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IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test

IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test

Lymphoma is a cancer that begins in the infection fighting cells of the immune system, called lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow etc. There are two types of lymphoma Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin. Signs and symptoms include swollen glands, cough, shortness of breath, fever, night sweat, stomach pain, fatigue, weight loss, itching etc. IHC stains are very useful category of special tests. IHC or immunohistochemistry is used in diagnosis of abnormal cells such as those found in cancerous tumors. It is based on the principle that each type of antibody recognizes and attaches to antigens that fit it exactly. If the cells have specific antigen, they will attract the antibody that fits the antigen. Chemicals are added that make the cells change color only if a certain antibody is present. IHC Lymphoma Panel VII differentiates double-hit or triple-hit lymphomas and diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma. Diligent usage of limited panel of IHC and algorithmic approach allow the identification of most subcategories and clinicopathologic entities. IHC is a useful and necessary diagnostic aid and helps in sub-typing different types of NHL.

The disease is a genetic one. Therefore, the doctor would want to know a few things about the appetite, tiredness or weakness, weight loss, infection or illness, do any cancers run in the family, when did you notice the changes etc. The signs and symptoms do not always mean that the person has lymphoma cancer, it might be an infection unrelated to cancer that causes swollen lymph nodes.

In the diagnosis of lymphoma, IHC identifies the tumor phenotype, provides information about abnormal populations seen on flow cytometry, and distinguishes between reactive and neoplastic populations. The test tells about the following diseases- Lymphoma, Lymphatic cancer, There are two types of results- normal or negative test, abnormal or negative test Abnormal test indicate either- B-Cell Lymphocytic Leukemia. Lymphoma

B-Cell leukemia/lymphoma panel is a blood test that looks for certain proteins on the surface of the WBCs called B-lymphocytes. A blood sample is needed. In some cases, white blood cells are removed during a bone marrow biopsy. The sample may also be taken during a lymph node biopsy or other biopsy when lymphoma is suspected. The blood sample is sent to a laboratory, where a specialist checks the cell type and its characteristics. The specimen should reach the laboratory within 72 hours from collection.

parafin waxed tissue
1 block
sterile specimen container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
IHC Lymphoma
All age groups
Rs 3000- Rs 7000

Table of Content

What is IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test?
Preparation for IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test
Uses of IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test
Procedure for IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test
Price for IHC Lymphoma Panel VII Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee