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Interleukin 8 Test

Interleukin 8 Test

also known as: IL-8 Quantitative Multiplex Bead Assay Blood, Interleukin 8

Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is a chemoattractant cytokine that is made by the different type of tissues and cells. It is an ageing agent, and with age, it will keep on varying in our body. It is the common denominator of all age-related diseases. It is used to check the immune system and also know the different infections. When there are diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, tumour development and Hepatitis C even then IL-8 is tested in our body.

There is no diet change required for the allergy blood test. No fasting or any other changes are needed. All you need to do is tell the doctor about the different symptoms occurring and follow the instructions given by the doctor before the test. Consultation plays an important role that may alter the results of the test. Hence it is crucial for the patient to go with the instructions given by the doctor. On the day of the test, one should wear comfortable clothing so that it is easy for the doctor to take the blood sample. Easily foldable full-sleeves, sleeveless or half sleeve shirts/tops are prescribed.

As stated above, it is used for knowing if there is an infection in the body or how the immune system is doing with the age. There is a reference value for it, and if the result lies in between them, that means everything is normal. The result is considered to be normal when the value shown in the result is (0,5 pg/ml). The result will be high when the value in the result is (>5 pg/ml) and low when the value in the result is (<5pg/ml). In the case of high and low the medical conditions are checked by the further tests and the treatment is decided.

This test is done using Quantitative Multiplex Bead Assay method on a blood sample. Moreover, the sample should be taken to the lab within 2 hours extraction. Skin and needle are cleaned using alcohol. An elastic band is wrapped above the elbow so that the veins can be easily seen. The needle is injected into the skin near your elbow and blood is collected in the plain red tube attached to the needle. A serum gel tube is also acceptable or used for this test The needle is ejected from the skin, and the blood sample with your name is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Results of this test are for research purposes only by the assay's manufacturer. The performance characteristics of this assay have not been established. Results should not be used as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation of the diagnosis by another medically established diagnostic product or procedure.
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Interleukin 8
All age groups
< 5pg/ml

Table of Content

What is Interleukin 8 Test?
Preparation for Interleukin 8 Test
Uses of Interleukin 8 Test
Procedure for Interleukin 8 Test
Limitations of Interleukin 8 Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Interleukin 8 Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee