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MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test

MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test

also known as: Lynch Syndrome • Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer • HNPCC

MSH6 Gene Sequencing test is performed to detect, whether MSH6 protein is present in the person or not. It is determined in the tumor tissue of the person with the help of immunohistochemistry. It will be present only in the affected persons and in the germline mutation. This test detects Lynch syndrome in the patients who are suffering with colorectal cancer. Approximately, 1 to 2 percent of people are suffering with colorectal cancer only due to the mismatch of MSH6 mutations. Research shows that near about 40% of men and 20% of women have risks of colorectal cancer. Though mutations are inherited from the parents, but still only 50% chances are there to develop cancer in the children.

MSH6 Gene Sequencing test does not require any special restrictions before or after the test is performed. Even if there are no special instructions to be followed by the patient in their diet, it is better to take the advice of their doctor. It is also good to inform beforehand if the patient is undergoing any other diagnosis or taking medical treatment. If the patient is prone to any of the allergies then better to inform doctor and take their advice. There is no special dressing is required before taking up MSH6 Gene Sequencing test.

MSH6 Gene Sequencing test is done in order to detect Lynch syndrome or colorectal cancer in the individual. Hence, reports of this test conclude the following results: In some cases, diagnosis of MSH6 does not identify the presence of mutations in the person. In that case, when the results do not match with those obtained through clinical then additional tests are to be done. It is also important to interpret the test results with clinical findings, family history as well as laboratory data.

In order to carry out MSH6 Gene Sequencing test, blood or DNA is collected. For this test, bone marrow transplant from an allogenic donor will be collected. To test whole blood is collected from the patient. To carry out MSH6 test, they clean the area using from where blood has to be collected. Then search for the vein from where blood has to be collected. Once the needle is inserted, 3 Ml of blood is collected and then transferred into a clean tube. Invert the tube several times, so that blood will be mixed up perfectly. Then send the collected specimen to laboratory for testing.

whole blood
EDTA tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
MSH6 Gene Sequencing
All age groups
Rs 30000- Rs 60000

Table of Content

What is MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test?
Preparation for MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test
Uses of MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test
Procedure for MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test
Price for MSH6 Gene Sequencing - Colorectal Cancer Test
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