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HBV Profile Test

HBV Profile Test

A Hepatitis B Virus test also known as HBV test is a blood test that determines whether there is an active hepatitis B infection. It may also be used to detect if there was an infection in the past. Hepatitis is a condition characterized by the inflammation and enlargement of the liver. HBV is usually spread by coming in contact with the blood of an infected person. The HBV infections have a varying course range lasting from a mild form that lasts only a few weeks to chronic form which may last years. The HBV infection may be acute or chronic.

It is recommended that you wear a sleeveless or short-sleeved shirt or a full-sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled up to enable easy withdrawal of blood from your arm. No test preparation is required. There are no dietary restrictions that you have to follow before the test. Certain medications that you are currently taking may affect the test results. So, make sure to inform your doctor regarding all the medications, vitamins, herbs and supplements you are taking. In case the blood withdrawn is to be used for further tests, your doctor will inform you the necessary preparations in prior.

The hepatitis B virus test is used for various reasons. It may be used to determine the following, To check whether acute symptoms are due to HBV infection For diagnosing chronic HBV hepatitis To monitor chronic condition of hepatitis B infection and effectiveness of treatment To identify previous exposure to hepatitis B infection To determine if a person is carrier of the infection during blood transfusion

The HBV test detects level of HBe antigen and antibody and HBV DNA. If HBeAg becomes negative and anti-HBe becomes positive, this indicates that treatment is effective. A high result of HBV DNA indicates that the virus is actively replicating and the treatment is not effective.

A few millilitres of blood sample is required for this test. This will be obtained directly from your arm. The insertion site is prepared for the withdrawal of blood. An elastic band is wrapped around your arm to make the veins swell with blood. The site to be injected is cleansed with antiseptic.

The needle is inserted into the vein and a tube attached to the needle is then filled up with blood. A gauze pad or cotton ball is placed over the punctured area as the needle is removed. The sample is transferred to the laboratory for further examination.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Anti Hbeag Antibodies
All age groups
The antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
HBeAg - Envelope Antigen
All age groups
detected in case of an infection
Anti HBc Antibodies
All age groups
The antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
HBsAg is Surface Antigen
All age groups
detected in case of an infection
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1000 to Rs.4500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is HBV Profile Test?
Preparation for HBV Profile Test
Uses of HBV Profile Test
Procedure for HBV Profile Test
Normal values for HBV Profile Test
Price for HBV Profile Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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See​ that she eats a balanced diet. She should also go for a routine medical check up just to ensure that there is no any health problem that remain undetected. Some basic tests are: CBC, ESR, blood sugar, thyroid test, urine routine, liver profile etc. She should also focus on exercising everyday. Add Yoga and pranayam which can naturally empower the healing system in the body. A healthy lifestyle can make a lot of difference in the long run. Please revert with the reports for further clarification. She can also start Homeopathy to help gain good appetite and thereby healthy​ weight. You can contact me online also.
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Hello lybrate-user, the reason is very much obvious that there is constant pressure over your spine and other joints because of work profile. Take time to rest for sometime, take a walk, stretching h your upper and lower body, do exercises at home regularly, maintain posture which is very much important.

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Frequency of micturation can cause due to 2 or 3 reasons. Like urinary tract infection. Diabetes mallitus, or incipidus, and any inflammation in kidney also. Soo that has to be ruled out. U need to do some tests. U can contact me through Lybrate in private consultation. By proper homeopathic treatment this is very much curable.

Popular Health Tips

Comparison Between Red Meat & White Meat

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Comparison Between Red Meat & White Meat

Meat forms an essential part of the daily diet of many people. But it often gets difficult to choose between white meat (chicken or fish) and red meat (beef or pork or mutton) due to the numerous health benefits offered by both. Moreover, both kinds of meat have some health risks as well, which should be kept in mind while consuming either of them.

Read on to find how each type of meat may affect your health, and, which will be more beneficial for your body.

Fat content

People who are more conscious about their weight often tend to choose white meat over red meat because of its lower fat content. For example, fat content in chicken is only about 11%, whereas pork contains about 45% fat. Moreover, the saturated fat content of red meat is about 2.64 times that of white meat.

Protein content

100 gm of chicken breast has about 29.80 gm of protein, whereas the same amount of lamb and pork contain 22.51 gm and 27.55 gm protein respectively. In this case, consumption of white meat will prove to be beneficial as your body can absorb only 74% of the protein in red meat and 80% of the protein in white meat.

Other nutrient content

Red meat is rich in niacin, vitamin b12, riboflavin and thiamine, iron and minerals like zinc and phosphorus. While vitamin b12 aids proper nerve health and ensures that the red blood cells function properly, zinc is responsible for strengthening your immune system.

White meat contains fewer nutrients in comparison to red meat. However, fish contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which help in improving lipid profiles and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Health risks

Consumption of both types of meat has been long associated with increased risk of different diseases. The presence of myoglobin, a type of protein in red meat, is responsible for increasing the risk of certain types of cancer. Also, red meat has been often linked with increased chances of hypertension and heart diseases.

These days, feeding antibiotics to chicken for enlarging their size have become a common practice. So, consumption of this type of meat increases the amount of drug-resistant bacteria in your body and reduces the effect of useful drugs too.

While white meat still provides good health benefits, red is NOT RECOMMENDED!! If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.

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Women's Healthcare Guidelines!

MBBS, Diploma In Child Health
Pediatrician, Hyderabad
Women's Healthcare Guidelines!

The National Women's Health Information Center offers the following 10 things you can do to help live longer, live better, and live happier:

  1. Be informed. Learn about health promotion and disease prevention and ask your healthcare provider for specific information regarding your needs.

  2. Be good to your bones. For healthy bones, be sure to replenish your stock of calcium every day with plenty of foods such as milk and other dairy products, tofu, leafy green vegetables, canned salmon or sardines, and calcium-fortified juices or breads. Speak with your healthcare provider about calcium supplements.

  3. Avoid illegal drugs and alcohol. For women, the definition of moderate drinking stops at one drink a day. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines a drink as one 5-ounce glass of wine, one 12-ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits. Remember that the alcohol content of each type of drink can vary widely. Where illicit drugs are concerned, there is no such thing as "moderate" use.

  4. Take medicine wisely. Read the labels, follow the instructions carefully, and remind your healthcare provider or pharmacist about any other medicines or supplements you might be taking that could interact with your medicines. For your safety – to lower your risk for adverse side effects or medicine interactions, for instance – you should also let your healthcare provider know if you use any illicit or "recreational" drugs. If you have any questions about possible side effects, call your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

  5. Play it safe. Avoid injuries. Buckle up. Wear a bike helmet. Use smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Wear sunscreen and UV protected sunglasses. Use street smarts and common sense. Practice safe sex by using condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

  6. Get checked. Get regular checkups, preventive exam, and immunizations. Do not forget self-exams, too.

  7. Don't smoke. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in our country.

  8. Eat smart. It is the secret to good health. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Enjoy a variety of foods, balance foods from each food group, and exercise in moderation.

  9. Get moving. The other secret to good health: just 30 minutes of physical activity, accumulated over the course of each day, can radically improve the way you look and feel, both physically and mentally.

  10. Be happy. Take time for yourself. Get connected with family, friends, and community. Do things you enjoy!

Routine activities for women to ensure good health

This chart provides general healthcare guidelines for women, but is not meant to replace any advice and guidance given by your healthcare provider. Please use it as a reminder to take care of your personal healthcare needs, and also as a list of topics you may want to discuss with your healthcare provider.

Each day

Each month

Each year


Exercise 30 minutes a day.

Perform an oral cavity self-exam, gums, teeth, lips, tongue

Have a dental checkup once or twice a year. Have vision and hearing checked annually.

Discuss with your healthcare provider whether you need an annual exam.

Protect yourself from the sun - use sunscreen and dress appropriately.

Perform a full-body self-exam for unusual moles or other skin conditions. Have your healthcare provider examine moles annually, or immediately for suspicious growths.

Have a pelvic exam and Pap test beginning at age 21.Talk with your healthcare provider about his or her recommendations for further testing and screening for the human papillomavirus, or HPV.*

After age 50:

  • Have a fecal occult blood test every year, or have a flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, OR

  • Have a double contrast barium enema every 5 years, OR

  • Have a colonoscopy every 10 years

 Begin screening with a colonoscopy at age 45 in African Americans

Watch your fat intake - no more than 25 % to 35% of your calorie intake. Most fats should come from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.

Be aware of your weight, check your BMI (body mass index)

 Have your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked

Starting at age 45: every 5 years have a full lipid profile test for cholesterol and triglycerides.

Earlier screening is recommended if you have risk factors for coronary artery disease.

Eat sources of protein such as lean or low-fat meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts.

Eat 5 to 9 services of fruits and vegetables daily.

At least half of all of the grains eaten should be whole-grains.

Consume 3 cups of fat-free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk products per day.


Talk with your doctor about when you should have a mammogram.

Get pneumococcal vaccines.

After age 65:  get the pneumococcal vaccines; also recommended for those younger than 65 who have medical problems that increase the risk for serious complications and death

Be aware of your alcohol intake and stress level.


Get a flu shot.

 Get a tetanus/diphtheria (td) booster every 10 years

* The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women have their first Pap test at age 21. Women ages 21 to 29 should have a Pap test every 3 years. Women 30 and older are recommended to have co-testing every 5 years, and cytology and HPV every 3 years. It's reasonable to discontinue screening for cervical cancer in women age 65 and over after receiving negative prior screening tests if there  is no history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2+ within the last 20 years. After screening has been discontinued, it should not be resumed, even if a woman has multiple sexual partners.

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Benefits Of Onion!

General Physician, Gorakhpur
Benefits Of Onion!

Onions are incredibly common vegetables, and we often overlook the impressive health benefits that they provide. Onions have a similar nutrient profile to garlic, as well as the active ingredient, allicin, which affects our bodies in many different ways. Onion juice has been known as a natural remedy for angina and other cardiovascular issues, and it can quickly reduce cholesterol levels if taken on a daily basis. Extracting onion juice and drinking it directly may not seem like the most appealing remedy or preventative measure for angina, but it has been proven to work!

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Heart Ailments!

Msc dietetics and food service management
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Panchkula

Lipid profiling since 20 can prevent heart ailments: doctors
 Lipid profiling -- blood tests that screen for abnormalities in lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides from the age of 20 years can help detect heart ailments at an early stage.

Image for representational purpose only
 Lipid profiling -- blood tests that screen for abnormalities in lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides from the age of 20 years can help detect heart ailments at an early stage, revealed doctors on thursday.

According to them, a person may be at high risk of heart attack if the levels of high-density lipoproteins (hdl), low-density lipoprotein (ldl) and triglycerides -- causes of heart ailments -- are high.

These should be screened early, especially if the person is a smoker, obese, has blood sugar level on the higher side or there is a family history of heart ailments.

This blood test (lipid profiling) indicates results of the levels of hdl, ldl and triglycerides. An annual frequency of the test is recommended for people with diabetes or heart issues.

Triglycerides, a type of fat, if seen at elevated level, has a strong association with metabolic syndrome which has a tendency to increase the risk for heart diseases, diabetes and stroke

According to the world health organization, cardiovascular diseases would be the largest cause of death and disability in india by 2020. By 2030, it is expected that 23 million people will die from cardiovascular diseases annually.

Medical science says that lipid profile also helps in diagnosis and making decisions about what treatment would be best if there is borderline or high risk, if found positive for heart ailments. Monitoring and maintaining healthy levels of these lipids is important in staying healthy.

Chabbra urged people to maintain the body mass index (bmi) within the normal range (19 to 25), as it could determine the risk for developing obesity, another cause for heart ailments.

According to the world heart federation, at least 80 per cent of premature deaths from heart diseases and stroke could be avoided if the main risk factors  tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity are controlled.

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Planning For IVF? Read On

Gynaecologist, Vadodara
Planning For IVF? Read On

IVF (in vitro fertilisation) and surrogacy are alternative methods of having a baby and can be resorted to when a couple cannot conceive the natural way. There are three things you must keep in mind before making a choice between IVF or surrogacy:

Surrogacy is opted for when the woman is unable to conceive by natural means and when there's no possibility of her getting pregnant whatsoever. Surrogacy can be of two types- full surrogacy and partial surrogacy. On the other hand, IVF works towards the treatment of infertility in one or both the partners, enabling the woman partner to conceive the child. IVF involves the fertilisation of a woman's eggs by the sperm of the intended father in a laboratory dish. The developed embryo (or fertilised egg) is then implanted in the woman's uterus.

Risks of surrogacy include multiple births, ectopic pregnancy (implantation of the fertilised egg in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus, leading to miscarriage) and birth defects in the child, to name a few. As for risks associated with IVF, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (swollen and painful ovaries), multiple births, ectopic pregnancy and stress can take place if IVF is opted for.

Surrogacy requires the fulfilment of complex legal processes, such as determining eligibility, matching profiles of surrogates with intended parents, finding of a potential surrogate and more, which require proper legal counselling. Besides the cost of surrogacy in India is higher than IVF.

IVF does not involve any such processes and is easier to carry out. The low cost of IVF in comparison to surrogacy makes it a much more viable option. Based on these factors, you can make the choice of a procedure that is best suited for you. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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