Porphobilinogen - Qualitative Questions

I had protected sexual intercourse with sex worker. But I had small wound on my finger .i am not sure that finger touched or not to the vaginal fluid .but I did hiv pcr rna qualitative and hiv pcr ena test quantitative test on 23 rd day from thyrocare all are negative. But still I have doubt again I tested hiv1 and 2 elisa test on 29 day .it too negative. I had mouth ulcer which was gone and also now my tongue became red due to I have problem to eat food. Why is this happening to me? Is they are symptom of hiv or other?

Dr. Ishwar Gilada 95% (3919 ratings)
MBBS, DDV, FCPS, APEX, Diplomat American Board of Sexology
HIV Specialist, Mumbai
I had protected sexual intercourse with sex worker. But I had small wound on my finger .i am not sure that finger tou...
You do not have risk of hiv as it can not be transmitted the way you are thinking. However you can get other stds. To better understand the risk and consequences of stds please take private consult with audio video chat and then I can guide you properly and explain you what is to be done.
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I had an unprotected exposure on april 22 2020 had taken elcia and cmia test from two labs post 120 days after exposure on august 28th 2020 had taken one western blot as well all came negative then again on september 16th ,147 days post exposure did one else and pcr rna qualitative came as not detected can I consider emu tests conclusive r shd I still retest at 6th month end?

Dr. Prakhar Singh 94% (9607 ratings)
MBBS, Basic Life Support (B.L.S), Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE)
General Physician, Delhi
I had an unprotected exposure on april 22 2020 had taken elcia and cmia test from two labs post 120 days after exposu...
Now a days hiv tests are more accurate and should be conclusive especially after 80 days of exposure. If it is negative it means you are hiv negative. Let's have a detailed discussion for better advice and healthy lifestyle.
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Hello sir, I had an unsafe sex with a massage centre girl my hiv rna pcr test after 10 and 30 days not detected. After 30 & 32 days 4th gen hiv duo combo ag/ab test negative. Hiv provera dna qualitative test after 40 days not detected. Is it conclusive. Pls help sir. Going through lot of stress. Should I take further tests. If yes then when and which tests.

Dr. Ishwar Gilada 95% (3919 ratings)
MBBS, DDV, FCPS, APEX, Diplomat American Board of Sexology
HIV Specialist, Mumbai
Hello sir, I had an unsafe sex with a massage centre girl my hiv rna pcr test after 10 and 30 days not detected. Afte...
Such issues can not be solved in open forum. Please take private consultation with audio video chat and then I can guide you properly and tell you what is the best way forward.
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Doctor after protected sex with sex worker I had done rna pcr qualitative test after 10 days result is not detected and I done rna pcr quantitative viral load real time pcr test after 16 days it is also not detected is i'm safe ot not doctor. I want to take any other test doctor. As I asked you given reply doctor thanks for it but after 45 days the tridot test will be positive doctor?

Dr. M S Haque 91% (4634 ratings)
Sexologist, Kolkata
Doctor after protected sex with sex worker I had done rna pcr qualitative test after 10 days result is not detected a...
Doctors use the hcv rna pcr in one of two ways: a qualitative test determines whether or not the virus is present. A quantitative test measures the amount of hcv in the bloodstream. The hcv rna pcr test is used to determine whether the hepatitis c virus (hcv) exists in your bloodstream. If the virus is present, the test can also measure the exact amount that's in your blood. The amount of virus in your blood is known as the viral load. As per cdc guidelines, the window period of hiv infection is 18-45 days for the test performed on serum/plasma. The window period of hiv tri dot is 30-60 days & the window period of hcv is 8 to 11 weeks. Hiv tri dot & hcv tri dot are 99% accurate within the defined window period.
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What are the most reliable hiv detection (diagnosis) tests with the shortest window periods? Can you please enlist tests that measure viral load, antibodies, etc. Separately. Thank you. I have one more query. Dr. Lal pathlabs has hiv 1 rna quantitative test (not qualitative) which they say is meant to see how antiretroviral therapy is working. Can it also be used for diagnostic purposes?

Dr. Sajeev Kumar 91% (40820 ratings)
C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
Cardiologist, Alappuzha
What are the most reliable hiv detection (diagnosis) tests with the shortest window periods? Can you please enlist te...
Fourth-generation test which detects the antigen and antibody is the test with the shortest window period of 18 days (can be up to 1.5 months). The lal path test you mentioned can be used for diagnostic purpose.
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My mother is suffering from small hiatal hernia diagnosed in july 2016. She took nexito plus /nexito 5 mg/10 mg and sompraz40/esofad d for almost an year and did not experience any acid reflux on daily basis. When I saw the side effects of these pills especially nexito, I got worried and immediately told her not to take this one. NOW SHE FACES ACID REFLUX DAILY AND SOMETIMES MOUTH BURNING. She remains depressed all the time due to this. Moreover, she has now blurred vision .Recently all the tests were done-- Retina test (centre for sight)= normalCarotid Doppler study = normalEcho test = normalliver profile = normalkidney profile= normallipid profile = VLDL-14. 2Esr=75C reactive protein (qualitative)= negativevitamin B12=271Anti nuclear Antibody IFA=negativeRheumatoid factor (qualitative)=12. 23Blood sugar fasting= normal blood sugar PP =161I am not able to find any solution for her .she suffers daily from this acid reflux and doctors just give the medicines that makes her fall asleep throughout the day. What to do ?what treatment to follow? Homeopathy or allopathy or ayurveda?

Dr. Sadhana Jadhav 89% (299 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Hiatus hernia is defect formed at the junction of esophagus and stomach which causes regurgitation of the food * position while sleeping is very important (trendelenburg position) that is the position of upper body should be a little above than the lower part you can put two equal size wooden logs or bricks at the head side of the bed .this is to avoid regurgitation.* have small 5-6 meals divided in a day * avoid hot spicy ,fermented bakery foods *dinner should be taken early 4 hrs before sleep *tab yastimadhu 2 twice a day one month liq prasham 2 tsf at night fundoplication operative is the last treatment treatment for haitus hernia.
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