Paul Bunnell Test Questions

Hi goodmrng Dr. I am paul n my friend is sunita she does not have monthly period she used to after two or three month she has checked up already if she take medicine then she used to have monthly waist if she stop taking medicine then its stays same.

Dr. Sandhya Narayan 89% (200 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Bangalore
Hi goodmrng Dr. I am paul n my friend is sunita she does not have monthly period she used to after two or three month...
Hello lybrate-user causes for irregular periods stress stress, either emotional or physical, can delay your period. A new job, illness, depression, exam, fever, strenuous exercises or a weight gain or loss are some of the reasons that can increase your stress levels and affect your periods. Once you make some changes to alleviate your stress, you could become regular again. Improper eating habits improper eating can affect your hormones like estrogen and cause them to be very high (when you are overweight) or very low (in eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia). Improper production or levels of these hormones can interfere with your menstrual cycle and make them more sporadic and irregular. In this case, you may have delayed periods. Hormonal imbalance if you have hormonal imbalance which can affect your cycles. If you have recently stopped your birth control pill or are having thyroid trouble, you could have hormonal imbalance. Any problems with your hormone production centers like ovaries, adrenal or pituitary glands could also cause a delay in your period. Excessive exercise strenuous and over exercising can cause a dip in the total body fat, which can interfere with your hormonal levels, further affecting your periods. The body requires some amount of fat for ovulation and excessive exercises can hamper the equation drastically. However do not stop exercising completely, only do it moderately. Too much alcohol indulging in high amounts of alcohol can lead to increased estrogen and testosterone levels in the body, which plays havoc with the normal hormonal levels. Thyroid disorders thyroid disorders that lead to high or low hormonal production definitely can! you could either not ovulate at all or have a very weak ovulation cycle due to the disrupted levels of hormones, which can delay your periods or make them irregular. An infection bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases or pelvic inflammation can cause the uterus to become inflamed and result in bleeding. This could lead to a false alarm and make your body think that you are having your periods. However, if you notice pain, fever or vomiting along with bleeding, visit your doctor. Polycystic ovarian syndrome you may suffer from pcos or polycystic ovarian syndrome if your body produces excessive androgens or male hormones. Higher levels of androgens interfere with the normal function of the ovaries, leading to immature follicle formation. This does not allow you to ovulate normally and your cycles could be irregular or delayed. Try to rule out the above cause by primary health check up and investigations. Try to be in relaxed and positive attitude is very important. Rx m2 tone syrup 15 ml_0_15 ml dilution with equal amount warm water a/f chandraprabha vati 2_0_2 a/f with warm water danwantara vati 2_0_2 with warm water b/f for 3 weeks.
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My name is kris Paul and I am 23 years old. I am suffering from back pain and I used many pain relief cream but no effect so what can I do now?

Dr. Princy Khandelwal 92% (17687 ratings)
Homeopath, Faridabad
My name is kris Paul and I am 23 years old. I am suffering from back pain and I used many pain relief cream but no ef...
Hello, first of all you should know what is backache and by which factors it caused and aggravated. The usual cause of low back pain is the sedentary lifestyle that we lead these days. There is hardly any movement. Walking, running and cycling like activities are also not a part of our daily routine. To add to it, our diet consists more and more of junk food. Fresh fruits, vegetables and high fibre foods are consumed less and less. These daily practices lead to obesity. The increased body weight puts lot of pressure on the spine which has to bear all the extra unwanted weight. The back muscles which are already weak due to lack of exercise and wrong posture are unable to cope with this increased load. This causes pain in the back muscles. Management for back pain:-along with medicines for relieving pain, one needs to identify the cause and correct it. This may require some medicines or some correction in your posture or reducing weight or improving your lifestyle. At the same time, there is a need to work on the local muscle strengthening. Back muscles need to be strengthened so that they can bear the weight of the upper body. For this exercises of the back muscles are very helpful. Regular walking is also very helpful as it is a wholesome exercise of the body, improves blood circulation and helps lose weight. Most importantly if you are overweight then losing weight is an important part of the whole treatment plan. Long term use of painkillers for low back pain is harmful treatment for back pain:- homeopathic medicines are very helpful. They not only treat the acute stages but are also used for the treatment of chronic back pain. Selection of the exact remedy depends upon the individual symptoms of the person. So share the complete symptom picture for the proper treatment. In the mean time take arnica 200, 3 drops in the morning and rhus tox. 200, 3 drops at night for 7 days. Take care.
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I am Paul and I am 26 years old. Since 7 days I not getting any erection in my penis don't know why. Please let me know how I can solve this problem and what will be the cost.

Dr. Rahul Gupta 93% (46318 ratings)
MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Dehradun
I am Paul and I am 26 years old. Since 7 days I not getting any erection in my penis don't know why. Please let me kn...
Hello- Contributing causes of impotency include alcohol, cigarettes, arteriosclerosis, sexually transmitted diseases, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances (such as low levels of thyroid hormones) or abusive masturbation. In some instances, impotence results from the lack of sexual desire. This cause may be linked to the loss of attraction to a partner, but it can also result from depression, illness or medications. There are over 200 drugs that may cause impotence. Some of the most common are antidepressants, antihistamines, antihypertensives, blood-pressure medication, cancer chemotherapy, diuretics, narcotics, nicotine, sedatives, steroids, stomach acid inhibitors and ulcer medications. Fortunately, you can restore your sexual potency by treating the underlying medical conditions with natural remedies.
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Hey doctor, am paul from uganda aged 24 now, whenever am for sexual intercourse, after the first round my penis can not erect again, why?

Dr. Rahul Gupta 93% (46318 ratings)
MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Hey doctor, am paul from uganda aged 24 now, whenever am for sexual intercourse, after the first round my penis can n...
Hello- the refractory period is the span of time after having an orgasm during which a person is not sexually responsive. It can vary from a few minutes to more than a day. Boosting cardiovascular health through diet and exercise may help reduce this time.
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I am paul, 23 years. For over 8 years I have been experiencing left sided chest pains aggravated by cold. I have done ecg and ultrasounds for bladder, kidney and in all cases every thing is okay. I am. Getting scared. What could be the problem?

Dr. Karuna Chawla 95% (121284 ratings)
Homeopath, Noida
I am paul, 23 years. For over 8 years I have been experiencing left sided chest pains aggravated by cold. I have done...
What are other symptoms that you are experiencing? by doing what like walking, exertion, eating or empty stomach- it increases or decreases in intensity. For how much time it remains? How is your appetite?R you constipated or having loose stools? Is there stiffness also? Any problem in urine?It can be because of gas or allergic rhinitis. But I need to know more to be able to make a diagnosis. 1. Do saline gargles. 2. Whenever possible do steam inhalation also. 3. Cover your nose and mouth with hanky for at least 30 sec when you go in dusty areas also when you go in and out of ac. As our nose is the most sensitive part of our body, when there is a temperature difference between two rooms or inside n outside, then if we not protect our nose, it gets affected. 4. Drink hot liquids --hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. 5. Sleep with an extra pillow under your head-- elevating your head will help relieve congested nasal passages. If the angle is too awkward, try placing the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to create a more gradual slope. 6. Treat that stuffy nose with warm salt water-- salt-water rinsing helps break nasal congestion, while also removing virus particles and bacteria from your nose. 7. Blow your nose often (and the right way)-- it's important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sniffling mucus back into your head. But when you blow hard, pressure can carry germ-carrying phlegm back into your ear passages, causing earache. The best way to blow your nose: press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Homeopathic treatment has very encouraging results. Consult online for details.
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Ramu paul , age-23, my height 5.1 inch. I want to grow taller more 1 inch. Please give some suggestions for increase my height early. I tried to yoga everyday but no update see on myself. Please give me better suggestions.

Dr. Ajit Singh P Rajput 91% (563 ratings)
Homeopath, Ahmedabad
Ramu paul , age-23, my height 5.1 inch. I want to grow taller more 1 inch. Please give some suggestions for increase ...
dear lybrate user, at this stage height increasing process slows down, but still chances are there as there is possibility of some growth also, take homeopathic treatment from our center along with stretching exercises you will surely get benefited.
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I am kaushik paul. I got married before 3 months ago. But, in 3 month I can't do any sexual relation with my wife. Because, I saw she avoid to do sex. In every time. Before entering my penis to her vagina. She try to stop me with any excuse. I saw she has no interest in sex. But. She want's to kiss & everything in bed .but, avoid to do sex. What should I do?

Dr. K V Anand 91% (35289 ratings)
BASM, MD, MS (Counseling & Psychotherapy), MSc - Psychology, Certificate in Clinical psychology of children and Young People, Certificate in Psychological First Aid, Certificate in Positive Psychology, Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health
Psychologist, Palakkad
I am kaushik paul. I got married before 3 months ago. But, in 3 month I can't do any sexual relation with my wife. Be...
Dear user. There are many psychological causes of low female sex drive, including: mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression. Stress, such as financial stress or work stress. Poor body image. Low self-esteem. History of physical or sexual abuse. Previous negative sexual experiences. I suggest counseling for her. Take care.
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Sir, I am guddu paul from assam, I was run in 5 month ago. That time I got pain in my knee. I was checking my problems more than 6 docots. But my swelling & pain around reducing of my knee. Its 5 month running. I am confused. Give me on this advises .why pain & swelling are not reducing? What are the reasons these are not reducing? While ihavebeen checking my problems to doctors.

Dr. Vishwas Virmani 91% (29213 ratings)
Physiotherapist, Noida
Sir, I am guddu paul from assam, I was run in 5 month ago. That time I got pain in my knee. I was checking my problem...
Chiropractic adjustment will help. Quadriceps exercise hams stretching- lie straight, take the leg up, pull the feet towards yourself, with a elastic tube ornormal belt. Repeat 10 times, twice a day. Sports taping- stretch the tape from both ends and apply on the affected area contrast fomentation (hot and cold). Chiropractic physiotherapy.
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I Gour paul age 30. I work merchant navy. Every year at least work 6 month on ship. My skin problem facing. Some rashes ,rough, like white small spot coming .it is started from back side then covered whole body even face also. My skin colour became dark this time. I used soap for bath. After bathing I pressed on this spot area by finger then came out dirty .I used candid powder then skin roughness slightly solved but specially my face skin become dark this time. Pls advice me.

Dr. Jaspreet Kour Arora 93% (1902 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MS - Counselling and Psychotherapy
Ayurveda, Jammu
I Gour paul age 30. I work merchant navy. Every year at least work 6 month on ship. My skin problem facing. Some rash...
Hello lybrate-user you simply use clean n clear face wash n apply fresh aloe Vera gel it will help you, you can wipe your face with rose water add lemon juice n glycerine. You can opt for ayurvedic treatment for you skin problem. U can ask for further information n details so that I can help you with best treatment plans.
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