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Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test

Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test

also known as: Anti-Campylobacter Antibodies, IgM, Anti-H pylori, IgM

Helicobacter pylori are a type of bacteria that lives in the digestive tract of the human body. Over a period of time, the cause the development of sores called ulcers in the lining of the stomach. The bacteria damage the lining of your stomach which shields your stomach from the acid used for digestion. Hence the acid attacks your stomach causing stomach ulcers causing bleeding and infections. Symptoms include a dull burning pain in the stomach especially when it is empty. Excessive burping, bloating of stomach, stomach pain, vomiting and blood in vomit, blood in stool, lack of hunger, and unexplained weight loss are other symptoms. ImG or Immunoglobin M is the largest and the first antibody that is released by the body in response to an infection. The test uses a blood sample to test the presence of these antibodies.

The test does not require any special preparation. Any sort of medication or drug must be informed to your doctor in prior. Wear short-sleeved or sleeveless clothes preferably.

Positive results indicate the presence of IgM antibodies, thus indicating the presence of stomach ulcers.

The test requires a blood sample. The area, usually accommodating the visible vein on the inside of your hand (near your elbow) is cleaned using an alcohol pad. The brood is drawn out using a thin needle. The punctured area is then bandaged. The sample is sent for testing the presence of antibodies. There might be a little bleeding or a mild spell of dizziness.

This test was developed, and its performance characteristics determined, by LabCorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Results of this test are for investigational purposes only. The results should not be used as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation of the diagnosis by another medically diagnostic product or procedure.
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Helicobacter Pylori IgM
All age groups
normally present

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Table of Content

What is Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test?
Preparation for Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test
Uses of Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test
Procedure for Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test
Limitations of Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Helicobacter Pylori IgM Test
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