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Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test

Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test

It is the test to determine how fast is reticulocyte, i.e., red blood cells are being made by the bone marrow and is released in the blood. Before getting converted into the mature red blood cells, reticulocyte remains in the blood for a time period of two days. The count of the reticulocytes increases in blood during certain disease which causes the death of the red blood cells at premature stage, as in haemolytic anaemia. When we move towards higher altitude, reticulocyte count increases in order to facilitate more oxygen supply to the tissues to compensate the low pO2. The normal range of the reticulocyte in the blood is 0.5-1.55 in normal human adults. The reticulocyte count is used to estimate the normal degree of the effective erythropoiesis, production of red blood cells, which can be reported as the reticulocyte percentage or absolute reticulocyte count. The rate of the reticulocyte percentage is high in case of anaemia and the true bone marrow response to the anaemia might be hidden.

The blood sample of the patient is collected in a vessel by the method of the venepuncture. No other precaution needs to be taken else than the caution during taking the blood to avoid the spread of microbial infection. No fasting or special diet is required before taking the sample of the blood for the examination.

To check for the anaemia RBC count increases during the acute blood loss and in response to the replacement therapy. In case of haemolytic anaemia also, the RBC count increases in the blood. RBC count in the body might be reduced as in the case of aplastic anaemia, marrow suppression by the drugs, virus or toxins, bone marrow infiltration as in carcinoma, leukemia, lymphoma or in case of the pure red cell aplasia In diseases like iron deficiency anaemia, anaemia of chronic diseases and chronic renal failure, reticulocyte count remain normal.

Put two drops of methylene blue at the bottom of the tube. With the help of a pipette, add 2 drops of the EDTA which must be mixed well. Mix the blood and mix well Incubate the sample for 5 to 10 minutes. Use the oil/100 x power and calculate 500 red blood cells excluding the matured RBCs. Calculate the relative number of RBCs: No. of retics in the total of 1000 RBCs in percent = Relative number Retic per cent X RBC count/ cmm = Absolute number

whole blood
lavender/ purple top tube container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Immature Reticulocyte fraction
All age groups
0.5%- 2.5%
Rs 50- Rs 1500

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Table of Content

What is Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test?
Preparation for Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test
Uses of Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test
Procedure for Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test
Price for Immature Reticulocyte fraction; Reticulocyte panel - Automated Test
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