Brachial plexus screening presents a complicated network consisting of nerves formed via ventral rami of the lower nerves of the cervical areas and greater part of the ventral remus present in the first thoracic nerve i.e. T1. Roots coalesce or ventral rami forming divisions, trunks, branches and cords provide sensory and motor innervations to the thorax and upper part of the human limb.
Patient has to give a satisfactory written consent before entering the scanner room Patients should remove each metallic objects, like wallets, keys, coins, cards containing magnetic strips, hearing aids, jewelry and hairpins. Doctors should explain the benefits and risks of contrast injection to their patients before start with the scanning process. Provide earphones with music to give patients additional comfort Measure the weight of the patient and explain the entire screening process in detail as well as instruct him to stay still Instruct the patient to place his head within the head coil and immobilize it by using cushions. Place the laser beam localizer above the glabella
The test allows evaluation of the pathology of brachial plexus owing towards the improved resolutions of soft tissues Besides the visualization of only nerve roots present in brachial plexus, the screening procedure helps in the visualization of divisions, trunks and cords. MRI scan is helpful to evaluate characteristics, like caliber, course, signal intensity, size and fascicular pattern. Lastly, improved differentiation of soft tissues associated with brachial plexus screening via MRI scan helps in improved detection of both extrinsic and intrinsic pathologies.
Doctors start with the scanning process by using a three-plane localizer to make plans for the sequences. Next, they place axial slices over sagittal plane and set the position block angle parallel to the splenium and genu present in the corpus callosum. Slices should be able to cover the entire brain starting from vertex to up to foramen magnum line. Place coronal slices on sagittal plane and in this case, position block angle should be parallel to the stem of one’s brain. In addition, it is essential to check the positioning block in the remaining two planes. Here, slices should essentially cover the brain starting from its frontal sinus and towards its occipital protuberance. Finally, doctors place DWI axial slices on sagittal plane and position block from glabella towards foramen magnum.