Asked for female, 23 years old from Lucknow
You need ro monitor your weight ,first.
• Tk, plenty of water to hydrate yourself ,to eliminate toxins to absorb neutrients to nourish your body, establishing your flow. • Go for meditation to reduce your stress, anxiety to calm your nerve to ease your stress in order to improve haemoglobin level.
• your diet be simple, non- irritant, easily digestible on time to maintain your digestion, avoiding gastric disorder.
•Tk, Apple,carrots, cheese,milk, banana,papaya, pomegranate, spinach,almonds, walnuts.
•Tk, Homoeo medicine, gentle & rapid in action with no adverse effect, thereof.
@ Pulsatilla 200-6 pills, thrice.
•Ensure, sound sleep in d night for at least 7 hrs.
• Avoid, caffiene,junkfood, dust,smoke, exertion
Tk, care,