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Lead Test

Lead Test

also known as: Pb, Urine

Lead is a toxic metal, high levels of lead in blood causes decreased vitamin D, anemia, and acute central nervous system disorders and also lead to death. The sources of lead into the body is inhalation, working in factories, vehicle exhaust, dermal contact, food, water, and paint, haemoglobin synthesis

Some of the symptoms are fatigue, changes in mood, nausea, prolonged stomach distress, headache, weight loss, peripheral neuropathy, anaemia, reproductive failure, encephalopathy, memory loss, seizures, and coma. Children are most affected than adults with lead poisoning as their brain and other organs are at developing stage.

Physical examination will be advised. Blood is tested for children if the risk assessment is positive. Blood sample is requested. Patient may feel a slight pain or sting when the needle is pricked.

In children, little discomfort may arise due to skin puncture. An elastic band is wrapped around your upper arm which gives you a tight feeling around the arm and small bruise may be developed. You are advised to discuss with doctor about medications that you are followed currently and if you are allergic to any medicine.

Laboratory tests measures the lead poisoning in the system, lead storage, movement of lead from bones into bloodstream. The results will reveal sources of current lead poisoning. Following advices are given to reduce the exposure to the family: use wet wiping so that dust lifting in the air can be avoided. Regular handwashing, remove old carpets. You will be under careful observation.

You are advised to eat, drink, and smoke in areas that are free from lead dust and fumes and consume a well-balanced diet with sufficient calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Take off shoes when entering the house to prevent lead contaminated soil in.,/p>

Blood sample from a heel stick: The skin of the heel is cleaned with alcohol and punctured with a sterile lancet. Drops of blood is collected in a small tube. Once blood is collected, a gauze pad or cotton ball is placed over the punctured site. To maintain pressure on the puncture site, a small bandage is applied.

Blood sample from a vein: Laboratory technician will wrap an elastic band around your upper arm to stop the blood flow which makes the veins below the band larger so it is easier to insert the needle into the vein. Once enough blood collected in the tube, the needle is removed.

Urine (random or 24-hour)
5 mL
Plastic urine container, no preservative.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
< 10 microgram/dl
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1200 to Rs.3000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Andheri Diagnostic Center

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Saoji Diagnostic Centre

Jogeshwari West,  Mumbai
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Table of Content

What is Lead Test?
Preparation for Lead Test
Uses of Lead Test
Procedure for Lead Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Lead Test
Price for Lead Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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My mother sugar report today this R F-83
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lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. The mentioned report has fasting glucose as normal, but after food is in the pre-diabetes range. Which means unless care is taken she may become diabetic in next few years. F the height and weight mentioned is correct, then she is very obese. That can lead to diabetes. Thanks.

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You are suffering from Premature Ejaculation that is very harmful at this very young age. Proper erection and sex timing is too important to have a satisfactory intercourse for both you and your partner. PE can eventually lead to embarrassment in front of your partner as you won't be able to satisfy her. This condition can be solved with proper ayurvedic treatment that will help you in getting and maintaining proper erection. There are other factor also that are affecting it. Conslt me privatly for more details.
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(Normally when the boy attains puberty, possible between ages of 13 to 16 years, the hair growth starts from above the upper lip, chin and body. This happens when the male sex hormone “ Testosterone” is secreted from the testes. When a boy attains puberty, a centre in the brain called Hypothalamus, stimulates the Pituitary gland, which secretes two important hormones. The FSH (Follicular stimulating hormone) stimulate the special cells in the Testes to produce sperms and the another hormone LH (Luetinizing Hormone) stimulates the special cells to secretes the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is responsible for sudden growth in males with good musculature and bone density. The changes would lead to deepening in voice and enlargement of penis) kindly visit an endocrinologist to correct endocrine imbalance in your body if any Good luck thanks for sharing.
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Popular Health Tips

Sexual Health - How Internet Based Knowledge and Experiments Affect It?

Fellowship, Council of Sex Education & Parenthood, BAMS, B-Pharm
Sexologist, Jaipur
Sexual Health - How Internet Based Knowledge and Experiments Affect It?

The Internet has glorified our lives in numerous ways, but at the same time, too much of information available online has also become very appalling in certain cases. One of the main scenarios that have borne the brunt of information overload is sexual health. Now-a-days, the adolescents or the teenagers have become very much vulnerable to increasing sexual risks owing to exposure to excessive online information.
Sexual Studies: The eternal curiosity about sexuality amongst the humans along with the unnecessary stigmas or taboos related to these have together led to a severe situation where people are resorting to a wrong form of information by misusing the internet.

How are the teenagers affected?
This has mounted up, especially amongst the teenagers because this is the transitional stage of a child to an adult where one goes through the maximum hormonal changes in the body. These hormones affect the metabolism and development of sexual maturity in those who are passing through this sensitive stage of puberty.

The superficial study of biological sciences and the changes felt by the adolescents have compelled them to dig more about sexuality by making use of the wonder weapon today, the internet. However, the social and other digital media contain sexual contents and information in a distorted manner and this has proved to be extremely pernicious in the following ways:

  1. Pre-marital and unsafe sex.
  2. Increase of sexually transmitted infections.
  3. The most alarming effect of all is the accelerated amount of crimes related to maliciously-oriented sexual attitudes and behaviours such as eve-teasing, molestation, rapes, child abuse, sexual harassment, etc.
  4. Unhealthy tendency of masturbation amongst the males.
  5. A healthy post-marriage sexual life is getting badly affected.

Studies have shown the present social media is flooded with illicit sexual content to the extent of almost 80% in the movies and 60% in the videos that are creating a severe psychological impact on everyone, irrespective of the gender. This is reaching to such an extent that sometimes they are getting addicted to watching these that is undermining their overall mental health.

Probable remedies: Now-a-days, various sexual awareness programmes are coming up and sexual orientation programme is becoming a part of the course curriculum in schools as well. Yet, unless and until the hush-hush mentality of the society regarding this particular aspect decreases, there will not be a significant change. There is always hope at the end of a dark tunnel and anybody who feels disturbed due to these issues can always consult and take help of the psychiatrists and sexologists who can handle such issues with the utmost consideration and under strict confidentiality.

However, one needs to open up completely before them or else, the treatment or counselling, whichever is applicable, will not be fulfilled in a proper manner. One has to break the boundaries, get enlightened, confront the facts and in turn, lead a healthier sexual life. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.

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These Sexual Mistakes Compromise Penis Health!

MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Delhi
These Sexual Mistakes Compromise Penis Health!

When it comes to maintaining proper penis health, most men have a very good idea of what to do. They know all the basics of penis care, from taking care to wash properly to regularly inspecting the manhood to applying a high-quality penis health crème. But in the heat of the moment, when sexual fun is getting hot and heavy, a man might make a silly mistake. Those sexual mistakes can compromise penis health in a serious way.

Not sure what sexual mistakes might be a problem? Here's a list of the biggest issues a man might find himself doing when things are hot - and might regret when things cool off.

1. That lube isn't really lube. A man who is getting it on but suddenly realizes the need for lube might reach for whatever is handy, assuming a bottle of lube is not available - and sometimes that means he will try to use anything from shampoo or conditioner to lotion or cooking oils. Obviously these things are not meant for use as a sexual lubricant, and can lead to dry and cracked skin, irritation and more. Using lube designed specifically for the sexual purpose is always recommended.

2. The condom is too small. Though it is very important to always wrap it up before sexual activity, the wrapping itself might sometimes be the issue. Using a condom that is too small might lead to a little irritation in the heat of the moment, but a man can often ignore that for pursuit of pleasure. The aftermath is when things get rough, as the penis can develop small cuts, tears or even blisters from the use of a condom that is too tight. It pays to test out a variety of condoms to find the best fit.

3. There's been too much drinking. Sometimes a bit of inebriation can be a good thing, as it lowers inhibitions and can help both partners relax before the main event. But too much drinking can lead to serious problems, including trouble with getting it up or issues with stamina. But too much alcohol consumption can lead to even worse things, such as forgetting to use a condom or even suffering memory loss that leaves a man wondering just what happened the night before. Avoiding this is simple: don't drink too much before a bedtime romp.

4. Cleaning up is not a priority. There are plenty of bodily fluids sliding around during sexual activity, and much of that understandably winds up on a man's penis. From the natural lubrication that occurs during sex to the traces of spermicide in the condom, there can be several substances that linger. A man who doesn't clean off his penis after sex is asking for trouble, as those fluids can dry on the penis skin, leading to itching, irritation and redness, as well as a potential penis rash.

A man who pays attention to good penis care should always remember that caring for the penis extends to those moments when things are hot and heavy. Not only should a man be fully prepared for any sexual encounter, he should also be sure to take care to clean up well afterward. Maintaining good health should also include regular use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes a multitude of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A for odor-fighting properties, vitamin E to keep skin supple, and vitamin C to enhance sexual health. Amino acids such as L-arginine for blood vessel dilation and acetyl-L-carnitine for protection against peripheral nerve damage are also helpful. Combine it all in a Shea butter base and a man has the recipe for great penis health.

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Can Psychological Issues Cause Impotence?

Sexologist, Delhi
Can Psychological Issues Cause Impotence?

Impotence is embarrassing for a man. It not only affects his self-confidence, but also the relationship with his partner. It is a condition in which a man cannot achieve an erection for having sex. If you are experiencing symptoms of impotence, they are most likely due to physical issues. However, sometimes psychological issues can also be responsible for impotence.

Here are 5 psychological factors, which may be associated with the inability to achieve an erection indicating impotence:

  1. Stress: To a great extent, stress affects a person’s performance in bed. Due to excessive stress and pressure arising from different responsibilities and commitments, he might not be able to focus on sex. Extreme stress due to fear may leave him uneasy, thereby making it difficult for him to have an erection.

  2. Anxiety: After experiencing symptoms of impotency, it is likely that a man may get extremely anxious about the fact that he will not be able to perform well in bed again. This anxiety may also arise from relationship problems, sexual abuse in the past or when a person is in a new relationship. As such, during sex, anxiety may make a man self-conscious, which makes it quite difficult for him to have an erection.

  3. Depression: Feeling depressed or extremely sad because of any kind of issue such as a failed relationship, a poor career or recalling some past trauma may cause erectile dysfunction. Depression makes a person tired , thereby lowering his sex drive. The medicines used for treating depression may also lower libido,as a result of which a man may fail to get an erection.

  4. Low Self-esteem: Having a low or a negative self-esteem may cause performance anxiety. A person is likely to be worried about how he will perform in bed. Low self-esteem may arise from factors related to body image, past experiences and from an underlying feeling of guilt.

  5. Lack of Interest: Many conditions may divert a man’s interest from having sex. The lowering of libido will make it difficult for a man to get an erection and may lead to impotence. Such lack of interest may be on account of relationship issues, certain medications or because of ageing. Anger may also make a person lose interest in having sex.

If your sex life is getting hampered because of any such psychological factors, you must visit a doctor for seeking advice, suggestions and treatment. This will allow you to uncover and resolve the impotence-related problems, thereby letting you enjoy a healthy relationship with your partner in bed. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.

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