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IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test

IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test

H. pylori is thought to infect about half of the overall world population. Helicobacter pylori is known to be a primary cause of peptic ulcer disease. H. pylori is an important cause of particular diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It might also be transmitted orally by way of fecal matter through the ingestion of waste-tainted water, thus a hygienic environment might help decrease the danger of H. pylori infection. Left untreated, H. pylori generally stays in the stomach throughout the life span of the person. It is contagious, although the precise route of transmission isn't known. It hasn't been shown whether eradication of H. pylori would reduce the incidence of gastric cancer in these types of patients. Hence the IgG antibody against H. Pylori test needs to be done to check as well as determine the primary causes for ulcers in the anterior and posterior part of the stomach and duodenum. In this artifact we are going to discuss about the major facts related to IgG antibodies against H. Pylori.

It is based on the ability of the organism to break down urea (nitrogen+ carbon Di oxide) into carbon dioxide. Urea is extensively known as a waste chemical mainly present in our urine.

Though the clinical significance of high levels of serum antibody (IgG) against Helicobacter pylori is unclear, but according to some research base, H. Pylori infected patients are mostly detectable with the specific serum antibody level. The absorbance index of serum IgG antibodies against the harmful microorganism directly leads to the severity of the gastritis which may even lead to cancer. Hence in simple words people with high level of serum IgG will more likely be uninfected by that harmful organisms. But beforehand wide awareness with increased hygiene level is mostly needed to scavenge this culprit from our society.

The most tried and tested method is the Urea breath test (UBT). In this test the patient needs to consume a capsule containing urea. If there will be the presence of Helicobacter pylori, then the urea will be broken down through chemical cycle and will be absorbed through the blood line in the stomach. An extensive sample of exhaled breath will then be collected to test the presence of Carbon di oxide isotope aka H. pylori. There are no risk involved or no complications afterwards the test. Hence it is absolutely safe to perform. Evaluation process of H pylori Endoscopy-related tests might also be performed to diagnose and evaluate H. pylori but are less frequently performed because they're invasive. The serology test is appropriate for children not only due to its noninvasive nature but due to its high reliability.

3.5ml light green top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
IgG Antibodies H Pylori
All age groups
Rs 900- Rs 2500

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Table of Content

What is IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test?
Preparation for IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test
Uses of IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test
Procedure for IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test
Price for IgG Antibodies H Pylori Test
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