Paul Bunnell Test Tips

Understanding Thyroid Problems in Women: Did You Get the Test Done?

 Paras Hospitals 92% (27 ratings)
Partners in Health
Multi Speciality, Gurgaon
Understanding Thyroid Problems in Women: Did You Get the Test Done?

Do you feel extremely tired many times in a day? Are you experiencing sudden weight gain, chills at night and hair loss? Is your neck a bit bloated up? If you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms, it might be that your body regulator- Thyroid- is unbalanced. Quick 3 tests can help you detect any abnormality - TSH, T3 and T4. Women were three times more likely to be affected by thyroid dysfunction than men. 1 in 10 adults in India suffers from hypothyroidism, with 50 per cent being women.

What is the thyroid gland?
The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck. It produces hormones that control the speed of your metabolism - the system that helps the body use energy. Thyroid disorders can slow down or rev up your metabolism by disrupting the production of thyroid hormones. When hormone levels become too low or too high, you may experience a wide range of symptoms.

What are the Symptoms?
Thyroid can be of 2 types - Hyper (Overactive) and Hypo (Underactive) Thyroid.

Low and Underactive Thyroid
High and Overactive Thyroid
Fatigue Nervousness
Dry Skin & Hair Tremors - Hand Shaking
Brittle Hair Hair loss or thinning hair
Constipation Diarrhea
Low Pulse High Pulse
Weight Gain Weight loss without trying
Intolerance to cold temperature Intolerance to hot temperature
Depression Sweatiness
Swelling in lower part of neck Swelling in lower part of neck

The swelling in the neck is a major and most significant feature. Hence one should always do the Self Neck Test.

Who should be tested?
Women aged 35 and above or those with symptoms/risk factors/family history are the right candidates for screening. It has been estimated that 75% of the people suffering from thyroid are undiagnosed.

Diagnosing thyroid disorders - A simple blood test can provide an answer. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) levels determine thyroid hypo and hyper function as it regulates the work of thyroid gland. Rarely an imaging study or biopsy is needed. Two additional tests may be required - T3 and T4.

What happens if Thyroid remains undetected?
As Thyroid disorders are hormonal imbalances, undetection can lead to a number of secondary complications:

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Non Stress Test on Fetus - What Should You Know About it?

Dr. Akhila Sangeetha Bhat 86% (98 ratings)
MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Chennai
Non Stress Test on Fetus - What Should You Know About it?

Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most important time in the life of a woman. It is a time to celebrate and yet be cautious as well, so that all goes well and the end of the pregnancy is a beginning of life for a baby. There are numerous ways of monitoring the health of the foetus during pregnancy. The non-stress test is one of the ways. Let us find out more about this: 

Heart rate monitoring: The non-stress test is basically concerned with the monitoring of the heart rate of the foetus. This is a prenatal test that is very commonly used in order to check the overall health and vitals of the baby while it is still in the womb. The test is essentially carried out to check how well the heart rate responds to the other movements carried out by the baby inside the womb. It is called a non-stress test because there is no external stimulation that may put pressure on either the heart rate or the movements of the baby.

Why: This test is usually recommended by the doctor when there is an increased risk of losing the foetus due to complications. This test is usually carried out when the pregnancy is in 26th to 28th week. This test will usually show whether or not the baby needs extra test, monitoring or care. This test is essentially conducted to check the oxygen supply and is a non-invasive procedure that does not pose any serious physical risks or harm.

Fetal Hypoxia: This test will also show whether or not the baby is suffering from fetal hypoxia, which is a condition where the heart beat is disrupted, if the passage of oxygen is blocked due to some reason.

Conditions for non-stress test: The non-stress test may be conducted if the lady in question has lost or had complication in previous pregnancy. Also, if the mother has any other medical condition like diabetes or cardiovascular conditions, then this test is imperative. Decreased movement of the foetus may also prompt the doctors to take action and conduct this test as a cautionary measure.

Procedure: During the procedure, you will be asked to lie down on a reclining chair and two belts with monitors will be attached to your abdomen. The heart rate of the baby, as well as the movements, will then be studied once the monitors are switched on. These monitors are in turn attached to a screen, in order to take the reading. This test will take no more than twenty minutes. However, if there is no movement in the baby, then the test may continue for a little longer until the baby becomes more active.

In case you have a concern or query regarding gynaecological issues, you can consult a gynaecologist online & get the answers to your questions through online doctor consultation via video call.


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Pap Smear Test - Who Should Opt for it?

Dr. Jayanti Kamat 90% (556 ratings)
MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Advanced Infertility
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
Pap Smear Test - Who Should Opt for it?

Regular medical checkups and tests can be very helpful in prevention of cancer and growth of malignant cells or tumours. With the increase in the rates of cervical cancer, gynaecological checkups are of utmost need. For effective cervical cancer prevention, Pap smear bears the maximum number of success rates.

Pap smear is a medical procedure that helps to detect cancer or signs of other cervical infections. The Pap smear test however cannot detect ovarian cell cancer or uterine cancer. It is known to detect changes only in the vaginal cells and cervical dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia refers to the growth of pre-cancerous cells.

How this test is conducted?
1. Pap smear is conducted when the woman is not menstruating.
2. An instrument called speculum is inserted into one’s vagina to be able to access the cervix more easily.
3. Pap smear involves the collection of sample cells from the outer cervix area.
4. Cervical brush is inserted into the speculum and the sample cells are collected.
5. Then, the samples are put on a glass slide for further evaluation.

6. The Pap smear procedure takes only a few minutes bu can prevent serious medical problems in the long run.
7. The Pap smear is not a painful procedure, though it may be slightly uncomfortable for a few minutes only.

Who can undergo Pap smear?
1. Women can undergo Pap smear procedures once they are of 21 years of age and are generally sexually active
2. Women can go for pap smears up to the age of 70
3. Pap smears should be conducted preferably every two or three years
4. Women aged 65 and above and who have had no abnormalities in the last three consecutive tests, may stop taking pap smears
5. Before undergoing the test, it is important to stop douching and using vaginal creams for at least 2 days.
6. If there has been a case of multiple and frequent change of sexual partners, then you must go for Pap smear frequently
7. Women with weak immune system and who bear the risk of HIV Aids
8. Women who are heavy smokers

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New Blood Test to Detect Skin Cancer

FRHS, Ph.D Paed Neuro Rehabilitation, MPT - Neurology Physiotherapy, D.Sp.Med, DPHM (Health Management ), BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
New Blood Test to Detect Skin Cancer
Researchers have developed a new blood test that can closely track metastatic melanoma, one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer
The study shows the test which monitors the blood levels of dna fragments from dead cancer cells helps in tracking the severity and potential spread of the skin cancer
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As now modified allergy skin testing is bloodless, painless

Dr. Vijay Warad 87% (114 ratings)
MD - Paediatrics, Anaphylaxis expert
Pediatrician, Pune
As now modified allergy skin testing is bloodless, painless
As now modified allergy skin testing is bloodless, painless, we can identify exact allergens with standardised extracts, for accurate diagnosis. Immunotherapy will increase the immunity against the allergens, will give complete allergy yreatment.
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Fasting Before Blood Cholesterol Test In Diabetes - Why You Shouldn't Do It?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Physician, Faridabad
Fasting Before Blood Cholesterol Test In Diabetes - Why You Shouldn't Do It?

If you are diabetic, you must have been going for empty stomach blood cholesterol tests to know the sugar level in your body. If this is true, you should be worried as a new study claims that this habit causes more harm than good.

Diabetic people have a higher level of bad cholesterol in their bodies, which leads to excessive fat in the arteries. Due to the same reason, doctors suggest the patients to go for regular blood cholesterol tests.

As per the orthodox guidelines, the patients are recommended not to consume anything except water, as it may affect the results. The new study, however, claims that this is not necessary and may be harmful in some cases.

The study conducted by specialists at Michigan State University in East Lansing claims that fasting before a blood cholesterol test may boost the blood sugar level, or hypoglycemia, in the patients who take insulin.

Fasting leads to FEEHD:

The study was conducted on over 500 diabetes patients in Michigan. In the study, the specialists found out that the people with diabetes were more prone to face fasting-evoked en route hypoglycemia (FEEHD) if they fasted before going for blood cholesterol test.

In this condition, the blood sugar levels become very low, which leads to faintness, confusion and dizziness. These problems become so severe that people can experience life-threatening conditions when outside their home.

Updating of guidelines:

The experts at the Michigan State University say that fasting before the blood cholesterol test is a guideline which was set back in the 1970s, and the doctors in Canada and most European countries no longer use it.

It is time for Indian doctors too to amend the guidelines before a blood cholesterol test while suffering from diabetes to ensure good health of their patients.

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Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Test - How Is It Vital?

MBBS, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
IVF Specialist, Delhi
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Test - How Is It Vital?

Today, prenatal testing can help pinpoint your unborn child’s risk to a number of genetic conditions. NIPT or non-invasive prenatal testing is a modern form of prenatal testing that does not harm the mother or child. NIPT involves a simple blood test that can be performed as an outpatient procedure in any doctor’s office. Blood for this test is collected from a vein in the mother’s arm. The DNA from this blood sample is then studied in a laboratory to look for signs of abnormalities. These results are them compared to your first-trimester ultrasound results to determine if further testing is required.

There are a number of advantages to this form of testing

  1. Highly Accurate: NIPT results are said to be accurate in 99% cases. This clears doubts about chromosomal abnormalities and helps parents to be dealing with problems in their unborn children. For example, NIPT testing can be used to diagnose problems like Down syndrome. NIPT also decreases the need for other forms of invasive prenatal testing.
  2. Safe: NIPT is noninvasive and does not harm the health of the baby or the mother. Since it involves only a simple blood test, it does not cause pain or discomfort either. It also has no connection to miscarriages. Pregnant woman above the age of 35 and those who have had an ultrasound showing an increased risk of aneuploidy or those who have a history of trisomy can benefit from this form of pre-natal testing. The only known alternative to this form of testing involves withdrawing DNA samples from the amniotic sac with the help of a needle. This form of testing can result in a miscarriage in rare cases.
  3. Comfortable: Unlike prenatal tests that require precision while withdrawing DNA from the amniotic sac, the NIPT requires far less expertise. This makes women much more comfortable undergoing this form of testing as compared to the other.
  4. Early Diagnosis: With prenatal testing parents do not have to wait till a baby is born to find out if he or she suffers from any genetic complications. NIPT can be scheduled as early as 10 weeks into the pregnancy and hence gives the parents enough time to prepare themselves to deal with the issue if any.

However, you should remember that NIPT cannot be used to replace diagnostic tests such as amniocentesis. Also, it does not detect all chromosomal abnormalities.

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A Cervical Screening Test - What Can You Expect?

Dr. Smita Vats 91% (233 ratings)
FICMCH, Diploma In Laproscopic Surgery, Certified in Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), MBBS
Gynaecologist, Gurgaon
A Cervical Screening Test - What Can You Expect?

A cervical smear test is often known as a Pap test and is done to establish the changes that might have occurred in cells of the cervix. A small sample of cells is taken from the surface of the cervix and is tested for any abnormalities. The sample is spread on a slide or in some cases mixed with a liquid fixative and studied under a microscope. It is one of the most popular methods to test the abnormalities in your cells and can pinpoint point cervical cancers.

About the test
A typical cervical smear or Pap test is done to identify the changes that have happened to the cells of the cervix. Diagnosing them early can be beneficial in many ways and can lower your chance of cervical cancer. PAP smear or a cervical smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. For other cases, once the results of the cell growth are identified it is safe to seek other tests and medical options for diagnosis.

The procedure of typical Pap smear
The test is mostly recommended when you do not have the periods as the blood can interfere with the results. Also, before taking the test discuss with your doctor about the medications you are taking and in case you are under any birth control pills. No other special preparations are needed for the Pap test. Feel free to discuss with your doctor about the impact the test will have on you or on the pain levels, etc.The test is done by inserting a speculum into the vagina, which spreads it further. Later, a brush is used to get the samples of cells from your cervix. The cells from the vagina are also collected in some cases and tested accordingly.

The risks involved
There no chances of risks when you go for such tests. You might feel a bit of pressure in your vaginal region and may experience a small bleeding after the testing. However, this is extremely normal. Also, there is no pain involved. If you experience heavy period and blood loss, you might experience minor discomfort when the test is being done.

The final result
Once the test is done, the results would be available usually within a week. The results can be categorized into normal and abnormal. If your cells are normal and no abnormality is found then the condition is termed as a normal result. In the case of abnormality in the cell structure, then it requires further evaluation and diagnosis to rule out cancer.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Bone Mineral Density Test - How Can It Help Identify Osteopenia?

Dr. Kunal Dhurve 90% (44 ratings)
MS - Orthopaedics, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Fellow In Joint Replacement And Arthoscopy Surgery
Orthopedic Doctor, Nashik
Bone Mineral Density Test - How Can It Help Identify Osteopenia?

230394Osteopenia is a medical condition that gradually causes thinning of bone mass. While the thinning mass is not considered as severe, the real danger looms when osteopenia aggravates to osteoporosis, resulting in a bone fracture. Osteopenia is mostly witnessed in people above the age of 50. The difference between the diagnosis of osteopenia and osteoporosis lies in the measure of bone density.

Osteoporosis, on the other hand, is the loss of bone mass due to the deficiency of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and other minerals and vitamins. Osteoporosis can lead to broken bones, height loss, acute pain and humpback. It is estimated that over 54 million people in the US suffer from osteoporosis.

Bone mineral density (BMD):
The calcium deposit in the bone is measured by the bone mineral density (BMD) test. This test rightly estimates the chances of bone fracture in a person. Furthermore, it helps a doctor to distinguish between osteopenia and osteoporosis. Being non-invasive in nature, this test can be performed anytime on areas such as hip, shin bone, spine etc. BMD can either be measured by plain radiographs or DEXA. The latter is a form of X-ray that has lesser exposure to radiation. Post the test, a score is given based on the calcium availability of the bones.

How is a BMD comprehended?
Every BMD result is evaluated in the form of T-score. The T-score is derived by comparing the result of the BMD with a normal person in the 30’s having the same race and sex. The difference of score between a healthy individual and a patient affected with osteoporosis or osteopenia is referred to as Standard Deviation. A patient with a T-score in the range of (-1SD) to (-2.5SD) is considered a prime candidate for osteopenia. A patient having a T-score lesser than -2.5SD is diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Risk factor for osteopenia or osteoporosis:
While not everyone runs the risk of getting either osteopenia or osteoporosis, there are certain risk factors attached to it:

  1. Gender: Women run a higher risk of getting affected with osteopenia or osteoporosis.
  2. Race: Women who belong from the Caucasian or Asian origin run a higher risk of getting these diseases.
  3. Age: Most people tend to get these diseases above the age of 50. Humans have a tendency of losing close to 0.5 percent of bone every year after a certain age.
  4. Family history: A person with a family history of osteopenia or osteoporosis has more than 50% chance of getting either osteopenia or osteoporosis.
  5. Lifestyle: Poor diet, excessive smoking, alcohol, lack of exercising etc. goes a long way in contributing towards these diseases.
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Weight Loss Tips That Have Stood the Test of Time: Will They Work for You?

Post Graduate Diploma in Holistic Healthcare, PG Diploma Clinical research, Diploma in Medical Writing, MSc Biotechnology
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Weight Loss Tips That Have Stood the Test of Time: Will They Work for You?

Very few people are lucky enough to reap the benefits of a good metabolic system. Being overweight could be a serious problem as it complicates existing health problems and can even result in unusual diseases and disorders. Cribbing about increased body weight, low energy levels and a protruding paunch is too common a phenomenon to be ignored. People try out bizarre ways to deal with an excess of adipose tissues. 
They, run, jog, cycle and diet. The numerous efforts made in losing weight go down the drain in most cases. The reason behind this is simple; you are not doing things the right way. Exercising in combination with a balanced diet is necessary to keep yourself fit and healthy. However, weight loss is not a silly affair without a rule book. One must keep to a set of norms to reduce weight effectively.

Valuable tips to lose those extra kilos: You may lose weight in whichever way you want, but doubt remains regarding the consistency of such reduction. Weight loss could be drastic, but things might revert to square one as soon as you slacken from a rigorous regimen. Try out tips that suit your subjective case and find yourself in good shape.

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day: Being on an empty stomach for long stretches can result in bloating. In such a situation a person feels lethargic and tends to give up after least physical exertion. If you intend to retain your appetite for dinner by skipping breakfast you are slowly moving towards obesity. Have a heavy breakfast every single day.
  2. Stop being a couch potato: Sitting in front of the television set or computer screen for long hours can make you gain weight. Remind yourself to indulge in these activities in restriction.
  3. Have a high- fiber diet: A high fiber diet is good for digestive processes. It rids your body of excess gases and acids making you feel light. Such kind of food can be easily broken down to produce energy.
  4. Exercise regularly or at least thrice a week: Exercising is extremely important to keep the extra kilos in check. It also adds strength to your muscles. Exercising can improve a person's mental agility as well.
  5. Have four meals a day: Having small, but frequent meals throughout the day is the best possible way to maintain an optimal body weight. Through this practice the body is assured of regular food supply and hence won't store fat.
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