
Growth Hormone Questions

I am a nephrotic syndrome patient for the past 17 years. I am 26 now. Can I take growth harmone injections now?

Dr. Amit Agarwal 92% (825 ratings)
MD - Paediatrics, MBBS, FISPN & FISPN - Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatrician, Delhi
In my opinion growth hormone is not gonna work now as the growth plates closes much earlier then 26 years of age.
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I am 23 years old my height is 152.5 cms I really want to increase my height. Want to know about growth hormone injections.

Dr. Robin Anand 93% (16013 ratings)
Ayurveda, Ambala
I am 23 years old my height is 152.5 cms I really want to increase my height. Want to know about growth hormone injec...
There are methods by which you can gain some height. 1. Follow these exercises regularly and you get the goal of height gain: * first stand straight bare foot on floor, then raise your arms upwards then raise your heels of foot with breathing in, try to stand on heels for 10-12 seconds and slowlylower down your heels back on the floor and breath outthe air. Repeat this exercise 5-8 times in morning. *sit on the floor, stretch you legs together so that both foot touch each other. Now raise your arms upwards together with back straight, now move your hands towardstoes of feet and touch them. Your forehead touching your knees. Slowly revert back the arms and move back arms in normal position. Repeat this exercise 2-4 times daily. * firststand bare foot on flat surface, now move your heels upwards and raise your arms up. Start walk on the front part of feet with heels upwards. Walkatleast 8-10 steps. Repeat this exercise for 2-3 times in a day. 2. Take 300 ml of rich cream milk, 200 gm of cheese and 2-3 eggs regularly. It will definitely give boost to your bone growth. 3. Sit in sun rays for atleast 8-10 minutes in morning of evenings when the sun rays are not so strong. It will help you by getting adequate quantity of vitamin-d. 4. The growth and height iscontrolled by growth hormone whichis secreted by pituitary gland situated in the brain. So take meditation and have a stressfree lifestyle. Take 6-8 hours of sleep daily. Meditation makes your pituitatry gland healthy and working properly.
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I am 24 years presently. Will growth hormone treatment work on me? I just want it to be increased by 4 inch.

Dr. Sajeev Kumar 91% (40820 ratings)
C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
I am 24 years presently. Will growth hormone treatment work on me? I just want it to be increased by 4 inch.
At the age of 18, HGH will likely not help you grow taller. ... No, it's way too late for hgh injections (and pills claiming to increase hgh are as good as worthless).Even with a healthy diet, most people's height won't increase after age 18 to 20. ... Increases in height are primarily due to the lengthening of your long bones, as the growth plates are still active or “open. Exercise is the best possible way to help you grow taller and achieve your maximum height, naturally. ... Proper exercise helps in toning and strengthening your muscles, releasing the growth hormones which are responsible for height gain.
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Hi, my daughter is 14 years old and height is 4.8 ft. Can we go in for the growth hormone treatment for her in gurugram. Please advice.

Dr. Pulak Mukherjee 91% (13393 ratings)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hooghly
Hi, my daughter is 14 years old and height is 4.8 ft. Can we go in for the growth hormone treatment for her in gurugr...
It has soo many adverse effects also, so keep that in mind and before going for treatment you should discuss about it.
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Is it possible for a 26 years old adult male to gain 2-3 inches in height with growth hormone injections?

Dr. Sajeev Kumar 91% (40820 ratings)
C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
Is it possible for a 26 years old adult male to gain 2-3 inches in height with growth hormone injections?
No, I understand your concern for gaining height and worries about short height. It is pointless to worry about your height and even if parents have height the children may not get the same height as the genetics can undergo changes called mutation and parental traits need not be fully transferred to children. Your height is what you have you have got by your chromosomes and genes and is unchangeable or it can be said that your height is your god given height understand that it is not the physical height which makes a person great but on the other hand it is the value or height of his achievement in his life that makes him stand at an increased height in society and make him feel proud where physical height is immaterial. A person in his growing years can grow until he is 21 years of age by eating good balanced diets fruits and vitamins a lot of people are crazy to increase height and a person’s height is his genetic trait and we cannot, in fact, modify it. There are many false advertisements claiming to have a magical formula for increasing height which is nothing but money making and misleading advertisements. There are no safe allopathic / unani / homeo drugs or diet plans or surgery or any medical /magical methods and exercises to increase or decrease height and it is the genetic trait of a person and is based on parental height. There is no magical remedy for height modification. Many products marketed as height increasing products are false claims and will only take your money away. You learn to live with what height you have genetically got and many great men in history were not tall and they are known for and famous for their great deeds. Understand that it is not the physical height of anyone but his or her great achievement is hailed by others or society.
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How to generate growth hormone for increase in height at age of 20 please tell me I want to be a male model.

Dr. Sushant Nagarekar 93% (8190 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Navi Mumbai
How to generate growth hormone for increase in height at age of 20 please tell me I want to be a male model.
Hi, your height can grow till 25 years of age. If you haven't yet reached the age, you may try the following remedies - 1. Take flax seed powder - 1 tablespoon after lunch and dinner with warm water. 2. Take lakshadi guggul - 2 tablets, twice a day. 3. Take ashwgandha churna - 1 tablespoon with milk at 6.30 pm. Also follow these exercises daily - 1. Swimming 2. Skipping 3. Pull-ups 4. Suryanamaskar.
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Is it possible to grow a height after 21 age? I know it is silly question but I want know like growth hormone supplements?

Dt. Dheeraj Kumar 92% (721 ratings)
Certificate Course in Fitness Management
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Is it possible to grow a height after 21 age? I know it is silly question but I want know like growth hormone supplem...
Hello, Short heightedness can be due to heredity reasons (genetics), lack of proper nutrition: lacking in essential vitamins and minerals, substance abuse, lack of sufficient physical activity, endocrinal/hormonal problems, mostly related to hypofunctional pituitary gland. Also, problems with bone formation and calcification are responsible for shorter stature and built. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) also plays a determining part. HGH is secreted by pituitary gland and it is directly connected to how long your bones and cartilages grow. Here are some home remedies that you should include right away to increase your height naturally: ASHWAGANDHA: Ashwagandha can indirectly influence the release of HGH and helps the body in overall development. Take 1 tablespoon of Ashwagandha powder with a glass of warm milk (preferably with 1 tablespoon of shakkar) at night before going to bed. OTHER HERBS: You can also try some other beneficial herbs like shilajit, shatavari, guduchi, amla, and guggul. BALANCED DIET: Eat a High protein diet with chicken breasts and chicken soup, Bone broth, fish, eggs, Milk and other dairy products. Also, eat all seasonal fruits and vegetables (especially broccoli, spinach and turnips). WATER: Drink plenty of water (at least 5 litres) every day to keep yourself hydrated and to promote bone and muscle growth. Also drink 3 cups of green tea every day. CALCIUM: Calcium is a height booster as your bones are primarily made of calcium. Take a calcium supplement with Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc (at night). MULTI-VITAMIN: Also, taking a high quality multi-vitamin for a month or two helps to provide other essential nutrients to your body for overall development. EXERCISE: Exercise is probably the most important factor. You must give your body a stimulus (or reason) to grow. Do cycling, running, sprinting, Yoga, and meditation. Also, do skipping for at least 20 minutes each day in an open area. Do take part in sport activities like badminton, tennis, basketball, or any other sport of your choice for all round development of the body. Growth hormone supplements could be taken but consult your general physician first.
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Dr. please tell me the tips I have to do grow taller after 18 my height growth hormone should increase what I have to do.

Dr. Jayvirsinh Chauhan 93% (35817 ratings)
MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Vadodara
Dr. please tell me the tips I have to do grow taller after 18 my height growth hormone should increase what I have to...
Hi.. sorry to say that around 18 years the height stops growing and there are no medicines to help that... and even if someone offers then (s)he might be cheating.. so better do some exercise like pull ups, swimming, suryanamaskar, cycling and see if it helps...
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Dr. will ashwagandha powder increases growth hormone if we take after 18 and make us grow taller.

Dr. Pulak Mukherjee 91% (13393 ratings)
Homeopath, Hooghly
Dr. will ashwagandha powder increases growth hormone if we take after 18 and make us grow taller.
After 18 years of age growth generally don't occur,, ashwagandha can stimulate if u take it before 14 yrs of age,,there are so many factors for growth,,like hormonal,, family history,lack of protein etc,,
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Growth hormone injection is good effective in increasing height of a person of age between 20-24 years or not?

General Physician, Mumbai
Growth hormone injection is good effective in increasing height of a person of age between 20-24 years or not?
As you are 21 years of age and hence there is fusion of the bones and hence your height is not going to increase even after giving growth hormone injections.