the lab for fructosamine testing.

Serum (preferred) or plasma
1 mL
Gel-barrier tube, transport tube, green-top (heparin) tube, or lavender-top (EDTA) tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
< 285 micromol/L
Average price range of the test is between Rs.470 to Rs.1580 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Fructosamine Test?
Preparation for Fructosamine Test
Uses of Fructosamine Test
Procedure for Fructosamine Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Fructosamine Test
Price for Fructosamine Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
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These Sexual Mistakes Compromise Penis Health!

When it comes to maintaining proper penis health, most men have a very good idea of what to do. They know all the basics of penis care, from taking care to wash properly to regularly inspecting the manhood to applying a high-quality penis health crème. But in the heat of the moment, when sexual fun is getting hot and heavy, a man might make a silly mistake. Those sexual mistakes can compromise penis health in a serious way.

Not sure what sexual mistakes might be a problem? Here's a list of the biggest issues a man might find himself doing when things are hot - and might regret when things cool off.

1. That lube isn't really lube. A man who is getting it on but suddenly realizes the need for lube might reach for whatever is handy, assuming a bottle of lube is not available - and sometimes that means he will try to use anything from shampoo or conditioner to lotion or cooking oils. Obviously these things are not meant for use as a sexual lubricant, and can lead to dry and cracked skin, irritation and more. Using lube designed specifically for the sexual purpose is always recommended.

2. The condom is too small. Though it is very important to always wrap it up before sexual activity, the wrapping itself might sometimes be the issue. Using a condom that is too small might lead to a little irritation in the heat of the moment, but a man can often ignore that for pursuit of pleasure. The aftermath is when things get rough, as the penis can develop small cuts, tears or even blisters from the use of a condom that is too tight. It pays to test out a variety of condoms to find the best fit.

3. There's been too much drinking. Sometimes a bit of inebriation can be a good thing, as it lowers inhibitions and can help both partners relax before the main event. But too much drinking can lead to serious problems, including trouble with getting it up or issues with stamina. But too much alcohol consumption can lead to even worse things, such as forgetting to use a condom or even suffering memory loss that leaves a man wondering just what happened the night before. Avoiding this is simple: don't drink too much before a bedtime romp.

4. Cleaning up is not a priority. There are plenty of bodily fluids sliding around during sexual activity, and much of that understandably winds up on a man's penis. From the natural lubrication that occurs during sex to the traces of spermicide in the condom, there can be several substances that linger. A man who doesn't clean off his penis after sex is asking for trouble, as those fluids can dry on the penis skin, leading to itching, irritation and redness, as well as a potential penis rash.

A man who pays attention to good penis care should always remember that caring for the penis extends to those moments when things are hot and heavy. Not only should a man be fully prepared for any sexual encounter, he should also be sure to take care to clean up well afterward. Maintaining good health should also include regular use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes a multitude of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A for odor-fighting properties, vitamin E to keep skin supple, and vitamin C to enhance sexual health. Amino acids such as L-arginine for blood vessel dilation and acetyl-L-carnitine for protection against peripheral nerve damage are also helpful. Combine it all in a Shea butter base and a man has the recipe for great penis health.

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