Paul Bunnell Test Tips

Audiomertry - Know Types Of Test Under It!

Mr. Lovedeep Kholia 89% (86 ratings)
M.Sc - Audiology, BASLP
Audiologist, Delhi
Audiomertry - Know Types Of Test Under It!


Audiometry is a test that evaluates a person's ability to hear sounds of different pitch and frequency. This is a necessary evaluation if there is a loss of hearing capacity. There may be different reasons for the loss of hearing. If there is a tumor in the ear, the physician may advise an audiometry to get an idea about hearing loss or whether there has been any hearing loss before and after the surgery. Physicians recommend audiometry to determine whether hearing aids are needed or not.

The Human Hearing

Sounds vary in terms of intensity (loudness) and tone (speed of vibration of sound wave). The intensity of sound is measured in Decibel (dB) and the tone of sound is measured in Hertz. The human ear cannot hear sounds that are greater than 85 dB in intensity and less than 20 or greater than 20,000 Hertz in tone. The sounds of greater than 10,000 are categorized as highly pitched. There are some animals which can hear sounds of even up to 50,000 Hertz. The tone of human speech varies between 500 Hertz to 3,000 Hertz.

A sound wave travels through the eardrum and the middle ear into the inner ear. The ear can hear sounds only when the sound waves stimulate the neurological structure of the inner ear and lead the sound signals along the nerve pathways leading to the brain.

How Audiometry Test Works

The sense of hearing is a result of a chain of events that culminates in the middle ear receiving the sound and passing it to the brain. The three parts of the ear- outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear need to work in succession to produce a sense of hearing. Loss of hearing can result if there is a failure in any of these stages. Audiometry tests are conducted to determine the type of hearing defect.

Types Of Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss. It occurs when there is damage to the nerve. Cochlear bone conduction related hearing loss Conductive hearing loss arising out of damage to eardrums or ossicle bones.


It measures the least audible sound for a person. People are given earphones to wear and made to hear an array of sounds one ear at a time.

Types Of Tests Performed in Audiometry:

During an audiometric evaluation, a variety of tests may be performed:

Word Recognition Test

Audiometry may include a word recognition test as well. It tries to assess one’s ability to understand speech. If speech discrimination is poor, hearing aid is usually prescribed. Tympanometry Test Audiometry may also include a tympanometry test. This is done to detect problems like excessive build-up of wax/fluid, perforation in eardrum, damage to ossicle bones, tumors in the middle ear, etc.

Acoustic Reflex Test

This test is done to evaluate the neurological part of the hearing. It tests cranial nerves and brainstorms.

Audiometry test is an easy test. In case someone is experiencing any hearing problem, then discussing with Audiologist about this test is a good idea.

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How Often Should You Get A Pap Smear Test?

Dr. Vandana Jain 91% (62 ratings)
Gynaecologist, Ghaziabad
How Often Should You Get A Pap Smear Test?

Regular preventive check ups are a must for being healthy and if you wait too long between check ups, it may become too late to detect a problem. Cervical cancer screening is especially important for women via a pap smear test, as it's the best way to detect cancer.

A Pap test is done to screen any changes in the cells of the cervix, including cervical cancer or conditions that may develop into cancer. Doctors recommend that Pap smear testing should begin at the age of 21 for women, and should be done every 3-5 years for women between the ages of 21 to 65 years.

For women between ages 30 - 65 years, the test can be done once in five years, if it is combined with testing for HPV. A doctor may recommend frequent Pap smear tests if a person is diagnosed with cervical cancer, HIV infection or a weak immune system caused due to organ transplant or chemotherapy.

When can you discontinue Pap smear Tests?
If you are sexually active, doctors may ask you to continue your Pap smear tests even after the age of 65. Women can discontinue Pap smear tests after getting a total hysterectomy. However, some women may still have to undergo the test if they have had the surgery for cervical or uterine cancers or if you are a high risk patient with HIV or have a weakened immune system. In these cases, women will have to continue getting Pap smear tests. Even if you stop getting Pap smear tests, it's advisable to keep getting regular pelvic tests.

What symptoms to watch out for between Pap smear tests?

  • Pain is not an early warning sign of the disease, and not all people experience pain while suffering from cancer of the cervix. The symptoms to watch out for are abnormal bleeding in the cervix, which is one of the most common symptoms of cancer in cervix. If you get bleeding between your regular menstrual periods and after sexual intercourse that it is another sign that you should get a Pap smear done to check for cancer in the cervix.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge is another symptom of cancer of the cervix. You must get these symptoms checked from your doctor via a Pap smear test.
  • It is advisable to discuss with your doctor and decide how frequently you need to decide what's best for you based on different risk factors.
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Why It is Important to Get Regular Test Done for STIs?

Dr. Vinod Raina 91% (6502 ratings)
MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Delhi
Why It is Important to Get Regular Test Done for STIs?

Benefits of getting regular tests for STIs

STIs or sexually transmitted diseases are infections whose transmission to a healthy person from an infected person happens through sexual contact. However, with modern medicine and diagnostic techniques, there are ways to prevent, detect and cure them effectively and quickly.

Not all diseases are curable though and it is best to follow preventive measures. Also, for sexually active adults it is an absolute necessity to get tested regularly for their health as well as the well-being of their partners.

Why do people tend to avoid getting tested for STIs or sexually transmitted infections?

One of the major factors that avert people from regular tests is the social stigma attached with sexually transmitted diseases. It is absolutely imperative for sexually active adults to go for regular checkups so that if they have any infections or diseases, it can be diagnosed quickly and remedial measure can be taken appropriately.

The benefits of regular checkups

Some of the benefits of regular checkups are mentioned here:-

  • Regular checkups can detect problems at a stage when the conditions may not have progressed too much and this will make it easily treatable.
  • With HIV positive patients, the quicker the testing gets done the quicker the treatment can be started. Thus, can prevent the onset of AIDS.
  • Regular checkups can control the progression of the diseases such as Chlamydia, which if left untreated can cause permanent infertility.
  • Getting a prospective partner tested is also a good idea as this can enable one to protect themselves from STIs.
  • Symptoms for certain STIs can be similar to many other non-sexual or non-venereal diseases. Thus getting tests done is the only way to get to know if there is an STI or if it is some other nonsexual disease.
  • HPV or Human Papilloma Virus can be detected easily with regular STI checkups and thus appropriate treatment can be started. If HPV isn't detected early, it can manifest much later in the form of cancer, which makes it more important to get yourself checked early on.


Related Tip: How too much sugar can adversely affect your sex life

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What Is The Sickle Cell Test?

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh 92% (194 ratings)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Lakhimpur Kheri
What Is The Sickle Cell Test?

Sickle cell Anemia or Sickle cell disease is a part of a group of genetic blood cell disorders that is inherited from parents who are carriers of this particular gene mutation. This disease causes a transformation of red blood cells from a circular shape to a sickle-like shape. Hence the name. While it may not sound too serious, the change in shape changes the way these blood cells move within the body. Restricted movement of blood cells leads to a restricted supply of blood and ultimately, a restricted supply of oxygen. This can lead to major health issues and depending on the severity, even death. Some of these include excessive pain, organ failure, stroke, and even blindness.

A sickle cell test is a blood test which identifies the shape of the patient’s red blood cells, thus, identifying whether or not they have this disease. It has now been included as a part of the list of tests conducted on newborn babies in the U.S. However, this does not mean that this test is functional only on babies. Adults who may not have been screened at birth can also get this test done to identify whether or not they have this disease.

This test is extremely important as it helps your doctor diagnose your problems and give better solutions. Sickle Cell Disease patients are susceptible to various infections, especially when they are babies. Hence, knowing that someone has this disease makes it easier for doctors to treat it.

There are no pre-conditions or preparations required for this test. However, if you are an adult getting tested then you may not get the same within ninety days of receiving blood externally. Blood transfusion can change the composition of haemoglobin you have and hence, make it difficult for the test to identify whether or not you have the disease.

The test is similar to a simple blood test. The nurse or doctor ties a band on your arm and then removes blood via a puncture. For a baby, they use a special tool instead of an injection to make a puncture in its heel and extract the blood.

The test is an extremely simple procedure. There are no risks involved. One can drive themselves home after the test as well. In rare cases, there may be bouts of lightheadedness. But this is extremely rare and is normally caused when the patient is already weak or undergoing some other issue.

The test results are simple to understand. It helps the doctor identify if you have one or both abnormal sickle cell genes. If you just have one of them, then you shall be diagnosed as having the sickle cell trait. If you have both, then you’ll mostly be diagnosed as having sickle cell disease. The doctor will check on the symptoms and order follow up tests to determine the severity of the disease.

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Allergy Test - What Should You Know?

Dr. Roopali Jain Tripathi 88% (39 ratings)
DNB (Oto Rhino Laryngology), MBBS
ENT Specialist, Pune
Allergy Test - What Should You Know?

Allergy is a condition in the human body in which the body reacts to the particles in the environment which are harmless otherwise. These particles are called allergens. Some people have a highly reactive and active immune system. Even a small amount of allergens in the body are identified by the immune system and cause inflammation and reactive conditions in the body. Most of the time it is harmless and does not create a problem. But, if a person is facing problems for more than three months in a year, one should consult an ENT for the same.

Causes of Allergy:

Causes of allergies are unknown and can be due to any reason. There is no definite cause for allergies in a patient. Some people may have an allergy due to dust, or pollen, or even animals and food. There is no single reason for the allergy; every allergy is different, and every reaction to the allergy is different.

There are many common types of allergens which cause allergies like house pet hairs, wool, chemicals used in the house, dust or pollen particles, etc. Allergies mostly occur more often in winters as the houses are closed and packed. Some people have a seasonal allergy, and some suffer from perennial allergy, depending upon the immune system of a particular person.

Symptoms of Allergy:

There are no definitive symptoms of allergies. Most symptoms of allergies include a runny nose, congestion, infections in the ears or skin, redness, water in the eyes, and many more. Every allergy symptom is different since it is highly dependent upon one's immune system and its reaction.

Allergy Test:

The treatment of the Allergy highly depends upon the allergy test. ENT doctors can test the allergy since they determine the source of the allergy and assess as of how to manage it. It is rare for allergies to be life-threatening, but prolonged inflammation and infections in the body can affect the system in a later phase. ENT doctors determine the reaction of hypersensitivity in the body and observe whether they are creating some disruption in the body system or not.

There are some tests available for testing allergies. The most common methods are pricking test and the intradermal test. Most doctors opt for a combination of both methods as the results are more reliable.


Once doctors have completed the tests and determined the condition of the patient, they suggest either allergen avoidance or medication.

  1. Allergen Avoidance: It is the best method to treat allergic patients. In this treatment, the patient is asked to avoid the allergen for safety. However, this method only works when the allergen can be practically avoided. For example, if a patient is allergic to dust, he may prevent dust by covering his bed and pillows with special covers that block dust and kill dust mites.

  2. Medications: Medicines are prescribed to the patient when avoidance is not practical or to reduce the impact of the reactive immune system to ease the symptoms. 

People often neglect allergy tests since the symptoms are not worse. But timely checkups and tests are recommended by the doctors for healthy living. Also, if a person is suffering from any type of allergies, seeking immediate help is always recommended and necessary for a healthy life.

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Cancer - Know Vital Test For It!

Dr. Asha Jain 89% (29 ratings)
MBBS, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), Colposcopy Training
Gynaecologist, Raipur
Cancer - Know Vital Test For It!

Oncology deals with treating cancer after you have been diagnosed with the condition. However, preventive oncology is a specialized branch of oncology, where the aim is to prevent cancer in your body. Michael Shimkin from the University of California coined the term preventive oncology in 1975, for the science of primary and secondary prevention of cancer in the human body.

Prevention of cancer depends on the factors responsible. One of the primary causes is viral infections – responsible for 17% of cancer cases around the world. Amongst them, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is one of the leading causes of cervical and anogenital cancers

HPV and cancer

HPV is a common reproductive virus, mainly found in women after they engage in sexual intercourse. Even though such infections are common, you will not be able to feel any symptoms from the infection. Within 2 years, the infection clears off without the need for any treatment. However, if the infection persists, women may develop cervical pre-cancer. At this stage, without any preventive measures, the condition will progress to cervical cancer later in life.

In most cases, HPV infections take around 10 years to progress into a cancer of the cervix. Therefore, preventing HPV infections can help prevent cervical cancers. HPV vaccines can help avoid such infections. Furthermore, engaging in safe sexual encounters is key to avoiding HPV and preventing increased risk of cervical cancer.

Tests that help make preventive oncology possible

Since in preventive oncology the aim is to determine the risk of cancer in the body and reduce those risks, special tests are necessary to look for pointers of cancer.

1. Liquid-based cytology (LBC)- This is a relatively newer diagnostic test for cervical cancer. Here the cytological samples are collected in liquid vials, instead of slides. A slide is later prepared at the lab. LBC reduces the number of slides required for the test and increases the sensitivity to the test. Furthermore, it enhances the ability of smear readers.

2. Digene HC2 test- This is the new favourite cancer prevention diagnostic test. It can successfully screen a patient against the presence of 13-high risk HPV strains. These types of virus are carcinogenic and responsible for cervical cancer. The test uses advanced Hybrid Capture 2 technology to detect the presence of specific HPV types. Both of these tests are essential in the prevention of cervical cancer in your body. Speak to your oncologist today about preventative measures, if you think you have HPV infections.

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TMT Test - Why It Is Done In Diabetes?

Dr. Hanish Gupta 90% (2011 ratings)
MBBS, DNB (General Medicine)
General Physician, Delhi
TMT Test - Why It Is Done In Diabetes?

A Stress test is done by making you do exercises like walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike during an Electro Cardiogram or ECG. Sometimes, medication to stimulate your heart is used instead of exercise.

The stress test compares the circulation of blood in the heart when you are resting and when you are under optimum physical pressure. There are various types of stress tests, but the most common of them is the Treadmill Stress Test or TMT

Why it’s done?

  1. A stress test is a common test for identifying a heart problem like Coronary Artery Disease or CAD in which the major blood vessels that supply your heart with blood, oxygen and nutrients, also called coronary arteries, get blocked, damaged or diseased. 
  2. It’s also used for determining the condition of your heart after a heart attack.
  3. TMT utilizes exercise so it helps to show up extreme shortness in breathing, chest discomfort, dizziness and sudden weakness- all of these indicating an underlying heart condition.
  4. TMT is also used to check the efficiency of the heart medications for diseases like angina and ischemia and to monitor heart function in patients who’ve had an angioplasty or a heart attack earlier.
  5. It is also to identify an abnormal heart rhythm due to exercise.

CAD and Diabetes
People with diabetes are at high risk of coronary artery disease, as it tends to present late, Diabetics also suffer more silent heart muscle problems like Ischemia. This is why TMT is a lifesaver for diabetics as early detection and intervention can save lives.


  1. You need to prepare yourself before you take a stress test.
  2. You must not eat or drink anything but water for four hours before the exercise stress test which includes TMT.
  3. You should not drink any beverage with caffeine for twelve hours before the test too.
  4. You must stop all medications for the heart on the day the test is scheduled, unless specifically instructed by your doctor.
  5. If you are a diabetic, you should ask your doctor how much insulin can you inject on the day of the test, and if you are on pills, be aware that the medication is only to be taken after the completion of the stress test.
  6. You should wear comfortable clothes and soft walking shoes or sneakers for the TMT.

How is a TMT done?
A nurse or technician will place electrodes on your chest. These are then attached to wires that carry the electrical activity of your heart to the monitor and recorder of the ECG/EKG machine. These leads record different parts of your heart.

  1. Before you start the test, the EKG will record your heart activity on paper. This is called the Resting EKG.
  2. Initially, the treadmill is switched on at a rather slow ‘warm-up’ speed and gradually both the incline of the treadmill and the speed is increased every three minutes called stages.
  3. During TMT your blood pressure is recorded at the second minute in every stage.
  4. A stress test generally takes up to 90 minutes from beginning to end, but the exercise part of the test takes only 20 minutes.
  5. If you develop any uneasiness, TMT is stopped before the target heart rate is achieved.

How TMT Works
During the TMT, the healthy arteries in the heart dilate more than the blocked ones. This uneven dilation means that more blood is provided to the heart by the healthy arteries as compared to the blocked ones to their designated areas. This lowered blood flow makes the muscles in those areas thirsty for more blood during the TMT, creating symptoms like chest pain, and/or shortness of breath. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Endocrinologist.

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Hematocrit Test: Why is it done and how to prepare for it?

Dr. Avinash Singh 86% (31 ratings)
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Medicine, DM - Clinical Hematology
Hematologist, Patna
Hematocrit Test: Why is it done and how to prepare for it?

The hematocrit test can be best defined as a blood test that measures the percentage (or count) of red blood cells in your blood. It should be noted that these cells are predominantly responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of your body, so having an abnormal amount could be indicative of certain health conditions. This test can also be referred to as a "packed-cell volume" (PCV) test in medical terms.

Why is a hematocrit (or packed-cell volume) test performed?

A hematocrit, or PCV, test is, in most cases, performed as an indispensable part of a complete blood count (CBC). Measuring the proportion (or ratio) of healthy red blood cells in your blood via this test can allow your doctor to more accurately diagnose your condition or monitor your response to any treatment being provided to you. 

A hematocrit (or the ratio of red blood cells in your blood) that is lower or higher than normal may indicate one or more underlying health conditions, such as:

  • Anemia (or an inadequate count of red blood cells that are healthy)
  • A white blood cell disorder (which may include lymphoma and leukemia, among others)
  • Mineral or vitamin deficiencies
  • Dehydration
  • Blood loss (recent or long-term)
  • Bone marrow problems
  • Lung or heart disease

How should I get myself ready for a hematocrit test?

A hematocrit blood test is a very simple and common blood test. This test is predominantly used to measure the amount (or number) of red blood cells in a sample of blood. Furthermore, it must be noted that no fasting or other special preparations are needed prior to this test.

A PCV (or hematocrit) test is usually conducted by a technician or a nurse in a blood lab or a clinic. "Hematocrit," as already mentioned above, is the percentage (or ratio) of the total blood volume that is occupied by red blood cells. Red blood cells are simply meant for carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the (human) body.

A normal (or healthy) person's hematocrit mostly ranges from 38 to 50.

What should a person expect during a hematocrit test?

A hematocrit or PCV test requires a blood sample, which is customarily drawn with the help of a needle from a vein in one of the patient's arms. The patient may feel some kind of tenderness at the site (or in the vein) where the needle was inserted, but they will be able to resume their normal activities shortly after blood is drawn. That said, it's important to keep the area where the needle was inserted clean and covered until it's completely healed so that you don't end up developing an infection.

How should the results be perceived?

Your hematocrit test results will be reported as a percentage of the volume of your blood that is composed of red blood cells. Normal ranges can differ based on race, age, and gender. Apart from these factors, the definition of a "normal" red blood cell percentage can also differ from one medical practitioner or healthcare provider to the next.

Be that as it may, a normal hematocrit range is, by most healthcare facilities, considered to be:

  • For men (or males): 38.3 to 48.6 percent
  • For women (or females): 35.5 to 44.9 percent

Also note: The normal hematocrit range for children ages 17 and younger varies by their gender and precise age.

What should be the next step?

Your hematocrit test is only one way to get a fix on your health. So you should never come to a conclusion without discussing your test results with your doctor, who will be taking into account the symptoms you are experiencing as well as the results of other diagnostic tests before coming up with a solution or ultimate treatment plan.

Can the results of a hematocrit test be inaccurate?

Your hematocrit test can be influenced by a variety of factors, which can lead to inaccurate results in some cases. These include:

  • Living at a high altitude
  • Pregnancy
  • Significant recent blood loss
  • Recent blood transfusion
  • Severe dehydration

Having said that, your doctor will interpret the results of your hematocrit test, taking into account any potentially complicating factors. If your results show conflicting or unexpected information, the doctor may want to repeat the hematocrit test and do other blood tests for a more accurate diagnosis of your individual condition.


All in all, the hematocrit (or PCV) test is a very common and simple kind of test that is predominantly used to examine a person's blood. This test can be used to help determine if a person has anemia, polycythemia, an iron deficiency, or other similar blood disorders. The hematocrit test is also used to measure the blood volume of a person who is receiving blood or blood plasma.

Furthermore, we hope this article gave you the information you needed on the topic of the hematocrit test. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always happy to help you in every way possible!

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TMT Test - What Should You Know?

Dr. Gaurav Mahajan 88% (16 ratings)
General Physician, Gurgaon
TMT Test - What Should You Know?

A Stress test is done by making you do exercises like walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike during an Electro Cardiogram or ECG. Sometimes, medication to stimulate your heart is used instead of exercise.

The stress test compares the circulation of blood in the heart when you are resting and when you are under optimum physical pressure. There are various types of stress tests, but the most common of them is the Treadmill Stress Test or TMT

Why it’s done?

  1. A stress test is a common test for identifying a heart problem like Coronary Artery Disease or CAD in which the major blood vessels that supply your heart with blood, oxygen and nutrients, also called coronary arteries, get blocked, damaged or diseased. 
  2. It’s also used for determining the condition of your heart after a heart attack.
  3. TMT utilizes exercise so it helps to show up extreme shortness in breathing, chest discomfort, dizziness and sudden weakness- all of these indicating an underlying heart condition.
  4. TMT is also used to check the efficiency of the heart medications for diseases like angina and ischemia and to monitor heart function in patients who’ve had an angioplasty or a heart attack earlier.
  5. It is also to identify an abnormal heart rhythm due to exercise.

CAD and Diabetes
People with diabetes are at high risk of coronary artery disease, as it tends to present late, Diabetics also suffer more silent heart muscle problems like Ischemia. This is why TMT is a lifesaver for diabetics as early detection and intervention can save lives.


  1. You need to prepare yourself before you take a stress test.
  2. You must not eat or drink anything but water for four hours before the exercise stress test which includes TMT.
  3. You should not drink any beverage with caffeine for twelve hours before the test too.
  4. You must stop all medications for the heart on the day the test is scheduled, unless specifically instructed by your doctor.
  5. If you are a diabetic, you should ask your doctor how much insulin can you inject on the day of the test, and if you are on pills, be aware that the medication is only to be taken after the completion of the stress test.
  6. You should wear comfortable clothes and soft walking shoes or sneakers for TMT.

How is a TMT done?
A nurse or technician will place electrodes on your chest. These are then attached to wires that carry the electrical activity of your heart to the monitor and recorder of the ECG/EKG machine. These leads record different parts of your heart.

  1. Before you start the test, the EKG will record your heart activity on paper. This is called the Resting EKG.
  2. Initially, the treadmill is switched on at a rather slow ‘warm-up’ speed and gradually both the incline of the treadmill and the speed is increased every three minutes called stages.
  3. During TMT your blood pressure is recorded at the second minute in every stage.
  4. A stress test generally takes up to 90 minutes from beginning to end, but the exercise part of the test takes only 20 minutes.
  5. If you develop any uneasiness, TMT is stopped before the target heart rate is achieved.

How TMT Works
During the TMT, the healthy arteries in the heart dilate more than the blocked ones. This uneven dilation means that more blood is provided to the heart by the healthy arteries as compared to the blocked ones to their designated areas. This lowered blood flow makes the muscles in those areas thirsty for more blood during the TMT, creating symptoms like chest pain, and/or shortness of breath.

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How are Psychological tests helpful?

Dr. Archana Narwani 90% (116 ratings)
Masters In Clinical Psychology
Psychologist, Pune
How are Psychological tests helpful?

Psychological assessment — also known as psychological testing — is done to help a psychologist better understand an individual and provide valuable insights into the individual’s behavior, skills, thoughts and personality. Psychological testing commonly includes intelligence testing, personality testing, and skills testing, among other areas.

Psychological assessment is never focused on a single test score or number. Every person has a range of competencies that can be evaluated through a number of methods. A psychologist is there to evaluate the competencies as well as the limitations of the person, and report on them in an objective but helpful manner. A psychological assessment report will not only note weaknesses found in testing, but also the individual’s strengths.

It has often ben said that 'you are what you think'. It is the human mind which enabled the entire race to dominate over the planet over millions of other species. How can this very complex instrument is so difficult to understand? The human mind is capable of extreme highs and lows in terms of every aspect such as emotions, achievement, empathy anger and so forth. One field of study is Psychology which does help us in its understanding. 

What are psychological tests?

Psychological tests are a method to gauge various parameters of an individual’s mind and how it works. There are not one but multiple psychological tests which help with determining various aspects of a person’s mental functioning and capabilities among others. Like medical tests such as X-rays and various types of blood reports help us get a better picture of the condition of your body, similarly, psychological testing helps us a get a better view of a person’s thinking and if at all there are any problems with it. Just a few examples of psychological testing are as follows – 

  1. Aptitude testing in children to check for learning disabilities 
  2. Testing for skills such as dexterity or flexibility, and reaction time to look for brain damage or dementia
  3. Memory tests to look for psychological disorders as well as dementia
  4. Testing for anxiety related disorders especially in social conditions, both in children and adults

How are these helpful?
More than pinpointing psychological disorders, these tests are meant to help an individual point out problems and then start on a treatment or therapy to overcome the problems. These tests can help a person in many ways such as – 

  1. Identifying problems early on when they are mild, thus making treatment more effective
  2. Help them further in studies or their career where certain conditions or problems were becoming an impediment
  3. Provide methods to tackle a phobia
  4. Sometimes, psychological testing is very helpful in diagnosing serious mental issues such as depression which may force many to take their own lives; thus preventing it
  5. Helping to combat physiological problems in cases where no pathological causes are found. In many cases, stress and anxiety lead to other disorders like diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal troubles and others. Once the psychological side is treated after correct diagnosis, the physical problems also tend to dissipate. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a psychologist.
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