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High Sensitive CRP (1) Test

High Sensitive CRP (1) Test

also known as: Cardiac C-Reactive Protein (CRP), High-sensitivity CRP

CRP constitutes a protein, which increases within the blood with inflammation. Research studies have revealed that persistent low inflammation level has a primary role in atherosclerosis or narrowing of human blood vessels because of lipids and cholesterol formation. High-Sensitive-CRP test thus measures low C - reactive protein levels accurately, identifies low yet persistent inflammation levels, and thereby, predicts a potential risk of a person to develop cardiovascular diseases.

Patients do not require preparation to appear for the High-Sensitive-CRP Test. However, in case of collecting a lipid profile or triglycerides, a patient should fast for about 9 to 12 hours period before the collection of the blood sample. Patient should remain in healthy condition during the time of blood sample collection i.e. he should free from any infection, illness, injury or inflammation. Patients should intimate doctors about any other current treatments, medicines, allergies or health conditions before stepping ahead for the High-Sensitive-CRP test.

High-Sensitive-CRP Test displaying high CRP levels acts as an indicator of atherosclerosis The test plays the role of a predictor for various types of cardiovascular problems, which include myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular problems, cerebral vascular events and sudden death because of cardiac problems even in individuals, who do not have any background associated with heart problems. Many doctors use this test in combination with lipid profiles or any other forms of heart risk indicators, such as phospholipase, lipoprotein or anything similar to display additional information on risk related to cardiac problems. To determine the potential risk of cardiac problems, strokes and heart attacks. The test has its prime role in the evaluation process prior an individual develops any health issues, along with those related to the heart.

Pathologists perform this test by collecting a blood sample of about 0.5ml by using a venipuncture technique. Hence, the steps involved- Initially, pathologist ties a leather band on either of your arm that causes swelling in the nearby area and veins become visible. Next, he rubs an antiseptic lotion to clean the area of your arm (highlighting visible veins) before collecting the blood. Now, pathologist pricks a small needle in a visible vein and collects the blood sample of 0.5ml by using a nozzle. Finally, they place the collected blood sample in a small vacuum container and forward it for detailed analysis.

LimitationsIncreases in CRP values are nonspecific. CRP is an indicator for a wide range of disease processes and should not be interpreted without a complete clinical history. Recent medical events resulting in tissue injury, infections, or inflammation, which may cause elevated CRP levels, should also be considered when interpreting results. Serial analysis of CRP should not be used to monitor the effects of treatment.
Serum or plasma
1 mL
Red-top tube, gel-barrier tube, lavender-top (EDTA) tube, or green-top (heparin) tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity)
All age groups
< 2mg/L
Average price range of the test is between Rs.200 to Rs.1500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is High Sensitive CRP (1) Test?
Preparation for High Sensitive CRP (1) Test
Uses of High Sensitive CRP (1) Test
Procedure for High Sensitive CRP (1) Test
Limitations of High Sensitive CRP (1) Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for High Sensitive CRP (1) Test
Price for High Sensitive CRP (1) Test

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