Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD Quantitative) Tips

Sugary Drinks & Cancer - Is There A Link?

MBBS, MD - Medicine
General Physician, Vadodara
Sugary Drinks & Cancer - Is There A Link?

Medical experts recognize that obesity escalates the cancer risk in an individual and that there is a relationship between this metabolic condition and cancer. Intake of high quantity of sugar or sugary drinks and products is categorized among one of the major factors which cause obesity.

Sugar comes in various forms, but the main types are fructose, lactose, and sucrose. Table sugar is chiefly sucrose and is made of fructose and glucose. Honey contains fructose, and glucose is found in various carbohydrates such as vegetables, grains, and fruits. Milk has lactose. Sugar in its natural form is healthy as compared to its processed form and it also depends upon the health of an individual. These soft drinks have glucose and fructose in equal quantity.

Recent medical research has tried to study the direct link between sugary or sweetened drinks and the increased growth of cancer. According to the study, cancer tumors collect and consume sugar through various pathways of metabolism. As per the findings of the research, fructose in tumor acts as an agent to boost the role of glucose that is directing the synthesis of fatty acids. This results in the increase of fatty acids and which can be consumed by the cancer cells to develop cellular membrane and gesticulating molecules to develop or influence inflammation. Thus, metabolically, sugary drinks and artificial sweeteners contribute substantially in strengthening the synthesis of cancerous tissues.

Alternative Drinks

One should avoid sipping sugary drinks which will also prevent them from consuming and relying on drugs. There are a number of drinks which are healthy and can replace soft drinks or any sugary drink. There are a few drinks which one can consume without the risk of influencing cancer cell if they are present. These include healthier and natural options like green tea, natural fruit juice, fruit smoothie or shakes, natural honey, lemonade, and undoubtedly water which is the best drink for a healthy body and mind. On any doubt related to the type of fluid consumption, doctor or nutritionist should definitely and immediately be consulted to prevent the associated risks.


Consumption of sugary drinks on a daily basis is one of the major factors leading to obesity in many individuals. Obesity can lead to cancer. Sugar in soft drinks or any product is harmful and should be avoided on a daily basis. One should consider replacing the soft drinks with water or lime water in their diet or green tea. These are not only harmless but help in maintaining balanced health and diet. Sugar may not directly help in the development of cancer cells, but it can play a pivotal role in its growth. Hence, one should avoid the consumption of sugary drinks in their diet as it is also harmful to the overall health.

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Cumin (Jeera) - Can It Have Side Effects?

Dr. Suneet V Shende 91% (361 ratings)
BAMS, MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Cumin (Jeera) - Can It Have Side Effects?

Cumin seed is a culinary herb that is local to Asia and is particularly used in India on everyday basis. Cumin seeds are otherwise called jeera, caraway and kummel. It is a product of the cumin herb, however, it transforms into a seed only once it has dried. Cumin is an esteemed spice as it has numerous health advantages, usually for digestive conditions like colic, dyspepsia and flatulence. Nevertheless, consuming cumin seeds can have numerous side effects as well; so consult your specialist before you use it for medicinal purposes, as it can cause certain side effects as well, such:

  1. Acidity or heartburn: Cumin seeds are known for their gas easing properties, yet it can bring about one of the most widely recognized digestive issue that is heartburn. It tends to facilitate the escape of more gas into your gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Liver damage: Oil present in the cumin seeds is very unstable and can bring about liver and kidney damage, in case one consumes cumin seed in huge quantities for a long stretch of time. Cumin oil is used for animals to prevent or reduce muscle fits and spasms.
  3. Burping: The carminative impact of cumin seed may bring about excessive burping. Also, burping is sometimes referred as a ructus or belching, which includes too much bloating. Gas from the intestinal tract and stomach is released through the mouth. At times, burping has an awful smell and a trademark sound.
  4. Abortifacient effects: Cumin seeds may also affect pregnant ladies. Consuming a lot of cumin seeds can prompt an unnatural birth cycle or instigate untimely or premature labor.
  5. Low blood sugar level: Consuming cumin seeds in large quantities can bring down the glucose level in the body. One must remember this in case you are setting out toward a surgery in the near future. During surgery, it is crucial to keep up the glucose level.
  6. Narcotic effects: Cumin seed has opiate properties. They need to be consumed with precaution, as they can be addictive. Opposite reactions of cumin seed are mental blurring, sleepiness and nausea.
  7. Heavy menstrual cycle: Cumin seeds may cause heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. In the event of cumin seeds being consumed in large amounts, you may experience heavier periods.
  8. Causes allergyUtilization of cumin seeds can bring about skin rashes and sensitivity. So individuals with skin sensitivity need to consume less cumin seeds to improve the condition.
  9. Not good for diabetics: Diabetic patients need to control their glucose level. They must maintain regular glucose levels to stay sound. Fluctuating glucose levels are a strict no for most diabetics. As mentioned recently, cumin seeds may diminish your glucose level rapidly. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a doctor and ask a free question.
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Diabetes & Fat - Know Diet For It!

Dt. Mrs. Megha Tiwari 89% (44 ratings)
M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Diabetes & Fat - Know Diet For It!

Diabetes is a condition that affects the pancreas to the extent that they do not release the required quantity of insulin which can lead to a high blood sugar level as the body starts to absorb excess glucose from the food that it ingests. This can be of various types and have different implications for different patients. While many experts insist that keeping a low cholesterol level and low weight is a primary requirement for treatment of diabetes patients, there are a number of myths in this regard. Not eating fat is one such myth that we are out to prove wrong today. So read on to find out why diabetic people need to eat fat.

- Saturated Fats and Trans Fats: There are studies that demonstrate how saturated fats can actually prove to be beneficial for diabetes patients. These can be found in various sources like fish and nuts. This releases heptadecanoic acids which can normalise the blood sugar levels as well as the insulin and triglyceride levels in the body.

- Dairy Fat: The use of milk and yoghurt as well as butter can actually be helpful in bringing the blood sugar levels down. It also shows up favourably on the lipoprotein markers. Butter, in particular, is known to have clarifying properties that can bring down the risk of diabetes as well. One must take care to use dairy products that are fat-free. 

-  Animal Fat: Having meat which releases fat and having dairy products like cheese and milk which releases healthy saturated fats are two different things. One can replace carbs and meat with these kinds of products so that there is better absorption and creation of quality animal fats which can actually help the insulin levels.

- Mono saturated and Poly saturated Fats: Food items like fish and nuts that carry high levels of omega three fatty acids as well as mono saturated and poly saturated fats can help patients suffering from diabetes by clearing the bloodstream of cholesterol and high lipid levels. This also prevents the risk of heart disease and arterial blockages. These kinds of fats are also found in flax seeds, soya products and walnuts

Going low on carbohydrates and avoiding sugar is usually recommended for patients suffering from diabetes. Yet, it is important to have your fill of essential fats as mentioned above with the help of dairy products, clarified better, omega three fatty acids, dry fruits, soya products and some amount of vegetable oils, as these actually have a number of benefits for these patients. These kinds of fats are not known to cause heart disease or high cholesterol

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किडनी के लिए ग्रीन टी - Green Tea for Kidney in Hindi

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh 92% (194 ratings)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Lakhimpur Kheri
किडनी के लिए ग्रीन टी - Green Tea for Kidney in Hindi

आजकल ग्रीन टी (Green Tea) न केवल अपने पोषक तत्वों के कारण लोगों के बीच अत्यधिक लोकप्रिय हो गई है, बल्कि यह डायबिटीज और हृदय रोग जैसी पुरानी परिस्थितियों से लड़ने की क्षमता भी रखती है।

आश्चर्यजनक रूप से ग्रीन टी किडनी की बीमारी को बढ़ने से भी बचाती है। अगर ग्रीन टी का मामूली मात्रा में नियमित रूप से सेवन किया जाए तो यह किडनी की किसी भी समस्या से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए मददगार होती है।

ग्रीन टी के अर्क किडनी की समस्याओं को हल करने और किडनी की क्षति को रोकने के लिए जीवन विस्तार देने के लिए सिद्ध होते हैं। ग्रीन टी पीने के विभिन्न लाभ हैं जैसे कि एंटीऑक्सिडेंट, कैटेचिन, और ईसीजीसी जो किडनी से संबंधित समस्याओं पर लाभकारी प्रभाव दिखाने के लिए जाने जाते हैं।

क्या ग्रीन टी किडनी के लिए अच्छी होती है?

यह जांच की गई है कि ग्रीन टी एंटीऑक्सिडेंट के प्रभाव मुख्य रूप से ग्रीन टी में मौजूद पॉलीफेनोल हाइपरयूरिसीमिया को रोकती है जो क्रोनिक किडनी रोग और प्रीगलोमेरुलर धमनियों के लिए जिम्मेदार होते हैं। ग्रीन टी की मदद से किडनी रोग की प्रगति को भी रोक दिया जाता है क्योंकि यह जैग्ड1/नॉच1-स्टाट3 (jagged/Notch1-STAT3) मार्ग को सक्रिय करता है।

ग्रीन टी में उच्च स्तर का एपिगैलोकैटेचिन गैलेट भी होता है जो किडनी की पथरी के निर्माण में भी बाधा उत्पन्न करता है। किडनी की क्षति और अंत-चरण किडनी फेलियोर को रोकने के लिए डॉक्टर भी ग्रीन टी की सलाह देते हैं।

ग्रीन टी में ईसीजी (एपिक्टिन गैलेट) होता है। एक शक्तिशाली एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट किडनी को नुकसान से बचाता है। यह सूजन और कोशिका मृत्यु को भी कम करता है। इस प्रकार एंटी-कैंसर थेरेपी साबित होती है। ग्रीन टी मलेरिया संक्रमण के दौरान होने वाले ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव को भी रोकता है, जो खराब किडनी फंक्शन की ओर जाता है, जो मलेरिया के रोगियों में मृत्यु का सामान्य कारण होता है।

किडनी स्टोन्स के लिए ग्रीन टी: Green Tea for Kidney Stones in Hindi

  • ग्रीन टी किडनी की पथरी के लिए प्रभावी साबित हुई है और ग्रीन टी का अर्क इसके गठन को रोकने में मदद करता है। अगर आपके किडनी में पहले से ही पथरी(स्टोन) है तो भी ग्रीन टी सहायक होता है क्योंकि यह पथरी को बाहर निकालने में भी मदद करती है।
  • ग्रीन टी अर्क ही कैल्शियम ऑक्सालेट के साथ जुड़ती है और इस तरह क्रिस्टल को अलग-अलग आकार लेने में सक्षम बनाती है और साथ ही यह किडनी में पथरी बनने से रोकतीहै।
  • शोध के अनुसार, ग्रीन टी का अर्क कैल्शियम ऑक्सालेट फ्लैटर करता है और इस तरह से फ्लैट स्टोन का निर्माण होता है, जो मजबूत नहीं होते हैं और आसानी से टूट जाते हैं।

क्या डायलिसिस के मरीजों के लिए ग्रीन टी अच्छी होती है?

जैसा कि यह सर्वविदित है कि ग्रीन टी में एंटीऑक्सिडेंट होते हैं और यदि 1 डिकैफ़िनेटेड ग्रीन टी कैप्सूल डायलिसिस से गुजरने वाले रोगी द्वारा लिया जाता है तो यह कई चीजों को बेहतर बनाने में मदद कर सकता है जिसमें शामिल हैं:

  • यदि ग्रीन टी कैप्सूल 6 महीने तक नियमित रूप से सेवन किया जाए तो मददगार होता है। यह सूजन को कम करके काम करता है और ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव को भी कम करता है।
  • ग्रीन टी भी एथेरोस्क्लेरोटिक डायलिसिस से गुजरने वाले रोगियों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव दिखाती है।
  • ग्रीन टी किडनी की बीमारी से जुड़े कुछ चीजों को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करती है जिसमें ब्लड यूरिया नाइट्रोजन, यूरिक एसिड, क्रिएटिनिन लेवल और ग्लूकोज एक्सक्रीशन(glucose excretion) शामिल होता है।

किडनी पर ग्रीन टी के साइड इफेक्ट्स

ग्रीन टी संभवतः असुरक्षित हो सकती है यदि इसका सेवन दिन में 7-8 कप अधिक मात्रा में किया जाए क्योंकि इसमें कैफीन भी होता है, जो किडनी के रोगों के लिए अच्छा नहीं होता है लेकिन इसके बहुत कम उदाहरण होते हैं।

यदि ग्रीन टी को अधिक मात्रा में लिया जाता है तो यह एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट एंजाइम और हीट-शॉक प्रोटीन की अभिव्यक्ति को कम करके किडनी के कार्य को बाधित कर सकता है। ऐसा ग्रीन टी में मौजूद पॉलीफेनोल्स की विषाक्तता के कारण होता है।

हाई ब्लड प्रेशर से पीड़ित लोगों को ग्रीन टी में कैफीन की मौजूदगी के कारण कम मात्रा में इसका सेवन करना चाहिए। यह किडनी की बीमारी के जोखिम की संभावना को बढ़ाता है और यहां तक ​​कि किडनी के कार्य दर को भी कम करता है। इस प्रकार ब्लड प्रेशर में अचानक वृद्धि होती है।

इसलिए, ग्रीन टी के कई संभावित लाभ हैं और किडनी की समस्याओं के दौरान भी इसका सेवन किया जा सकता है। लेकिन अगर आपको कोई संदेह है या आप किसी समस्या का सामना करते हैं तो आप अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श कर सकते हैं और इसके बारे में अधिक जानकारी ले सकते हैं।

यदि आपके पास कोई चिंता या प्रश्न है, तो आप हमेशा किसी डॉक्टर से परामर्श कर सकते हैं और अपने प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्राप्त कर सकते हैं!

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Osteomalacia - 6 Factors That Can Cause It!

Dr. Nitin Bansal 87% (19 ratings)
MS - Orthopaedics
Orthopedic Doctor, Bathinda
Osteomalacia - 6 Factors That Can Cause It!

The weakening of the bones during the bone development or formation process is called Osteomalacia. Osteomalacia, when it occurs in children, is called Rickets. A lot of people confuse it with osteoporosis, which affects bones that have already been formed.

One’s bones need phosphorus and calcium to remain strong and healthy. However, the minerals get broken down by Vitamin D. Osteomalacia occurs when the body is lacking in Vitamin D, without which, bones become flexible and soft. The primary symptom of Osteomalacia is pain in the bones, generally experienced in the hips. The pain can also be felt in the arms, legs and the spine. As the disease progresses, the bones become weaker and the pain increases.

Causes of Osteomalacia

The primary cause behind Osteomalacia is the lack of Vitamin D. Vitamin D gets generated in the skin when it is exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Vitamin D can also be found in dairy products and fish. A lack of exposure to the sun and absence of Vitamin D-rich foods from the diet may lead to Osteomalacia. However, even if you are getting enough sun and Vitamin D in your food, there are other ways in which Vitamin D deficiency can occur:

  1. Some forms of cancer inhibit the absorption of Vitamin D
  2. Celiac disease can damage the lining of the intestine, preventing the absorption of Vitamin D.
  3. Liver disorders
  4. Kidney disorders
  5. A lack of phosphate in the diet can also lead to Osteomalacia
  6. Some drugs that are used to treat seizures can also cause Osteomalacia

Treatment of Osteomalacia

The treatment of Osteomalacia, if the disease is diagnosed early, is fairly simple. You just need to increase your consumption of Vitamin D. Your doctor may ask you to take Vitamin D supplements, increase the intake of the vitamin in your diet in the form of milk products and fish. Getting just the right amount of exposure to the sun is also important in this regard. Getting Vitamin D injected into the body is another way to make up for the deficiency in this vitamin in the body.

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Sugar - Know Harms Of It!

General Physician, Hyderabad
Sugar - Know Harms Of It!

Sugar is the generic name that represents sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. 

What Happens When Concentrated Sugar Enters the Body?
Sugar is a poison when concentrated because it causes swelling of joints, liver, and brain. Sugar will hamper the healing of your body, if you have an injury or chronic illness. Sugar acts as a source of energy for cancer cells and all infectious diseases. Sugar blocks the absorption of the nutrients you are eating, especially minerals being one of them.

Harmful Effects of Sugar on the Body

  1. It is a true silent killer: A study in 2008 linked excess fructose consumption to an increase in leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that tells you when you have had enough food. For some people, leptin simply does not work, leaving the person with no signal whatsoever that the body had enough food leading to over-consumption of food and consequently, obesity. As all this happens without symptoms or warning bells and you can’t quite figure out why you’ve gained weight in the past year “sugar” is labelled as SILENT KILLER.
  2. It can damage your heart: In 2013, the Journal of the American Heart Association displayed strong evidence that sugar can actually affect the pumping mechanism of your heart and could increase the risk for heart failure. A molecule from a sugar called glucose metabolite glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) is responsible for the changes in the muscle protein of the heart leading to heart failure.
  3. It promotes belly fat: Excess fructose intake (but not glucose intake) actually causes visceral fat cells to mature leading to a big belly and higher risk for heart disease and diabetes.
  4. It has toxic liver effects on the body: Fructose and glucose in excess can have a toxic effect on the liver as the metabolism of ethanol, the alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages, has similarities to the metabolic pathways like fructose.
  5. It saps brainpower: Study shows that excess sugar consumption was linked to deficiencies in memory and overall cognitive health.

Quick Facts!

  1. Your brain lights up with sugar just like it does with heroin or cocaine. Sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine.
  2. Sugar has empty calories meaning you can consume a lot of it and feel full, but receive no nutritional value.
  3. It is certainly one of the leading causes of early death and chronic illnesses, including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
  4. Food companies try to hide sugars in their food by using other forms of sugar. This leads to addiction to their products (e.g. high-fructose corn syrup).
  5. Sugar in itself offers absolutely no nutritional value what so ever to the body. It is often coined with the term empty calories.
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Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes - Know The Symptoms & Treatment Of It!

Dr. Sridhar Billa 89% (33 ratings)
General Physician, Hyderabad
Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes - Know The Symptoms & Treatment Of It!

There are a number of lifestyle ailments that plague people around the world. Cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterolhypertension and diabetes are just a few of them. Diabetes means your blood sugar level, called glucose, is too high. Blood glucose is the main kind of sugar found in your blood and is supposed to be your main source of energy. Glucose originates from the food that you eat and is additionally made in your liver and muscles. Your blood supplies glucose to the rest of your body's cells to use as a source of energy.

Your pancreas are situated between your stomach and spine. It assists with absorption of glucose from food and discharges a hormone called insulin, into your blood. Insulin helps your blood transport glucose to all your body's cells. In some cases your body doesn't make enough insulin or the insulin doesn't work the way it ought to. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn't reach your cells.

The signs and symptoms of diabetes are as follows:

  1. Being extremely thirsty

  2. Urinating regularly

  3. Feeling hungry

  4. Feeling tired

  5. Getting thinner without attempting

  6. Wounds that mend gradually

  7. Dry, bothersome skin

  8. Feeling of pins and needles in your feet

  9. Losing sensation in your feet

  10. Hazy vision

Type 1 diabetes is found mostly in youngsters. In type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin or enough insulin because of the the body's vulnerable immune system. It protects you from contamination by getting rid of bacteria, infections, and other destructive substances.

Treatment for type 1 Diabetes:

  1. Taking regular injections of insulin

  2. Medicines as prescribed by the specialist

  3. Healthy food choices

  4. Being physically active

  5. Controlling your circulatory strain levels. Circulatory strain is the pressure of blood flow inside your veins.

  6. Controlling cholesterol levels

Type 2 diabetes can influence individuals at any age. It is known to affect moderately aged and elderly individuals. People who are overweight and inert are more prone to type 2 Diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes normally starts with insulin resistance, a condition that happens when fat, muscle and liver cells do not utilise insulin to supply glucose to the body's cells to draw energy. Accordingly, the body needs more insulin to help glucose enter the cells. At such an instance, the pancreas start producing more insulin. Over the long haul, the pancreas do not make enough insulin when glucose levels increase, for example, after meals. If your pancreas can no more make enough insulin, you should treat your type 2 diabetes.

Treatment for type 2 Diabetes:

  1. Utilising diabetes prescriptions

  2. Settling on solid food decisions

  3. Being physically active

  4. Controlling your circulatory strain levels

  5. Controlling your cholesterol levels

  6. Weight loss is the most important if you are overweight. Avoid junk food and sugar, exercise regularly and take medicines on-time. 

  7. Regular follow-up to a physician is important
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5 Small Meals Vs 3 Meals - Which Is Better?

Dt. Sarika Nair 89% (74 ratings)
Diploma in Diet and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
5 Small Meals Vs 3 Meals - Which Is Better?

Health is wealth! This age-old adage holds true even today. The usual practice of 3 meals a day needs some tinkering and 5 small meals a day seems like a good way forward. Go to any dietician or any nutritionist and they will vouch for its benefits. So, let us now take a look at the many advantages that come up with this multiple-meal plan:

Alters the food schedule and instils a sense of discipline:
It helps in altering your food schedule. When you spread your meals throughout the day, it allows you to try different dishes without over-consuming any one dish. With more opportunities to eat healthy, you can develop proper diet charts and follow it properly across the entire day. Moreover, it teaches you the discipline to keep a check on your diet.

Keeps a check on binge eating and overeating:
Five meals a day plan can help you control your weight. Intake of small meals prevents binge eating. You don't need to consume in large quantity at once if there are more meals to look forward to throughout the duration of the day. Smaller meals condition you in such a way that you do not indulge in overeating even if you are outside.

Something in every meal:
Since you're opting for five meals a day, you will indulge in different types of food items throughout the day right from vegetables, fruits, cereals, eggs, milk-shakes and much more. This will not only keep your palette satisfied but will also make sure that you get all the right amount of nutrients as nothing healthy will be left out.

Goes hand in hand with all the diet charts and plans:
Eating healthy and in small portion ensures that you are on course for your diet plan. Five meals a day will give you a chance to screen your nourishment intake and manage it more viably. It also helps in keeping your appetite under check. It maintains a healthy balance between healthy eating and satiating your hunger.

Disregard the three-feast model; it has now become obsolete. Your busy schedule requests that you take a more dynamic approach to your nourishment. Five meals a day is just the right way to ensure that you have your share of proper nutrients every day.

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Thyme - You Must Know 5 Benefits About It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kolkata
Thyme - You Must Know 5 Benefits About It!

Thyme is one of the most famous herbs from the mint family. It is a common herb present in every spice set for garnishing and flavouring of the dish. In fact, apart from its modern-day use, it had been used by Egyptians in the process of mummification as well as by the Greeks as a form of incense. However, apart from its culinary uses, it is gaining a reputation as one of the most useful ingredients with several medicinal properties. Some of these medicinal properties are highlighted below.

  1. Regulates Blood Pressure: When it comes to blood pressure, consumption of salt and maintaining a balanced level of cholesterol are the two important things to keep a lookout for. Thyme itself can be used as a substitute for salt. Though the taste would not be quite the same without a trace of salt in the dish, but at least it would benefit your health and keep a balanced level of salt and cholesterol in your body. This would help you in maintaining a balanced blood pressure and also prevent you from falling prey to any kind of heart disease or even diabetes for that matter.
  2. Controls cough and cold: If you feel that you are about to experience an attack of a cough and cold due to seasonal changes or whatever reason, do not forget to keep some thyme at hand. You can make thyme paste and rub it onto your chest. The vapours coming out of it would help in curing cough. Further, thyme oils can always be used for a chest massage or can be rubbed onto the sides of your nostrils. Moreover, drinking warm thyme infused tea helps you in recovering faster.
  3. Boosts immunity: To maintain a proper immune system the body needs, vitamins, minerals, water and various other elements. With thyme being a rich source of vitamin C and Vitamin A apart from having the benefits of iron, manganese, copper and fibre, it is not unusual to know that it boosts the immune system in an individual. Thus, thyme is often consumed in a small quantity with at least one or two dishes of the day. This makes sure that the quantity of thyme entering your body is regulated and is just enough to provide you with all the necessary elements.
  4. Acts as a disinfectant: Mould is an element present in the air which not only causes air pollution but can be fatal to human health. In fact, it hurts those with asthma even more than regular people. One of the easiest ways to get rid of moulds in the air is to regularly use thyme oil in your house. Thyme oil acts as a disinfectant and helps in reducing the concentration of moulds in the air.
  5. Used for therapeutic purposes: Carvacrol is a substance present in thyme which helps it in making a mark as an important compound in aromatherapy. Many essential oils are made of thyme essence. These essential oils are not only used on the skin for massages but also used as incense and de-stressors.

Thus, these are some of the most important uses of thyme apart from adding flavouring to some of your favourite dishes.

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The Essential 4 Macronutrients and 3 Micro Nutrients Our Body Needs

Dt. Archana Shah 91% (550 ratings) Food & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
The Essential 4 Macronutrients and 3 Micro Nutrients Our Body Needs
Types of Nutrients Your Body Needs

To keep our body functioning, we need different types of nutrients from our diet. These nutrients are mainly classified into two types: 1. Macro nutrients 2. Micronutrients

Macronutrients are the nutrients which are required in large amounts and micro nutrients are required in smaller quantities.


1. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our body. Starch, fructose, glucose etc are examples of different carbohydrates. The sources of carbohydrates are grains, bread, fruits, and starchy vegetables.

2. Proteins: Proteins, also known as body building blocks, are essential for repair and maintenance different tissues like bones and muscles. Pulses, meat and eggs are the sources of proteins.

3. Fats: Fats are of two types, saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are synthesized in our body thus we need not to obtain it from external sources. Excess intake of saturated fats result in many health problems like high BP, high cholesterol, heart problems, obesity etc. Unsaturated fats, also called essential fats, are not produced in body and thus have to be included in our diet. Unsaturated fats are available in plant sources and some types of fishes.

4. Water: Our body is about 70% of water. We need water for different functions like metabolism, transportation etc.


1. Vitamins: Vitamins are vital amino acids. They are of two types: Fat soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can be stored in the body with the fat reserves. Water soluble vitamins (B complex and C) are lost easily with the body fluids and must be replenished on regular basis.

2. Minerals: They are the essential chemicals required in very small quantities for very vital body functions. They assist in our body’s metabolic system. Calcium, potassium, iron, zinc etc are the examples of minerals which can be obtained from different food and supplements.

3. Fibers: Fibers are indigestible nutrients present in mainly plant based food. Fiber rich diet prevents constipation and improves bowel movements. It also helps in reducing bad cholesterol and diabetes.

Fruits and vegetables are sources of micronutrients.

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