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IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test

IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test

also known as: IGF-1, SM-C/IGF-1, Somatomedin-C, Sulfation Factor

IGF stands for Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and it helps to promote the normal growth of bone and tissues. The test is ordered to evaluate the levels of IGF-1 in the blood. The IGF-1 works with growth hormone (GH) and it tracks GH excesses and deficiencies throughout the day. This helps to keep track of GH levels and is often used to evaluate GH excess or GH deficiency. The IGF-1-Somatomedin C test may also be ordered with other pituitary hormone tests such as prolactin or FSH and LH used to diagnose the dysfunction in pituitary glands. This test is broadly used to keep track of the GH factor as it becomes unstable throughout the day.

This test does not require any special preparation. As this is a blood sample test your doctor might ask you to fast at least 12 hours before the test. This will regulate the GH and IGF-1 levels in the body to minimum and maximum and can be easily evaluated during the results. If you are on any medications then your doctor should know about it. The medications might interfere with the actual results of IGF-1 test.

The test is useful to help evaluate Growth Hormone deficiency. Although the test is of IGF-1 factor but it helps to get additional information about GH. This test also proves helpful to get follow-up on other hormone tests. Further this test helps to evaluate: Pituitary Gland function, Excess growth hormone, Rare conditions like acromegaly and gigantism, To identify whether the tumor was successfully removed, The GH insensitivity.

The IGF-1-Somatomedin C test follows a simple and painless procedure i.e. blood sample test. Your doctor will ask you to be present at the clinic at given schedule. There will be a nurse who will guide you and take the blood sample from your vein. The whole process takes less than half an hour and all you will feel is a sharp pinch. The nurse will draw sufficient blood from your arm vein and cover the injected area with medical cotton. They will clean the area with an antiseptic liquid to kill the infectious bacteria on the arm.

LimitationsMalnutrition will cause low somatomedin-C levels in spite of normal amounts of circulating growth hormone. The Sm-C level does not distinguish pituitary dwarfism from constitutional delay of growth and development.2
0.5 mL
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
144 - 673ng/ml
11 years - 18 years
147 - 646ng/ml
Average price range of the test is between Rs.2000 to Rs.7000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test?
Preparation for IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test
Uses of IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test
Procedure for IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test
Limitations of IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test
Price for IGF-1 Somatomedin C Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

Popular Questions & Answers

My son is just 18 years old and his HGH test indicates that HGH value is quite low I.e. 0.33 n he is 5'4" whereas myself is 5'3" Is there any solution increase his height, he is worried too much. Regards thanks.

Endocrinologist, Delhi
My son is just 18 years old and his HGH test indicates that HGH value is quite low I.e. 0.33 n he is 5'4" whereas mys...
Human growth hormone is secreted in spurts Hence a single reading is not decisive of low value. It is better to get insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF1) through which human growth hormone acts by stimulating it. Igf 1 remains more or less constantly in blood. Another batter teste is Growth hormone stimulation test.

Did my home ir, glucose plasma was 108 (normal range is 70-100, insulin resistance was 57 (normal range was 2-25) and home ir index was 7.14 (normal was less than 2.5) ,is it a concern? I'm having igf1 low ,are they both related?

C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
Did my home ir, glucose plasma was 108 (normal range is 70-100, insulin resistance was 57 (normal range was 2-25) and...
If both tests show elevated levels of blood glucose, you may be diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes. Fasting blood sugar levels under 100 mg/dL are considered normal. Levels between 100 and 125 mg/dL are diagnostic for prediabetes.
1 person found this helpful

I am 20 years old. Acne is my major conCern homemade treatments and some healthy diet for glowing and fair skin free from acne.

MBBS, MD (PSM), M.F.Hom (London)
Homeopath, Nagpur
I am 20 years old. Acne is my major conCern
homemade treatments and some healthy diet for glowing and fair skin free ...
lybrate-user Science still doesnot know whether diet and acne ae related .You eat low glycemic diet, rich in colorful fruits, and vegtables, omega 3 fat with 30 mg zinc gluconate. Treat your skin than chasing any theoritical yet proven diet. Some scieist hypothesis that Harmone IGF-1 produces skin oil sebum. Some hypothesize that milk and IGF-1 component, could lead to increased skin oil and resulting Acne breakout. IGF-1 also stimulate the body to produce cells. Acne is thought to sometimes begin with overproduction of skin cells inside the pore which causes the pore to become clogged. MILK may may lead to overproduction of skin cells within pores as milk contain the androgen .High glycemic food i, e sugar, white bread, white potato and white rice. Low calory intake help in acne and increased calory causes Acne. You take Omega 3 or or cold water fish. Take antioxidant in colorful fruits and vegetable. Avoid oily food as it cause high sebum formation. Homeopathy can do best as its effect on harmone and control the inflammation.

By taking estrogen and progesterone pills. Is there any change in the size of breast?Please tell.

Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS
General Physician, Delhi
By taking estrogen and progesterone pills. Is there any change in the size of breast?Please tell.
Yes, there is engorgement caused by water retention due to progesterone hormone. Reduce salt intake to bare minimum & take more potassium like oranges, lemons, amlas, bananas and other seasonal vegetables & fruits to counter the effect of salt & drink lots of water to flush out the toxins through urine.

In my face very much dark spot and hole, how I recover my face and what type of medicine I have taken, kindly pls rply me.

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In my face very much dark spot and hole, how I recover my face and what type of medicine I have taken, kindly pls rpl...
Variolinum 200 one drop daily in th morning igf problems occour due ti pox other wise graphitis 30 one drop twice daily for one month.

Popular Health Tips

Milk - Did You Know Can Cause Acne?

BAMS, MD, Panchakrma
Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Milk - Did You Know Can Cause Acne?

Including cheese, milk, and ice-cream etc into your daily meals maybe the reason behind the painful acne on your face. Processed milk and other dairy products negatively affect your skin and trigger the formation of whiteheads, blackheads and pimplesHere's how milk causes acne and what you can do to get clearer skin.

  1. It is due to oiliness present in the milk, cause excess secretion of Sebum.
  2. Milk contains a growth hormone IGF-1 (responsible for the growth and strength of calves) in large amounts. This has an adverse effect on your skin, and is responsible for its inflammation, which results in acne. In fact, this hormone can even increase the size of the acne.
  3. Consumption of milk and other dairy products also result in a sharp rise in the amount of insulin present in your body, which initiates more IGF-1 production by the liver, thereby increasing acne.
  4. Excessive sebum (oil) is secreted by your skin due to the consumption of milk, which results in more number of clogged pores, causing an acne breakout. Additionally, an increase in sebum helps the acne bacteria to grow and breed, which further causes skin inflammation.
  5. Consumption of milk can render your skin unable to get rid of dead skin cells, causing more acne due to clogged pores. This happens as milk sticks dead cells together inside your pores, interfering with their natural process of falling off.

What can you do to get acne-free skin?

The best way to get acne-free skin is by trying to limit your consumption of milk and dairy products. You can do so in two ways:

  1. Discontinue milk intake: Stop consuming milk and its products completely for at least 30 days and observe the changes. If your skin improves after 30 days, you can add small amounts of high-quality dairy, like organic yoghurt, to your diet. If eliminating milk does not show any positive effects, try observing other triggers of acne and look for appropriate methods of removing them. 
  2. Switch to organic milk products only: If you find it difficult to totally cut off milk from your diet, try reducing the amount of milk intake and totally avoid processed milk products. Switching to raw, grass-fed dairy products will also be beneficial.

What are the alternatives to milk which can be consumed without harming your skin?

You can also replace milk with the following products in your diet chart to prevent the occurrence of acne.

  1. Organic almond milk without added sugar
  2. Organic coconut milk containing no artificial sweeteners
  3. Natural coconut cream
  4. Take milk with haldi only, as plain milk can cause 

Warning: Do not consume soy milk as a milk substitute as it contains Omega-6 fats, which causes skin inflammation and swelling of acne. Further, oily and spicy foods, over use of cosmetics and certain face creams etc. all can cause acne, therefore it is advisable to avoid them. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurveda.

3279 people found this helpful

Drinking Milk - Cause Male Breast (Gynecomastia)?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Drinking Milk - Cause Male Breast (Gynecomastia)?

The development of a girl’s breast at puberty is a major differentiating factor between the silhouette of a boy and a girl. However, sometimes, men too can develop breast tissue. This condition is known as Gynecomastia. While it is not fatal or very harmful to a person’s overall health, it can cause emotional distress and affect a person’s self-confidence.

Not only some foods can lead to breast growth in male but sometimes one of the best drinks for health "milk" can lead to the growth of breast tissue. Here we find out how to milk cause breast growth or Gynecomastia problem in men. As different milk used to be people like soy milk, almond milk, and cow milk.

Does Milk Cause Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be triggered by a number of factors including diet, lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, etc. One of the most surprising causes of this condition is milk. This is because milk is considered to be rich in oestrogen. When talking about milk, it can be categorized as organic and non-organic milk. In order to increase the amount of milk, a cow can produce they are often injected with hormones. Milk collected from cows who have received such treatment is known as non-organic milk while milk collected from cows who have not received any form of treatment to boost milk production can be termed as organic milk. Non-organic milk may also have a higher than normal IGF-I level. This refers to an insulin-like growth factor that aids in the development of breast tissue in men.

The main reason milk consumption is encouraged is for its high calcium levels. However, you can get your calcium from other natural sources as well. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and bok-choy are very rich in calcium and the calcium from these vegetables can be very easily absorbed by our bodies. Thus, skipping your glass of milk will not give you weak bones.

Food Items To Treat Gynecomastia in Men

After knowing that breast tissue growth occurs due to intake of cow milk, Gynecomastia can be treated but doing changes in eating habit. Increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower can help absorb and remove oestrogen from the digestive tract before it goes into the bloodstream. Spices like turmeric can increase testosterone levels and help balance hormones. Phytoestrogens like flax seeds and soy can also help treat gynecomastia by minimizing oestrogen levels and reducing cholesterol.

How Ayurveda Medication Helps in Gynecomastia in Men

To treats gynecomastia due to the consumption of milk, Ayurveda medication can important role. These two ayurvedic herbs that can increase the production of testosterone and thus, help maintain a balance between oestrogen and testosterone are Tribulus Terrestris and cordyceps. Red clover can also help reduce oestrogen levels. Sarsaparilla is yet another ayurvedic herb that can help treat this condition by strengthening muscles.

Diet & Exercises to Reduce Breast Tissue

To reduce the effect of breast enlargement in males due to milk, Dietary changes and herbal medicines play an important role, Men must also exercise to reduce fat tissue in the chest area. Lifting weights or chest bench presses are ideal exercises to strengthen chest muscles and reduce gynecomastia. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.

Updates From Lybrate: Stay fit and strong by consuming Health Drinks, available at Lybrate. Being a blend of natural ingredients, these Health Drinks products give a vitalizing boost of freshness.

In case you have a concern or query regarding sexual health ask a doctor online, you can consult the best sexologist doctor online, & get the answers to your questions.


9612 people found this helpful

5 Ways For Quick Recovery From Fracture

MBBS, Diploma In Orthopaedics (D. Ortho), DNB - Orthopedics, Mch
Orthopedic Doctor, Delhi
5 Ways For Quick Recovery From Fracture

Even though we have 206 bones in our bodies, breaking just one is enough to bring our daily lives to a standstill. A partial or complete break in a bone is termed as a fracture. While minor fractures can heal in as little as 6 weeks major fractures can take 3-4 months to heal properly. In cases of complex fractures, you may need physical therapy even after this time period to get back complete mobility. Hence patience is essential when a fracture is healing, but here are a few tips on how to speed up the process.

  1. Increase your protein intake: Proteins are essential for the healing and repairing of damage to bones and tissues. Proteins also give the bone structure its strength, Hence, depriving the body of adequate protein will result in the formation of soft bones rather than hard, strong bones. This prevents a bone from fracturing in the same place again.
  2. Have a diet rich in antioxidants: Inflammation is one of the first symptoms of a fracture. This inflammation can continue for many days after the incident and until the inflammation reduces, healing cannot take place properly. Antioxidants help rid toxins from the body and help reduce inflammation thereby initiating the healing process. Antioxidants can also help relieve pain.
  3. Exercise: While you must take care not to apply too much pressure on the affected area it is essential to move the limb as much as possible. Being active promotes blood flow and in this way speeds up the healing process.
  4. Avoid alcohol and caffeine: In most cases, a doctor will prescribe pain relievers to deal with the pain of a fracture. Under no circumstances should you consume alcohol when taking these medications. Even after the antibiotic course is over it is a good idea to abstain from alcohol as this can increase inflammation. Similarly, caffeine and all caffeinated products should also be avoided as they contain compounds that can prevent calcium from being absorbed.
  5. Have an alkaline diet: Having an alkaline diet with lots of fruits and vegetables helps stabilise the pH levels of the body and conserves minerals and proteins needed to build strong bones. In this way, it creates the optimal environment for healing. An alkaline diet also increases the production of growth hormones and other growth factors like IGF insulin in the body. These are crucial to speeding up the healing process and aid in new bone formation. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an orthopedist.
3591 people found this helpful

Did you know that milk can cause acne?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Did you know that milk can cause acne?

Did you know that milk can cause acne?

Including cheese, milk, and ice-cream etc into your daily meals maybe the reason behind the painful acne on your face. Processed milk and other dairy products negatively affect your skin and trigger the formation of whiteheads, blackheads and pimples

Here’s how milk causes acne and what you can do to get clearer skin.

How does milk cause acne?

1. Milk contains a growth hormone IGF-1 (responsible for the growth and strength of calves) in large amounts. This has an adverse effect on your skin, and is responsible for its inflammation, which results in acne. In fact, this hormone can even increase the size of the acne.
2. Consumption of milk and other dairy products also result in a sharp rise in the amount of insulin present in your body, which initiates more IGF-1 production by the liver, thereby increasing acne.
3. Excessive sebum (oil) is secreted by your skin due to the consumption of milk, which results in more number of clogged pores, causing an acne breakout. Additionally, an increase in sebum helps the acne bacteria to grow and breed, which further causes skin inflammation.
4. Consumption of milk can render your skin unable to get rid of dead skin cells, causing more acne due to clogged pores. This happens as milk sticks dead cells together inside your pores, interfering with their natural process of falling off.

What can you do to get acne-free skin?

The best way to get acne-free skin is by trying to limit your consumption of milk and dairy products. You can do so in two ways:

1. Discontinue Milk Intake: Stop consuming milk and its products completely for at least 30 days and observe the changes. If your skin improves after 30 days, you can add small amounts of high-quality dairy, like organic yoghurt, to your diet. If eliminating milk does not show any positive effects, try observing other triggers of acne and look for appropriate methods of removing them. 

2. Switch to Organic Milk Products Only - If you find it difficult to totally cut off milk from your diet, try reducing the amount of milk intake and totally avoid processed milk products. Switching to raw, grass-fed dairy products will also be beneficial.

What are the alternatives to milk which can be consumed without harming your skin?

You can also replace milk with the following products in your diet chart to prevent the occurrence of acne.

1. Organic almond milk without added sugar
2. Organic coconut milk containing no artificial sweeteners
3. Natural coconut cream

Warning: Do not consume soy milk as a milk substitute as it contains omega-6 fats, which cause skin inflammation and swelling of acne.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'Consult'.

7720 people found this helpful

Control Acne & Pimples By Your Daily Diet

B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, CAFE, MMM, M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, Nutrition Certification, PGCDE, PhD
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata
Control Acne & Pimples By Your Daily Diet
Causes of Acne & Pimples

During puberty clogged hair follicle i.e. pore in the skin blocked due to oil production in the sebaceous glands& also accumulation of bacteria, dirt increases small pustules or blisters on the face or other parts of the body. As per studies & observation girls, young ladies are suffering more than boys. During pregnancy as well as after child birth females are prone to this problem.Here small pustules are pimples & big or bigger are acne. Acne usually improves around the age of 16 years but may persist into adulthood.

Acne causes depression

Acne causes some oily tendencies on the sites & severe psychological distress that affect mood, lowers self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and even up to suicidal thoughts. Every one does not show his or her face publicly or at friend or peer circles due to some unwanted comments or suggestions & advises.
There are some common factors or reasons why these happens ??

Hormonal Factors

Several hormones are responsible for pimples, acne, like the androgens testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) as well as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (HGH)

Some common causes

Acne is mostly seen genetically or in connection with heredity. Apart from these the below mentioned causes are assumed to be the common causes.

1. Constipation may be for chronic cases .
2. Hormonal imbalance during the young ages like Estrogens Progesterone, Adrenalin ,Testosterone, Thyroid Stimulating Hormones as all above already mentioned specifically.
3. Lack of or insufficient water & fluids.
4. Very high consumption of fried foods, rich spicy foods, street foods some junk, fast foods etc,
5. Malnutrition may be due to over or under nutrition.
6. Lack of fibre rich foods (like whole grains, wheat, brown breads, brown rice or more)
7. Lack of Vegetables ,Greens ,gourd family all vegetables,
8. Oily skins or usage of excess facial creams ,improper moisturiser by girls mainly, even boys are also seen at teenage period.
9. Alcohol & smoking addictions
10. Lack or insufficiency of Vitamin –C .i.e citrus fruits, Vitamin A & E.
11.During pregnancy due some changes of biological/physical.
12. Irregular periods .i.e Menstruation cycle.
13. High level stress, working pressure, un timely meals & pollution .
Now you check where are the problems lying behind for you.

Best Solutions by Diet at home

1. Consumption of all fibre rich foods,
2. Fruits like guava,Orange, Musambi, all berries, pears Cucumber, all whole fruits mainly.
3. Plenty of vegetables ,take all gourd family vegetables like bitter gourds, snake gourds,beet roots, carrots, capsicum ,spinach ,greens as roughage.
4. No problems with milk or dairy products but yes, some persons are allergic may visible even for any particular food may seen.
5. Sufficient water, no stress, strains but normal life styles,
6.Early morning rising & mild exercises,
7. Should not suffering from chronic Constipation.
8. No fast, junk, allergic, foods, Street, unhygenic foods to eat. No spicy, rich spicy foods,
9 .Good nutritive foods, balanced diet, timely eating but no skipping meals, no skipping breakfast also.
10.Frequent meals not heavy, but small meals mostly fibres based.
11.Take water after 5 minutes of each meal except emergency demand.
12. Acne can be improved with the use of any combined oral contraceptive pill at post marriage birth control stage preferably under a doctor’s supervision.
13.Most importantly a low-glycemic-index i.e. low-glycemic-load diet is recommended as a dietary method of improving acne.


Do not press or squeeze acne or pimples as these will keep very bad looking scars on face for ever in your rest of your life.

Thanks & prevention is better than cure