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Liver Cancer Profile Test

Liver Cancer Profile Test

also known as: AFP test, Serum AFP Blood, Alfa Fetoprotein Test, Fetoprotein Test, Alpha Fetoprotein, Serum AFP

A complete liver cancer profile test is often ordered to determine if you have developed liver cancer
or not; it is often hard to identify and catch liver cancer in the early stages which is why you need to
get a complete liver cancer profile done every few months. It is highly recommended that you take
this test periodically especially if you had hepatitis B or hepatitis C since both can cause your liver to
be inflamed, leading to liver cirrhosis. And as per latest data, nearly three percent of Cirrhosis
patients tend to develop tumors in their liver.
Furthermore, if you should find yourself experiencing some of the following symptoms, then you
need to consult with your doctor right away.
Tenderness around the abdomen
Bloated feeling
Abdominal cramps
Discomfort in and around the abdomen
Fluid buildup in the abdomen

Your doctor would first carry out a brief physical examination to first assess your current symptoms; he would then review your past medical history as well as your current medical profile. He would then order for a complete liver profile test to be done which usually consists of a blood test, to determine the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), which is often an indication of liver cancer. Your doctor would recommend additional tests including carrying out an ultrasound to confirm the results of the blood test and the diagnosis of liver cancer.

This test often forms part of the initial screening test for liver cancer, it is highly recommended that you get yourself tested for the same every few months.

You do not have to undergo any special prep except to abstain from taking any medications for a period of 24hrs prior to any test. You may also be required to abstain from food or alcohol upto a period of 6 to 8hrs prior to any test; your doctor would advise you on the same. You would be asked to roll up the sleeves of your shirt and your physician would apply a band across your upper arm. This is usually carried out to make the veins in your arm bulge out; he would then apply a disinfectant to the target area, and using a syringe, collect a small sample of your venous blood in a sterile container. This sample is then tagged, sent to lab for processing where it is tested for the presence of AFP. The results should be available in a few hours and depending on positive confirmation, your doctor would order an ultra sound as well as full panel liver tests, as well as provide you with effective medication to offset your current symptoms.

This profile should not be used as a diagnostic or screening test for cancer. The LASA test may be considered by Medicare and other carriers as investigational and, therefore, may not be payable as a covered benefit for patients.
Red-top tube, gel-barrier tube, lavender-top (EDTA) tube, or green-top (heparin) tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Liver Cancer
All age groups
< 40 micrograms per litre
Average price range of the test is between Rs.350 to Rs.1300 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Liver Cancer Profile Test?
Preparation for Liver Cancer Profile Test
Uses of Liver Cancer Profile Test
Procedure for Liver Cancer Profile Test
Limitations of Liver Cancer Profile Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Liver Cancer Profile Test
Price for Liver Cancer Profile Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee