Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is an effective treatment procedure for people, who are morbidly obese, i.e. a person weighing 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight or having BMI (body mass index) higher than 40. One of the major reasons for the increasing trend of obesity is overconsumption of unhealthy food. This combined with lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle leads to the accumulation of excess calories in the body.
Who Needs Bariatric Surgery?
In some cases, even if your BMI does not exceed 35, you still develop obesity-related health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure. In such an instance, the doctor may recommend bariatric surgery a surgery shrinks the capacity of your stomach and re-routes your intestine. One such weight loss surgery is the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass it involves the reduction of the upper portion of the stomach into a smaller pouch and connects it directly to the intestines. So, when you eat, the foods go into the smaller stomach and empties right into the small intestine. Because of your stomach s reduced capacity, you do not feel compelled to eat more, thus resulting in weight loss.
Weight Loss and Different Taste Preference
Groundbreaking research into weight loss surgery reveals that people s taste and preference alter following RYGB, which in turn, influences the surgery s long-term success rates. A little experiment was conducted to establish the relation between the two. Participants were asked to point out to odour and food preferences prior to and after the RYGB surgery using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) method. Volunteers in the assessment responded to foods associated with five different tastes sour, sweet, bitter, salty, and savoury (umami) and four typical odours coffee, banana, gasoline pump, and rose. Surprisingly, a certain section of the people stated that before undergoing the surgery, they had enjoyed hogging on junk foods like pizza, pasta, pastries etc. However, after RYGB, the same kinds of food appeared unattractive and unappealing to them; in fact, these people were seen craving for healthy foods. For instance, 20% of the people admitted that their favourite food was a bowlful of green salad and vegetables. These people, who changed their taste preferences, also lost the maximum weight. Tricking the Taste Buds to Lose Weight
Can you trick your taste buds?
Certainly yes! But before we get to the tongue, let s talk about the organ, which is responsible for detecting the flavours of food through smell. The greater the aroma, the more you crave. Considering how your taste buds function, here are a few ways you can trick your tongue into loving healthier foods
Flavour your low-fat meals with the freshest ingredients lemon zest, parsley and fresh basil adds flavour to any dish
Pan-fry the food instead of frying it in oil. That way, you might just trick your taste bud into thinking that you are eating oily food when you are actually not. You can also follow a few hacks to neutralize your taste buds pinch your nose as you drink or eat anything to neutralize the taste of the food. For example, if you have a bit of onion with eyes closed and nose plugged, it will taste like an apple. What diet is best for weight loss? Starving yourself to death is not the way to shed kilos. If you are looking to lose weight naturally, you need to cut down on unhealthy snacks and switch to a healthier diet. A low-carb, low-fat and protein-rich diet is best for weight loss.
Here are a few simple dietary tips to lose weight faster
Reduce intake of starch and sugar cutting back on carbohydrates reduces your appetite, brings down the insulin level, and promotes weight loss without hunger pangs. Avoid eating whole-wheat grains and bread, starchy vegetables, sugary foods, legumes and beans.
Eat lots of protein, veggies, and healthy fat Prepare each meal out of a fat source (avocado, coconut oil, olive oil), a protein source (eggs, meat, fish), and low-carb vegetables (broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, Brussels sprouts).
Fruits you must avoid eating for weight loss
Dry fruits raisins, apricots, prune
These fruits contain a higher number of calories and natural sugars, which may impede your weight loss goals. However, diet alone cannot help you lose weight. Exercise and certain lifestyle changes are essential too getting enough sleep, giving up smoking and drinking alcohol.