An often painful condition usually involving the bowel, ovaries or the tissue lining the pelvis, endometriosis is characterized by the abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue beyond the premises of your uterus or your pelvic region. The endometrium, in fact, functions perfectly normal with each menstrual cycle, but because of it being displaced, it cannot exit the body and consequently gets trapped.
Besides causing severe pain and distress, endometriosis can also adversely affect fertility. When the ovaries get involved, certain cysts known as endometriomas tend to develop which often result in the formation of scar tissues and adhesions.
Complications associated with it
How best to treat it?
Depending upon how severe your symptoms are, endometriosis can be treated via the use of medications or through the advent of surgery.
The uterine fibroids are one of the most common gynecologic problems, with over 40-50% of women having them at some point in their life. The number and size of the fibroids, the age of onset, associated symptoms like dysfunctional bleeding and pelvic pain will determine the management of fibroid. The following is a series of management measures, starting from the most conservative to the most invasive.
1. Wait and watch: In women who are asymptomatic, it is best to watch them for the development of symptoms without any intervention. Also, in women nearing menopause, it is best to just watch the fibroids as they just shrink once menstruation ceases.
2. Medical therapy: In some women, menstrual cycles could be heavy or irregular and require hormonal replacement. They could also have occasional pain, and so may require painkillers.
3. Noninvasive procedure: MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery is when the women are inside the MRI scanner and an ultrasonic transducer is used for treatment. The exact location of the fibroids are identified and sound waves are used to destroy the fibroid. Done on an outpatient basis, it is safe and effective.
4. Minimally invasive procedures: Uterine artery embolization is where the arterial supply is cut off to reduce fibroid growth. Myolysis is where laparoscopically heat or cold waves are used to lyse off the fibroids. Endometrial ablation is where the uterine lining is destroyed through high-intensity heat or cold waves.
5. Invasive procedures: Abdominal or Laparoscopic myomectomy is where the fibroids are removed through an abdominal incision or keyhole surgery. If fibroids are extensive and completed family, hysterectomy is the choice of treatment. Given their high incidence, fibroids require management based on symptoms, age, and other considerations as discussed and decided between the patient and the doctor.
The abnormal growth of the endometrium tissue outside the uterus is known as endometriosis. Ideally, the abnormal tissue is supposed to break down and exit the body. However, in this condition, the tissue is unable to pass out of the body. As a result, the surrounding tissue tends to get irritated and leads to the formation of scar tissues.
The various causes of endometriosis include:
1. Pain during sexual intercourse
2. Pain during periods including pelvic pain, especially during periods, lower back pain and abdominal pain.
3. Excessive bleeding during periods
4. Fatigue
5. Constipation
6. Bloating
The major complication that results is fertility problems. Endometriosis may prevent the combination of the egg and the sperm and thus, impairs your ability to conceive. It is recommended not to delay pregnancy if you have endometriosis. This disorder also tends to increase the risk of ovarian cancer in some women.
How can it be treated?
Endometriosis is usually done using surgery or medications.
It is worth note that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.
Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think.
1. Reduction in appetite
A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above.
2. Swollen neck glands
The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is that when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
3. Fatigue
Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
4. Muscle aches
Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
5. Fever
A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.
It is worth noting that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness anytime soon. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.
Here are the 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think:
1. Reduction in appetite:
A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth noting that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above.
2. Swollen neck glands:
The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is because when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
3. Fatigue:
Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
4. Muscle aches:
Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
5. Fever:
A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections
It is worth noting that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.
Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think:
1. Reduction in appetite
A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above.
2. Swollen neck glands
The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is that when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
3. Fatigue
Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
4. Muscle aches
Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
5. Fever
A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.
In case you have a concern or query, you can always consult the best general physicians online & get answers to your question via online doctor consultation.
It is worth note that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner. Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think.
1. Reduction in appetite
A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above.
2. Swollen neck glands
The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is that when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
3. Fatigue
Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
4. Muscle aches
Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
5. Fever
A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.
It is worth note that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.
Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think.
1. Reduction in appetite
A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above.
2. Swollen neck glands
The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is because when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
3. Fatigue
Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
4. Muscle aches
Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
5. Fever
A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.
It is worth note that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.
Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think:
1. Reduction in appetite: A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold to all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above.
2. Swollen neck glands: The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is because when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
3. Fatigue: Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
4. Muscle aches: Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
5. Fever: A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.
There are a variety of reasons why a person can fall sick. A good number of these illnesses cannot be prevented though a person may take general precautions. Having said that, in the case of influenza, it can be prevented to a large extent and it does not seem all that smart to avoid taking easy precautions when one has an option, right?
Every year, thousands of people die from influenza, which is so unfortunate because an annual shot can reduce that number by almost 60 percent. So what exactly makes a flu shot or vaccine work? As a result of the vaccine, after about two weeks or so, antibodies begin to develop in the body. These antibodies help fight off infection, specifically the kind that is targeted by the vaccine. It is important to get vaccinated for this flu on an annual basis.
Choosing the right flu shot
Considering the great number of options there are when it comes to flu vaccines, which are the ones to be injected? It is a good idea to get the opinion of a doctor to see which one to choose. This is because the choice is dependent on a variety of factors, which a medical professional would be able to assess appropriately. Note that it is important not to use the nasal spray version of the vaccine as the medical authorities have recently found that it is not as effective a method as it once was.