Paul Bunnell Test Tips

When to take pregnancy test after missed period

Gynaecologist, Mumbai
When to take pregnancy test after missed period

If you are sexually active then missing a period may wanna make you take a pregnancy test. Most women take pregnancy tests on the first day after a missing period. But if you are not sure about the expected date of your next period, you should do the test at least 3 weeks after your last incident of unprotected intercourse. This method is ideal for the one who has regular periods but in some cases when a woman doesn’t have a regular menstruation cycle due to any certain reason.

Also, if you are on birth control pills and still miss your period or feel early pregnancy symptoms like tender/ sensitive breasts or cramps, you should consider taking a pregnancy test just to be sure.

You can use some extremely accurate pregnancy tests even before you miss a period or if you experience any of the following early pregnancy signs, including;

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Mood swings
  • Metallic flavor
  • Breast soreness
  • Frequent urination
  • Smell Sensitivity
  • Morning Sickness
  • Food cravings or repulsions
  • Light cramps/implantation cramps
  • Very light spotting/implantation spotting

Keep in mind that none of the aforementioned symptoms are absolute indicators of pregnancy; they might simply be brought on by other conditions like the flu, a cold, or a few sleepless nights, hence taking a pregnancy test is always required to confirm the pregnancy.

Taking a pregnancy test is always suggested by doctors as soon as you skip a period or suspect you could be pregnant.

How to take pregnancy test

You can confirm pregnancy both at home and at a clinical step up. Generally at home you can have a home testing kid that requires a urine sample while in the clinic, the test can be done both through blood and urine performed by a medical professional. 

Since, the pregnancy test works by detecting a hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), levels in your blood and urine. Your body starts to produce this hormone in your blood six days after the fertilization. HCG takes a little longer to show up on pee testing. 

HCG production starts out gradually and picks up as the pregnancy progresses. When the hCG level reaches 20 to 50 milliunits/milliliter, a pregnancy test will detect it and show it in the reading. For the first eight to ten weeks of pregnancy, HCG levels rise quickly (nearly doubling every three days).

The blood test is more accurate and can detect the pregnancy early than urine based tests. Additionally blood tests require less of the hCG hormone to identify pregnancy;

Blood test: Blood testing is ideal for pregnancy tests that can find hCG hormone levels as low as 5 to 10 mIU/mL.

Urine test: Higher concentrations of hCG, typically at least 20 mIU/mL, are needed for at-home urine tests to identify pregnancy.

Your healthcare professional can suggest a blood test to monitor your hCG levels if the results of your at-home pregnancy test are positive. The results can be used to confirm your pregnancy and figure out how old it is.

When to take the pregnancy test

You can take an at-home pregnancy test one on the following timelines if you're unsure of the best time to take test;

  • Take the test 3 to 4 weeks following the first day of your last period. During this time levels of hCG hormone in your urine will be increased to the point where they may be easily detected by your kit.
  • Also, you could wait till you skip your two subsequent periods, which will be a sure shot sign that you are expecting in any case!
  • For early detection a blood test will be ideal done by a health expert.

​​What time of the day is best to take a pregnancy test?

Early morning urination

The ideal time to take a pregnancy test is when you wake up for the day, especially if your period is only a few days late or is not late at all.  The pregnancy test kits work by catching the level of hCG hormone present in urine, hence first urine is best for the test as it is more concentrated when you wake up after long hours of sleep unless you get up in between and urinate frequently or drink water all night long.

Also, for ladies who work the night shift, the urine you passed after sleeping during the day will be considered your first urine, no matter what time it is.

Any other time of the day

You can take the pregnancy test at any time of the day. But as home kits detect hCG levels in urine, results can vary due to the low levels of hCG hormone in urine. In this situation, you are more likely to receive a false negative result, particularly if you are taking the test right after a possible fertilization or if you have a lot of water in your system, that may dilute your pee.


When taking at-home tests, always keep in mind there is always a substantial likelihood of error as it depends on so many variables. Taking a test with your first urine of the day is always advisable due to high concentration of hCG hormone. Also, to double check the result of your test, take one more at-home test with a new kit or visit your healthcare provider for a more accurate testing.  

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HIV - Can It Be Checked Through Oral Test?

Dentist, Mumbai
HIV - Can It Be Checked Through Oral Test?

HIV is a systemic disease which affects all parts of the body. The oral cavity also has some tell-tale symptoms which indicate HIV / AIDS. A careful examination and detailed history of symptoms is essential. In some cases, the oral manifestations could be the area where HIV is suspected. This can help in reducing morbidity and improves prognosis. The oral lesions that occur in HIV patients can vary and differ significantly in children and adults. While there are a variety of oral lesions in HIV-infected individuals, listed below are some common infections seen in HIV patients. These are a combination of fungal, viral and bacterial infections.

  1. Candidiasis: Candida is an opportunistic fungus that is normally present in the oral cavity and with reduced immunity of HIV, recurrent bouts of the infection begins to show up. It can be in the form of regular thrush which is whitish and cannot be scraped off (pseudomembranous candidiasis), hyperplastic candidiasis (white patches which can be scraped off) or erythematous (reddish patches). Candida can involve any part of the oral mucosa including the pharynx and the palate.
  2. Herpes Simplex: This is the most common viral infection seen in patients with HIV/AIDS. There could be primary or secondary infection of herpes virus, especially inside the mouth and the vermillion border of the lips.
  3. Herpes zoster: This virus, when already present in the body, can be reactivated with HIV/AIDS and with oral herpes. The distinction with herpes simplex is from their distribution. These are unilateral, along the distribution of the maxillary or mandibular nerve. The lesions appear both on the facial skin and the oral mucosa. While the facial ones break open and form crusts, the mucosal ones coalesce to form larger lesions.
  4. Hairy Leukoplakia: This is present in about 20% of asymptomatic HIV patients. Onset of hairy leukoplakia is an indication of rapid progression of HIV with increased CD4 counts. The typical lesion is a non-movable, hairy lesion along the side of the tongue and can spread to the top and the undersurface of the tongue. There are large amounts of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) identified from biopsies of hairy leukoplakia.
  5. Cytomegalovirus: If the ulcers have a necrotic base with a halo surrounding it, it is CMV infection, usually seen on any oral mucosal surface.
  6. Periodontal disease: This is one of the bacterial infections that manifests itself in HIV patients. It can take two forms such as Linear Gingival Erythema (LGE) which can subsequently lead to Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis (NUP). The oral hygiene is generally good with minimal plaque and there is rapid bone loss and soft tissue reddening and swelling. The, mouth, therefore is certainly a window to one’s health.

Diagnosing HIV with Western Blot Test-

It is a series of blood screenings are performed to test for HIV. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), also known as an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), is the first test that your healthcare provider will order to screen for HIV. ELISA, like the Western blot test, detects HIV antibodies in your blood. Antibodies are proteins your immune system produces in response to the presence of foreign substances, such as viruses. If you test positive for HIV on the ELISA test, your provider will order the Western blot test to confirm HIV infection. 

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Testosterone Blood Test Results Explained!

Dr. Azad 90% (1076 ratings)
M.D. Natural medicine, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Mathura
Testosterone Blood Test Results Explained!

testosterone level test measures the amount of testosterone in the blood and is reported as nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). It's also known as a serum testosterone testTestosterone is an androgen, or a sex hormone, produced by both males and females. It plays a role in puberty and fertility.

What is a good testosterone level?

In general, the normal range in males is about 270 to 1070 ng/dL with an averagelevel of 679 ng/dL. A normal male testosterone level peaks at about age 20, and then it slowly declines. Testosterone levels above or below the normal range are considered by many to be out of balance.

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Ayurvedic Methods Of Semen Analysis (Sperm Test)!

Dr. Jeevan Sampat Jadhav 89% (125 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Nashik
Ayurvedic Methods Of Semen Analysis (Sperm Test)!

DETAILED description of examination of the seminal fluid is available in the ayurvedic classics. It is in common practice to use the terms retas, shukra, and virya to be vaguely
However, these words are coined for a specific purpose; that is to say, Shukra denotes the whole testicular secretion comprising of sperms and androgens; while retas denotes the ejaculate and Virya, the androgens .
The examination of retas (semen) has been explained by Charaka under eight factors, where as Sushruta has described different pathological conditions of the semen .

The eight factors of examination of semen are said to be. 
* Phenila 
*Anya dhatu samsrsta 

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Importance Of Regular PAP Smear Test!

Dr. Maneesha Singh 92% (148 ratings)
MBBS, Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Gynaecologist, Ghaziabad

Regular pap tests i.e., Tests which look for any signs of cervical cancer should be conducted regularly so that it can be detected at its initial stage and can be treated accordingly.

Importance Of Regular Pap Smear Test!

Dr. Maneesha Singh 92% (148 ratings)
MBBS, Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Gynaecologist, Ghaziabad
Importance Of Regular Pap Smear Test!

Regular pap tests i.e., tests that look for any signs of cervical cancer should be conducted regularly so that it can be detected at its initial stage and can be treated accordingly.

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Pap Smear Test - When Is It Required?

Dr. Harshini.V 89% (16 ratings)
MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Diploma in Advanced Gynaec Laparoscopic Surgery
Gynaecologist, Bangalore
Pap Smear Test - When Is It Required?

Regular preventive check ups are a must for being healthy and if you wait too long between check ups, it may become too late to detect a problem. Cervical cancer screening is especially important for women via a pap smear test, as it's the best way to detect cancer.

A Pap test is done to screen any changes in the cells of the cervix, including cervical cancer or conditions that may develop into cancer. Doctors recommend that Pap smear testing should begin at the age of 21 for women, and should be done every 3-5 years for women between the ages of 21 to 65 years.

For women between ages 30 - 65 years, the test can be done once in five years, if it is combined with testing for HPV. A doctor may recommend frequent Pap smear tests if a person is diagnosed with cervical cancer, HIV infection or a weak immune system caused due to organ transplant or chemotherapy.

When can you discontinue Pap smear Tests?
If you are sexually active, doctors may ask you to continue your Pap smear tests even after the age of 65. Women can discontinue Pap smear tests after getting a total hysterectomy. However, some women may still have to undergo the test if they have had the surgery for cervical or uterine cancers or if you are a high-risk patient with HIV or have a weakened immune system. In these cases, women will have to continue getting Pap smear tests. Even if you stop getting Pap smear tests, it's advisable to keep getting regular pelvic tests.

What symptoms to watch out for between Pap smear tests?

  • Pain is not an early warning sign of the disease, and not all people experience pain while suffering from cancer of the cervix. The symptoms to watch out for are abnormal bleeding in the cervix, which is one of the most common symptoms of cancer in the cervix. If you get bleeding between your regular menstrual periods and after sexual intercourse that it is another sign that you should get a Pap smear done to check for cancer in the cervix.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge is another symptom of cancer of the cervix. You must get these symptoms checked from your doctor via a Pap smear test.
  • It is advisable to discuss with your doctor and decide how frequently you need to decide what's best for you based on different risk factors.
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Pap Smear Test - Know Its Eligibility!

MBBS, Certified IVF Specialist, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology
IVF Specialist, Mohali
Pap Smear Test - Know Its Eligibility!

Regular medical checkups and tests can be very helpful in prevention of cancer and growth of malignant cells or tumours. With the increase in the rates of cervical cancer, gynaecological checkups are of utmost need. For effective cervical cancer prevention, Pap smear bears the maximum number of success rates.

Pap smear is a medical procedure that helps to detect cancer or signs of other cervical infections. The Pap smear test however cannot detect ovarian cell cancer or uterine cancer. It is known to detect changes only in the vaginal cells and cervical dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia refers to the growth of pre-cancerous cells.

How this test is conducted?
1. Pap smear is conducted when the woman is not menstruating.
2. An instrument called speculum is inserted into one’s vagina to be able to access the cervix more easily.
3. Pap smear involves the collection of sample cells from the outer cervix area.
4. Cervical brush is inserted into the speculum and the sample cells are collected.
5. Then, the samples are put on a glass slide for further evaluation.
6. The Pap smear procedure takes only a few minutes bu,t can prevent serious medical problems in the long run.
7. The Pap smear is not a painful procedure, though it may be slightly uncomfortable for a few minutes only.

Who can undergo Pap smear?
1. Women can undergo Pap smear procedures once they are of 21 years of age and are generally sexually active
2. Women can go for pap smears up to the age of 70
3. Pap smears should be conducted preferably every two or three years
4. Women aged 65 and above and who have had no abnormalities in the last three consecutive tests, may stop taking pap smears
5. Before undergoing the test, it is important to stop douching and using vaginal creams for at least 2 days.
6. If there has been a case of multiple and frequent change of sexual partners, then you must go for Pap smear frequently
7. Women with weak immune system and who bear the risk of HIV Aids
8. Women who are heavy smokers

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Hearing Test - 6 Signs You Need It!

Dr. Gladson Guddappa Uchil 91% (765 ratings)
MBBS, Diploma In Otorhinolaryngology (DLO)
ENT Specialist, Bangalore
Hearing Test - 6 Signs You Need It!

Here are 6 signs to watch out for that could indicate 'You need to get your Ears tested':

1. Your TV is blaring: Do you often find people around you shouting above the TV sound complaining that it's too loud? When you find it hard to hear the TV at the average volume and find yourself turning up the sound, this could signify a hearing loss. Doctors are seeing a growing number of patients visiting them after prolonged exposure to loud music and sounds.

2. You find it hard to hear phone conversations: Do you find yourself asking the person on the other end of the phone line to 'repeat' themselves, or find yourself pressing the phone instrument right into your ear? If you are trying so hard to hear, you might find yourself missing out on bits of the conversation as focussing to clearly hear the conversation is exhausting work. Getting a hearing test might be a good option if this sounds like you.

3. You have trouble hearing in noisy environments: When you are out dining with friends or family at a busy restaurant or accompanying a friend shopping in a busy street, all that background noise makes it difficult to hear what the people are saying. People with hearing loss often have problems masking out background noise.

4. Family members telling 'you're going deaf'?: Trust the views of the people closest to you, they never lie about your health. Family members often are the first to sense signs of hearing loss as they find themselves repeating things to you or calling out louder to get your 'attention'.

5. You find yourself staying away from social occasions, family gatherings or avoid being the first to start conversations

6. You find yourself leaning closer to people to follow the conversation or staring at their lips trying to lip-read what's being said. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an ENT specialist.

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Pregnancy - How Can It Affect The Thyroid Test?

Dr. Rachna Mazumder 85% (33 ratings)
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Endocrinology
Endocrinologist, Kolkata
Pregnancy - How Can It Affect The Thyroid Test?

It is important for you to know how pregnancy affects your thyroid gland. The thyroid hormone plays an important role during pregnancy in the development of the baby and also regarding the health of the mother. If you suffer from thyroid problems during pregnancy, you should take medicines and certain thyroid function tests.

How pregnancy affects normal thyroid function?
The pregnancy hormones known as human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG and estrogen lead to increased thyroid hormone levels in your blood. The hCG made by the placenta stimulates the thyroid to produce excessive hormones. Increased estrogen leads to higher levels of the thyroxine binding globulin, which transports the thyroid hormone in the blood.

Because of these normal hormonal changes, thyroid function tests are difficult to perceive during pregnancy. The thyroid hormone is very important for the normal development of a baby’s nervous system and brain. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the foetus depends on the supply of thyroid from the mother via the placenta.

In healthy women, the thyroid enlarges during pregnancy. An enlarged thyroid can indicate a thyroid disease, which should be diagnosed immediately. Thyroid problems are difficult to diagnose during pregnancy because of the increased hormone levels, increased thyroid size, fatigue and other factors.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
Hyperthyroidism may occur in pregnancy because of Graves’ disease where enough thyroid hormones are not produced. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the cells and organs of the body instead of fighting bacteria or viruses. With Graves’ disease, an antibody is released by the immune system called the thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin or TSI. This causes the thyroid gland to produce excess thyroid hormone. In many cases, the antibody is also associated with eye problems like bulging, irritation and puffiness. Graves’ disease commonly appears during pregnancy, but women with this disease from before may actually observe improvements in the symptoms during the second and third pregnancy trimesters. The remission or the disappearance of the symptoms of Graves’ disease may occur due to the general suppression of the immune system, which occurs during early pregnancy. The disease is likely to recur and worsen in a few months after the delivery. It is important for pregnant women with Graves’ disease to be monitored carefully.

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy may lead to a developmental delay in the child. Sometimes, hormone therapy is given to women who are at the borderline stage in thyroid function during pregnancy or just before pregnancy. The treatment of the condition aims at maintaining a proper and balanced thyroid hormone level in the body.

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