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Scleroderma Panel Test

Scleroderma Panel Test

also known as: Systemic Scleroderma, Systemic Sclerosis, Localized Scleroderma, Morphea, Linear Scleroderma, Limited Cutaneous Scleroderma, CREST, Diffuse Cutaneous Scleroderma, SSc, Circumscribed Scleroderma, Dermatosclerosis

Scleroderma is a group of rare diseases that mostly affects women between age group of 30-50 years. It can affect skin, joints, tendons and internal organs. As a rare medical condition it is difficult to diagnose as it overlaps many other health conditions. Depending on particular symptoms scleroderma can be diagnosed by a general internist, a dermatologist (A skin and hair specialist), an orthopaedic (bone and joint disorder specialist), a lung specialist or a rheumatologist (A specialist in musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic diseases). Diagnosing scleroderma is generally based medical history of the patient and results of medical examination.

You will first visit your family doctor telling him about the symptoms you are having. Then the doctor will refer you to particular specialists according to the symptoms you are suffering. You may need to visit multiple doctors since this medical condition affects multiple organs. You need to prepare a detailed description of all your symptoms, a list of medications and dosage prescribed or non- prescribed and questions for doctor as what tests he/she would recommend.

The doctor may order the patient to take tests for scleroderma once the physical tests confirm that patient is suffering from this medical condition. Symptoms that are associated with scleroderma are swelling of hands and feet and red spots on the skin are symptoms of localized scleroderma. Pain and stiffness of joints, shortness of breath, constipation and weight loss are some symptoms of scleroderma in severe condition. Scleroderma when becomes severe is life threatening .

Scleroderma mostly affects the skin but it can also affect other organs of the body like lungs, kidney, heart, blood vessels muscle and joints. Blood test of the patient is conducted to check how severely the organs are affected internally. Blood sample of the patient is taken by a health professional and sent for further examination. Localized scleroderma that mostly the skin of the patient is a less severe form of disease that can go away without any treatment. Diffused and limited scleroderma can affect the skin as well as internal organs. Scleroderma can also cause kidney failure .Blood test is a way to know about the severity of the disease. An X -ray can be done to verify whether the disease has spread through the lungs or not once it has been confirmed that the patient has been suffering from scleroderma.

2ml Lavender top tube
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All age groups
Rs1800- Rs3000

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Table of Content

What is Scleroderma Panel Test?
Preparation for Scleroderma Panel Test
Uses of Scleroderma Panel Test
Procedure for Scleroderma Panel Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Scleroderma Panel Test
Price for Scleroderma Panel Test
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