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Specific gravity Test

Specific gravity Test

Specific gravity (SG), the ratio of the mass of a solution compared to the mass of an equal volume of water, is an estimate of the concentration of substances dissolved in the solution. Urine SG can be used to assess the kidney’s ability to concentrate or dilute urine. However, because protein, glucose, and contrast dye have molecular masses that are relatively large compared to other major components of urine (eg, sodium, chloride, potassium), they disproportionately affect SG. In these cases, urine osmolality is a better measure of urine concentration.

Your doctor will tell you how to prepare for the test. You may have to fast (not eat or drink) for a certain period of time before taking this test and stop taking certain medications that can interfere with the test results. Tell your doctor about any and all supplements, prescription, and over-the-counter medications that you’re taking, because some medications, and foods like blackberries and carrots, can interfere with the test results.

Reference Values:

Specific gravity results above 1.010 can indicate mild dehydration. The higher the number, the more dehydrated you may be. High urine specific gravity can indicate that you have extra substances in your urine, such as:
red blood cells
white blood cells

Your doctor will use the results from your urine specific gravity test, along with other urinalysis results, to come up with a diagnosis. Abnormal specific gravity results could indicate:
excess substances in the blood
kidney disease
infection, such as a urinary tract infection


The test may be performed at home or in the hospital. Generally, you’ll be given one or more containers to collect and store your urine over a 24-hour time period. Usually, you’ll start in the morning. You won’t save the urine during that first trip to the bathroom. Instead, flush and begin keeping track of time. You will collect the rest of your urine for the next 24 hours. Store your urine from the 24-hour time period in a cool environment. It can be kept in the refrigerator or on ice in a cooler. Label the container with your name, date, and time of conclusion. After 24 hours of urine collection, the samples must be taken to a lab for analysis.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Specific Gravity
All age groups
Average price range of the test is between Rs.50 to Rs.300 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Specific gravity Test?
Preparation for Specific gravity Test
Uses of Specific gravity Test
Procedure for Specific gravity Test
Normal values for Specific gravity Test
Price for Specific gravity Test
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Dear Patient, frequent urination is normally a first sign of Diabetes. Please get his Urine checked along with HBA1C as fasting and PP sugar report cannot be very conclusive since you have mentioned he has no other condition. Also evaluate his prostrate with an ultrasound as it may be mildly enlarged. The medications suggested by the other physician can be helpful.

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Hi I am having diabetes since 2010 whenever I check my Sugar at home it is around 180 but when get it checked from la...
Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. Blood glucose checked with gluco meter or with venous blood at labs, can be having such a huge difference. You have not mentioned whether it is fasting, after food or random. If you are loosing weight means blood glucose is not well controlled. Hence my suggestion is please come back with following details: FBG, PPBG & HbA1c%, drugs being taken with dosage, dietary pattern and extent of exercise being done daily. Based on those details I will be able to guide specifically. Once if the blood glucose is well controlled then weight loss is stopped and one can even regain the same. Thanks.
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You need to enhance power of your mind and your self-confidence. Self-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goal. Self-confidence integrates the powers of mind and body and focuses them towards the goal. Comparison among children may generate greater self-confidence in a successful child and an inferiority complex in unsuccessful one. In fact, it need to understand that a person unsuccessful in one filed need not to be unsuccessful in all fields of life. Following guidelines may help: Keep a good self-image of yourself in your mind. Love, like, respect and accept yourself. Do not compare yourself with other people you feel very successful. Thing are not always the same as they appear from our side. Try to be in touch with your true well-wishers. Accept criticism only from them and ignore it from the others. Meditation may play a great role to increase power of your mind. I suggest you to visit 'Vipassana Peeth’ at Igatpuri Maharashtra. You may choose some other method of meditation. Do not take life too seriously.
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Popular Health Tips

These Sexual Mistakes Compromise Penis Health!

MD - General Medicine
Sexologist, Delhi
These Sexual Mistakes Compromise Penis Health!

When it comes to maintaining proper penis health, most men have a very good idea of what to do. They know all the basics of penis care, from taking care to wash properly to regularly inspecting the manhood to applying a high-quality penis health crème. But in the heat of the moment, when sexual fun is getting hot and heavy, a man might make a silly mistake. Those sexual mistakes can compromise penis health in a serious way.

Not sure what sexual mistakes might be a problem? Here's a list of the biggest issues a man might find himself doing when things are hot - and might regret when things cool off.

1. That lube isn't really lube. A man who is getting it on but suddenly realizes the need for lube might reach for whatever is handy, assuming a bottle of lube is not available - and sometimes that means he will try to use anything from shampoo or conditioner to lotion or cooking oils. Obviously these things are not meant for use as a sexual lubricant, and can lead to dry and cracked skin, irritation and more. Using lube designed specifically for the sexual purpose is always recommended.

2. The condom is too small. Though it is very important to always wrap it up before sexual activity, the wrapping itself might sometimes be the issue. Using a condom that is too small might lead to a little irritation in the heat of the moment, but a man can often ignore that for pursuit of pleasure. The aftermath is when things get rough, as the penis can develop small cuts, tears or even blisters from the use of a condom that is too tight. It pays to test out a variety of condoms to find the best fit.

3. There's been too much drinking. Sometimes a bit of inebriation can be a good thing, as it lowers inhibitions and can help both partners relax before the main event. But too much drinking can lead to serious problems, including trouble with getting it up or issues with stamina. But too much alcohol consumption can lead to even worse things, such as forgetting to use a condom or even suffering memory loss that leaves a man wondering just what happened the night before. Avoiding this is simple: don't drink too much before a bedtime romp.

4. Cleaning up is not a priority. There are plenty of bodily fluids sliding around during sexual activity, and much of that understandably winds up on a man's penis. From the natural lubrication that occurs during sex to the traces of spermicide in the condom, there can be several substances that linger. A man who doesn't clean off his penis after sex is asking for trouble, as those fluids can dry on the penis skin, leading to itching, irritation and redness, as well as a potential penis rash.

A man who pays attention to good penis care should always remember that caring for the penis extends to those moments when things are hot and heavy. Not only should a man be fully prepared for any sexual encounter, he should also be sure to take care to clean up well afterward. Maintaining good health should also include regular use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes a multitude of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A for odor-fighting properties, vitamin E to keep skin supple, and vitamin C to enhance sexual health. Amino acids such as L-arginine for blood vessel dilation and acetyl-L-carnitine for protection against peripheral nerve damage are also helpful. Combine it all in a Shea butter base and a man has the recipe for great penis health.

21 people found this helpful

Male & Female Baldness - How Can It Be Treated?

MBBS, MD - Dermatology
Dermatologist, Ahmedabad
Male & Female Baldness - How Can It Be Treated?

One of the major problems with hair, especially as you age is the thinning of hair, which exposes the scalp, although it is regularly seen in younger people as well. The surprising thing is that baldness, which is primarily associated with men, can affect women as well.

Male pattern baldness
Male pattern baldness tends to occur in the form of receding hairline that can be accompanied by loss of hair on the top of the head as well as the back. Some of the reasons for male patterns baldness are:

  • Genetic factors such as baldness among the male members within the family
  • Androgen hormonal issues
  • Surgery or major illness which may trigger hormonal changes

Male pattern baldness doesn't only affect men and is known to affect women as well. It is just a type of pattern, which is prevalent more among men although women with high levels of androgen are also known to suffer from it.

Female pattern baldness
The female pattern of baldness is quite different from male pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness primarily spreads from the parting of the hair and then follows a widening pattern. It is not as severe as male pattern baldness where patches may start growing or bald spots may develop. However, the area around the crown may start showing the scalp due to severe thinning. Some of the causes for this could be age, especially in women after 40, hormonal imbalances within the body and some of the similar issues with male pattern baldness as mentioned above.

The treatment for male and female pattern baldness tends to be similar in many cases, although certain specific treatments may be administered in other cases. Some of the common treatments include:

1. Minoxidil solution of varying strengths
2. Hair replacement or transplant in certain cases
3. Spray or inked Cosmetics to cover up hair loss
4. Oral medications to kick start hair growth
5. Hair pieces and other appendages to hide bald spots etc.

With female pattern baldness, depending on the underlying factor, hormonal treatments may be required to resolve the problems. Once the underlying problem is resolved, topical and oral medicines can then help in hair re-growth. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dermatologist.

5057 people found this helpful

Stammering - Homeopathic Remedies For It!

Homeopathy Doctor, Bangalore
Stammering -  Homeopathic Remedies For It!

Stammering or stuttering is a type of speech impairment where sounds or syllables are repeated involuntarily or there are unintended gaps in between words when the person is unable to make the desired sound.

People develop stutters due to genetic flaws, motor functioning defects, coordination problems or due to psychological stressors. The condition can result in anxiety, depression and withdrawal from verbal communication.

How does homeopathy help?

A stutter can be practiced away or corrected by speech therapy but there is no specific medicine that can be used to cure stammering. Homeopathic medicines can provide relief from the symptoms by fixing flawed nervous functions, improve motor coordination and modify the vocal apparatus. Different homeopathic treatments can be used depending on the nature of the condition.

The following is a list of homeopathic remedies and lifestyle changes that can be used to address the problem:

  1. Foods rich in vitamin B6 like nuts, fish, bananas and chicken should be consumed regularly by children who have a stutter to help with motor functions.
  2. Adults should avoid caffeine, tobacco and other recreational drugs as they cause hyper-stimulation of the nervous system.
  3. Stramonium (jimsonweed) can be used when the stammering is violent and the person distorts the facial muscles heavily in order to be able to speak.
  4. Lychopodium (clubmoss) can be useful for stammering as well as depression, memory weakness and sleep problems. This is especially helpful if the patient struggles with the last few words of a sentence.
  5. Spigelia is beneficial for a mild stutter at the beginning of a sentence, often followed by undisturbed speech.
  6. Causticum is prescribed when emotional excitability causes stammering, twitching of the facial muscles or problems in the vocal chords.
  7. Staphysagria can aid in reducing social anxiety which often causes stammering i.e. the stammer only happens while interacting with strangers or authority figures.
  8. Nux vomica (strychnine) is the medicine to use when stammering is a result of extreme stress or over work.
  9. Fright or shock often causes speechlessness or stammering. Aconite can provide immediate relief in such cases.
  10. Lachesis is an effective homeopathic medicine when the patient stutters over specific letters or syllables.
  11. Gelsemium is used to treat stuttering after severe viral infections when the patient complains of a heavy tongue and lack of general coordination.
5627 people found this helpful

Radiofrequency (RF): Skin Tightening & Skin Rejuvenation!

BHMS, PG Diploma In Clinical Cosmetology (PGDCC)
Cosmetic Physician, Mumbai
Radiofrequency (RF): Skin Tightening & Skin Rejuvenation!

As the aging population in our society continues to grow, new technologies and procedures promising a more youthful appearance are continuously sought. The utilization of radiofrequency technology remains a novel method for the treatment of many aesthetic and medical dermatological indications. Innovative applications are constantly identified, expanding treatment options for various patient concerns including aging of the hands, cellulite, non-invasive lipolysis, and postpartum skin laxity. Non-invasive treatments are ideal for busy patients seeking minimal recovery time and so called lunch-time procedures. Furthermore, new developments in treatment devices enhance efficacy while decreasing patient discomfort. 

What is RF treatment? 

Based on the scientific term Radiofrequency (RF), radiofrequency treatment is a non-surgical means of “reshaping” the body and the face from beneath the superficial layer of the skin. This method uses sophisticated devices specifically designed to treat men and women’s most common skin aging problems like wrinkles, excess fatty tissues, or cellulite. The method utilizes radiofrequency waves which is, basically, heat energy meant for tissue remodelling and production of elastin and new collagen. Unlike invasive procedures which primarily affect the most superficial layers of the skin, the resulting heat of the Radiofrequency treatment works mainly on the deepest layer of the skin, the dermis, without affecting the upper layers that are above it such as the epidermis.

As heat is a stimulation that promotes contraction of the underlying tissues, especially at the dermis level, soft tissues found within that area of the body compress, realign, and even produce new collagen, a process that normally takes many months to complete. With healthy new collagen present from the deepest level of the skin, exposing such soft tissues to further Radiofrequency waves help sculpt and tighten those tissues into a more youthful and elastic surface. 

Benefits of RF treatment 

By now, you may already have an idea on how an RF treatment works with regards to aging problems common to both men and women. But how exactly does anyone experiencing treatment via RF benefits from it? Following are the benefits of RF treatment. 

  1. Diminishes or Removes Cellulite 
  2. Reduction of Body Fats 
  3. Tightening of the Skin/Anti-aging 
  4. Post-operative Liposuction Smoothing 
  5. Contour Reshaping 

Risks of RF treatment 

While the discovery of the Radiofrequency treatment is one of the best things to happen for the skincare industry, it is not perfect. In fact, the treatment itself has its own risks which may be experienced by some clients who undergo this type of medical procedure. 

Common side effects of RF treatment include: 

  1. Redness on the skin 
  2. Mild swelling 
  3. Oversensitivity of treated area 
  4. Sinking in of treated area 
  5. Blistering/bruising 

Who can NOT avail RF for skin tightening? 

Basically, anyone can avail of this form of treatment with a few exceptions such as pregnant or breast-feeding mothers and those with serious heart diseases or patients with pacemakers. 

Why should you Choose RF skin rejuvenation

If you are looking for a safe, painless and a non-surgical form of treatment for skin tightening, then Radiofrequency is the way to go. The procedure does not involve surgery, repositioning or cutting. In Radiofrequency treatment, the skin tightens due to the introduction of radio frequency energy into the skin. The process generates moderate electrical currents that cause a contraction of the collagen and reshape it, which results in the tightening of the skin. This treatment effectively tightens the dermis as well as the epidermis, while ensuring that your skin remains undamaged. Experience the benefits of RF skin rejuvenation at Clinic Cosmoderma. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Cosmetic Physician.

2607 people found this helpful

Causes And Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children!

Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
Causes And Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children!

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is characterized by periodic bouts of nausea and vomiting that happens at cyclical intervals. It affects all ages, but is more common in children. The condition is quite stereotypical in that there are paroxysms or bouts of vomiting that is recurrent and follows days of normal health.

Causes: There is no definite reason identified, but it is said to have a strong hereditary correlation. Studies have shown mitochondrial heteroplasmic (abnormal growth of mitochondria, which is a cellular component) to be one of the factors that can lead to CVS. The genetic correlation, however, is very difficult to establish, specifically because vomiting and nausea are common symptoms that occur with most conditions in children. And CVS is most commonly noted with conditions like infections and emotional excitement. Infection could be either tooth decay or sinusitis or anything else. Lack of sleep, anxiety, holidays, allergies, overeating, certain foods, menstruation - a host of factors have been shown to induce CVS. There is also a strong association with migraine and conditions that lead to excessive production of stress hormones.

Symptoms: The syndrome (a group of symptoms) usually has 4 phases:

  1. Symptom-free interval phase: The child is completely normal in this phase, which happens in between bouts.
  2. Prodromal phase: Prodrome is an indication that a disease or a condition is about to happen. In CVS, this is usually nausea and abdominal pain that can last from a few minutes to a few hours. Treatment in this phase can curb the disease. However, there could be some children in whom this may not manifest and the child may directly start with vomiting.
  3. Vomiting phase: Repeated bouts of paroxysmal vomiting happen associated with nausea, exertion, fatigue, and drowsiness.
  4. Recovery phase: As the nausea and vomiting begin to subside, which may take a couple of days, the child returns back to normal slowly. However, the lethargy and energy levels will take a couple of days to return to normal.

Treatment: Treatment again depends on the severity and the phase at which it is being recognized. If a child has repetitive bouts, then the parent and the doctor would have identified a pattern to it.

  1. If the causative agent has been identified, for instance, infection or migraine, then managing that takes care of the CVS also.
  2. If identified during the prodromal phase, again it can be managed with suitable anti-emetic medications.
  3. If identified after full onset, rest and sleep and medications to control nausea and vomiting are required. Adequate hydration with electrolyte replenishment and sedatives can provide additional support.

However, in most cases of childhood CSV, the pattern will be identified and that helps in better management, both the child/parent and the podiatrist. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Pediatrician.

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