Paul Bunnell Test Tips

Who Should Opt For Pap Smear Test?

Dr. Surpreet Kaur Sandhu 90% (142 ratings)
MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Delhi
Who Should Opt For Pap Smear Test?

Regular medical checkups and tests can be very helpful in prevention of cancer and growth of malignant cells or tumours. With the increase in the rates of cervical cancer, gynaecological checkups are of utmost need. For effective cervical cancer prevention, Pap smear bears the maximum number of success rates.

Pap smear is a medical procedure that helps to detect cancer or signs of other cervical infections. The Pap smear test however cannot detect ovarian cell cancer or uterine cancer. It is known to detect changes only in the vaginal cells and cervical dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia refers to the growth of pre-cancerous cells.

How this test is conducted?
1. Pap smear is conducted when the woman is not menstruating.
2. An instrument called speculum is inserted into one’s vagina to be able to access the cervix more easily.
3. Pap smear involves the collection of sample cells from the outer cervix area.
4. Cervical brush is inserted into the speculum and the sample cells are collected.
5. Then, the samples are put on a glass slide for further evaluation.

6. The Pap smear procedure takes only a few minutes bu can prevent serious medical problems in the long run.
7. The Pap smear is not a painful procedure, though it may be slightly uncomfortable for a few minutes only.

Who can undergo Pap smear?
1. Women can undergo Pap smear procedures once they are of 21 years of age and are generally sexually active
2. Women can go for pap smears up to the age of 70
3. Pap smears should be conducted preferably every two or three years
4. Women aged 65 and above and who have had no abnormalities in the last three consecutive tests, may stop taking pap smears
5. Before undergoing the test, it is important to stop douching and using vaginal creams for at least 2 days.
6. If there has been a case of multiple and frequent change of sexual partners, then you must go for Pap smear frequently
7. Women with weak immune system and who bear the risk of HIV Aids
8. Women who are heavy smokers. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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How A Blood Test Can Help Diagnose Tuberculosis?

Dr. Gurmeet Singh Chabbra 89% (65 ratings)
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Chest & TB
Pulmonologist, Faridabad
How A Blood Test Can Help Diagnose Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is an airborne communicable disease that mainly affects the lungs. However, it can attack the other organs as well. A tuberculosis infection may be categorised as latent or clinically active. A person is said to be suffering from latent tuberculosis when he or she has been infected with the tuberculosis bacteria, but is protected from the germs by a strong immune system. People showing symptoms of the disease are said to be suffering from a clinically active form of tuberculosis and must seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The symptoms of tuberculosis may be hard to identify as they can be attributed to other causes as well. In some cases, the symptoms may not appear until the disease has reached an advanced stage. Some of the common symptoms associated with this disease are:

  1. Weight loss
  2. Fever
  3. Dry cough
  4. Excessive sweating at night
  5. Unexplained tiredness
  6. Poor appetite
  7. Chest pain

People with a weakened immune system such as those suffering from HIV or those undergoing chemotherapy have a high risk of suffering from this condition. When the disease is in its active form, tuberculosis causing bacteria multiply rapidly and attack the lungs. From here they may spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, kidneys, bones, spine, brain and skin. When it reaches an advanced stage, the symptoms vary according to the organ affected. For example, pain in the bones indicates that the bone tissues have been affected while coughing up blood is a sign of TB of the lungs.

How Can It Be Diagnosed?

Blood test like Quantiferon TB Gold and Skin test like Mantoux test can detect Tuberculosis infection or Latent Tuberculosis. Diagnosis of TB requires demonstration of TB bacilli on microscopy, detection of DNA of TB bacilli, growth of TB bacilli on special culture media and clinical diagnosis by a doctor after considering patient's history, symptoms and signs, radiological imaging, blood and skin tests as mentioned earlier. TB treatment may include Injection along with oral medications. In some cases incomplete, inappropriate or inadequate treatment may lead to Drug Resistant TB which requires a longer treatment and may be difficult to treat.

Clinically active tuberculosis can be easily treated and cured as long as the patient undergoes the complete course of treatment. Treatment for this disease usually takes the form of oral medication that must be taken for six to nine months continuously. This is because tuberculosis causing bacteria can take a very long time to die. In some cases, multiple drugs may be prescribed to reduce resistance to the drugs. When it comes to tuberculosis it is important to continue taking medication for its full course, even if the symptoms disappear and you are feeling better.

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Cervical Smear Test: Know Its Procedure!

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DGO
Gynaecologist, Navi Mumbai
Cervical Smear Test: Know Its Procedure!

A cervical smear test is often known as a Pap test and is done to establish the changes that might have occurred in cells of the cervix. A small sample of cells is taken from the surface of the cervix and is tested for any abnormalities. The sample is spread on a slide or in some cases mixed with a liquid fixative and studied under a microscope. It is one of the most popular methods to test the abnormalities in your cells and can pinpoint point cervical cancers.

About the test
A typical cervical smear or Pap test is done to identify the changes that have happened to the cells of the cervix. Diagnosing them early can be beneficial in many ways and can lower your chance of cervical cancer. PAP smear or a cervical smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. For other cases, once the results of the cell growth are identified it is safe to seek other tests and medical options for diagnosis.

The procedure of typical Pap smear
The test is mostly recommended when you do not have the periods as the blood can interfere with the results. Also, before taking the test discuss with your doctor about the medications you are taking and in case you are under any birth control pills. No other special preparations are needed for the Pap test. Feel free to discuss with your doctor about the impact the test will have on you or on the pain levels, etc.The test is done by inserting a speculum into the vagina, which spreads it further. Later, a cotton swab is inserted to get the samples of cells from your cervix. The cells from the vagina are also collected in some cases and tested accordingly.

The risks involved
There no chances of risks when you go for such tests. You might feel a bit of pressure in your vaginal region and may experience a small bleeding after the testing. However, this is extremely normal. Also, there is no pain involved. If you experience heavy period and blood loss, you might experience minor discomfort when the test is being done.

The final result
Once the test is done, the results would be available usually within a week. The results can be categorized into normal and abnormal. If your cells are normal and no abnormality is found then the condition is termed as a normal result. In the case of abnormality in the cell structure, then it requires further evaluation and diagnosis to rule out cancer.

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What Should You Know About Non Stress Test on Fetus?

MBBS, Certified IVF Specialist, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology
IVF Specialist, Mohali
What Should You Know About Non Stress Test on Fetus?

Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most important time in the life of a woman. It is a time to celebrate and yet be cautious as well, so that all goes well and the end of the pregnancy is a beginning of life for a baby. There are numerous ways of monitoring the health of the foetus during pregnancy. The non-stress test is one of the ways. Let us find out more about this: 

Heart rate monitoring: The non-stress test is basically concerned with the monitoring of the heart rate of the foetus. This is a prenatal test that is very commonly used in order to check the overall health and vitals of the baby while it is still in the womb. The test is essentially carried out to check how well the heart rate responds to the other movements carried out by the baby inside the womb. It is called a non-stress test because there is no external stimulation that may put pressure on either the heart rate or the movements of the baby.

Why: This test is usually recommended by the doctor when there is an increased risk of losing the foetus due to complications. This test is usually carried out when the pregnancy is in 26th to 28th week. This test will usually show whether or not the baby needs extra test, monitoring or care. This test is essentially conducted to check the oxygen supply and is a non-invasive procedure that does not pose any serious physical risks or harm.
Fetal Hypoxia: This test will also show whether or not the baby is suffering from fetal hypoxia, which is a condition where the heart beat is disrupted, if the passage of oxygen is blocked due to some reason.

Conditions for non-stress test: The non-stress test may be conducted if the lady in question has lost or had complication in previous pregnancy. Also, if the mother has any other medical condition like diabetes or cardiovascular conditions, then this test is imperative. Decreased movement of the foetus may also prompt the doctors to take action and conduct this test as a cautionary measure.

Procedure: During the procedure, you will be asked to lie down on a reclining chair and two belts with monitors will be attached to your abdomen. The heart rate of the baby, as well as the movements, will then be studied once the monitors are switched on. These monitors are in turn attached to a screen, in order to take the reading. This test will take no more than twenty minutes. However, if there is no movement in the baby, then the test may continue for a little longer until the baby becomes more active.

4040 people found this helpful

What Should You Know About Non Stress Test On Fetus?

Dr. Indu Taneja 91% (1208 ratings)
Gynaecologist, Faridabad
What Should You Know About Non Stress Test On Fetus?

Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most important time in the life of a woman. It is a time to celebrate and yet be cautious as well, so that all goes well and the end of the pregnancy is a beginning of life for a baby. There are numerous ways of monitoring the health of the foetus during pregnancy. The non-stress test is one of the ways. Let us find out more about this: 

Heart rate monitoring: The non-stress test is basically concerned with the monitoring of the heart rate of the foetus. This is a prenatal test that is very commonly used in order to check the overall health and vitals of the baby while it is still in the womb. The test is essentially carried out to check how well the heart rate responds to the other movements carried out by the baby inside the womb. It is called a non-stress test because there is no external stimulation that may put pressure on either the heart rate or the movements of the baby.

Why: This test is usually recommended by the doctor when there is an increased risk of losing the foetus due to complications. This test is usually carried out when the pregnancy is in 26th to 28th week. This test will usually show whether or not the baby needs extra test, monitoring or care. This test is essentially conducted to check the oxygen supply and is a non-invasive procedure that does not pose any serious physical risks or harm.

Fetal Hypoxia: This test will also show whether or not the baby is suffering from fetal hypoxia, which is a condition where the heart beat is disrupted, if the passage of oxygen is blocked due to some reason.

Conditions for non-stress test: The non-stress test may be conducted if the lady in question has lost or had complication in previous pregnancy. Also, if the mother has any other medical condition like diabetes or cardiovascular conditions, then this test is imperative. Decreased movement of the foetus may also prompt the doctors to take action and conduct this test as a cautionary measure.

Procedure: During the procedure, you will be asked to lie down on a reclining chair and two belts with monitors will be attached to your abdomen. The heart rate of the baby, as well as the movements, will then be studied once the monitors are switched on. These monitors are in turn attached to a screen, in order to take the reading. This test will take no more than twenty minutes. However, if there is no movement in the baby, then the test may continue for a little longer until the baby becomes more active.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

2673 people found this helpful

Know Everything About Pap Smear Test!

Dr. Apoorva Pallam Reddy 93% (314 ratings)
MBBS, MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Gynaecologist, Bangalore
Know Everything About Pap Smear Test!

A Pap Smear is a screening test done to to test for occurrence of uterine cancer. Carried out in a quick and simple way to extract a sample, the sample is collected from the cervix area of a woman during a pelvic exam. The examination of the sample takes place under a microscope thereafter to find abnormalities that can point towards cancer and pre cancer changes.

There are many reasons why women should get a pap smear screening done:

  1. Women who are HIV positive should get this test done regularly so as to detect any anomalies in the cervix. This condition usually comes with higher risk of infections and cancer, which is why regular screening is required.
  2. Age is also another factor and women over the age of 30 should go through an annual screening on a compulsory basis. This is also true for women who have been through pregnancy and childbirth.

Preparing for a pap smear: To prepare for a pap smear test, you need to ensure that you are not menstruating at the time. Also, you may want to avoid sexual activity just before the test so as to get the most accurate readings. During the process, remember to stay calm and relax your body physically.

Procedure: The pap smear procedure is a quick one that might be only slightly uncomfortable. This test is usually carried out on the examination table at the gynecologist's clinic. The legs will need to be spread and placed in stirrups. The doctor will insert a speculum to hold open the vaginal opening so that the spatula can be inserted easily to take a sample from the area. This sample of the cells will be tested in a lab after due preservation.

Test Results: The test results can either be normal or abnormal. An abnormal result does not point at the presence of cancer. Rather it can simply mean that abnormal cells exist in the cervix. The doctor may ask you to go through these tests and screening more frequently so as to study the anomalies in a more detailed manner. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a gynaecologist.

2598 people found this helpful

Non Stress Test on Fetus - When To Go For It?

Dr. Shiwani Agarwal 91% (885 ratings)
DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), MBBS
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
Non Stress Test on Fetus - When To Go For It?

Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most important time in the life of a woman. It is a time to celebrate and yet be cautious as well, so that all goes well and the end of the pregnancy is a beginning of life for a baby. There are numerous ways of monitoring the health of the foetus during pregnancy. The non-stress test is one of the ways. Let us find out more about this: 

Heart rate monitoring: The non-stress test is basically concerned with the monitoring of the heart rate of the foetus. This is a prenatal test that is very commonly used in order to check the overall health and vitals of the baby while it is still in the womb. The test is essentially carried out to check how well the heart rate responds to the other movements carried out by the baby inside the womb. It is called a non-stress test because there is no external stimulation that may put pressure on either the heart rate or the movements of the baby.

Why: This test is usually recommended by the doctor when there is an increased risk of losing the foetus due to complications. This test is conducted from 36th week of the pregnancy and onwards till delivery. It is also done even when the patient is in labour.This test will usually show whether or not the baby needs extra test, monitoring or care. This test is essentially conducted to check the oxygen supply and is a non-invasive procedure that does not pose any serious physical risks or harm.
Fetal Hypoxia: This test will also show whether or not the baby is suffering from fetal hypoxia, which is a condition where the heart beat is disrupted, if the passage of oxygen is blocked due to some reason.

Conditions for non-stress test: The non-stress test may be conducted if the lady in question has lost or had complication in previous pregnancy. Also, if the mother has any other medical condition like diabetes or cardiovascular conditions, then this test is imperative. Decreased movement of the foetus may also prompt the doctors to take action and conduct this test as a cautionary measure.

Procedure: During the procedure, you will be asked to lie down on a reclining chair and two belts with monitors will be attached to your abdomen. The heart rate of the baby, as well as the movements, will then be studied once the monitors are switched on. These monitors are in turn attached to a screen, in order to take the reading. This test will take no more than twenty minutes. However, if there is no movement in the baby, then the test may continue for a little longer until the baby becomes more active.

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6 Signs you Need a Hearing Test

Dr. B. B. Khatri 90% (19 ratings)
ENT Specialist, Delhi
6 Signs you Need a Hearing Test

Here are 6 signs to watch out for that could indicate 'You need to get your Ears tested':

1. Your TV is blaring: Do you often find people around you shouting above the TV sound complaining that it's too loud? When you find it hard to hear the TV at the average volume and find yourself turning up the sound, this could signify a hearing loss. Doctors are seeing a growing number of patients visiting them after prolonged exposure to loud music and sounds.

2. You find it hard to hear phone conversations: Do you find yourself asking the person on the other end of the phone line to 'repeat' themselves, or find yourself pressing the phone instrument right into your ear? If you are trying so hard to hear, you might find yourself missing out on bits of the conversation as focussing to clearly hear the conversation is exhausting work. Getting a hearing test might be a good option if this sounds like you.

3. You have trouble hearing in noisy environments: When you are out dining with friends or family at a busy restaurant or accompanying a friend shopping in a busy street, all that background noise makes it difficult to hear what the people are saying. People with hearing loss often have problems masking out background noise.

4. Family members telling 'you're going deaf'?: Trust the views of the people closest to you, they never lie about your health. Family members often are the first to sense signs of hearing loss as they find themselves repeating things to you or calling out louder to get your 'attention'.

5. You find yourself staying away from social occasions, family gatherings or avoid being the first to start conversations

6. You find yourself leaning closer to people to follow the conversation or staring at their lips trying to lip-read what's being said.

Tip: Is a Low-salt Diet Thwarting Your Health Goals??

3315 people found this helpful

What You Should Know About Pap Smear Test

Dr. Indu Taneja 91% (1208 ratings)
Gynaecologist, Faridabad
What You Should Know About Pap Smear Test

A Pap Smear is a screening test done to to test for occurrence of uterine cancer. Carried out in a quick and simple way to extract a sample, the sample is collected from the cervix area of a woman during a pelvic exam. The examination of the sample takes place under a microscope thereafter to find abnormalities that can point towards cancer and pre cancer changes.

There are many reasons why women should get a pap smear screening done:

  1. Women who are HIV positive should get this test done regularly so as to detect any anomalies in the cervix. This condition usually comes with higher risk of infections and cancer, which is why regular screening is required.
  2. Age is also another factor and women over the age of 30 should go through an annual screening on a compulsory basis. This is also true for women who have been through pregnancy and childbirth.

Preparing for a Pap Smear: To prepare for a pap smear test, you need to ensure that you are not menstruating at the time. Also, you may want to avoid sexual activity just before the test so as to get the most accurate readings. During the process, remember to stay calm and relax your body physically.

Procedure: The pap smear procedure is a quick one that might be only slightly uncomfortable. This test is usually carried out on the examination table at the gynecologist's clinic. The legs will need to be spread and placed in stirrups. The doctor will insert a speculum to hold open the vaginal opening so that the spatula can be inserted easily to take a sample from the area. This sample of the cells will be tested in a lab after due preservation.

Test Results: The test results can either be normal or abnormal. An abnormal result does not point at the presence of cancer. Rather it can simply mean that abnormal cells exist in the cervix. The doctor may ask you to go through these tests and screening more frequently so as to study the anomalies in a more detailed manner.

4917 people found this helpful

Is There A Test For Self-Assessment For Neurological Disorders?

Dr. Namit Gupta 88% (19 ratings)
MBBS, MD - Medicine, DM - Neurology
Neurologist, Gurgaon
Is There A Test For Self-Assessment For Neurological Disorders?

It is very important for any individual suffering from a neurological disorder to take medical assistance. The possible neurological condition can be diagnosed by doing some medical examinations. Some of the examinations that are conducted for diagnosis include a neurological exam, genetic screening, brain scans and many other tests.

Malfunction of the brain can be caused in more than one region of the brain like frontal cortex, anterior cingulate, Parietal cortex and Basal ganglia. It is very important that symptoms are noticed and required tests are done immediately. In case of malfunctioning in the Basal ganglia, there are chances that patients experience more anxiety and avoid clashes in life excessively.

Self - assessment test for neurological disorders

  • Self-assessment and self-administered tests can identify the presence of the neurological disorder, but it is best to seek medical assistance in such cases. The self-assessment tests can be done by an individual when they face symptoms like problems in urinating, difficulty in concentrating, problems with writing and holding objects, and experiencing blurred vision.
  • It is important for an individual facing complaints like a headache, numbness in the arms or legs, changes in behavior, fatigue, blurry vision, slurred speech, weakness and changes in coordination to contact a medical professional. The thought of neurological disorder itself is very threatening and understanding the drug options available is very important.

Medications Used
The type of medication prescribed to the patients depends mainly on the condition of the neurological disorder. Some of the drugs that are prescribed include corticosteroids. These are provided for treatment of multiple sclerosis and decrease inflammation. Levodopa is a drug used mainly for treating Parkinson’s disease. In addition to physical examination and complete medical history, the diagnostic procedures that are carried out for neurological disorders include Computer Tomography scan (CT scan), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyography (EMG) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Important Tips to Consider
The drugs used for treating neurological disorders also cause some side effects. In some cases, patients even develop a drug addiction. In such cases, the two critical components of drug addiction like withdrawal and dependence should be understood very well. Dependence on the drug occurs mainly when the patient takes the medication for a prolonged period of time. Further, depending on the nature of the medication and personal situation of the patient, addiction develops quickly. The patient tends to experience withdrawal symptoms if they become dependent on the medication and when they abruptly stop taking it. The symptoms that are caused in this situation include nausea, tremor, and headache. There are many other diagnostic tests also carried out that are useful and prevent further damage to the nervous system.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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