Porphyrins (Urine) Tips

Burning Urine Home Remedies

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor,
Burning Urine Home Remedies

Burning, painful urination, also known as dysuria, can cause a great deal of discomfort to the affected people. The symptoms (usually pain and a burning sensation during urination) can range from being constant to intermittent and can get worse or improve depending on how active the individual is.

A burning sensation or pain when urinating can also be a sign of a UTI (or urinary tract infection). So, if you are experiencing this type of pain or burning sensation, it is important to seek medical attention so that the underlying cause can be diagnosed and treated.

You can ease this burning sensation that you feel while urinating in a number of ways. For instance, you can try drinking plenty of fluids, including water, to flush any toxins or irritants out of your system. You can also choose to take pain relievers to deal with this urinary pain or discomfort. However, if the burning persists, talk to your doctor and ask them about other possible treatment options.

Besides the options mentioned above, there are also some home remedies that can help alleviate burning urination. They include:

Staying Hydrated

It is important to stay hydrated, especially if you are someone who is prone to urinary tract infections. Drinking plenty of water can help prevent or treat UTIs, and it can even help alleviate or do away with the burning sensation that you feel while urinating.

It must be noted that water is vital for the urinary tract organs to remove waste from the body efficiently while retaining important nutrients and electrolytes. Keeping your body hydrated not only dilutes your urine and makes it pass through your system more quickly, but it also makes it harder for bacteria to infect the cells that line your urinary organs.

There is no hard-and-fast rule about how much water you should drink every day; everyone has different needs. That said, most adults should aim to drink between six and eight regular-sized glasses of water each day.

Consuming Cranberries More Often

Cranberry juice is a well-established natural treatment for UTIs and can also help relieve symptoms such as painful and burning urination, etc. Cranberry juice has compounds that could potentially help in preventing the Escherichia coli bacteria from attaching to cells in the urinary tract. Apart from this, cranberry has also been shown to be effective in clearing other infections and speeding wound recovery.

The juice of cranberries is also a good source of antioxidants that are commonly known as polyphenols. These antioxidants have great anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties. Not to mention that these properties can aid in the strengthening of your immune system and the fight against infection!

You will find no definitive answer to how much cranberry juice one should drink in order to prevent a UTI. However, it's generally recommended that people drink around 400 millilitres of at least 25% cranberry juice every day.

Practicing Sexual Hygiene

Engaging in sexual intercourse can sometimes introduce bacteria and other microbes into the urinary tract, which can lead to symptoms like painful and burning urination. It must be noted that practising good sexual hygiene habits is very important for reducing this risk.

To practise good sexual hygiene, you must keep the following points in mind:

  • Try to urinate immediately before and after having sexual intercourse
  • Don't avoid using a condom (or other barrier contraceptives)
  • Wash your genitals (especially the foreskin) thoroughly before and after having sex

Increasing Vitamin C Intake

Some evidence suggests that increasing your intake of vitamin C could help protect against urinary tract infections and the symptoms related to them. Vitamin C has been shown to increase the acidity that is present in urine. This makes it really difficult for bacteria to grow inside the bladder.

In addition, vitamin C has antioxidant properties that may help enhance or strengthen the immune system. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent way to increase your vitamin C intake, which is especially important for immune system health. It must be kept in mind that red peppers, oranges, grapefruit, and kiwifruit are all great sources of vitamin C; just one serving of each provides the full recommended daily amount.


These home remedies for burning urine are simple and easy, and they can prove to be very effective in solving your problem. You can try these remedies and get rid of that burning sensation and pain in the urinary tract. If you experience burning sensations in your urethra, it is likely that you have a urinary tract infection.

These infections can be identified and diagnosed by your doctor or healthcare provider. They may prescribe certain oral antibiotics that can help treat your infection. Also, if you are suffering from burning in the urethra due to a urinary tract infection, you should drink plenty of fluids.

Drinking an adequate quantity of fluids every day is essential for flushing out excess bacteria and other toxins from your body. It can also make you urinate more frequently than usual. Furthermore, we just hope that you found this article informative and useful!

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9 Benefits of Cow Urine

Cow Urine Theapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
9 Benefits of Cow Urine

Cow Urine is used for purposes of therapy in traditional Indian medicine and is called Gomutra. The use of cow urine for therapeutic purposes has a long history in Indian culture. In India, the cow is considered to be a sign of spirituality. Urine from a cow that is pregnant is believed to contain special minerals and hormones that offer lots of health benefits. It should be noted that cow urine therapy is not a nourishing process. Instead, it is cleansing and detoxifying in nature. Here try to figure out some health benefits of cow urine for skin and hair and more.

Pharmaceutical Benefits of Gomutra or Cow Urine

Check out these health benefits of gomutra, since it is used in ayurvedic treatment also, some other benefits are given below:

  1. Cow Urine is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of cancer and leprosy.
  2. Anemia can be treated using a mixture containing Triphala (Ayurvedic herbal Rasayana formula made of three equal parts of Bibhitaki, Haritaki, and Amalaki), Cow milk, and Gomutra. The mixture is known as Mahayograj Guggul.
  3. Cow Urine is used in the treatment of fever. A mixture that contains Gomutra along with ghee, yogurt, and black pepper is used. Sore throats can be treated by gargling a mixture of cow urine distillate along with honey and turmeric powder.
  4. Another benefit of cow urine is that a mixture of daruharidra and gomutra can be used to treat epilepsy.
  5. In Nigeria, convulsions in children are treated using a concoction made of garlic, tobacco, rock salt, cow urine, and lemon basil juice.
  6. Gomutra is also helpful in the treatment of peptic ulcers, asthma, and certain liver ailments.
  7. Some Indian scientists from CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) received a US Patent for a mixture of cow urine distillate, which acts as an antibiotic. The purpose of cow urine is to behave like a bio-enhancer, which promotes the antimicrobial functions of antifungal and antibiotic agents.
  8. A US patent was acquired in 2010 by a research department of Deolapar and the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for a drug based on gomutra, which validated its claims of being an anti-cancer drug. The mixture is claimed to prevent DNA damage caused by oxidation.
  9. A water extract of Daruharidra (Tree Turmeric) called Rasanjana is administered with cow urine as a medication to treat Kapha-originated skin diseases.

Update From Lybrate: Stay fit and strong by consuming Health Drinks, available at Lybrate. Being a blend of natural ingredients, these products give a vitalizing boost of freshness.

7255 people found this helpful

Urine Incontinence: What Your Specialist Suggests?

Dr. Pooja Choudhary 93% (373 ratings)
MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Delhi
Urine Incontinence: What Your Specialist Suggests?

Urine incontinence is a condition that can be caused by one's everyday habits, side effects to medication, or any other long-term physical ailments. A thorough check-up by your doctor can help in getting to the root cause of this condition.

Certain beverages, medicines and foods can act as diuretics. This leads to bloating in your bladder and an increase in the volume of your urine. They include the following:

  1. Liquor
  2. Caffeine
  3. Decaffeinated tea or coffee
  4. Aerated drinks
  5. Artificial sweeteners
  6. Corn syrup
  7. Drinks that contain high doses of artificial flavours, sugar or acid, particularly citrus based beverages
  8. Heart medicines, narcotics, and muscle relaxants
  9. Extensive intake of vitamins B or C
  10. Urinary tract infection (UIT)
  11. Constipation

Other causes:

Urinary incontinence can also be caused by the following:

  1. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and increasedweight of the uterus can cause stress incontinence.
  2. Childbirth: Delivery can weaken the muscles required for bladder control. It damages the bladder nerves and steady tissue. With prolapse, the uterus, bladder, or the intestine can be pushed down from their usual position and might even protrude into the vagina.
  3. Changes developed with age: Maturing of the bladder muscle can weaken the bladder's ability to store urine.
  4. Menopause: After menopause,women deliver less estrogen. Disintegration of these tissues can cause incontinence.
  5. Hysterectomy: In women, the same muscles and tendons support the bladder and uterus. Any surgery that removes the uterus may harm the supporting muscles, which can prompt incontinence.
  6. Expanded prostate: Particularly in older men, incontinence usually occurs from growth of the prostate organ, a condition known as considerate prostatic hyperplasia.
  7. Prostate cancer: In men, stress incontinence or urge incontinence can be connected with an untreated prostate disease. Incontinence is a reaction to medicines prescribed for prostate growth.
  8. Obstruction: A tumour in your urinary tract can disrupt the typical stream of urine, prompting flood incontinence. Urinary stones at times cause leakage of urine.
  9. Neurological disorders: Various sclerosis, Parkinson's illness, stroke, a mind tumour or a spinal damage can meddle with the nerve signals. These are important in keeping control of the bladder.

Your specialist may suggest the following:

  1. Bladder control: You may begin by attempting to hold off for 10 minutes each time you feel a desire to urinate. The objective is to extend the time between visits to the toilet until you start urinating in two to three hour intervals.
  2. Two-fold voiding: Twofold voiding implies urinating, then holding it for a couple of minutes and attempting once more. This exercise can help in leveraging better control in the long run.
  3. Fixed toilet time: You may attempt to urinate every two to four hours instead of sitting tight when the need arises.
  4. Liquid intake and diet: You may need to stay away from liquor, caffeine or acidic foods. Also, the fluid intake may have to be reduced in such cases.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Ever Wondered What The Color Of Your Urine Says About Your Health?

Dr. Daresh Doddamani 90% (8090 ratings)
M.Ch - Urology, MS, MBBS
Urologist, Dehradun
Ever Wondered What The Color Of Your Urine Says About Your Health?
For years, human urine has been used as a diagnostic tool for identifying the ailment or measuring up the diseases. That's because our urine tells a lot about what happening inside. The color, density and even the smell is an indicative of our health.

Here is a list of the colors of your urine which conveys how your health is.

1) Colorless or transparent - If you are having colorless pee, then it means you are drinking just a lot of water. You can afford to reduce it.

2) Pale straw color - It is the normal, healthy color, which indicates that you are well-hydrated.

3) Transparent yellow - Having transparent yellow pee is normal. But you might want to add an extra glass of water to your day.

4) Dark Yellow - An indication that although you have normal hydration, you should still consider having some more water regularly.

5) Amber or Honey Color - It is an indication of decreased hydration. So, go ahead and drink some water right away.

6) Syrup or Brown Ale Color - Can be an indication of severe dehydration or liver disease. Consult your doctor if it persists.

7) Pink to Reddish - Beets, blueberries or rhubarb can be fruits that can cause pinkish urine. But if you haven't eaten them, then it might be blood or a sign of infection. It is recommended that you contact a doctor.

8) Orange - Indication of dehydration or a liver or bile duct condition. Consider discussing it with a doctor.

9) Blue or Green - A result of genetic condition or food dye. You can contact your doctor to ascertain the reason. Usually, it is harmless.

10) Foaming - Fizzing or foaming pee isn't actually a problem, if occasional. But otherwise, it might indicate kidney troubles. Consult a doctor accordingly.

If you have any further questions on issues, click on 'consult.

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1517 people found this helpful

Urine Colour - What It Says About Your Health?

Dr. Sanjiv Saxena 90% (47 ratings)
DNB (Nephrology), MD, MBBS
Nephrologist, Delhi
Urine Colour - What It Says About Your Health?

Changes in the colour of your urine can reveal important information about your health. If your urine takes on a hue beyond what's normal, it can be indicative of something wrong with your health. In general, the normal urine colour varies from pale yellow to deep yellowish-brown, which is a result of a chemical pigment in the urine called urochrome.

1. Red or Pink

  • When your kidneys, urethra, bladder or any other urinary tract organ gets infected or inflamed, blood cells get leaked into the urine, giving it a red hue. The causes behind the presence of blood can be urinary tract infections, kidney cysts, kidney stones, enlarged prostate and even cancer. Taking blood thinners can also cause you to have blood in your urine.
  • Certain foods like blackberries, rhubarb and beets can cause your urine to turn pink.
  • The use of certain medications like a particular class of antibiotic used in the treatment of tuberculosis can turn your urine red. Likewise, a drug used to numb discomfort in the urinary tract can cause a red/pink discoloration of your urine.

2. Blue or Green

  • The consumption of coloured food dyes containing green or blue pigments can cause you to pass urine of such hues.
  • Certain anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory medications can turn your urine green/blue.
  • A very rare medical condition called familial benign hypercalcemia (fbh), characterised by high levels of calcium in thE blood and low levels of the mineral in the urine can cause your urine to turn blue.
  • Green urine can also occur if your urinary tract gets infected by the pseudomonas bacteria.

3. Dark Brown

  • Having large amounts of these foods - aloe, rhubarb (a type of leafy green) and broad beans can cause you to pass dark brown urine.
  • Certain anti-malarial drugs, laxatives and muscle relaxants can darken the colour of your urine as well.
  • Dark brown urine can also be caused by disorders of the kidney or liver as well as infections of the urinary tract.
  • Injury of the muscle as a result of excessive training can result in dark brown urine.

4. Orange

  • Problems with the bile duct (the duct through which bile from the gall bladder and liver passes before entering the duodenum) or liver along with the passing of light coloured stools can result in orange urine.
  • A cause of orange urine may also be dehydration as fluids bring about an increase in the concentration of compounds present in the urine.

5. White

  • The presence of calcium or phosphate sediments in the urine can give it a white hue.
  • White urine can also be a result of funguria infection (a form of fungal urinary infection wherein the fungus produces white sediments) or a bacterial infection. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can ask a free question.
2991 people found this helpful

Strong Smelling Urine - Know Its Reason!

Dr. Poonam Agarwal 90% (62 ratings)
MBBS, DGO, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Gynaecologist, Delhi
Strong Smelling Urine - Know Its Reason!

Many people are embarrassed to talk about their urine colour or urine problem with anybody, including their doctor. But, what people always forget is that strong smelling urine and the change in the colour of the urine is a serious issue. Your urine colour directly tells you about your health, especially your inner body. So, without being embarrassed you should consult a doctor, if and when, you find foul odour in your urine. Following are some of the reasons for the causes of strong smelling urine.

  1. You are dehydrated: Urine is not supposed to leave odour. It should be odourless, but if you find strong smell in your urine, you should consult a doctor immediately. The most common reason of foul odour in your urine is dehydration. If the amount of water needed in your body is not enough then, there will be less water in your body as a result the waste products will not be diluted in water being more concentrated making the urine darker and more odour. But once you start drinking water, it should go normal. Normally, this kind of situations occur in early morning when your water intake is less or not at all. But drinking lot of water will solve this issue immediately.
  2. More alcohol or caffeine intake: If you are habituated to drink a lot of coffee then it may happen that you find strong smell of coffee in your urine. Although it is not very problematic yet it is healthy if you reduce the intake of coffee in your daily life in order to have a healthy digestive system. Not just coffee but even alcohol could be the reason of irregular or need to urinate a lot more than usual.
  3. Bacterial InfectionThere could be bacterial infection or kidney infection which could lead to strong smell of urine. In order to ensure you should go to a doctor and get important tests done. Then the doctor can suggest treatment according to your results and if all the results are normal then you could be suggested to maintain a balanced diet on regular basis.
  4. Imbalanced Diet: The problem can sometimes come from the use of certain vitamins from imbalances in your diet. There are substances like nitrates and phosphates in the urine which can give dark colour and odour. You should always have a proper diet and follow it in order to have a healthy digestive system. Eating lot of garlic and onion can also bring odour in your urine.
  5. DiabetesIf you are diabetic, it may be possible that you find dark urine and odour in your urine. It indicates that your sugar level is not normal and gone much high than normal. If you are not diabetic then it may be a sign of diabetes so you should get diagnosed immediately with your doctor.

There are multiple causes of strong smelling urine but most of them could be cured easily if diagnosed immediately. But in order to avoid this issue it is better to be careful with your diet and drink a lot of water. At least three litres of water a day is an absolute necessity!

5372 people found this helpful

5 Reasons Your Urine Is Smelling Bad!

Dr. K S Anamika 92% (348 ratings)
Advanced Infertility, MIS TRAINING, FICMCH, PGDS, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MBBS, Masters in Reproductive Medicine(UK)
Gynaecologist, Faridabad
5 Reasons Your Urine Is Smelling Bad!

Many people are embarrassed to talk about their urine colour or urine problem with anybody, including their doctor. But, what people always forget is that strong smelling urine and the change in the colour of the urine is a serious issue. Your urine colour directly tells you about your health, especially your inner body. So, without being embarrassed you should consult a doctor, if and when, you find foul odour in your urine. Following are some of the reasons for the causes of strong smelling urine.

  1. You are dehydrated: Urine is not supposed to leave odour. It should be odourless, but if you find strong smell in your urine, you should consult a doctor immediately. The most common reason of foul odour in your urine is dehydration. If the amount of water needed in your body is not enough then, there will be less water in your body as a result the waste products will not be diluted in water being more concentrated making the urine darker and more odour. But once you start drinking water, it should go normal. Normally, this kind of situations occur in early morning when your water intake is less or not at all. But drinking lot of water will solve this issue immediately.
  2. More alcohol or caffeine intake: If you are habituated to drink a lot of coffee then it may happen that you find strong smell of coffee in your urine. Although it is not very problematic yet it is healthy if you reduce the intake of coffee in your daily life in order to have a healthy digestive system. Not just coffee but even alcohol could be the reason of irregular or need to urinate a lot more than usual.
  3. Bacterial InfectionThere could be bacterial infection or kidney infection which could lead to strong smell of urine. In order to ensure you should go to a doctor and get important tests done. Then the doctor can suggest treatment according to your results and if all the results are normal then you could be suggested to maintain a balanced diet on regular basis.
  4. Imbalanced Diet: The problem can sometimes come from the use of certain vitamins from imbalances in your diet. There are substances like nitrates and phosphates in the urine which can give dark colour and odour. You should always have a proper diet and follow it in order to have a healthy digestive system. Eating lot of garlic and onion can also bring odour in your urine.
  5. DiabetesIf you are diabetic, it may be possible that you find dark urine and odour in your urine. It indicates that your sugar level is not normal and gone much high than normal. If you are not diabetic then it may be a sign of diabetes so you should get diagnosed immediately with your doctor.

There are multiple causes of strong smelling urine but most of them could be cured easily if diagnosed immediately. But in order to avoid this issue it is better to be careful with your diet and drink a lot of water. At least three litres of water a day is an absolute necessity!

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

4681 people found this helpful

Cow Urine - Did You Know How Beneficial It Is For Our Health?

Dr. Charu Agarwal 92% (250 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Faridabad
Cow Urine - Did You Know How Beneficial It Is For Our Health?

Cow Urine is used for purposes of therapy in traditional Indian medicine and is called Gomutra. The use of cow urine for therapeutic purposes has a long history in Indian culture. In India, cow is considered to be a sign of spirituality. Urine from a cow that is pregnant is believed to contain special minerals and hormones. It should be noted that cow urine therapy is not a nourishing process. Instead, it is cleansing and detoxifying in nature.

Pharmaceutical Benefits of Gomutra are:

  1. Used in Ayurvedic treatment of cancer and leprosy.
  2. Anaemia can be treated using a mixture containing Triphala (Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula made of three equal parts of Bibhitaki, Haritaki and Amalaki), mahayograj guggulu and gomutra.
  3. It is used in the treatment of fever. A mixture that contains Gomutra along with ghee, yoghurt and black pepper is used.
  4. A mixture of daruharidra and gomutra can be used to treat epilepsy.
  5. In Nigeria, convulsions in children are treated using a concoction made of garlic, tobacco, rock salt, cow urine and lemon basil juice.
  6. Gomutra is also helpful in treatment of abdominal tumor,oedema, kidney stones, diabetes, asthma and certain liver ailments.
  7. Some Indian scientists from CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) received a US Patent for a mixture of cow urine distillate, which acts as an antibiotic. The purpose of the cow urine is to behave like a bio-enhancer, which promotes the antimicrobial functions of antifungal and antibiotic agents.
  8. A US patent was acquired in 2010 by a research department of Deolapar and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for a drug based on gomutra, which validated its claims of being an anti-cancer drug. The mixture is claimed to prevent DNA damage caused by oxidation.
  9. A water extract of Daruharidra (Tree Turmeric) called Rasanjana is administered with cow urine as a medication to treat Kapha originated skin diseases.
4748 people found this helpful

Thyroid - How Cow Urine Can Help Treat It?

Dr. Elizabath Mathew 91% (324 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Certificate In Food And Nutrition (CFN).
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ernakulam
Thyroid - How Cow Urine Can Help Treat It?

Cow Urine Therapy has been in practice for many health problems in India for centuries. In India, cow is a symbol of spirituality and cow urine is not only used in devotional practices, but also comes packed with a bunch of health benefits.

'Kamadhenu' is worshipped for thousands of years as the Goddess who fulfils desire. In Ayurveda, cow is considered as the mother of all entities as the products obtained from cow are beneficial to all mankind in many ways. The milk, urine, curd, ghee and dung obtained from cow are beneficial in different ways as food supplement and medicine. Cow urine or Gomutra destroys the poisonous effects of residues and makes body disease free. The medicinal usage of Panchgavya, especially cow urine is practiced in Ayurveda which is classified as complementary and alternative medicine.

The two Indian epics, Shushruta samhita and Charaka samhita, have described that the consumption of cow urine produces body warmth. In modern medical science, it has been well established that the thyroid hormones are responsible for producing body warmth. The oral administration of cow urine has thyroid stimulating effect and therapeutic value of urinary iodine present in the cow urine is immense. Cow urine or Gomutra contains iodine, which is easily absorbable from the gastrointestinal tract. The mean urinary iodine levels in dairy cows may vary from 79.2 to 94.8 micrograms of iodine per litre of urine depending upon their physiological conditions. Iodine is an essential element to produce thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine and thyroxine. These are catabolic hormones that generate heat and cause body warmth. It has been proven that the cow urine contains iodine in required level for normal functioning of thyroid gland.

Urinary iodine concentration in cow urine varies depending upon its biological status and it could stimulate the patient's thyroid gland activity on oral administration of iodine. Thyroxine stimulates more oxygen utilization and heat production by many different cells of the body.

During iodine deficiency, the pituitary gland secretes enhanced amounts of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which causes compensatory adjustment.This leads in the production of more extensive secretory epithelium which in turn will result in enlargement of the thyroid gland and loss of colloid material in the thyroid follicles. In this scenario, exogenous supplementation of iodine brings back the normal thyroid status.

The administration of cow urine, which contain good levels of iodine, can keep the thyroid gland activity on a better footing. We now have the support of scientific validation for the experience of warming up of the human body after consumption of cow urine or Gomutra.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

3347 people found this helpful

Can Cow Urine Therapy Help With Weight Loss?

Dr. Devang Patel 92% (68 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), M.D (Ayu)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navsari
Can Cow Urine Therapy Help With Weight Loss?

Obesity is a condition where excess body fat accumulates in your body to the extent that it might affect your health to a great degree. In today's sedentary lifestyle obesity is quite a common problem. It can also be because of genes, overeating or mental illness.This increases the risk of many terrible diseases like heart ailments, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis. There have been numerous aids for weight loss; surgeries and cow urine happens to be a few of the solutions to this problem. Like the animal itself, its urine is also considered sacred. It is believed to cure many other problems like heart ailments, hypertension and skin diseases. Cow urine has medicinal and healing properties are now being widely spread and known across the world.

Health risks with obesity
1. Coronary Heart Disease
2. High blood pressure
3. Type 2 diabetes
4. Stroke
5. Sleep Apnoea
6. Cancer

How it works in weight loss
There has been lot of arguments about the health benefits of cow urine. Cow urine consists of three main parts urea (which is the end product of metabolism), uric acid (due to high amounts of acidity it has strong antibacterial properties) and also numerous nutritional minerals which are not properly digested by the animal. Vitamins A, B, D and E and minerals like creatinine and gold present in many weight loss drugs are found in cow urine. Cow urine also contains various enzymes which help in digestion. When it is mixed with certain hormones and additional vitamins, it works wonders in weight loss. The presence of copper irons do not allow fat to deposit and helps in lowering your cholesterol.

Precautions you should take before consuming cow urine
Although it's many benefits you should always maintain these precautions before you consume this liquid:

1. If the cow is infected, it means that the urine is also infected and therefore you should avoid it
2. Do not consume if raw cow urine is kept for more than one hour
3. You should always consume it as prescribed by the doctor

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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