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Pituitary Marker Profile Test

Pituitary Marker Profile Test

Pituitary is a small and an oval gland that remains at the base of human brain and it acts as a master gland, as it controls and regulations the secretion of various other endocrine glands and different body procedures via production of different hormones. Measurement of blood levels of the pituitary marker profile may give valuable pieces of information associated with functions of the master glands and related glands controlled with the help of these hormones.

Patients should make sure to fast and put a limit on their physical activities as well as reduce the levels of stress for variable periods before the test. Make sure to inform about any herb, medicine or supplement, which a patient consumes to the doctor. In this case, doctor may suggest discontinuing such medicines before the test of pituitary marker profile. You should intimate your doctor in case you underwent with any recent procedure, like for instance the nuclear scan, as it introduces radioactive materials in the bloodstream.

To help in the diagnosis of acromegaly i.e. a disease associated with enlargement of the jaw, face and extremities bones. To identify tumors affecting the hypothalamus or pituitary present in the human brain To help in monitoring growth hormone therapy of human beings To identify abnormalities present in hormones To evaluate functions performed by pituitary glands To detect diminished or excess GH production and inform doctors about severity of an individual’s condition. Test helps to figure out a valid reason for slow growth or short height of a ch

Direct Blood Test Pathologists take sample of your blood from the vein (visible one) of your arm and send to the lab for further analysis. In this case, doctors collect the blood sample during morning time i.e. with empty stomach.

Table of Content

What is Pituitary Marker Profile Test?
Preparation for Pituitary Marker Profile Test
Uses of Pituitary Marker Profile Test
Procedure for Pituitary Marker Profile Test
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