
Fructosamine Tips

Endocrine Disorders: Common Types and Their Treatments

DM - Endocrinology
Endocrinologist, Udaipur
Endocrine Disorders: Common Types and Their Treatments

What is endocrine disorders?

Endocrine disorders are medical conditions that affect the body's endocrine system.

Many symptoms, including exhaustion, weight gain, and changes in mood or appetite, might be brought on by them.

Endocrine disorders may be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, environmental exposure, and other medical conditions.

Types of endocrine disorder:

Diabetes mellitus: it is a chronic disorder that causes the body to be less able to make or react to insulin, which raises blood sugar levels.

Hypothyroidism: this disorder causes slower biological activities because the thyroid gland does not generate enough of several hormones.

Hyperthyroidism: a disorder when the thyroid gland overproduces certain hormones, causing the body to operate quickly.

Cushing's syndrome: a disorder that can result in weight gain and other symptoms due to excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol, which is generated by the adrenal glands.

Addison's disease: it is an autoimmune condition that damages the adrenal glands and causes inadequate cortisol and other hormone synthesis.

Acromegaly: a disorder caused by excess growth hormone production, resulting in enlarged hands and feet, facial features, and other physical changes.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos): a hormone disorder that affects female reproductive health, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and infertility issues

What are the signs and symptoms of endocrine disorders?

Diabetes: the signs and symptoms of this condition include an increase in thirst, frequent urination, exhaustion, loss of weight, blurry vision, and a slowing of wound healing.

Hypothyroidism: it is characterised by a variety of symptoms, such as an increase in body weight, constipation, weariness, dry skin and hair, and depression.

Hyperthyroidism: symptoms include sudden weight loss, nervousness or irritability, rapid heartbeat, sweating profusely and bulging eyes (exophthalmos).

Cushing s syndrome: this disorder is caused by an overproduction of cortisol from the adrenal glands which can lead to a variety of signs or symptoms such as weight gain in the face and trunk area as well as thinning arms and legs; thinning skin; pink or purple stretch marks on abdomen; high blood pressure; muscle weakness; fatigue; and increased risk for infections due to impaired immune system function.

Addison s disease: this endocrine disorder occurs when the adrenal glands don't produce enough hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone leading to symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, low blood pressure (hypotension), darkening of skin in certain areas (hyperpigmentation), salt cravings along with depression and anxiety.

What are possible complications of endocrine disorders?

Diabetes can lead to a variety of complications, such as heart disease and stroke, kidney damage, vision loss, nerve damage, and amputation.

Hypothyroidism can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, dry skin and hair loss. It can also lead to an increased risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.

Hyperthyroidism can cause a wide range of symptoms including weight loss, increased appetite, increased sweating, palpitations (a feeling like your heart is racing), difficulty sleeping and irritability. It can also lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis.

Cushing's syndrome symptoms include weight gain in the face and upper body region, thinning skin, stretch marks on the skin, acne and other skin problems, excessive facial hair growth in women and weakened muscles or bones.

Addison's disease is caused by an underproduction of hormones from the adrenal gland leading to fatigue, low blood pressure (hypotension), salt craving and darkening patches on the skin (hyperpigmentation).

Other endocrine disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos) or adrenal insufficiency can also lead to various complications including infertility or an increased risk for diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Benefits of natural treatments

Non-invasive, safe and low-risk: natural treatments are generally non-invasive, safe and low-risk. This can lead to greater acceptance by patients as well as lower healthcare costs.

Empowerment: natural treatments can help patients feel more in control of their health by taking an active role in their own healing process.

Improved quality of life: natural treatments are known to improve overall quality of life, reduce fatigue and stress levels, and improve mood and energy levels.

Holistic ways to manage symptoms

Eat a nutrient-dense diet: focus on fresh, whole, and unprocessed foods.

Exercise regularly: aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day.

Reduce stress: practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.

Get adequate sleep: aim for 7-8 hours per night.

Supplement carefully: nutritional supplements may help to manage endocrine disease symptoms when used correctly.

Avoid toxins: limit your exposure to environmental pollutants and toxic chemicals in processed foods and personal care products.

Diet and exercise changes for treating endocrine diseases

For endocrine diseases, diet and exercise changes may include reducing the amount of processed foods consumed, increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and monitoring blood sugar levels.

Mindfulness practices for endocrine disease

Deep breathing: the practice of taking long, calm breaths while concentrating on the breath might be beneficial for lowering stress and restoring hormone balance.

Body scanning: scanning your body and noticing any sensations or emotions can help to bring awareness to areas of tension that may be contributing to endocrine disease.

Guided imagery: guided imagery can help create a relaxed state, reduce stress levels, and promote healing.

Meditation: meditation can help to reduce stress and balance hormones that are out of balance due to endocrine disease.

Gratitude practice: practising gratitude can help shift focus away from worries and negative thoughts, allowing for a more positive outlook on life which can in turn help improve endocrine health.

Home remedies and tips for endocrine disorders

Ashwagandha (withania somnifera): ashwagandha is an ayurvedic herb used for centuries to help balance hormones, reduce inflammation and stress, improve circulation, and support a healthy immune system.

Fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graecum): fenugreek is an ayurvedic herb that helps to regulate the endocrine system and its hormones. It has been shown to help lower cortisol levels, regulate blood sugar levels and promote a healthy metabolism.

Shatavari (asparagus racemosus): shatavari has been traditionally used in ayurveda to balance hormones, boost fertility and increase libido. It can also help reduce anxiety and stress levels that can affect hormone balance.

Guggul (commiphora mukul): guggul is a resin derived from the mukul tree that has been used in ayurveda for centuries to treat endocrine disorders such as diabetes, thyroid problems, low libido and obesity.

Brahmi (bacopa monnieri): brahmi is an ayurvedic herb that helps to reduce stress and anxiety which can lead to better hormonal balance in the body.

Amalaki (emblica officinalis): amalaki is an ancient ayurvedic herb used to boost energy levels and balance hormones naturally by stimulating the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain responsible for releasing important hormones in the body like serotonin, dopamine and melatonin which are linked to overall well being.

Licorice root (glycyrrhiza glabra): licorice root is an adaptogenic herb with many health benefits including balancing hormones naturally by increasing progesterone levels while decreasing cortisol production in the body which can be beneficial for those with endocrine disorders like pcos or infertility.

Bitter melon (momordica charantia): bitter melon has long been used in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for diabetes due to its ability to lower blood sugar levels while also helping with other endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism due to its high content of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Shilajit (asphaltum punjabinum): shilajit is a mineral-rich resin found in mountain ranges across india that has been used for centuries as an ayurvedic tonic for treating endocrine disorders like diabetes due its high content of trace minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc as well as plant based compounds like fulvic acid which help regulate hormones naturally.

What are the surgical treatments for endocrine disorders?

Endoscopic thyroidectomy: the thyroid gland may be completely or partially removed with this operation, which involves just a little amount of incision work. The procedure is used to treat various thyroid disorders such as hyperthyroidism, nodules, goitres, and cancer of the thyroid gland.

Adrenalectomy: during this procedure, the adrenal glands, which are important for manufacturing hormones that govern metabolism and other physiological processes, may have all or a portion of their tissue removed. It is used to treat conditions such as cushing's syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (cah), aldosteronism, and pheochromocytoma.

Parathyroidectomy: this procedure involves removing one or more of the parathyroid glands located in the neck near the thyroid gland. It is used to treat conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, which can lead to high levels of calcium in the blood and increased risk for kidney stones and bone loss.

Pancreatectomy: this procedure involves removing some or all of the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach that helps with digestion and produces hormones to regulate blood sugar levels. It can be used to treat pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and other conditions affecting the pancreas.

Best doctors to consult for endocrine disorders?

Endocrinologists: endocrinologists specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, and reproductive disorders. They are able to provide comprehensive care for endocrine-related conditions, from diagnosis to treatment.

Primary care physicians: primary care physicians are general practitioners who can provide basic care for endocrine disorders. They may be able to diagnose and treat simple conditions or refer patients to an endocrinologist when needed.

Paediatricians: paediatricians specialising in the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. They can diagnose and treat endocrine disorders that affect children and provide ongoing care for these conditions as they age.

Nurse practitioners: nurse practitioners (nps) are advanced practice nurses who can provide primary care services including diagnosis, treatment, and management of endocrine disorders in both adults and children.

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Top 12 Tips for Diabetic Retinopathy Prevention

MBBS, Diploma in Ophthalmology, DNB
Ophthalmologist, Bangalore
Top 12 Tips for Diabetic Retinopathy Prevention

What is diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is a form of eye damage caused by complications of diabetes. It is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and a leading cause of blindness in adults. This condition occurs when diabetes affects the tiny blood vessels in the retina, the part of the eye responsible for capturing light and images.

Diabetes-related changes in blood sugar, cholesterol levels and blood pressure can cause these vessels to swell, leak fluid, or close off entirely. Without proper treatment and management, diabetic retinopathy can lead to significant vision impairment or permanent blindness over time.

What are the signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy?

The most common signs and symptoms associated with diabetic retinopathy can be broadly grouped into three categories:

Blurred vision: this is the most common symptom of diabetic retinopathy. People with diabetic retinopathy can experience blurred vision, hazy vision, or difficulty seeing fine details.

Fluctuations in vision: people with diabetic retinopathy can also experience sudden changes in their vision, such as dark spots that come and go, flashes of light, or completely blurred out vision.

Eye pain or pressure: diabetic retinopathy can cause eye pain or pressure due to swelling and fluid build-up in the retina.

What are possible complications of diabetic retinopathy?

Vision loss: diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of vision loss, which can range from mild to severe cases. It can damage blood vessels in the retina, limit oxygen supply and cause swelling in the macula which leads to blurred or distorted vision.

Advanced retinopathy: people with advanced diabetic retinopathy may experience severe vision problems, including blind spots or total blindness. The condition can also increase the risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts, as well as permanent retinal detachment which could eventually lead to total blindness.

Secondary conditions: other serious conditions that may develop as a result of diabetic retinopathy include vitreous hemorrhage (bleeding into the eye), neovascularization (abnormal new blood vessel formation), and neovascular glaucoma (increased pressure on the optic nerve). These secondary conditions can often lead to delayed visual impairment or even complete loss of sight if not treated promptly and effectively.

Top 12 tips for diabetic retinopathy prevention

Maintain healthy blood glucose levels: elevated blood glucose levels are one of the main risk factors for developing diabetic retinopathy, making it extremely important that you monitor and maintain your blood glucose levels. Aim to keep your numbers above 80 mg/dl with the help of medication and lifestyle changes.

Monitor blood pressure levels: hypertension can worsen symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, thus making it important to regularly check and manage your blood pressure levels. High blood pressure can damage delicate structures in the eye, so take measures to prevent this!

Eat a nutrient-dense diet rich in antioxidants: a nutrient-dense diet is essential for preventing worsening diabetic retinopathy symptoms. Eat plenty of foods containing antioxidants such as dark leafy greens, berries, colorful vegetables, fatty fish, nuts and seeds which help reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health in those with diabetes.

Exercise regularly: it is important to stay physically active when living with diabetes forming a regular exercise routine may help lower your risk of developing diabetic retinopathy by improving blood glucose control or preventing obesity two huge risk factors for developing serious eye complications from diabetes. Consider going for regular walks or adding light cardio into your daily routine.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake: smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress are all factors thought to increase your risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, quitting smoking or limiting your alcohol consumption may reduce your risk significantly.

Wear proper eye protection during activities that might result in trauma to the eyes: activities such as driving long distances, working around hazardous machinery or participating in contact sports may increase risks for sustaining trauma that could lead to vision impairment. Thus wearing proper protective eyewear is key for avoiding any form of eye injury and therapeutic contact lenses can aid prevention against infection related vision problems as well. Additionally ensure you wear sunglasses whenever outdoors during sunny days since exposure to uv radiation has been tied to increasing risks for macular degeneration. Wearing tinted glasses while using digital screens may also be beneficial.

Take your diabetes medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider: it is important to take your insulin, anti-diabetic medications, and other prescribed drugs as instructed by your doctor. These medications can help you lower your blood sugar levels and reduce the risks of complications from diabetes including diabetic retinopathy. ;

Visit your eye doctor: schedule regular eye exams with an eyecare professional every year (or more often if recommended). This will allow them to identify any signs of diabetic retinopathy early on so that treatment can be started as soon as possible and visual loss may be prevented or minimized.

Avoid stress & get enough sleep intermittently allowing mind & body to recuperate: stress is one of the most common risk factors associated with diabetes. High levels of stress can worsen your blood sugar levels and make it harder to manage your diabetes. Additionally, lack of sleep can have a negative effect on your health, making it harder to control your blood sugars and increasing the risk for diabetic retinopathy.

Reach and maintain a healthy weight: carrying excess weight is linked to diabetes and also increases the risk for diabetic retinopathy. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can prevent and/or effectively treat type 2 diabetes.

Take breaks: whenever engaging in activities that require focusing on details, such as reading, crafts or urgent paperwork. Take periodic breaks to rest your eyes as this will reduce strain on them which could lead to further excessive swelling in the back of the eye. ;

Stay hydrated: drink an adequate amount of water daily because dehydration increases the risk of developing blood vessel problems linked to dr.

If the above methods don't work, you may be required to undergo surgery.

What are the surgical treatments for diabetic retinopathy?

Macular grid laser photocoagulation: it aims to destroy abnormal blood vessels and stop them from regrowing around the macula (the area of the retina responsible for central vision). This treatment also helps block leaking fluid or hemorrhages around the macula which can cause scarring or retinal detachment.

Panretinal photocoagulation: this method uses a laser beam to shrink abnormal blood vessels or eliminate any new blood vessel growth that has affected other parts of the retina outside the macula.

Vitrectomy: this treatment involves removing some parts of the jelly-like substance in your eye known as vitreous humor from behind the retina which can help remove scar tissue creating traction on your retina that may have caused it to detach from its base.

Asymmetric reflective panning technique and implantable device insertion: these are two types of device/stent inserted into either side of your eye over areas with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy which works by pressing against certain areas narrowed by high intraocular pressure (iop).

Membrane peeling: it removes fibrovascular membranes from inside sclera while simultaneously repairing retinal tears or holes with laser or freezing technique known as cryopexy which helps reduce chances of detached retina due to contraction of these fibrous membranes on your retinas surface.

Best doctors to consult for diabetic retinopathy

The best doctor to consult for diabetic retinopathy is an ophthalmologist or retina specialist. ;

It is important to find a doctor who specializes in diabetes and its effects on vision, as well as one with experience in treating diabetic retinopathy.

For those with advanced stages of diabetic retinopathy, a vitreoretinal surgeon is recommended for laser treatment and surgery. ;

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Home Remedies To Reduce Sugar Level

Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Home Remedies To Reduce Sugar Level
The other name of sugar level in the blood is Glycaemia. Sugar present in the blood is known as glucose. Glucose is the amount of sugar found in the blood. Sugar in the blood is the result of the amount of the food that we consume. It is the main source of energy. The blood is responsible for carrying the glucose to all the cells of the body.

If the sugar level in your blood increases, then it can lead to the disease known as diabetes. The symptoms of high levels of sugar in the blood are pain in the stomach, increased thirst, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, blurred vision, trouble concentrating etc. The causes of high blood sugar are illness, infection, situation of stress etc.

The remedies for reducing the sugar level are as follows:
Keep yourself hydrated:- The most important remedy to lower down the sugar level is to keep your body hydrated. Drink water as much as possible and rehydrate the level of sugar and the blood. This helps in maintaining the sugar level in the blood. If there is any excess sugar in the body, you can drink more and more water. Drinking more water can lead to the passing of sugar through the urine
Manage the level of stress:- Stress is also considered one of the main causes of increase in the sugar level. If you're having stress, then the body releases the hormone known as cortisol and glucagon which leads to the increase in sugar level. So, in order to reduce the stress, you can do meditation, exercise etc. It helps in lowering the sugar level
Do exercise on a daily basis:- Doing exercise can also help in lowering the level of sugar in the body. If you do regular exercise, then a moderate weight is maintained. Some of the exercises that help in lowering the sugar level are squats, brisk walking, running, weightlifting, light walking, etc.
Eat foods rich in fibre:- Eating the foods that are rich in fibre can help in lowering the level of sugar. Beans, lentils, peppers, broccoli, whole grain, flax seeds etc are some examples of fibre rich food that should be eaten when the level of sugar is high. These foods help in lowering down the level of sugar
Control the level of carbohydrates:- Carbohydrates are broken down into sugars. If you eat foods that are very rich in carbohydrates, then it can lead to an increase in the level of sugar. So, try to manage the level of carbohydrates. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates can lead to an increase in the level of sugar in the blood. So, if you're having the disorder of high level of sugar in the body, then eat only those foods that are not rich in carbohydrates
Eat foods that have low glycemic index:- Glycemic index helps in measuring how fastly carbohydrates are broken during the process of the digestion of the food and how fastly the body absorbs them. Eating foods that are of low glycemic index bring down the level of sugar. Some examples of the foods that are low in glycemic index are lentils, barley, beans, oats, barley etc. So, you can eat these foods in order to reduce the sugar level
Have enough sleep:- Sleep also plays a major role in managing the sugar level in the blood. If you take the proper amount of sleep, then the level of sugar in the blood is maintained. If you don't take the proper amount of sleep then the level of sugar in the blood rises. So, for keeping the level of sugar in a balanced situation, you must take the proper amount of sleep.
Thank you for giving your valuable time for coming here and reading this tip. I hope you got the relevant and correct information about the tip. The other name of sugar level in the blood is Glycaemia. The disease caused by the increase in the sugar level in the blood is known as diabetes.

The symptoms of high levels of sugar in the blood are pain in the stomach, increased thirst, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, blurred vision, trouble concentrating etc. The causes of high blood sugar are illness, infection, under stress etc. You can prevent high levels of sugar by doing exercise, eating foods that are rich in fats, eating foods such as tomatoes, beans etc.
1 person found this helpful

Top 10 General Physicians in Delhi

MD - General Medicine, MBBS, IDCCM, IFCCM Critical Care
General Physician, Delhi
1. Dr. Anil mehta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-anil-mehta-general-physician

Mbbs, dnb (general medicine)

28 years experience 500 at clinic 500 online

Dr anil mehta is a superb diabetologist. He excelled academically and received his m. B. B. S. From the indore medical college before earning his m. D. In internal medicine, and he completed his d. N. B. In general medicine speciality in 1994. He also finished his n. B. E. In 1998. He has been an expert in the medical field for over 28 years and sees patients with great enthusiasm. His perseverance resulted in his appointment as the chief medical officer at the doc. Kumar medicare center, air india consultant, and air india consultant. At rockland hospital, he was designated a senior medical officer. He works as a consultant at the clinic cure well. He also played a significant role in the american heart association's delhi medical council.

2 Dr. (lt col) dinesh kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/greater-noida/doctor/dr-lt-col-dinesh-kumar-general-physician

M. B. B. S.

27 years experience 400 at clinic 300 online

A kind and accomplished doctor who has spent 27 years helping others, Dr. Dinesh kumar, graduated from m. A. M. C. In new delhi with an m. B. B. S. Degree and is currently providing general medical advice. He served as a medical officer at l. N. J. P. Hospital for most of his career, accomplishing numerous goals. He was hired as the esi hospital's delhi medical officer. I served as a medical officer at tata steel, army medical corps, max saket, and lrs institute of tb mehrauli, among other places. He received the sanya sewa medal for his outstanding work.

3. Dr. Rajiva gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rajiva-gupta-general-physician

Mbbs md post graduate program in diabetology ;

42 years experience 1400 at clinic 1000 online

Dr. R. Gupta is among the most renowned medical professionals. Dr. Gupta started his career 42 years ago in this clinical field. Also, he gave the finest care possible for thyroid and infectious diseases in the elderly. He earned his m. B. B. S. From maulana azad medical college. He earned his m. D. In internal medicine in 1985 from p. G. I. M. R. (dr ram manohar lohia hospital, new delhi). He completed a postgraduate programme in diabetology at the johns hopkins university school of medicine in the united states in 2014 to concentrate on diabetes. He has worked tirelessly and devotedly for the benefit of the patients in the aforementioned prestigious institutions.

He served as a medical officer for the central government at upchaar wellness and as a senior consultant for the health scheme.

From 1988 to 2012 in ashok vihar he worked as a senior courtesy consultant in internal medicine at sunder lal jain hospital. Senior consultants at max hospital, max super speciality hospital, fortis hospital, ashok vihar, visiting consultants at delhi heart & lung institute, and others he has taught at the institute of molecular and experimental medicine, school of medicine at cardiff university. Under harvard medical school faculty supervision, the diabetes certificate course is certified by the american college of cardiology's diabetes certificate course in clinical diabetology.

He is a provisional member of the american college of cardiology (api), indian medical association (i. M. A.), research society for the study of diabetes in india (rs. S. D. I.), geriatric society of india member organizing committee r. S. S. D. I. 2013, american association of clinical endocrinologists (aace), american diabetes association (a. D. A.), endocrine society, american heart association, etc.

4. Dr. Ashish khattar ;

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-ashish-khattar-general-physician

Mbbs md pg diploma, post graduate diploma in clinical endocrinology and diabetes.

22 years experience 500 - 600 at clinic 800 online

One of the most skilled general physicians in dwarka, delhi, is widely recognised to be Dr. Ashish khattar. He has seen a lot of happy patients throughout his two-year career. He graduated from kasturba medical college with his m. B. B. S. In 2000 and his m. D. In general medicine in 2008, respectively.

He was followed by a post graduate diploma from himalayan university. With determination and attention, he became a member of the research society for the study of diabetes in india (r. S. S. D. I.), the indian association of clinical medicine, the geriatric society of india, and the association of physicians of india (api). Additionally, he serves on the innovative physicians forum's executive council. ;

5. Dr. Bharat bhushan bharti

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-bharat-bhushan-bharti-general-physician

Md physician

Twenty-seven years ago, Dr. Bharat bhushan graduated from stavropol state medical academy with his md in 1995. He has received certificates for laboratory quality management systems, internal audits, and iso 14001 certification. He istwenty-seven years ago, Dr. Bharat bhushan graduated from stavropol state medical academy with his md in 1995. He has received certificates for laboratory quality management systems, internal audits, and iso 14001 certification. He is a provisional member of the medical association of india fellowship, the college of general practitioners, and the medical association of delhi. A provisional member of the medical association of india fellowship, the college of general practitioners, and the medical association of delhi.

27 years experience 500 at the clinic

6. Dr. Ritez kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-ritez-kumar-general-physician

Mbbs, md - internal medicine

16 years experience 400 - 600 at clinic 300 online

In delhi, Dr. Ritez kumar is a well-known general practitioner. He has helped many patients during his 16 years of practice. Then he received his m. B. B. S. From north bengal medical college in 2006 and went on to get his m. D. In internal medicine at l. H. M. C. In new delhi in 2010.

He has received recognition from the rotary club of botswana for his outstanding humanitarian work. H. O. D. At botswana health service senior resident at l. H. M. C. Is one example of prior experience. He is a trusted provisional member of the d. H. Society, the medical association of india (i. M. A.), and the medical association of delhi.


7. Dr. Hanish gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-hanish-gupta-endocrinologist

Mbbs, dnb (general medicine)

500 - 700 at the clinic

Dr. Hanish kumar is a skilled general practitioner. I have nineteen years of experience in treating patients and have a solid academic background. He is also qualified as a diabetologist and a cardiologist. He earned his m. B. B. S. From g. S. V. M. Medical college in kanpur in 2003. He received his d. N. B. From delhi in 2010.

He has received the honour of being named" physician of the year" his provisional memberships include the american college of cardiology, the american diabetes association, and the european respiratory societies.

8. Dr. Amarpreet singh riar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-amarpreet-singh-riar-general-physician

M. B. B. S, p. G. Diploma in emergency trauma care, fellowship in diabetes

17 years experience 800 at the clinic 600 online

A 2005 m. B. B. S. Graduate of the umft, victor babes earned his postgraduate diploma in emergency trauma care from apollo hospitals in 2014. He graduated from apollo indraprashtha's fellowship in diabetes programme in 2015.

He has worked as a resident physician in aiims, new delhi, and safdar hospitals. At metro heart hospital, a senior resident physician members of his provisional membership include the medical council of india, the d. M. A, and i. M. A.


9. Dr. Sanchayan roy

D. N. B. (medicine), m. B. B. S.

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-sanchayan-roy-general-physician

24 years experience 600 - 1000 at clinic 300 online.

Dr sanchyan roy is an excellent doctor with 24 years of preeminent training. His schooling includes an m. B. B. S. From st. Jhon's medical college in banglore and a d. N. B. In medicine from st. Maratha's hospital in bangalore.

He enjoys the esteem of every well-known physician in delhi. He held consultant positions at bangalore's nova orthopaedic and spine centre, fortis, vasant kunj clinical associate, fortis associate hospital, and bannerghatta road. His diligence and tenacity enable him to join the" a. C. Of chest physicians.


10. Dr. Rakesh sharma

Ddf, fccp, md, mbbs

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rakesh-sharma-general-physician

34 years experience 400 - 550 at clinic 1000 online

Dr. Rakesh sharma, who specialises in general medicine, accepts patients who need treatment from sexologists, internal medicine physicians, rheumatologists, and diabetologists on a regular basis. During his 34 years in practise, he has treated a significant number of patients who have expressed their contentment. His educational background includes receiving a d. D. F. From the vallabhbhai patel chest institute in 1996, an f. C. C. P. From the same school in 1995, and an m. D. From the lala lajpat rai memorial medical college in 1993. All of these degrees were earned in the year 1993. In 1988, he received his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree from lala lajpat rai memorial medical college.


Top 10 General Physician Pimpri Chinchwad In Pune

MBBS, MD - General Medicine
General Physician, Pune
1. Dr. Subhash tiwari

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/akola/doctor/dr-subhash-tiwari-general-physician

Pgd maternal child health, mbbs, general physician, akola

47 years experience 150 at clinic 200 online

He really is in the medical community for his work as a family doctor. As a doctor, he has extensive training and experience in a wide range of areas. After earning his mbbs from government medical college, nagpur in 1975, he completed a postgraduate diploma in maternal and child health at bjmc, an institution widely regarded for its excellence in clinical education. ;

The doctor's expertise isn't restricted to working with adults, he also has a great deal of practise dealing with the unique medical challenges that children encounter. He is well-respected in his field, thanks to his membership in the ima college of general practitioners, which allows him to participate in a variety of seminars and continuing medical education courses.

2. Dr. Santosh pimparkar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-santosh-pimparkar-general-physician

Bachelor of ayurveda, medicine and surgery (bams), ms, general physician, pune

19 years experience 100 at clinic

He has earned a stellar reputation as a physician of many specialties. Furthermore, he is an advanced endoscopic interventional surgeon with extensive training and experience in a wide range of subspecialties. He attended prestigious schools for his clinical training, earning his bachelor of ayurveda, medicine, and surgery (bams) from cssmss ayurveda college in aurangabad in 2003 and his master of surgery (ms) from muhs nashik university in 2017. ;

He has spent years serving as a consultant at a number of famous hospitals and organisations, during which time he has earned a reputation for excellence for the exceptional quality of his work.

3. Dr. Amit malik

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-amit-malik-general-physician

General physician, pune

500 online

He has earned a stellar reputation as a physician of many specialties among his many areas of expertise is the treatment of spinal pain. As a result of his prompt treatment, mental health diseases tend to be less severe and less persistent, earning him a reputation as an authority in the field. His area of expertise is trichology, and he has helped hundreds of patients with hair loss due to genital or metabolic causes including pattern baldness, alopecia keratosis, protein shortage, or vitamin d3 deficiency. When it comes to immunodeficiency diseases, he is your man.

4. Dr. Salma siddiqui

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-salma-siddiqui-general-physician ;

Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, dnb - general medicine,

General physician, pune

18 years experience 400 at clinic 350 online

Dr. Salma is a renowned physician who works as a general physician. In addition, she is specialised and trained in various fields as a diabetologist and a thyroid specialist. Dr. Salma received her higher clinical education from esteemed institutions such as rajiv gandhi university of health sciences, bangalore where she received her mbbs, bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree in 2004. In addition, Dr. Salma is board certified in diabetes and thyroid disorders.

In 2006, she also completed a fellowship in critical care at indraprastha apollo hospitals. She holds a dnb in general medicine, which she received from medical trust hospital in kurla. As a general physician at swasthya clinic and at kerala general physician in karnataka, she has previous experience working in a variety of notable hospitals and organisations. Patients who suffer from rhinitis as well as oral and throat infections are some of the patients she treats in her capacity as a rhinologist. ;

She is a specialist in diabetes, but she also treats patients who have diseases related to the endocrine system. Patients who suffer from problems such as piles, fistula, and haemorrhoids are able to receive treatment from her because she is an expert in both anorectal disorders and infectious infections.

5. Dr. K g agrawal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-k-g-agrawal-cardiologist

Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, md - medicine

General physician, pune

50 years experience 400 at clinic

Dr. Agarwal is a well-respected medical practitioner who works in the field of general medicine. He is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a variety of areas as a diabetologist. In addition to that, he is a consultant in the field of internal medicine. He offers his services to couples and people who are struggling with infertility, and is a specialist in the field of cardiology.

Patients who suffer from head pain, specifically migraines and headaches, are the primary focus of his practice. He has received his higher clinical education from esteemed institutions, like getting an mbbs (bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) from rani durgawati vishwa vidyalaya of jabalpur in 1972, and also earning his md in medicine from there too. ;

6. Dr. Abhay a mali

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhay-a-mali-general-physician

Mbbs, diploma in diabetology

General physician, pune

17 years experience 700 at clinic 250 online

He is a well-respected health professional who practises as a general practitioner. In addition to that, he is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a variety of areas as a diabetologist. When it comes to the treatment of hepatobiliary illnesses and disorders of the gastrointestinal system, such as cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, severe liver disorders, recurrent liver disorders, ulcerative colitis, etc, he is well-known for his extensive experience as well as his excellent reputation. ;

He also addresses myocardial disorders. Patients who come to him with skin disorders such as psoriasis and infections caused by microbial pathogens are among those he treats in his capacity as a dermatologist.

A bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery (mbbs) degree from mumbai university was awarded to him in 2005, and he went on to earn a diploma in diabetology in 2011. Both of these degrees were from highly regarded educational institutions. ;

7. Dr. Alhat madhuri

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-alhat-madhuri-general-physician

Mbbs, md - medicine

General physician, pune

26 years experience 200 at clinic

She practises as a general physician and she is well known for her expertise in the medical profession. In addition, she has extensive knowledge and experience in a wide range of subspecialties. Patients who suffer from problems such as piles, fistula, and haemorrhoids are able to receive treatment from her because she is an expert in both perianal disorders and contagious infections.

In addition to that, she is a consultant in the field of internal medicine. She completed her undergraduate studies in mbbs and then went on to earn her md in medicine from miraj medical college in the year 2000. Both of these degrees are considered to be among the highest levels of clinical education available. As a member of the indian medical association, she is well recognised as an authority and regularly participates in continuing medical education (cme) events such as lectures and workshops (ima).

8. Dr. Wategaonkar ravikumar narayan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-wategaonkar-ravikumar-narayan-general-physician ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - paediatric oncology

General physician, pune

17 years of experience 500 at clinic

He is a well-respected medical professional who practises as a general practitioner. He earned his mbbs and md in medicine from the prestigious b. J. Medical college in pune in 2010, allowing him to practise medicine after completing his advanced clinical study at prestigious institutes. In 2014, he also graduated with a doctor of medicine degree in paediatric oncology from b. J. Medical college in ahmedabad. As a member of the indian society of medical and paediatric oncology, he is considered an authority in his field and regularly participates in continuing medical education (cme) events such as seminars and workshops (ismpo).

9. Dr. Ganesh p rajguru

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-ganesh-p-rajguru-general-physician 

Mbbs, diploma in tuberculosis and chest diseases (dtcd), indian diploma in critical care course general physician, pune

17 years of experience 0 at clinic

He is known as a famed doctor working as a general practitioner. He works with sensitive patients who are suffering from heart conditions such as myocardial infarction, pulmonary hypertension, and illnesses such as arteriosclerosis, among other cardiovascular concerns, because he is an experienced and accurate surgeon. Patients who suffer from seizures and migraine are the focus of his treatment. He is a highly qualified medical professional who works in treatment facilities as a pain management and obesity specialist. 

In this capacity, he provides medical care to patients who are afflicted with a range of conditions as a result of the decisions they have made regarding their way of life. In 2005, he graduated with a higher clinical education from the srtr medical college, and in 2010, he graduated from the medical college of pune. Both of these colleges are highly regarded. Additionally, in 2014, he graduated from the indian diploma in critical care course (idcc) offered by the aditya birla hospital in pune.

10 Dr. Abhinav mohindra

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhinav-mohindra-general-physician

 Mbbs dnb general medicine

4 years experience 150 at clinic 400 online


He has been a general practitioner in this industry for the past four years and has built a solid reputation for himself when he first opened his medical practice. He is an excellent general practitioner since he is able to treat a wide variety of conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, as well as fever and diarrhea. In addition to his expertise in internal medicine, he holds two degrees in the medical field: an undergraduate degree in the form of an mbbs from adesh institute of dental sciences research in 2018 and a postgraduate degree in the form of a dnb in general medicine from ruby hall clinic in pune in 2022. Both of these degrees were earned in the difference of four years.




Top 10 Diabetologist In Bangalore

M.Sc. Community Health and Nutrition, Ph. D - Nephrology
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore

1. Dr. Arpandev bhattacharyya ;

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-arpandev-bhattacharyya-endocrinologist

Mbbs, md in medicine, dnb in general medicine

37 years experience 900 - 1000 at clinic

He has extensive training in endocrinology and is a specialist in clinical practice. He is a well-known physician who has a wealth of expertise working in the medical fields of endocrinology and diabetology. He obtained his mbbs from north bengal medical college in 1985, md in medicine from pgimer in chandigarh in 1989, and dnb in general medicine from the national board of examination in 1992.

He is now serving as a global examiner for the mrcp in addition to holding the frcp in edinburgh. He is an experienced member of the endocrine society of india, british diabetic association, the society of endocrinology in the united kingdom and participates in the various organizations, workshops and seminars.

2. Dr. Somashekara reddy k s

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-somashekara-reddy-k-s-endocrinologist

Dm in endocrinology, mbbs

29 years experience 400 - 600 at clinic

He is a specialised clinician with endocrinology competence. He is a well-known physician with extensive experience as a diabetologist. He obtained his dm in endocrinology from pgimer, chandigarh in 2003 and his mbbs from mysore medical college in 1993. ;

He is a member of the indian medical association (ima), the research society for the study of diabetes in india (rssdi) and the association of physicians of india (api).

3. Dr. K vijay kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-k-vijay-kumar-endocrinologist

Md, mbbs ;

19 years experience 350 - 400 at clinic

He is a specialised clinician with endocrinology competence. He is a renowned physician, having precise practice as a diabetologist and general physician. To become a caring practitioner, he acquired an md from manipal university in 2010 and an mbbs from siddhartha medical college in 2003. He is an expert member who attends indian medical association workshops and seminars (ima).

4. Dr. Vishwanath b l

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-vishwanath-bl-general-physician

Doctor of medicine (m. D.), mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery

18 years experience 350 - 1000 at clinic

He is a diabetologist who is also known as an intellectual clinician. He is a well-known physician with extensive experience as a thyroid specialist. He is a well-known weight management and obesity consultant who has worked as a diabetologist and a general physician in internal medicine. ;

He received his doctor of medicine (m. D.) degree from rajiv gandhi university of health sciences in 2008 and his mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degrees from vijayanagara institute of medical sciences (vims), bellary in 2004.

He has extensive clinical experience treating various ailments of patients in need as a medical registrar at manipal hospital, bangalore, consultant physician at vinayaka hospital, hanumanth nagar, consultant physician at manipal cure & care clinic, jp nagar, bengaluru, and visiting consultant at apollo hospital, bannerghatta road, kannada. 

He is an expert member who attends numerous workshops and seminars for ima, american college of cardiology, the diabetic association of india, kmc and research society for the study of diabetes in india (rssdi).

5. Dr. Sumayya tasneem

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sumayya-tasneem-endocrinologist

Mbbs, diploma in diabetes (u. K), fellowship in diabetes (liverpool), clinical cardiology

14 years experience 400 at clinic 300 online

She is a specialised diabetologist and a well-known physician with extensive experience as a general practitioner. As a heart physician, she also treats myocardial problems. She is a diabetologist and a hormone expert.

She received her mbbs from al ameen medical college in bijapur in 2008, a diploma in diabetes (uk), a fellowship in diabetes (liverpool) and clinical cardiology from liverpool academy in 2017.

6. Dr. Deepak m r

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-deepak-m-r-diabetologist

Mbbs, fellowship in diabetology, post graduate diploma in diabetology pgdd

11 years experience 500 at clinic 350 online

He is a specialised diabetologist. He is a well-known physician with extensive experience as a diabetologist. He was a general practitioner and an expert in internal medicine. In 2011, he received his mbbs from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar medical college and in 2015, he received his fellowship in diabetology from diacon hospital & research centre in bangalore. 

In addition, in 2017, he received his post graduate diploma in diabetology (pgdd) from medvarsity university in hyderabad as well as his advanced certificate course in diabetes from harvard medical school in the usa. He is a member of the karnataka medical council, research society for the study of diabetes in india (rssdi) and has attended several workshops and seminars.

7. Dr. Aravind s r

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-aravind-s-r-diabetologist

Mbbs, dnb, frcp, dha, fdrc 

750 at clinic 1000 online

He is a diabetologist and a professional doctor. He received his education as a practitioner of mbbs, dnb, frcp, dha and fdrc, at bangalore medical college and research institute, bangalore.

8. Dr. Deepasha rajpurkar 

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-deepasha-rajpurkar-endocrinologist

Mbbs, d. Diabetology

10 years experience 300 at clinic 

She is a fully skilled practitioner who specialises in diabetes care and management. She is a well-known physician who specialises in the field of diabetology and has a busy schedule. In 2012, she graduated from new delhi health care academy with the degrees of mbbs and d. Diabetology, making her qualified to work as a kind practitioner.

As an assistant doctor at the lina diabetes care centre, she has extensive clinical expertise treating a number of scenarios suffered by individuals who are in need.

9. Dr. Jyoti balgopal 

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-jyoti-balgopal-diabetologist

Mbbs, pgdgm

28 years experience 500 at clinic

She is a highly trained practitioner who specialises in diabetes care and management. She is a well-known physician with extensive experience working specifically with elderly patients. In 1994, she earned her mbbs degree from s c b medical college in cuttack, odisha. 

In 2013, she earned her pgdgm degree from Ms. Ramaiah medical college and teaching hospital in bangalore. Both institutions are located in bangalore.

10. Dr. Suzi jacklin

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-suzi-jacklin-diabetologist

Mbbs, ccebdm, master in family medicine

14 years experience 500 at clinic 600 online

She is a highly trained practitioner who specialises in diabetes care and management. She is a well regarded physician who has worked extensively in the field of general practice.

Her education as a compassionate practitioner began in 2008 with an mbbs from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar medical college, continued in 2014 with a ccebdm from Dr. Mohan's academy, and culminated in 2018 with a master of family medicine from christian medical college in vellore.


9 people found this helpful

Top 10 General Physician In Pune

MBBS, MD - General Medicine
General Physician, Pune
1. Dr. Shivram bhonagiri

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-shivram-bhonagiri-general-physician

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, general physician, pune

39 years experience 400 - 500 at clinic

Doctor shivram has been practising medicine for the past 39 years as a general practitioner and has helped a great number of patients who suffered from severe and complicated conditions. He received his prestigious education in the form of an undergraduate degree in the field of mbbs in 1983 and a postgraduate degree in the field of md from internal medicine at b. J. Medical college pune in 1987. ;

He went on to work in the fields of gastroenterology, psychiatry, and other related fields. He is well-respected within the indian medical association, where he serves as both a member and a senior speaker (ima).

2. Dr. Arunesh dutt upadhyay

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-arunesh-dutt-upadhyay-general-physician

Mbbs, md - aerospace medicine, eular certification in rheumatology

36 years experience 500 at clinic

He has been a doctor for 36 years. He is well-known for his work as both a cosmetic dermatologist and a cardiologist, among other specialties in medicine. In1986, he received his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree in the clinical field from pune university. In 1993, he received his doctor of medicine degree in aerospace medicine from the institute of aerospace medicine at bangalore university. A european certification in rheumatology was granted to him by eular in the year 2000. ;

For his meritorious and peaceful service, he has worked as a medical officer in the indian air force and as an aviation medicine specialist at Dr. Upadhyay's clinic. The air force chief of staff recognised him as a top leader and gave him the prestigious rank of commanding officer. Both the indian society of aerospace medicine and the maharashtra medical council count him as a prominent member and speaker.

3. Dr. Amar raykantiwar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-amar-raykantiwar-general-physician

D (diabetology), afih, dnb (f. Medicine), mbbs, general physician, pune

15 years experience 300 at clinic 300 online

In his 15 years of experience as a general practitioner in pune, he has helped patients with a wide range of endocrine conditions, both as a diabetologist and as a specialist in internal medicine. As a sexologist, he has also worked with patients to address a variety of conditions related to sexual and psychosexual issues. In addition to his reputation as an obesity specialist, he is a dermatologist who treats a wide variety of lifestyle diseases and conditions affecting the hair follicles. ;

In 2007, he received his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree at s. V. N. Gmc in yavatmal. Both skn medical college and apollo hospitals' suburban diagnostics general physician departments have benefited from his expertise as a consultant throughout his tenure there.

His contributions to the american diabetes association are significant (ada). In addition to his work with the american association of endodontists, he is the author of a number of research articles that have been published by the idf.

4. Dr. Rahul sanap

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-rahul-sanap-general-physician ;


12 years experience 200 at clinic 300 online

Since 2002, doctor rahul has been practising medicine in the field of general medicine in the city of pune. As an immunologist or an allergist, he is well-versed in the process of chemical sensing, and he has successfully treated hundreds of patients who have suffered from skin conditions or allergic reactions. 

He has previous experience in both the field of dermatology surgery and the field of hair transplantation. In addition to that, laser treatment is another field in which he is renowned to excel. As a sexologist, in addition to his work in the field of dermatology, he treats patients who suffer from a variety of sexual dysfunctions. 

In addition to this, he is a treatment head in the field of oncology, where he treats conditions such as melanoma, eczema, and skin cancer. In his role as an std expert for women, he is also responsible for managing treatment operations. In 2010, he graduated with an mbbs degree from the gmc latur, and he has previous experience working as a general physician in a public hospital. 

5. Dr. Amit sakaria

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-amit-sakaria-general-physician 

Mbbs, md - general medicine, general physician, pune

25 years experience 500 - 600 at clinic

Dr. Amit is a general physician who has spent the last 25 years practising in pune. Trichology is one of his particular areas of expertise. In addition, he has helped hundreds of patients who were suffering from genital or metabolic conditions that caused hair loss. Some of these conditions include pattern baldness, alopecia keratosis, protein insufficiency, or vitamin d3 deficiency. In addition to this, he treats individuals who suffer from a variety of other immunodeficiency illnesses. In 1997, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in medicine from shri b m patil medical college & research center, and in 2010, he earned a master's degree in medicine from krishna institute of medical sciences in karad. 

6. Dr. Subhash divekar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-subhash-divekar-general-physician 

Certificate in basic course on diabetes management

9 years experience 300 at clinic 200 online

Doctor subhash has been in pune for nine years, providing medical skills to people. He has worked as a family physician, allergist, dermatologist, and sexologist, treating a variety of ailments. He's also been an endocrinologist. 

In 2013, he obtained his clinical skills by completing a certificate in basic course on diabetes management from abide at biocon. He has been a family physician at private hospital, haliyal, district uttar kannada for over 43 years.

7. Dr. Abhijeet baldota

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhijeet-baldota-general-physician 

Mbbs, md - general medicine

22 years experience 700 at clinic

Doctor abhijeet is employed in the field of medicine, where he provides service to patients and treats conditions like hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism. He is an endocrinologist in addition to being an expert in thyroid conditions, and he works with endocrine issues. 

He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in the form of an mbbs from the b j medical college in ahmedabad in the year 2000 and an md from the government medical college in aurangabad in the year 2007. During his time there, he held the position of managing director of alloveda clinic. In addition to that, he completed a course in diabetology and received a diploma. He is also well-known inside the maharashtra medical council, where he serves as a member.

8. Dr. Abhay a mali

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhay-a-mali-general-physician 

Mbbs, diploma in diabetology

17 years experience 700 at clinic 250 online

Doctor mali is a physician in pune with 17 years of experience treating endocrine diseases. He obtained his medical competence through graduating in medicine by getting an mbbs from mumbai university in 2005. He is also a senior member of the maharashtra medical council and holds a diploma in diabetology from mumbai university from 2011.

9. Dr. Abhinav mohindra

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhinav-mohindra-general-physician 

Mbbs, dnb (general medicine)

4 years experience 150 at clinic 400 online 

Internal medicine is his speciality, and he has been practising in the pune community and surrounding areas for the past four years after receiving his education from prestigious universities. He earned his mbbs in 2018 from the reputed adesh institute of dental sciences research and his dnb in general medicine in 2022 from the esteemed ruby hall clinic in pune. 

10. Dr. Salma siddiqui

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-salma-siddiqui-general-physician 

Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery,

18 years experience 400 at clinic 350 online

She has been working in the medical sector for the last 18 years and her home is in pune. She attended rajiv gandhi university of health sciences in bangalore, india, for her undergraduate education and earned the degree of mbbs, which stands for bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, in the year 2004. Additionally, in 2006, she received a postgraduate degree in general medicine from medical trust hospital in kerala, and in 2008, she received a clinical fellowship in critical care from indraprastha apollo hospitals. 

She has experience working as a general practitioner at swasthya clinic, as well as in the states of kerala and karnataka, where she has previously practised medicine. She is also recognised as a member of the european society of intensive care medicine (esicm) and is included on the roster of the indian medical association. In addition, she is a known member of the indian medical association (ima).
1 person found this helpful

Top 10 endocrinologists in Bangalore

Endocrinologist, Bangalore

1. Dr. Anantharaman ramakrishnan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-anantharaman-ramakrishnan-endocrinologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, d. M. - endocrinology


Dr. Anantharaman ramakrishnan is widely regarded as one of the most qualified endocrinologists in the b. T. M. Layout area of bangalore. He has nineteen years of experience working as an endocrinologist. He received his education and his d. M. In endocrinology, mbbs, and m. D. In medicine. He works at the magna clinic for obesity, diabetes & endocrinology at b. T. M. Layout, which is located in bangalore at the moment. Fourteen different patients have evaluated him. He received his d. M. In endocrinology and his mbbs and m. D. In medicine from jipmer, all located in puducherry. Endocrinologists, diabetologists, and weight management are among his specialities in the medical field. He has previous experience in endocrinology, having served as an assistant professor at st. John's medical college hospital.

He was given the gold medal for his m. D. The general medicine course and the torrent young scholar award are for outstanding academic achievement among endocrinology trainees. Therefore, he is a member of the american association of clinical endocrinologists (aace) research society for the study of diabetes in india (rssdi).

19 years of experience rs. 600 in the clinic rs. 500 online


2 Dr. Sunil kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sunil-kumar-endocrinologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, d. M. - endocrinology


Dr. Sunil earned his mbbs degree from rguhs, his md degree in general medicine from rguhs, and his d. M. Degree in endocrinology from rguhs. He has been practising endocrinology in this area for the past eleven years, making him an experienced professional. Setting up an appointment with Dr. Sunil kumar on his website will allow you to avoid squandering any time that you have available. He is an esteemed member of the rotary club, indian medical association (i. M. A.), indian dietetic association, and world health organization (who) lifetime member of g f a t m. This individual's previous positions include chief medical officer at dayabhavan medical mission hospital, consultant at columbia asia hospital, and consultant at narayana hrudayalaya. Gfatm. This individual's previous positions included consultant at columbia asia hospital. G f a t m. The following are some honors and awards: 2017's recipient of the endocrinologist of the year award.

;11 years of experience rs. 500 at the clinic rs. 550 online

3. Dr. Sumathi sampath

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sumathi-sampath-endocrinologist


Fdrc, post graduate diploma in diabetes, mbbs

A well-known diabetologist, Dr. Sumathi sampath, works at grihi's diabetes centre in kaggadaspura, located in bangalore. Throughout her 22 years of practise as an endocrinologist, she has seen a great number of satisfied patients. She has a post-graduate diploma in diabetes in addition to her mbbs and fdrc degrees. An endocrinologist is their specialised title. You'll find her working at the apple clinic in bangalore, where you may visit her. Diabetes therapy is another area of focus. She received a postgraduate diploma in diabetology from fdrc-m. V. Annamalai university and an mbbs degree from m. S. Ramaiah medical college.


22 years of professional practice, 400 in the office; 400 online

4. Dr. Guruprasad udupi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-guruprasad-udupi-endocrinologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, diploma in endocrinology ;

Dr. Guruprasad udupi is widely regarded as one of the most qualified endocrinologists in the vidyaranyapura neighbourhood of bangalore. He has seen many satisfied patients during his career as an endocrinologist, which has lasted for 18 years. He has a master's degree in endocrinology, a fellowship in emergency medicine, a diploma in endocrinology, and a diabetes medicine diploma. Currently, he works at the dialife diabetes, thyroid, and endocrine center in vidyaranyapura, located in bangalore. His additional treatment areas include those of a diabetologist and an endocrinologist. He holds a master's in endocrinology from the university of south wales, a fellowship in emergency medicine from st. John's medical college & hospital in bangalore, a diploma in endocrinology from the university of south wales, and a diploma in diabetology from the amrita institute of medical sciences. His previous experiences include working as a diabetologist at the mallige medical centre in bangalore and the m. V. Centre for diabetes in bangalore.


18 years of experience 250 per visit to the clinic

5. Dr. Shivaprasad c.

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-shivaprasad-c-endocrinologist


Mbbs, md in general medicine, d. M. In endocrinology

In marathahalli, bangalore, Dr. Shivaprasad c. Is one of the most qualified endocrinologists. During his 20 years of practise as an endocrinologist, he has seen a great number of satisfied patients. He earned his mbbs, his m. D. In general medicine, and his d. M. In endocrinology. You are welcome to visit him at the nava naveena clinic in the marathahalli neighbourhood of bangalore.

He received his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degrees from kasturba medical college, his doctor of medicine degree in general medicine from the postgraduate institute of medical education and research in chandigarh, and his doctor of medicine degree in endocrinology from the all india institute of medical sciences in new delhi.

The isbmr investigator award, d. S. L. Award, esicon, av gandhi award for excellence in endocrinology, endocrine trainee day award, rssdi novartis young investigator award, av gandhi award for excellence in endocrinology, endocrine trainee day award, and rssdi novartis young investigator award are some of the honours that have been bestowed upon him. He belongs to the endocrine society of india, rssdi, and isbmr.


20 years of experience, 600 clinic

6. Dr. Arpandev bhattacharyya

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-arpandev-bhattacharyya-endocrinologist? lpt=ps-srp

Mbbs, md in medicine, and d. N. B. In general medicine.


In the city of bangalore's indiranagar, you can find an endocrinologist named Dr. Arpandev bhattacharyya. Since he began his career 37 years ago, the doctor has been a successful endocrinologist. A doctor has completed their mbbs, md-medicine, and dnb-general medicine degrees. He works at the shivajoyti clinic in indira nagar, which is located in bangalore at the moment. His expertise lies in the field of endocrinology. His other areas of treatment include those of a diabetologist and an endocrinologist. He received his mbbs from north bengal medical college, his m. D. In medicine from pgimer, and his d. N. B. In general medicine from the national board of examination. He is a holder of the frcp and serves as an international examiner for the mrcp. He is also a member of the british diabetic association, the society of endocrinology in the united kingdom, and the endocrine society of india.

37 years experience 900 - 1000 at clinic


7. Dr. K. Vijay kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-k-vijay-kumar-endocrinologist

Md, mbbs, endocrinologist, bangalore

Endocrinology is the primary therapeutic focus of his practice. One of the most highly regarded endocrinologists in the h. S. R. Layout area of bangalore is named Dr. K vijay kumar. As an endocrinologist, he brings more than 19 years of experience. He holds degrees in both mbbs and m. D. You are welcome to pay him a visit at the greenview medical center, located in h. S. R. Layout, bangalore. His other areas of practice include those of a general physician and diabetologist. He received his doctor of medicine from manipal university and his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery from siddhartha medical college. Additionally, he is a member of the i. M. A.

;19 years experience 350 - 400 at clinic

8. Dr. Sunil kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sunil-kumar-endocrinologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, dm endocrinology


He is an expert endocrinologist, receiving his education in the form of mbbs-rguhs 2011, also a md-general medicine-rguhs, bangalore 2014, and the prestigious degree of dm-endocrinology-rguhs.

He has a wide experience as a consultant at columbia asia hospital. He was also the chief medical officer at dayabhavan medical mission hospital and a consultant at narayana hrudayalaya. He has received various awards for his hard work and expertise and is a renowned name in the field of medicine.

He was named best endocrinologist of 2017 by curofy. He is an esteemed member of the indian medical association (ima) and the indian dietetic association. He is also a life member of the rotary club. Membership of the indian red cross society is an important part of the world health organization (who) gfatm.

11 years experience 500 at clinic 550 online

9. Dr. Vijaya sarathi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-vijaya-sarathi-endocrinologist

Mbbs, d. M. In endocrinology, and m. D. In pediatrics ;

Dr vijaya sarathi is a known endocrinologist. Endocrinology is his area of expertise. Since he became an endocrinologist 18 years ago, he has had a prosperous career. He went to school and received his degrees in dm-endocrinology, md-pediatrics, and mbbs (bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery). Endocrinologists, obesity specialists, thyroid specialists, parathyroid specialists, pediatric endocrinologists, and reproductive endocrinologists for instances of infertility are some of the other therapeutic areas he specializes in.

;18 years experience 600 - 700 at clinic 500 online

10. Dr. Mohan badagandi ;

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-mohan-badagandi-endocrinologist

Mbbs, md endocrinologist, bangalore


One of the most well-regarded endocrinologists in the jp nagar area of bangalore is named Dr. Mohan badagandi. During his 47 years of practice as an endocrinologist, he has seen a great number of satisfied patients. He has completed his mbbs and is now an m. D. Endocrinology is his area of expertise. He has both an mbbs and an m. D. Degree. Currently, he works at the rajalakshmi multispeciality hospital jp nagar, located in the jp nagar neighbourhood of bangalore.

47 years experience 0 - 625 at clinic

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Medical Complications Associated With Type 1 Diabetes

MNAMS (Membership of the National Academy) (Ophthalmology)
General Physician, Delhi
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Type 1 diabetes happens when the cells in your pancreas are destroyed by your immune system. If type 1 diabetes is not managed properly, it can lead to various health disorders and can effect your eyes, kidneys, nervous system etc.
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Common Myths And Facts Linked With Insulin

General Physician, Fatehabad
Common Myths And Facts Linked With Insulin
Common skin problems, like infections and itching, can happen to anyone. However, people suffering from ;diabetes are more susceptible to skin ailments, particularly to certain types of infections. Diabetic patients may experience greater loss of body fluids due to high blood glucose levels, which can cause your skin to become dry. Dry and broken skin can cause germs to enter through wounds and cuts, and spread leading to infections.

Common skin problems for diabetic people

Diabetes can lead to a number of specific skin problems/conditions in people. Some of the most common ones are

Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum usually affects people with type 1 diabetes, characterized by yellow or purple patches on the skin

Diabetic dermopathy leads to raised, round lesions that may turn into ulcers

Acanthosis nigricans causes black and brown lesions under the skin

Taking care of your skin is essentially important to avoid infections. If left unchecked, even minor skin problems can lead to serious diabetes complications, like ;diabetic foot ulcers and even amputation.

How to take care of your skin

Skincare for diabetes patients is no different from that needed by people without diabetes. However, some extra skincare tips can ensure and help you maintain healthy skin.

Use a gentle, mild soap to wash your hands and feet or when taking a bath. They do not contain retinoid or alpha-hydroxy acid and hence, are not too harsh on the skin. Moreover, gentle cleansers prevent your skin s natural oils, thus keeping it hydrated.

An important part of skincare for type 2 diabetes is to avoid ulcers and cracks in the skin, especially if you have ;neuropathy. Therefore, moisturize your skin daily, as it helps prevent thickening and itching. Use a moisturizing lotion or cream to keep your skin moist and soft.

Dry or broken skin can be itchy but avoid scratching a wound ;or cut. It may crack the skin further and increase the risk of infections. Instead, look for ways to soothe the itch by bathing in lukewarm water and moisturizing after.

Areas, where the skin folds and gets moist and warm, like the armpits, the groin, under the breasts, are prime locations for fungal infections. Take necessary steps to keep these sweaty areas dry. Wear loose-fitting cotton garments that allow air to pass through.

Wear specialized shoes and socks if you have neuropathy, and take care of the feet skin.

For diabetic people, maintaining good skincare, particularly of the feet, is of utmost priority. Nevertheless, seek medical assistance if you have persistent dry skin or if your skin problems worsen over time.
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