Liver Kidney Microsome - 1 Antibody Tips

Autoimmune Diseases - Things To Know About Them!

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, MRCEM(UK), MEM, Diploma in Rheumatology, PGCC - Rheumatology, MACEP, FCCS
Rheumatologist, Kolkata
Autoimmune Diseases - Things To Know About Them!
Normally, the body s immune system recognizes any foreign body as an antigen and produces what are known as antibodies. However, in autoimmune disorders, the body produces antibodies against the body s own tissue. This is an abnormality and depending on what factor is triggering the production of antibodies, there are various types of autoimmune disorders (AID). When we look at the musculoskeletal system, there are quite a few, the top 4 being:

Systemic lupus erythematosus
Sjogren s syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
In all these conditions, the body produces antibodies against its own tissue, producing these conditions.


Family history is definitely an attribute to developing autoimmune diseases
Environmental pollution
Lifestyle including lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol use
Know more about these:

Scleroderma: Can be localized or generalized, the upper layers of the skin get thicker (sclerosis). This can be nodular or diffuse, and can also affect children. The skin and muscles are usually affected, but in severe cases, it can affect internal organs such as lungs and heart.
Systemic lupus erythematosus: SLE, as it is often called, is very common and can be diagnosed as scleroderma in the initial stages. It can also occur with other autoimmune conditions and some of the types include cutaneous lupus, systemic lupus, drug-induced lupus, and neonatal lupus.
Rheumatoid arthritis: The most common autoimmune rheumatic disease is RA, which causes inflammation of the joint spaces. There would be pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints. This needs to be segregated as RA, as the symptoms are similar to any other form of arthritis. Treatment includes a combination of pain killers, heat and cold therapy, massage, steroid injections, and immune controlling agents.
Sjogren s syndrome: The symptoms are characteristic with dry mucous membranes including those of the eyes, mouth, and vagina. There could be accompanying pain and redness, significant fatigue, fibromyalgia, and complications relating to other organs.
Diagnosis: Autoimmune diseases are tricky to diagnose as other diseases with similar symptoms need to be ruled out first. In some cases, there are specific antibodies, and checking their levels can help identify the underlying condition.

Management: For all the rheumatic autoimmune diseases, treatment is a multipronged approach with lifestyle changes, drugs, and alternative therapies.
Lifestyle changes: A healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate vitamin and mineral supplementation is a must.

Drugs: Some drugs used are:

Anti-inflammatory drugs
ACE inhibitors
Immunomodulatory therapy
Stem cell transplants
Alternative therapies such as massages with herbal oils, acupuncture, and cold therapy are widely used to control inflammation. In addition, alcohol and smoking and exposure to environmental pollution need to be controlled.
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Autoimmune Diseases - What Should You Know?

Fellowship in Rheumatology, MD (Medicine), AFIH, MBBS
Rheumatologist, Delhi
Autoimmune Diseases - What Should You Know?
Normally, the body s immune system recognizes any foreign body as an antigenand produces what are known as antibodies. However, in autoimmune disorders, the body produces antibodies against the body s own tissue. This is an abnormality and depending on what factor is triggering the production of antibodies, there are various types of autoimmune disorders (AID). When we look at the musculoskeletal system, there are quite a few, the top 4 being:

Systemic lupus erythematosus
Sjogren s syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
In all these conditions, the body produces antibodies against its own tissue, producing these conditions.


Family history is definitely an attribute to developing autoimmune diseases
Environmental pollution
Lifestyle including lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol use
Know more about these:

Scleroderma: Can be localized or generalized, the upper layers of the skin get thicker (sclerosis). This can be nodular or diffuse, and can also affect children. The skin and muscles are usually affected, but in severe cases, it can affect internal organs such as lungs and heart.
Systemic lupus erythematosus: SLE, as it is often called, is very common and can be diagnosed as scleroderma in the initial stages. It can also occur with other autoimmune conditions and some of the types include cutaneous lupus, systemic lupus, drug-induced lupus, and neonatal lupus.
Rheumatoid arthritis: The most common autoimmune rheumatic disease is RA, which causes inflammation of the joint spaces. There would be pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints. This needs to be segregated as RA, as the symptoms are similar to any other form of arthritis. Treatment includes a combination of pain killers, heat and cold therapy, massage, steroid injections, and immune controlling agents.
Sjogren s syndrome: The symptoms are characteristic with dry mucous membranes including those of the eyes, mouth, and vagina. There could be accompanying pain and redness, significant fatigue, fibromyalgia, and complications relating to other organs.
Diagnosis: Autoimmune diseases are tricky to diagnose as other diseases with similar symptoms need to be ruled out first. In some cases, there are specific antibodies, and checking their levels can help identify the underlying condition.

Management: For all the rheumatic autoimmune diseases, treatment is a multipronged approach with lifestyle changes, drugs, and alternative therapies.
Lifestyle changes: A healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate vitamin and mineral supplementation is a must.

Drugs: Some drugs used are:

Anti-inflammatory drugs
ACE inhibitors
Immunomodulatory therapy
Stem cell transplants
Alternative therapies such as massages with herbal oils, acupuncture, and cold therapy are widely used to control inflammation. In addition, alcohol and smoking and exposure to environmental pollution need to be controlled.
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Immune System Disorder - Can It Cause Endometriosis?

DNB - Obs & GYnae, MBBS, D.G.O - Obs & Gynae, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine
Gynaecologist, Ghaziabad
Immune System Disorder - Can It Cause Endometriosis?
The abnormal growth of the endometrium tissue outside the uterus is known as endometriosis. Ideally, the abnormal tissue is supposed to break down and exit the body. However, in this condition, the tissue is unable to pass out of the body. As a result, the surrounding tissue tends to get irritated and leads to the formation of scar tissues.

The various causes of endometriosis include:

Immune system disorder: Complications in the immune system might render it incapable of destroying the endometrial tissue that grows outside the uterus.
Surgical scar implantation: Certain surgeries such as a C-section may result in the attachment of endometrial cells to the incision area.
Embryonic cell transport: These cells may be transported to other parts of the body by the blood vessels which may lead to endometriosis.
Retrograde menstruation: Instead of passing out of the body, under this condition, the blood flows back into the pelvic region via the fallopian tubes. When these cells attach themselves to the pelvic cavity, it causes endometriosis.
1. Pain during sexual intercourse
2. Pain during periods including pelvic pain, especially during periods, lower back pain and abdominal pain.
3. Excessive bleeding during periods
4. Fatigue
5. Constipation
6. Bloating

The major complication that results is fertility problems. Endometriosis may prevent the combination of the egg and the sperm and thus, impairs your ability to conceive. It is recommended not to delay pregnancy if you have endometriosis. This disorder also tends to increase the risk of ovarian cancer in some women.

How can it be treated?

Endometriosis is usually done using surgery or medications.

Medication: It usually involves painkillers.
Hormone therapy: Some of the hormonal therapies include:
Hormonal contraceptives
Progestin therapy
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists and antagonists
Conservative surgery: If a patient wants to become pregnant, surgery is done as much as possible without harming the uterus and ovaries. Suggested procedures include laparoscopy and traditional abdominal surgery.
Assisted reproductive technologies: An example of this form of treatment is In Vitro Fertilization.
Hysterectomy: Under severe circumstances, total hysterectomy is conducted in order to facilitate the removal of cervix and uterus.
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Know How Ayurveda Can Work For Autoimmune Hepatitis

Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Know How Ayurveda Can Work For Autoimmune Hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis is a liver disease that causes damage to the liver cells because the immune system of the individual turns against the body. The attack of the immune system on the liver causes it to become inflamed and the inflammation impairs the functions of the liver. The patient suffering from autoimmune hepatitis experiences symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, jaundice, weakness, weight loss, and edema.

Anyone experiencing these symptoms should become cautious about their condition and get it diagnosed because if left untreated, it can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver failure.

Ayurvedic treatment concept of autoimmune hepatitis: Autoimmune hepatitis is caused when the immune system of the body turns against itself and Ayurveda believes that this happens when there is an imbalance between the three physical energies vata, pitta, and kapha. In case of autoimmune hepatitis, the pitta becomes vitiated causing the kapha to evaporate, which is a prime component of the immune system. This disrupts the immunity and causes problems in the liver. So, Ayurveda seeks to correct this vitiation and it does so with the help of medicines and cleansing techniques that would strengthen the liver and boosts its functions.

Immunity boosting Ayurveda treatment: The Ayurvedic treatment for autoimmune hepatitis focuses on medicines that have immunity-enhancing and liver-protecting properties. The idea is to increase the immunity of the body and to control and cure the damage done to the liver cells. Specific medicines such as curcumin and giloy have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which restore the liver muscles and give relief from swelling. They also possess detoxification properties which cleanse the toxins built up in the liver as a result of the vitiation of the pitta dosha. The external detox procedures such as swedana and virechana also work by flushing out the toxins so that the body is cleansed of the dosha and feels at ease.

Ayurveda treatment benefits in autoimmune hepatitis: Ayurveda treats autoimmune hepatitis in a comprehensive manner. The remedies work to correct all the causes, that is, the hostile immune system and the damaged liver cells. Unlike allopathic medicines that try to give temporary relief by suppressing the symptoms, Ayurveda aims to bring permanent relief by addressing the causes that have led to the symptoms. With Ayurveda, one can be sure of finding lasting relief and that too without any side effects. The medicines and treatments are conducive to the body and are prescribed after complete diagnosis of the condition by an Ayurveda expert.

This is why one should go to a credible Ayurvedic practitioner for the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis. Based on the patient s condition, a particular type of treatment is prescribed. Ayurvedic medications work in all types of patients. All one needs is an expert to treat the disease. Last but not the least, Ayurveda places a huge emphasis on diet and lifestyle and the patient must adhere to the do's and don ts prescribed by their doctor.
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