Porphyrins (Urine) Tips

Frequent Urination In Women - Know The Causes!

M.R.C.O.G. (LONDON) Gold Medalist, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology , MBBS
Gynaecologist, Delhi
Frequent Urination In Women - Know The Causes!

Burning urination or painful urination is also called dysuria, and it is one of the most common complaints amongst women. Another common problem is frequent urination. What are the causes of these two conditions? Are they in fact related? 

Frequent urination, in simple terms, is also sometimes called overactive bladder and it is the need to urinate more than you normally would. This can cause loss of bladder control too. You may feel extremely full even after using the toilet and the feeling is extremely uncomfortable. Medical practitioners bracket urinating every two hours or more as frequent urination.

Some of the underlying causes are

  1. A urinary tract infection or UTI is the most common cause of frequent urination. UTIs happen when bacteria enters your urinary bladder through the urethra. Men also get UTIs, but it is less common than women as the ladies have shorter urethras. This means that bacteria have less distance to travel before they can infect the urinary tract causing UTIs. UTIs in women can be prevented by proper wiping after using the toilet, which will protect the urethra from E.coli bacteria. Proper hygiene also is a deterrent, especially after intercourse.
  2. Medical conditions affecting muscles, nerves, and tissues. Weakening of nerves due to hernias in the lower back etc. can also cause an overactive bladder.
  3. Oestrogen deficiency caused due to menopause can cause an overactive bladder and a woman finds it difficult to hold the urine for long.
  4. Obesity can also place extra pressure on the bladder.

Burning sensation while urinating 

Common reasons behind it

  1. Frequent urination does not point to any gynaecological issues but burning urination is a common symptom of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea which cause symptoms like pain when urinating and vaginal discharge. Burning urination usually occurs after intercourse when sexually transmitted infections are present.
  2. Burning while urination can also be caused due to UTIs and it is often accompanied by other symptoms of UTIs like painful urination or dysuria or blood in the urine.
  3. Kidney stones are solid masses of crystalized calcium or other materials that start in the kidneys but can pass through the urinary tract causing pain and discomfort.
  4. Urethral stricture is a condition when the urethra narrows and this causes burning and pain during urination in women.
  5. Urethritis is the inflammation of the urethra in women can cause burning on urination.
  6. Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the reproductive organs in women and causes abdominal pain especially during urination or sex.
  7. Bladder cancer
  8. Vulvovaginitis is a common infection of the vulva and vagina, both, and it causes burning and itching while urinating and increased vaginal discharge.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Incontinence Of Urine - Have Homeopathy For It!

Dr. Jayvirsinh Chauhan 93% (35817 ratings)
MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Incontinence Of Urine - Have Homeopathy For It!

Urinary incontinence is characterized by lack of control over the bladder so that urine involuntarily leaks out. This leakage can happen when pressure is put on the bladder through actions like sneezing, laughing, coughing or lifting a heavy object. Urinary incontinence is common in people who are overweight, in pregnant women or women who have given birth recently, in people with urinary tract infections, cystitis and in older individuals.

Urinary incontinence is most commonly of 4 types and symptoms of each are different:

  1. Stress incontinence – Urine leaks out when there is a sudden pressure on the lower abdomen such as in coughing, sneezing, and heavy lifting.
  2. Urge incontinence - Urine leaks out as soon as the urge for urinating is felt.
  3. Overflow incontinence – Urine continuously leaks out due to the bladder being overfilled. Often people experiencing this type of incontinence may strain to empty their bladder or do not feel the need to urinate.
  4. Functional incontinence – Urine leaks out before the person is able to reach the bathroom because of some physical disability such as arthritis.

The causes of urinary incontinence depend on if incontinence is temporary or persistent.

Temporary incontinence:
Diuretics like alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and tea
Artificial sweeteners and chocolate
Carbonated drinks
Vitamin C in large doses
Medicines for high blood pressure and sedatives
Very spicy or acidic foods
Persistent incontinence:

Infections of the urinary or genital tract

  1. In women, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and hysterectomy
  2. In men, an enlarged prostate
  3. Neurological disorders like stroke, Parkinson’s disease
  4. Tumors in the urinary tract or bladder that can block urine flow
  5. Obesity
  6. Age

Role of Homeopathy-
Urinary incontinence can be effectively treated with homeopathy which takes into account not only the physical symptoms of the disease but also the patient’s mental and emotional state, overall health, reactions to environmental conditions like heat and cold and food habits. Medicines like Cantharis and Sulphur 30c can be very effective for straining to urinate and pain during urination, whereas medicines like Causticum and Ipecac are useful for controlling leakage of urine while walking, sneezing or coughing. The medications prescribed are all naturally derived, which guarantees treatment without any side effects. Homeopathy not only treats the external symptoms of incontinence but also helps resolve the underlying problems and hence provide a permanent solution to this disorder.

Homeopathic remedies can thus offer a natural and safe option for treating urinary incontinence that can save people from a potentially embarrassing situation without any side effects.

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Blood In Urine - Know Reasons Behind It!

Dr. Prabhudev Salanki 88% (27 ratings)
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, FRCS - Urology
Urologist, Bangalore
Blood In Urine - Know Reasons Behind It!

If you notice blood while urinating, you must visit a urologist to get a clear picture of the health issue. Blood in urine is known as hematuria in medical terms. Such a condition can occur in both men and women. It is a common condition and does not require the patient to panic. Rather immediate tests should be conducted to find out the cause of the blood and treated accordingly. Such conditions are very much treatable with a little care and vigilance following the doctor’s advice. Here are some of the common causes of hematuria in individuals: 

  1. Urine Infections: Urine infections are the common cause of blood in your urine. Most commonly these affect urinary bladder and rarely kidneys also. Prompt identification and treatment can easily revert this problem. 
  2. Urinary Stones: Another major cause of hematuria, usually accompanied by pain in the abdomen. 
  3. Enlarged Prostate: With an enlarged prostate, there can be blood flow with the urine. Rarely this may be a sign of cancer in the prostate. 
  4. Exercise: This might come as a surprise for many of the fitness freaks. While exercises are needed for the body and rightly so; but exercises should be done in a certain limit. Heavy exercises, limitless and vigorous exercises can sometimes cause other health problems in the body. One such problem is the passing of blood in the urine. 
  5. Medications: Quite interesting is the fact that long-term consumption of certain medicines might cause hematuria in individuals. Certain medicines like penicillin and aspirin are absorbed by the body to a certain extent. But overdose or the regular dosage might lead to further problems in the human body. 
  6. Kidney Injury: A kidney injury is a form of internal injury which can be felt and manifested through signs and symptoms. Such injuries occur mostly to those who are in the field of sports. At times, a heavy punch, a hard training session, or an exhaustive fall might lead to kidney injuries. This, in turn, would cause hematuria. 
  7. Tumors of Urinary Tract: Bleeding can occur from tumors arising from kidney, ureter, urinary bladder as well as urethra. These require timely detection and management. Early treatment leads to an excellent long-term outcome. 

Thus, these are some of the common reasons for the development of blood in urine. However, it is a condition which can be best analyzed by the medical practitioner. Therefore, on the occasion of blood, you must get it tested and treated immediately.

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Pain In Urination - What Causes It?

Urologist, Hyderabad
Pain In Urination - What Causes It?

If you are experiencing pain in urination along with a burning sensation, a health condition known as dysuria is indicated. This condition is usually common in women and men alike. However, older men are more prone to face this problem. Pain during urination may occur because of various reasons. The most common causes are as follows:

  1. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common cause of painful urination. Infections may occur in any part of your urinary tract, such as in the kidneys, bladder, and the ureters. These infections occur due to bacteria, which gets into the urinary tract via the urethra. There are several factors, which increase your chances of being affected by UTI. They include diabetes, an enlarged prostate, old age, pregnancy, and kidney stones. UTI is signified by other symptoms such as fever, bloody urines, flank pain, stronger smelling urine, and an increased urge for urination.
  2. At times, painful urination may also be associated with vaginal infections in women, like yeast infection. Vaginal discharge and foul odor are indicated in the case of vaginal infections.
  3. Painful urination is also caused because of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea, genital herpes and Chlamydia.

Inflammation and irritation
There are several problems, which can cause inflammation of your urinary tract and genital region. This further results in painful urination. Inflammation and irritations also occur because of other factors such as urinary tract stones, vaginal changes associated with menopause, certain physical activities and the side effects of several medicines, treatment procedures and health supplements.

Consulting a doctor for painful urination

Your doctor will suggest you to undertake certain laboratory tests for the proper diagnosis of the cause of your painful urination. After this, a suitable treatment method is sought and undertaken. Before this, an overall physical examination is also carried out. Your doctor is likely to ask you some important questions regarding your painful irritation, how the condition worsens, and is felt during the onset of urination. It is also likely for your doctor to know about any other symptoms, which you might be experiencing such as fever, flank pain and vaginal discharge. You must tell your doctor about any changes observed in your urine flow, such as difficulty in initiating flow, an increased urge to urinate, and dribbling.

Apart from these, your doctor may also ask whether you experienced any character in urine after painful urination. These may include colour, amount, cloudiness, presence of pus in the urine and so on.

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Blood In Urine - Know The Underlying Causes Behind It!

 Ashwini Homoeopathy 89% (339 ratings)
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Blood In Urine - Know The Underlying Causes Behind It!

Urine is normally pale yellow or straw coloured. However, for various reasons, this can change. In fact, the change in the colour of urine is one of the first indications of a deeper underlying problem. This would also be one of the questions that the doctor would ask when suspecting any problem with the urinary tract, starting from infection to stones to cancer.

Hematuria is, therefore, a symptom and not a problem in itself. Some of the reasons for hematuria – presence of blood cells in the urine, producing a light pinkish urine, are listed below.

  1. Urinary tract infections – starting from urethra all the way up to the kidneys

  2. Glomerulonephritis

Kidney Stones

  1. Prostate enlargement

  2. Tumours/cancers in the kidney, bladder, or prostate

  3. Heavy exercises causing trauma to any of the internal urinary tract organs

  4. Bleeding disorders

  5. Certain medications

  6. Appendicitis

  7. Tuberculosis

As the disease progresses higher in the urinary tract, the severity of hematuria also increases. Though hematuria is a symptom in itself, there are some associated symptoms which are listed below-

Homeopathy believes in treating the person as a whole and not just the presenting symptoms. The doctor will ask a number of questions, some pertaining to unrelated organs, which will help them identify the reason for the hematuria. The treatment prescribed will be customised to the patient in question, but some of the common ingredients used in hematuria management are given below.

  1. Hematuria from all causes can be managed with Terebinthina.

  2. Bladder hematuria is better managed with Erigeron Canadense at 80% concentration while renal hematuria responds better to the same at 60% dilution.

  3. Inflammatory hematuria can be reduced with Cantharis (80%)

  4. Renal hematuria is better managed with Gossypium herbaceous (60%).

  5. Renal colic with pain in the glans, groyne, and thighs responds well to Pereira brava.

  6. Cocus cacti thrice a day is useful where there is itching of the urinary meatus along with the passing of red-coloured urine.

  7. When there are small stones or sand particles in the urine along with pain at the end of the micturition process, Sarsaparilla thrice a day is known to be beneficial.

  8. In some other people, Arnica Montana, Cantharis, phosphorus, and Hepar Sulphur are also used to relieve symptoms of hematuria.

As with any homeopathic treatment, the actual ingredient chosen would depend on the actual symptom that the patient presents with. Though these compounds are used, self-medication is not advisable.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

5363 people found this helpful

When Should You Consult a Doctor for Painful Urination?

Dr. Aditya Pradhan 90% (86 ratings)
DNB (Urology), MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Urologist, Delhi
When Should You Consult a Doctor for Painful Urination?

If you are experiencing pain in urination along with a burning sensation, a health condition known as dysuria is indicated. This condition is usually common in women and men alike. However, older men are more prone to face this problem. Pain during urination may occur because of various reasons. The most common causes are as follows:

  1. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common cause of painful urination. Infections may occur in any part of your urinary tract, such as in the kidneys, bladder, and the ureters. These infections occur due to bacteria, which gets into the urinary tract via the urethra. There are several factors, which increase your chances of being affected by UTI. They include diabetes, an enlarged prostate, old age, pregnancy, and kidney stones. UTI is signified by other symptoms such as fever, bloody urines, flank pain, stronger smelling urine, and an increased urge for urination.
  2. At times, painful urination may also be associated with vaginal infections in women, like yeast infection. Vaginal discharge and foul odor are indicated in the case of vaginal infections.
  3. Painful urination is also caused because of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea, genital herpes and Chlamydia.

Inflammation and irritation
There are several problems, which can cause inflammation of your urinary tract and genital region. This further results in painful urination. Inflammation and irritations also occur because of other factors such as urinary tract stones, vaginal changes associated with menopause, certain physical activities and the side effects of several medicines, treatment procedures and health supplements.

Consulting a doctor for painful urination
Your doctor will suggest you to undertake certain laboratory tests for the proper diagnosis of the cause of your painful urination. After this, a suitable treatment method is sought and undertaken. Before this, an overall physical examination is also carried out. Your doctor is likely to ask you some important questions regarding your painful irritation, how the condition worsens, and is felt during the onset of urination. It is also likely for your doctor to know about any other symptoms, which you might be experiencing such as fever, flank pain and vaginal discharge. You must tell your doctor about any changes observed in your urine flow, such as difficulty in initiating flow, an increased urge to urinate, and dribbling.

Apart from these, your doctor may also ask whether you experienced any character in urine after painful urination. These may include colour, amount, cloudiness, presence of pus in the urine and so on.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

1893 people found this helpful

Blood in Urine - 10 Possible Causes Of It!

Masters in Surgery, Diploma in Urology, C.H.M- Urology
Urologist, Vadodara
Blood in Urine - 10 Possible Causes Of It!

Blood in urine, medically known as Hematuria is not usually a cause of concern, but it can translate into an adverse condition if left unevaluated. The kidneys and other structures in the urinary tracts such as urethra (tube connecting the bladder to the outer part of the body); bladder (that stores the urine) and ureters (tube joining the bladder to the kidney) are the sources of blood flow to the urine.

Hematuria can be accompanied by symptoms such as discharge of tea-colored, brownish-red or pink colored urine due to the presence of red blood cells, traces of which can only be detected under the microscope.

Underlying causes behind this disorder might be

  1. Urinary tract infections is where the bacteria enter the body through the urethra and begin to proliferate in the bladder.
  2. Kidney infections (pyelonephritis) is when bacteria infiltrate into the kidneys from the bloodstream or travel up from the uterus to the kidneys.
  3. A kidney or a bladder stone is marked by the minerals in the concentrated urine precipitating out and molding into crystals that deposit on the bladder or kidney walls.
  4. Enlarged prostate is a condition in which the prostate gland, that is situated just below the bladder surrounding the upper part of the urethra, starts growing as males head towards their middle age.
  5. Kidney disease such as glomerulonephritis causes swelling of the kidneys, thus disrupting the filtering system.
  6. Bladder, kidney and prostate cancer are also possible causes.
  7. Hereditary disorders such as sickle cell anemia (a hereditary disease of the red blood cells in the hemoglobin) can also pose as a cause behind this disorder.
  8. Kidney injury as a result of heavy blows, accidents or injuries sustained while playing a spot can also contribute to this condition.
  9. Medications such as penicillin or the anti-cancer drug ‘cyclophosphamide’
  10. Strenuous physical exercises like intense workout or running may also result in Hematuria.

There is no fixed cure for Hematuria; instead the doctor would work on treating the repressed conditions behind the symptoms, such as prescribing antibiotics to heal the urinary tract infection or a medicine to shrink and normalize the enlarged prostate or administer a shock wave therapy to destroy the kidney or bladder stones.

3055 people found this helpful

Blood In Urine - 10 Causes Behind It

Dr. Pawan Mittal 85% (30 ratings)
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Urology
Urologist, Zirakpur
Blood In Urine - 10 Causes Behind It

Blood in urine, medically known as Hematuria is not usually a cause of concern, but it can translate into an adverse condition if left unevaluated. The kidneys and other structures in the urinary tracts such as urethra (tube connecting the bladder to the outer part of the body); bladder (that stores the urine) and ureters (tube joining the bladder to the kidney) are the sources of blood flow to the urine. Hematuria can be accompanied by symptoms such as discharge of tea-colored, brownish-red or pink colored urine due to the presence of red blood cells, traces of which can only be detected under the microscope.

Underlying causes behind this disorder might be :

  1. Urinary tract infections is where the bacteria enter the body through the urethra and begin to proliferate in the bladder.
  2. Kidney infections (pyelonephritis) is when bacteria infiltrate into the kidneys from the bloodstream or travel up from the uterus to the kidneys.
  3. A kidney or a bladder stone is marked by the minerals in the concentrated urine precipitating out and molding into crystals that deposit on the bladder or kidney walls.
  4. Enlarged prostate is a condition in which the prostate gland, that is situated just below the bladder surrounding the upper part of the urethra, starts growing as males head towards their middle age.
  5. Kidney disease such as glomerulonephritis causes swelling of the kidneys, thus disrupting the filtering system.
  6. Bladder, kidney and prostate cancer are also possible causes.
  7. Hereditary disorders such as sickle cell anemia (a hereditary disease of the red blood cells in the hemoglobin) can also pose as a cause behind this disorder.
  8. Kidney injury as a result of heavy blows, accidents or injuries sustained while playing a spot can also contribute to this condition.
  9. Medications such as penicillin or the anti-cancer drug ‘cyclophosphamide’
  10. Strenuous physical exercises like intense workout or running may also result in Hematuria.


There is no fixed cure for Hematuria; instead the doctor would work on treating the repressed conditions behind the symptoms, such as prescribing antibiotics to heal the urinary tract infection or a medicine to shrink and normalize the enlarged prostate or administer a shock wave therapy to destroy the kidney or bladder stones.

3188 people found this helpful

What Your Urine Colour Says About Your Health

Dr. Abhinav Agarwal 90% (56 ratings)
MBBS, M.S. (General Surgery), MBA (Healthcare), M.Ch - Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery
Urologist, Gurgaon
What Your Urine Colour Says About Your Health

Human urine is a useful tool for the diagnosis and detection of several health conditions. The color, smell and density of your urine can reveal a lot about the state of your health. Color, especially, is a strong determinant of many ailments or concerns.

Here is a list of the health conditions you might be suffering from, based on the color of your urine:

  1. Straw color to transparent yellow color: This urine color signifies that your body is healthy and perfectly hydrated. This should be the normal color of urine, which shows you are in good health.
  2. Transparent or clear: Transparent and extra clear urine indicates that you have drunk too much water, which leads to the transparent appearance. It happens due to overhydration.
  3. Dark yellow color: This shade of urine is considered normal, but it may indicate some amount of dehydration. You need to drink more water to eliminate the darker yellowish tinge from your urine.
  4. Honey color: Urine of honey color signifies dehydration and you must consume increased amounts of water.
  5. Pink or red color: Your urine may have a pinkish red shade when you consume foods like carrots, beets, blackberries and rhubarb. This may also happen due to the effect of some antibiotics or a drug which treats urinary tract infections. The presence of blood in your urine is indicated by these colors too, and it can lead to kidney diseases, UTI, prostate problems or tumors.
  6. Orange color: Your urine may have an orange color which resembles the color of orange soft drinks. This occurs as a result of high dose of vitamins and several antibiotics. This color may also indicate dehydration or problems related to the kidney or bile duct.
  7. Blue or green color: Such shades may be present in your urine because of dyes present in food items and medications. Your urine may turn blue or green, signifying several other medical conditions which require immediate medical attention.
  8. Foamy: If your urine has a foamy appearance, irrespective of the color and shade, you need to consult a doctor. Consistent foamy or frothy appearance of your urine may indicate the presence of protein in your urine, which further signifies problems in the kidneys.
  9. Maple syrup color: Urine of this shade indicates a severe case of dehydration or liver diseases

Your urine tells a lot about your health by its color, odor and density. The color is an essential determinant for detecting several health conditions, which may be simple or chronic in nature.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Can the Colour of Your Urine Determine Your Health?

Dr. Pankaj Sen 90% (249 ratings)
Homeopathy Doctor, Indore
Can the Colour of Your Urine Determine Your Health?

The passing of urine has very important functions in your body as it clears out many of the toxins filtered by the kidneys. Urine primarily contains urea and uric acid, which are the results of the toxins being flushed out of the body. Urine color can be a good indicator of either what is in your system and in certain cases what may be wrong in your system.

Urine color and what it signifies:
Normal urine doesn't have a single color as it varies from clear to pale yellowish. There are certain foods, which may also leave a tinge of color, such as red or green in you urine. However, there are certain conditions, which can result in the same. Let's looks at some examples of these situations.

  1. Orange: Certain medications tends to have a side effect of making your urine of an orange colour. Medications, which have high doses of vitamin B2, the drug phenazopyridine and other such medicines are used to treat urinary tract infections. Moreover, certain antibiotics are known to have side effects of changing the urine color into a citrus drink like color. However, it could also mean problems with your liver or bile duct and you should consult a doctor in such cases.
  2. Red or Pink Urine: Phenazopyridine also causes red or pink urine in certain individuals. However, the major cause for urine of this hue is due to certain foods, such as beets, blackberries, rhubarbs, carrots and others. However, in the absence of such foods and medication, it could mean blood in your urine, urinary tract infections, tumors or even prostate problems.
  3. Blue or green:  Certain conditions within the body are known to cause blue or green hues in urine. If you are having blue or green urine consistently then it is advisable to go to your doctor to get it checked out. Some medications, such as propofol or promethazine can also have the side effect of turning pee blue or green. However, in most cases it is the harmless food dye, which is filtered out of your system.
  4. Cola colored or dark brown urine: Although this can also be caused by certain medications or foods, it could be a marker for kidney disorders or internal injuries. It is advised that you go to your doctor urgently to get it checked.
  5. Dark yellow to amber or honey colored: This is the classic sign that your body is quite dehydrated and you need to drink more water. Dehydration may lead to more serious problems and thus this shouldn't be ignored and must be taken care of urgently.
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