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RBC Folate Test

RBC Folate Test

also known as: Folates RBC (With Hct)

Folate is the vitamin found in the green leafy vegetables. Its synthetic form can be found in the fortified foods and is famous as Folic acid. Deficiency of Folate might cause hyperhomocysteinemia. This is the condition from which almost 5 percent of the population is suffering. It is associated with the enhanced risk of the cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders, osteoporosis, renal disease, cancer, anaemia and neuropsychiatric disorders. Folate is also the precursor for many nucleotides and amino acids which in turn are the building blocks of the DNAs and proteins. Reference Range: Infants: 31.7-1155.5 nmol/L, Children: 11.3-47.6 nmol/L, Adults: 4.5-45.3 nmol/L.

Not much preparation is need before performing the RBC folate test. The test is taken from the venous blood. If you are conscious of needles or have fear of it, you must tell the examiner before the test. You must not intake food 8 hrs prior to the test. Also, if you take vitamin B-12 injections, that must be avoided as well. The area around cubital fossa is sanitised using spirit or sanitizer before the test to avoid the infection of bacteria or virus to spread in the blood stream. With the help of a syringe, venous is blood is then collected for the test.

The low level of the RBC Folate might be caused due to following reasons and depending upon the decrease it causes anaemia, cancer etc. Decreased intake of leafy vegetables causes fall of folic acid level in RBC Poor dietary intake Increase intake of Alcohol Intake of overcooked food Medical conditions which require more intake of folate as during lactation, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, chronic haemolysis etc. Malabsorption of the folate as caused due to intake of alcohol, short-bowel syndrome etc. The increased level of folic acid might be caused due to following: Vegetarian diet, Blind loop syndrome, Pernicious anaemia, Deficiency of the vit. B-12

Folate assays are performed on a modular E170 Analyzer. An electrochemiluminescence competitive assay is also used for the test. Hemolysate is prepared first which is then treated with freshly prepared ascorbate solution. The resulting hemolysate is assayed and the result is calculated using the given formula: RBC Folate= Hemolysate folate X 2100/haematocrit (%) The acids are handled with care and it is ensured that the freshly prepared ascorbic acid is treated with the hematocrit.

LimitationsFolate assays of samples from patients receiving therapy with certain pharmaceuticals (eg, methotrexate or leucovorin), are contraindicated because of the cross-reactivity of folate binding protein with these compounds.1As with all tests containing monoclonal mouse antibodies, erroneous findings may be obtained from samples taken from patients who have been treated with monoclonal mouse antibodies or have received them for diagnostic purposes.1 In rare cases, interference due to extremely high titers of antibodies to streptavidin and ruthenium can occur.1 The test contains additives that minimize these effects.
Whole blood (two tubes)
Two full lavender-top (EDTA) tubes.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Red Cell Folate
All age groups
160-600 micro gm/L
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1100 to Rs.1400 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is RBC Folate Test?
Preparation for RBC Folate Test
Uses of RBC Folate Test
Procedure for RBC Folate Test
Limitations of RBC Folate Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for RBC Folate Test
Price for RBC Folate Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

Popular Questions & Answers

Sir I got on fever in 3 months for 2 times and I also feel weakness also and I consulted to doctor and by my urine test I got 5-6 RBC and 1-2 wbc and I disturbed by that I masturbated before urine test daily also 8s there any serious issue.

M.B.S.(HOMEO), MD - Homeopathy
Homeopath, Visakhapatnam
Sir I got on fever in 3 months for 2 times and I also feel weakness also and I consulted to doctor and by my urine te...
A high count of red blood cells in the urine can indicate infection, trauma, tumors, or kidney stones. If red blood cells seen under microscopy look distorted, they suggest kidney as the possible source and may arise due to kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis). Red or white blood cells.Blood cells aren't found in urine normally. Inflammation, disease, or injury to the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra can cause blood in urine. Strenuous exercise, such as running a marathon, can also cause blood in the urine. White blood cells may be a sign of infection or kidney disease.
1 person found this helpful

No. No burning sensation and pus cells 10-12hpf rbc full field and she even getting fever frequently no pain.

Homeopath, Kolkata
No. No burning sensation and pus cells 10-12hpf rbc full field and she even getting fever frequently no pain.
drink water in sufficent quantity. take cantharis 200/ 7doses. one dose daily in morning empty stomach for 7 days and consult me after that thanks

Hi I am 23 years male and I am having excessive hairloss since past one year, at first I thought the cause of my hair loss could be the drastic change in my diet as I moved from my hometown to some other place for work where I was not having enough healthy food but it was later when I realized that I am losing hairs more then ever and the density of hairs on my head got less and at times even my scalp is visible, I had got very much concerned and consulted trichologist a month ago. After diagnosing me at first she claimed that I may have male pattern baldness and asked me if I have a family history of baldness which I clearly denied, then she asked me to have tests like CBC, TSH and Ferritin, the results of which are Red Blood Cell Count "5.73" HIGH 4.5-5.5 Hemoglobin "12.4" LOW 13.0-17.0 Hematocrit "39.0" LOW 40 -50 Mean Corpuscular vol "68" LOW 83-101 Mean Corpuscular HGB "21.6" LOW 27.0-32.0 Red Cell Distribution Width "16.3" HIGH 11.6-14.0 Rest all are in normal range in CBC. RBC====> MILD ANISOCYTOSIS SEEN, NORMOCYTES, microcytic WITH HYPOCHROMASIA (+) SEEN. FERRITIN "116.1" 22-322 (normal) TSH 3rd Generation "1.424" 0.55-4.78 (normal) After seeing my test report the doctor has confirmed that I have IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA and it is because of which I am having excessive hair loss and prescribed me with 1 month iron tablet fered XT which is 100 mg Ferrous Ascorbate and 1.5 mg Folic Acid. Now the queries I have are 1) Do I really have iron deficiency anemia? If yes how severe is it? 2) Is this iron deficiency anemia the sole reason for my excessive hairloss? 3) for this test result how long do I have to take iron supplements? 4) how long will it really take for me to see active results in my hair growth? 5) will I get back the hairs I have lost? 6) what could be the main cause of iron deficiency in me? 7) does iron deficiency causes urine urge incontinence? I am facing urine urge incontinence, it is just totally uncontrollable sometimes and I lose it. Waiting for your response. thank you.

MBBS, P. G. Diploma in Dermatology Venerology & Leprosy (D. D. V. L )
Dermatologist, Moga
Hi I am 23 years male and I am having excessive hairloss since past one year, at first I thought the cause of my hair...
Have good BALANCED diet having high protein diet like pulses cheese eggs and meat, do daily exercise regularly avoid using oily n sugary foods and drinks Apply HAIRBLESS lotion 5%at night n take one tab of HAIRBLESS once a day.
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Popular Health Tips

Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG)
IVF Specialist, Alwar
Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

At times being able to conceive becomes a challenge due to certain biological reasons. Feeling positive and eating healthy naturally takes you a step nearer to getting pregnant. In case of no medical condition acting as an obstruction, consuming the right food can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Here’s a list of supplements you can include in your diet to maximise your chances of getting pregnant.

1. Choose whole grains over refined carbohydrates: Reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates (found in milk, potatoes, corn to name a few) can reduce inflammation of the genitals, which will help increase fertility. You can still continue to have your favourite foods, but ensure they are low GI (glycaemic index- a figure used to represent the ability of carbohydrate to increase glucose in blood) carbohydrates.

You can consume whole grains, which help in reducing insulin levels that in turn reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes and also help lower cholesterol levels. Try having whole grain bread instead of white bread and porridge instead of sugary processed cereals to reduce your GI ingestion.

2. Harness the power of Proteins: Proteins are an important part of your diet and the type of proteins you require careful consideration as they help make new hormones. Try having 25gms of vegetable protein like seeds, legumes and nuts instead of animal protein.

Add dairy foods to your diet as they are also a rich source of protein. They provide vital minerals and nutrients like magnesium, calcium and vitamin B12 to the body and at the same time are low in calories. Include milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese to your meals so that you have a minimum of three servings of dairy products a day, which is essential to meet your nutritional needs and increase your chances of having a baby.

3. Welcome Good Fats: Processed foods, fatty meats and takeaways are high in saturated fats including trans fats. These lead to inflammation and an increase of oxygen free radicals in the body, which decrease fertility. So, incorporate good fats in your diet in controlled quantities. Try having avocado and tomato on a whole grain toast, for instance.

4. Make folate an integral part of your diet: Folate is an essential nutrient that helps in decreasing the incidence of birth defects in babies, while ensuring a healthy conception. Along with the prescribed supplements, try to increase its intake in its natural form. The best way to do this is by having green leafy vegetables, which are a rich source of folate. You can also have veggie sticks and vegetable soup along or green vegetable dishes to increase your folate intake. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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10 Foods Increase Low Platelet Count - Add In Your Diet Now

General Physician, Gurgaon
10 Foods Increase Low Platelet Count - Add In Your Diet Now

low platelet count is also known as thrombocytopenia. The human blood is essentially composed of four components namely erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), thrombocytes (blood platelets), and plasma.

10 Foods Items Improves Low platelet Count

Here we create a list of food items that helps in the lower platelet count problem. These fruits items, dairy products, protein items, vitamins, and minerals help in increasing platelet count.

1. Anar (Pomegranate): It is rich in iron and also contains vitamins. This fruit help to combat increasing platelet reduction with regular consumption & vitamins to keep your energy levels steady.

2. Milk: It has high calcium which helps to regenerate the platelet. Calcium content with vitamin K and milk protein “Fibrinogen” increases the Platelet count and improves the blood's ability to form the clot. Calcium Deficiency can lead to your body much longer time in forming a clot .

3. Folate Rich Food: Folate or B9 is essential for healthy cell division in the body. A severe deficiency of folate in the body can result in a reduction in Blood Platelet. Daily intake of Folate is 400 mg is required. When the platelet count is low it’s consumption increases the platelet count. Food rich in Folate is Asparagus, Orange juice, Spinach, and fortified cereals.

4. Lean Proteins: Lean protein food is an excellent source of Zinc and Vitamin 12 which are essential to reverse the effects of thrombocytopenia. In case of reduced platelet count take food like soybean, spinach (Palak), black beans, cow’s milk, white of egg, Oatmeal, Fish, and white meat chicken.  This protein item helps increase platelet count

5. Papaya: Extract of the leaf of papaya is excellent for overall blood production and increases the platelet count (Prepare an extract of leaves by boiling leaves in medium heat for 15 minutes with water and wait till the water comes down to half ). Take leaf extract 2tsf twice daily.

6. Cod Liver Oil and Flax Seed Oil: These oils strengthen the Immune system many autoimmune disorders are cause of thrombocytopenia or low platelet count. These oils reduce the inflammation of the body and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

7. Vitamin A Rich Food: Vitamin A is essential for healthy platelet production, it also plays a role in the formation of Protein in the body which helps in the process of cell division and growth. Carrot, Pumpkin, Kale, and Sweet Potatoes (Sakarkandi).

8. Chlorophyll from Wheat grass: Wheatgrass juice contains 70% of chlorophyll (The Plant Haemoglobin) have a strong effect in overall blood production and increases the platelet count. Take ½ cup per day.

9. Vitamin K Rich Food: Vitamin K keeps cell growth at an optimum level in the body. Life of platelets is only 10 days which is to be compensated continually to maintain the lost amount in the body, hence high-calorie food for ideal production of blood platelets and vitamin K is one of the ingredients available in Eggs, Green leafy vegetables, Kale, Frozen Spinach, Mustard Greens Broccoli & Liver.

10. Macrobiotic Diet: To combat Thrombocytopenia in patients a vital anti-inflammatory diet is recommended by Platelet Disorder Association which helps in optimum blood production e.g. Whole grains, vegetables, and organic beans is recommended while animal protein is to be avoided except Fish Yogurt & cheese.

Update From Lybrate: Keep a check on your overall well-being by consuming healthy and delicious products. These Healthy Food Items not only soothe your taste buds but also keep you hydrated.

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Idiopathic Infertility!

MS Human Sexuality, M.Phil Clinical Psychology, PhD (Behaviour Modification), Certified In Treatment of Resistant Depression, Certificate course to be Sexuality Educator, National leader, India continent
Sexologist, Hyderabad
Idiopathic Infertility!

Unexplained infertility is infertility that is idiopathic in the sense that its cause remains unknown even after an infertility work-up, usually including semen analysis in the man and assessment of ovulation and fallopian tubes in the woman.

Possible causes

In unexplained infertility abnormalities are likely to be present but not detected by current methods. Possible problems could be that the egg is not released at the optimum time for fertilization, that it may not enter the fallopian tube, sperm may not be able to reach the egg, fertilization may fail to occur, transport of the zygote may be disturbed, or implantation fails. It is increasingly recognized that egg quality is of critical importance and women of advanced maternal age have eggs of reduced capacity for normal and successful fertilization. Also, polymorphisms in folate pathway genes could be one reason for fertility complications in some women with unexplained infertility. Aberrant reproductive immunology such as decreased maternal immune tolerance towards the embryo may also be a possible explanation. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that epigenetic modifications in sperm may be partially responsible.


In india up to 25% of infertile couples have unexplained infertility.


  • Potential methods in unexplained infertility include oral ovarian stimulation agents as well as  (IUI), intracervical insemination (ICI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • In women who have not had previous treatment, ovarian stimulation combined with IUI achieves approximately the same live birth rate as IVF.
  • On the other hand, in women who have had previous unsuccessful treatment, IVF achieves a live birth rate approximately 2-3 times greater than ovarian stimulation combined with IUI.
  • IUI and ICI has higher pregnancy rates when combined with ovarian stimulation in couples with unexplained infertility, for IUI being 13% unstimulated and 15% stimulated, and for ICI being 8% unstimulated and 15% stimulated. However, the rate of twin birth increases substantially with IUI or ICI combined with ovarian stimulation, for IUI being 6% unstimulated and 23% stimulated, and for ICI being 6% unstimulated and 23% stimulated.
  • According to oral ovarian stimulation agents should not be given to women with unexplained infertility. Rather, it is recommended that in vitro fertilization should be offered to women with unexplained infertility when they have not conceived after 2 years of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. IVF avails for embryo transfer of the appropriate number of embryos to give good chances of pregnancy with minimal risk of multiple birth.
  • A review of randomized studies came to the result that IVF in couples with a high chance of natural conception, as compared to IUI/ICI with or without ovarian stimulation, was more effective in three studies and less effective in two studies.
  • There is no evidence for an increased risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) with IVF when compared with ovarian stimulation combined with IUI.


Prognosis in unexplained infertility depends on many factors, but can roughly be estimated by e.g. the Hunault model, which takes into account female age, duration of infertility/subfertility, infertility/subfertility being primary or secondary, percentage of motile sperm and being referred by a gynecologist, sexual medicine specialist or N infertility specialist.


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Health Benefits Of Vinegar!

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Health Benefits Of Vinegar!

13 real benefits of vinegar:

1. It reduces bloating. Vinegar increases the acidity in the stomach, which allows it to digest the food you've eaten and helps propel it into the small intestine, a because slow digestion can cause acid reflux, a burning sensation that occurs when food in your stomach backs up all the way into your esophagus.

2. It increases the benefits of the vitamins and minerals in your food" when your stomach isn't producing enough acid, this impairs the absorption of nutrients as well as b6, folate, calcium, and iron" Dr. Kellman explains. Help your body by ingesting a bit more acid in the form of vinegar, and you'll actually be able to use all the good stuff you consumed by ordering the side salad instead of fries.

3. It cancels out some of the carbs you eat. The acetic acid found in vinegar interferes with the enzymes in your stomach responsible for digesting starch so you can't absorb the calories from carbs you've eaten.

4. It softens your energy crash after eating lots of sugar or carbs. Consuming vinegar before a meal can help by slowing the rush of sugar to your blood stream, so your blood sugar spike resembles a hill instead of a mountain and you don't crash quite as hard.

5. It keeps you full longer. In a small but thorough study, researchers found that people who consumed vinegar before eating a breakfast of white bread felt more satisfied 90 minutes after eating compared to people who only ate the bread.

6. It can help your muscles produce energy more efficiently before a major push. Endurance athletes sometimes drink diluted vinegar before they carb-load the night before competing because acetic acid can helps the muscles turn carbs into energy to fuel intense exercise, according to well-regarded research conducted on animals.

7. It could lower your blood pressure. Animal studies suggest that drinking vinegar can lower your blood pressure by a few points. Researchers don't understand exactly how this works or whether it is equally effective among humans, but johnston is pretty confident it can make at least a modest difference.

8. It cleans fruits and veggies. The best way to clean produce, according to johnston, is with diluted vinegar: research suggests its antibacterial properties can significantly reduce pathogens such as salmonella. Just fill an empty spray bottle with diluted vinegar and spritz your produce (salad stuff, fruits, etc.) then rinse in regular water before serving.

And don't rely on a vinegar-based salad dressing to redeem a dirty deli's salad bar fare: johnston worries that mixing vinegar with ingredients found in salad dressings (like salt or olive oil) or with actual salad could render acetic acid inactive, and says that more research is needed on the topic.

9. It kills bad breath. You might have heard that the antibacterial properties of vinegar can kill microorganisms responsible for bad breath — and in theory, this is true. However, johnston warns" it's no more effective than any other antibacterial agents, and there are better products designed for this purpose"

10. It deodorizes smelly feet. Just wipe down your clompers with a paper towel dipped in diluted vinegar. The antibacterial properties of vinegar will kill the smelly stuff.

11. It relieves jellyfish stings. In case you're ever stung by a jellyfish and just so happen to have diluted vinegar on hand, you'll be awfully lucky: vinegar deactivates the jellyfish's sting better than many other remedies even though hot water still works best, according to a study that compared both techniques.

12. It balances your body's ph levels, which could mean better bone health. Although vinegar is obviously acidic, it actually has a neutralizing effect once it's inside of you. Meaning: it makes your body's ph more basic.

13. It alleviates heartburn — vinegar's effectiveness depends on the source of your heartburn: if you have erosive heartburn caused by lesions in your esophagus or stomach ulcers, a dose of vinegar will only aggravate the problem. But if your heartburn stems from something you ate, adding acetic acid to your stomach can help neutralize the acid in there and help fix the problem, providing you with at least a little bit of comfort.

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Pregnant - The Healthy Indian Diet For You!

BSc - Food Science & Nutrition, PGD in Sports Nutrition and Dietitics , Diabetes Educator, Translational Nutrigenomics, FSSC 22000 ,Internal Auditor
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Pregnant - The Healthy Indian Diet For You!

When you are pregnant, it is important for you to have a proper diet, which is full of essential nutrients. A lot of these nutrients are used as supplements for the growing fetus. This is vital for the fetus to grow properly and receive proper nourishment. Every pregnancy is different, so does the diet differs based on issues based by a young mother. The biggest myth ever is to expect young mother to eat for two, but the truth is a pregnant woman just needs about 500 kcal extra from her normal RDA. It is always better to get a personalised diet chart, so coping up with physical and mental stress by an expectant mother becomes easier, leading to a happy and healthy pregnancy. A customised diet not only helps to be mother to take care of herself and lil one, but also ensure a positive wellbeing post pregnancy. Rest is equally important and to be mother should ensure she is active throughout her pregnancy for easy labour and fitness. Postpartum complications are prevented when the fetus receives sufficient nourishment. Here is a healthy Indian diet to follow during pregnancy:

  1. Meat, fish, eggs, poultry, nuts: These food items provide ample protein, zinc and iron. During pregnancy, the body requires an increased amount of protein, especially during the second trimester. You should consume at least 15 grams of protein regularly as an additional protein intake is important for tissue demands.
  2. Milk, cheese, yoghurt: These dairy products are a good source of calcium, protein, vitamins and phosphorus. The body requires high amounts of calcium during pregnancy. You should consume low-fat dairy products, if you are concerned about getting overweight.
  3. Fruits: Fruits are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber and potassium. You should add fruits such as grapefruit, orange, melons and berries to your diet. Also you should have several servings of fruit regularly. Have fruit juices and fruit desserts as well.
  4. Vegetables: During pregnancy, you must include several types of vegetables in your diet. Raw, leafy vegetables such as spinach and other vegetables including carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, corn and potatoes should be a part of your diet. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron and magnesium. Moreover, constipation is prevented because of their low-fat and fiber content.
  5. Breads, rice, cereals, pasta: These food items contain complex carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy. Pregnant women require 6 to 10 servings of these food products. Grains are also good sources of protein and help in the development of the baby’s body tissues.
  6. Fats, sweets and oils: These food items are necessary for your diet when you are pregnant. However, you should avoid these in excess because of the high-calorie content. Try to consume food items, which contain low fat.
  7. Food rich in iron: Many Indian women suffer from anemia because of blood loss or improper diet. The body needs to get fortified with increased iron amounts. You should consume meat, prunes, raisin, spinach and soya beans. The body absorbs iron better when taken with food items, which are rich in vitamin C, like broccoli, potatoes and citrus fruits.

For getting an ideal diet chart during pregnancy, you should visit a dietitian. He or she will provide you with a diet chart, which will help you focus on the food items that are essential for you and your baby’s health. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.

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