RBC Folate Tips

Weight loss combo meal

Dt. Neetha Dilip 89% (3747 ratings)
M. Sc. Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics, B.Sc-Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Visakhapatnam
Weight loss combo meal
Low calorie high fibre cucumber with skins. Unsaturated fats and phytosterols in almonds. Oligomeric procyandins in dark chocolate. Protein fibre folate vitamin e rich wheat germ. All together make a great combo meal for weight loss and detoxification and good skin too.

Dr. J.K. Laharey 86% (121 ratings)
General Physician, Korba
In a 100 g serving providing
only 23 calories, spinach has a high nutritional value, especially when fresh, frozen, steamed, or quickly boiled. It is a rich source (> 20% of the Daily Value, DV) of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, folate and iron (right table). Spinach is a good source (10-19% of DV) of the B vitamins riboflavin and vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, potassium and dietary fiber.
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Nutrients Which Works As As Synergistic!

Dr. Jagdish Prasad Mehrotra 93% (1914 ratings)
General Physician, Gurgaon

 In some of the disease like Scurvy is due to deficiency of vitamin “C” and Pellagra due to deficiency of “Niacin”. The disease can be corrected by use of deficient vitamin But most nutrient do not work solo, sometimes they join forces other times they interact and cancel the effect. Here I am taking some nutrient which work in pairs.

1. Calcium and Vitamin D Calcium is mostly absorbed in the small intestine and essential for bone strength but the body needs vitamin D’s assistance to absorb the nutrient. Vitamin D also has many other benefits throughout body.

Normal requirement of Calcium in adult – 1,000 daily, but in older adult 1,200 mg daily (starting in 50’s)

Normal requirement of Vitamin D in adult –400 IU daily, but in persons starting 70’s- 600 IU daily (starting in 50’s)

2. Sodium and Potassium: Sodium is an essential nutrient which we consume each day. Excess use of Sodium interferes with the natural ability of blood vessels to relax and expand, blood pressure increases which ultimately increases the chances of stroke or heart attack but Potassium encourages the kidneys to excrete sodium. Thus, high Potassium intake assist in keeping the blood vessels healthy and maintain blood pressure.

Normal requirement of Sodium in adult – 1,200 mg to 1,500 mg daily.

Normal requirement of Potassium in adult – 4,700 mg. daily.

3. Vitamin B12 and Folate: B12 helps the body to absorb folate and the two works together to support cell division and replication which allow the body to replace cells that die. This process is important during times of growth in childhood, and throughout the body of adults as well.

Normal requirement of B12- 2.4 micrograms

Normal requirement of folate 400 micrograms

Good source of vitamin B12- Meat, eggs, and milk

Natural source of vitamin Folate- Green leafy vegetables, beans and legumes Vegetarian and Alcoholic usually have vitamin B12 deficiency and can be supplemented wit tab or injection, while folate deficiency can be corrected by multivitamin. Deficiency of either or both vitamins may cause marocytic Anaemia. B12 deficiency can also cause mild tingling sensation and memory loss.

Vitamins & Minerals - Know Their Requirement In Women!

Multi Speciality, Guwahati
Vitamins & Minerals - Know Their Requirement In Women!

Women in different age groups need a number of minerals and vitamins in higher quantities than men in the same age group. Here are some of the most important vitamins and minerals supplements and for women. 


Calcium is essential for strong bones, healthy muscles, and more in both men and women. However, it is all the more essential for women since they start losing bone after menopause. They need to get enough calcium throughout their lives so that they don’t suffer from porous bones and problems associated with it. You need to build a sustainable bone density within 19 to 30 years of age since you are invariably going to lose some as you age and cross menopause. If the diet is not enough, you may consider supplements but with medical advice. Dairy products, calcium-fortified juices, beans, cereals, almonds, leafy greens, salmon they all deliver a good amount of calcium.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also essential for healthy bones and women to tend to get porous bones as they age. It may also reduce the risk of some cancers and heart diseases. But the significance of Vitamin D lies in the fact that it promotes calcium absorption. Without Vitamin D, calcium-rich diet and supplements would not be of any use. One can get vitamin D in sea fishes like tuna and salmon, fortified milk, fruit juices, cereals, etc. One also needs to get enough sunshine since vitamin D is made in the skin on exposure to sunlight.


Iron helps increase hemoglobin that in turn enhances the number of red blood cells in the blood. This keeps blood healthy. Women undergo heavy menstrual bleeding, and to counter that they need a healthy blood level. Women also need a healthy blood level since it is through the blood that the fetus derives all the nutrition. So they need iron-rich diets and/or iron supplements. If they don’t get enough iron, they may suffer from anemia. The best sources of Iron are animal sources since the iron found in animal meat is heme iron, which is easily assimilated by the body.


Women in the reproductive age group need to take Folate, a type of Vitamin B, that helps in the development of the fetus and reduces the risk of congenital problems like spina bifida in children. One can get enough Folate in brown rice, dark green vegetables, sprouts, spinach, green beans, broccoli, potatoes etc. You can also get it in fortified cereals and bread. However, pregnant women or those desiring to get pregnant need to add folate in the form of supplements in their regimen. For pregnant and breastfeeding women the requirement of folate shots up.


Magnesium supports a number of bodily functions in both men and women, but its significance for women lies in its ability to promote strong bones and preventing bone loss. This is why it is very important for women above 40 years of age when the risk of osteoporosis increases.

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Benefits Of Nuts (Its Winter Time) - Build Immunity!

Dr. Akanksha Tayal 93% (4201 ratings)
Homeopath, Delhi
Benefits Of Nuts (Its Winter Time) - Build Immunity!

Benefits Of Nuts-

Highest in calcium of all nuts. Almonds are also high in fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, and can help protect against diabetes.

Rich in iron, high in magnesium (more than almonds), and the unsaturated fat is predominantly oleic acid (the same as in olive oil). Cashews help prevent cancer, promote a healthy heart and strong bones, and also are good for your skin and hair (they are rich in copper).

High in omega 3 fats, antioxidants, and phytosterols. Walnuts are good for your heart, can help protect against cancer, and are good for your brain aiding in reducing depression and the risk of age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

  • Hazelnuts (Filberts)-

Rich in unsaturated fats (mostly oleic acid), high in magnesium, calcium and vitamins B and E. Hazelnuts are good for your heart, help reduce the risk of cancer, and aid in muscle, skin, bone, joint and digestive health.

Technically a legume, highest amount of folates compared to other nuts; folates are essential for brain development. Peanuts are also high in Vitamin E. Peanuts promote a healthy pregnancy because of the high folates which help reduce the risk of birth defects. Peanuts also boost memory, help fight depression, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Although high calories and fat, they are still good for you – especially men. Pecans contain beta-sitosterol which is aids in the relief of an enlarged prostate. The bottom line is all nuts are good for you… the key is moderation. A healthy handful can lead to good health and longer life.


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Hair Regrowth Treatment!

Dr. Izhar Hasan 93% (254 ratings)
MD (U), Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S)
Unani Specialist, Delhi
Hair Regrowth Treatment!

Hair Regrowth Treatment

Cupping helps in detoxification which gives new rbc to hair roots with better blood circulation. By performing cupping on the scalp, the suction can help open the follicles and promote blood circulation to help maintain the hair. This theory only applies to follicles that are still alive. Wet cupping on the head can also be effective as it will get rid of many harmful toxins and pathogens that build up underneath the scalp. Individuals who wish to perform dry or wet cupping on their head must shave of their hair for easy suction. If you are worried about hair loss then you can try cupping/hijama therapy.

Advantages of Hair regrowth Treatment :-

1.Promote Blood stream.

2.Decrease DHT level.

3. Increment Blood Circulation.

4. Increment Hair roots.

5. New Hair Growth.

6. No Hair Fall.


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Dt. Farzana Chauhan 89% (153 ratings)
M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, B.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
No wonder why spinach favorite of popeye's - the strongest.

Bright, vibrant-looking spinach leaves are not only more appealing to the eye but more nourishing as well. spinach is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.

In other word, it’s loaded with good things for every part of your body!
So what are you making tomorrow using this super food spinach?
Do Share :)
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Benefits of Greens in Diet

FRHS, Ph.D Paed Neuro Rehabilitation, MPT - Neurology Physiotherapy, D.Sp.Med, DPHM (Health Management ), BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
Benefits of Greens in Diet
Benefits of Greens in Diet

Eating green leafy vegetables can help keep your mental abilities sharp. It also offers simple affordable and non-invasive way of protecting your brain from dementia. With studies proving that the people who ate one to two serving of green leafy vegetables a day had the cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who consumed none. It was also found that nutrients linked with slowing cognitive decline are vitamin k, lutein, folate and beta carotene.
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4 Foods Which Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant!

Dr. K.D Nayar 88% (759 ratings)
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DGO, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, Dip.Obstetrtics, FICOG
IVF Specialist, Delhi
4 Foods Which Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant!

At times being able to conceive becomes a challenge due to certain biological reasons. Feeling positive and eating healthy naturally takes you a step nearer to getting pregnant. In case of no medical condition acting as an obstruction, consuming the right food can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Here’s a list of supplements you can include in your diet to maximise your chances of getting pregnant.

1. Choose whole grains over refined carbohydrates: Reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates (found in milk, potatoes, corn to name a few) can reduce inflammation of the genitals, which will help increase fertility. You can still continue to have your favourite foods, but ensure they are low GI (glycaemic index- a figure used to represent the ability of carbohydrate to increase glucose in blood) carbohydrates.

You can consume whole grains, which help in reducing insulin levels that in turn reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes and also help lower cholesterol levels. Try having whole grain bread instead of white bread and porridge instead of sugary processed cereals to reduce your GI ingestion.

2. Harness the power of Proteins: Proteins are an important part of your diet and the type of proteins you require careful consideration as they help make new hormones. Try having 25gms of vegetable protein like seeds, legumes and nuts instead of animal protein.

Add dairy foods to your diet as they are also a rich source of protein. They provide vital minerals and nutrients like magnesium, calcium and vitamin B12 to the body and at the same time are low in calories. Include milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese to your meals so that you have a minimum of three servings of dairy products a day, which is essential to meet your nutritional needs and increase your chances of having a baby.

3. Welcome Good Fats: Processed foods, fatty meats and takeaways are high in saturated fats including trans fats. These lead to inflammation and an increase of oxygen free radicals in the body, which decrease fertility. So, incorporate good fats in your diet in controlled quantities. Try having avocado and tomato on a whole grain toast, for instance.

4. Make folate an integral part of your diet: Folate is an essential nutrient that helps in decreasing the incidence of birth defects in babies, while ensuring a healthy conception. Along with the prescribed supplements, try to increase its intake in its natural form. The best way to do this is by having green leafy vegetables, which are a rich source of folate. You can also have veggie sticks and vegetable soup along or green vegetable dishes to increase your folate intake.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Depression - Did You Know These 8 Nutritional Deficiencies Can Cause It?

Dr. Sajeev Kumar 91% (40820 ratings)
C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
Depression - Did You Know These 8 Nutritional Deficiencies Can Cause It?

Depression can be caused because of many reasons. However, it can get worse or be triggered due to nutritional deficiency. However nutritional deficiencies and depression act in a vicious cycle. Depressed people often receive less or improper food which leads to malnutrition which again aggravate depression. Thus, both conditions should be treated simultaneously. Read further to know how:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids: An Omega-3 unsaturated fat deficiency can cause depression. That shows exactly how much fish, salmon, halibut or flaxseeds and walnuts we have to expend to be at an ideal level. These basic minerals lessen aggravation and take up a basic part in our mental health, particularly memory and disposition.
  2. Vitamin DVitamin D deficiency is a noteworthy problem that specialists and general physicians perceive to be dangerous. This lack has been connected to depression, dementia and mental imbalance. The majority of our Vitamin D levels drop off during the fall and winter months, since daylight is the best source of vitamin D.
  3. Magnesium: Odds are great that you are magnesium inadequate since a lot of people are. Sugar, phosphoric acid, perpetual anxiety, anti-infection agents and diuretics contain magnesium. Magnesium is infrequently alluded to as the anxiety counteracting agent.
  4. Vitamin B complex: B vitamins like vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 have some great medical advantages, including decreased heart diseases and healthy skin and nails. Again, a vitamin B deficiency may affect your emotional wellness. Every one in four depressed or stressed woman suffers from vitamin B12 deficiency.
  5. Folate: Individuals with a low folate level have just a seven percent reaction to treatment with antidepressants. Those with high folate levels have a reaction of 44 percent. That is the reason a lot of specialists are currently endorsing a folate called Deplin to treat dejection.
  6. Amino acids: Amino acids are the building blocks of protein that help your mind work efficiently. An amino acid deficiency may make you feel slow, foggy, unfocused, and discouraged. Great sources of amino acids include meat, eggs, beans, seeds, and nuts.
  7. IronIron deficiency is truly common in women. Around 20 percent of the women and 50 percent of pregnant women are iron deficient. Just 3 percent of men are iron deficient. The most widely recognized type of side effect is the decreasing number of red platelets brought on by the lack of iron. The side effects include weakness, concentration issues and a foggy mind.
  8. ZincZinc is used by more proteins (a person has more than 300) than some other minerals. It is important to most of the body’s systems. It also helps our stomach to determine what food items or nutrients to keep and what to dispose off.

Therefore, it is very important for a person to consume the right amount of nutrients that a human needs. Their deficiency not only causes depression, but also many other diseases and illnesses. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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