Stain, Periodic Acid Schiff Tips

Stomach Cancer - How To Detect It?

MBBS, Post Graduate Diploma in Gastroenterology, FRCP
Gastroenterologist, Kolkata
Stomach Cancer - How To Detect It?
Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases in the world. Stomach cancer is also known as Gastric cancer, and this cancer starts in the stomach. Like other diseases, it is crucial that it gets identified in the early stages and gets treated well in advance of the incurable stages. Like other forms of cancer, the exact cause of stomach cancer is still not yet known. However, certain things make stomach cancer more likely to happen. The possible causes of stomach cancer are given below:


Some of these causes apply to nearly all forms of cancer. However, some of them only apply to stomach cancer. Here are all the possible causes of stomach cancer.

1. Smoking
2. Being fat
3. Bad diet
4. Stomach surgery for an ulcer
5. Type-A blood
6. Epstein-Barr virus infection
7. Genetics
8. Asbestos
9. Exposure to certain materials in certain materials in certain industries
10. H.pylori bacteria
11. Gastritis
12. Anemia
13. Polyps


Stomach cancer like all other forms of cancer has various stages and it is crucial that it is diagnosed in the early stages so that the progression of it is stymied. At first, the symptoms of stomach cancer include ingestion, loss of appetite, slight nausea, heartburn and the feeling of being bloated after a meal. However, ingestion and heartburn doesn't always mean that you have stomach cancer, but if these conditions persist, you should visit a doctor to rule out the possibility of stomach cancer.

Growth of tumors in your stomach can lead to many serious symptoms too, such as:

1. Stomach pain
2. Heartburn
3. Blood in your stool
4. Weakness or exhaustion
5. Vomiting
6. Diarrhea and constipation
7. Weight loss for no apparent reason
8. Swelling in your stomach
9. Trouble in swallowing
10. Eyes and skin turn yellowish
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Warning Signs And Risk Factors for Stomach Cancer!

MCh - Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery, MS - General Surgery, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Surgical Gastroenterologist, Delhi
Warning Signs And Risk Factors for Stomach Cancer!
Do you know the warning signs & risk factors for stomach cancer?

it ranks among the top five most common cancers in India.

Don't ignore if you have these risk factors or one of these symptoms.
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Stomach Cancer - In Depth About Its Causes And Symptoms!

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, DM - Gastroenterology, Fellowship in Transplant Hepatology, Fellowship in Liver Intensive Care
Gastroenterologist, Ahmedabad
Stomach Cancer - In Depth About Its Causes And Symptoms!
Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases in the world. Stomach cancer is also known as Gastric cancer, and this cancer starts in the stomach. Like other diseases, it is crucial that it gets identified in the early stages and gets treated well in advance of the incurable stages. Like other forms of cancer, the exact cause of stomach cancer is still not yet known. However, certain things make stomach cancer more likely to happen. The possible causes of stomach cancer are given below:

Some of these causes apply to nearly all forms of cancer. However, some of them only apply to stomach cancer. Here are all the possible causes of stomach cancer.
1. Smoking
2. Being fat
3. Bad diet
4. Stomach surgery for an ulcer
5. Type-A blood
6. Epstein-Barr virus infection
7. Genetics
8. Asbestos
9. Exposure to certain materials in certain materials in certain industries
10. H.pylori bacteria
11. Gastritis
12. Anemia
13. Polyps

Stomach cancer like all other forms of cancer has various stages and it is crucial that it is diagnosed in the early stages so that the progression of it is stymied. At first, the symptoms of stomach cancer include ingestion, loss of appetite, slight nausea, heartburn and the feeling of being bloated after a meal. However, ingestion and heartburn don't always mean that you have stomach cancer, but if these conditions persist, you should visit a doctor to rule out the possibility of stomach cancer.

The growth of tumors in your stomach can lead to many serious symptoms too, such as:
1. Stomach pain
2. Heartburn
3. Blood in your stool
4. Weakness or exhaustion
5. Vomiting
6. Diarrhea and constipation
7. Weight loss for no apparent reason
8. Swelling in your stomach
9. Trouble in swallowing
10. Eyes and skin turn yellowish
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Abdominal Cancer - Knowing The Types & Impact Of It!

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MS - General Surgery
Oncologist, Agra
Abdominal Cancer - Knowing The Types & Impact Of It!
In Abdominal cancer, there is a rapid growth of cancerous cells in the abdomen area i.e., between the lower chest and the inguinal region. The Abdomen area includes several organs like esophagus, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines, etc. Cancer in any of these organs can be considered as Abdominal Cancer.

Types of Abdominal Cancer:

Some common types of Abdominal Cancer:

Liver Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Renal Cell Cancer (kidney cancer)

Gastric Cancer (stomach cancer)

Pancreatic Cancer

Some rare type of Abdominal Cancer:

Adrenocortical Cancer: Adrenal glands help in producing hormones. Cancer that develops in the these set of organs are known as Adrenocortical Cancer.

Peritoneal Cancer: This type of cancer is caused due to the exposure of asbestos in the abdomen, specifically inside the lining of the abdomen.

Primary Peritoneal Cancer: Cancer that develops inside the lining of the abdomen that covers other organs is called Primary Peritoneal Cancer.

Generally, the old and damaged cells in the abdominal area die themselves and do not multiply. Young and healthy cells grow and take their place. When the old and damaged cells start multiplying instead of dying, it forms a lump of cells. This lump is also known as a tumor.

If cells have developed as a tumor in the abdominal area, it requires immediate medical attention. These tumors may result in a metastasis, in which a cancerous cell in the abdominal area spread to different organs and body parts. Cancerous cells can take over important organs like kidneys, lungs, etc. And, it will interfere in the vital bodily functions.

Impact of Abdominal Cancer

Abdominal Cancer is a life-threatening disease. Especially, when it is not diagnosed on time or not treated properly. The medical condition of a patient suffering from Abdominal Cancer depends upon the stage, condition, and severity of the cancer. It also depends upon age, overall health, and existing diseases of the patient.

Often colorectal cancer develops from noncancerous cells which later form into cancer. In this case, it is very hard to detect cancer. The patient does not show any early or advanced stage symptoms of cancer. Under such circumstances, it is ideal to remove the lump before it turns cancerous. This lump can be spotted with ultrasound.

Forms of Abdominal Cancer like stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, and liver cancer are very hard to detect. Early symptoms of these forms of cancer are very normal, like gut health or pain in the stomach. It is often confused with the normal gastric issue. And as time passes, the cancer stages turn advance. It then becomes harder to treat.
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D2 Gastrectomy & Stomach Cancer - How Can Former Help Latter?

MBBS (Gold Medalist), MS- General Surgery (Gold Medalist), DNB - General Surgery (Gold Medalist), DNB - GI surgery, Fellow Minimal Access Surgeon, Fellowship in Hepato Biliary, Pancreatic Surgery & Liver Transplantation, MRCS
Surgical Gastroenterologist, Kolkata
D2 Gastrectomy & Stomach Cancer  - How Can Former Help Latter?
Stomach cancer or gastric cancer occurs when cancerous cells accumulate in the stomach. Statistics show that over 700,000 deaths occur in the world from stomach cancer every year. Of all the cancers, it is the third most common cancer.

In most cases of stomach cancer, the cancerous cells develop in the mucosa the layer of the stomach lining that produces mucus.

The signs of stomach cancer

The symptoms are similar to a number of gastric problems, which makes stomach cancer difficult to spot. In fact, in most cases, stomach cancer is detected only when it has progresses to an advanced stage.

The symptoms of stomach cancer are


Recurring indigestion

You may vomit blood

Constant bloating

Frequent burps

Swallowing food may be difficult

You may feel full during meals

There are symptoms that call for an immediate consultation with a doctor. They are indigestion, swallowing difficulties, vomiting, anaemia, and fatigue. For people over 55 years of age, recurring indigestion problems calls for a visit to the doctor.

What causes stomach cancer?

Like all cancers, it too develops when the cell life cycle goes haywire. The cells that reach the end of their cycle don t die or new cells are produced uncontrollably. This is caused by DNA changes, which in turn disrupts the transmission of instructions to the cells in the body.

D2 gastrectomy as a solution for stomach cancer

Dissecting lymph nodes is the best way to treat gastric cancer. There are many lymph nodes that surround the stomach. These nodes are divided into two groups group 1 and group 2. This grouping is done on the basis of how the lymphatic flow occurs in tumour sites.

D2 gastrectomy is carried out on the group 2 lymph nodes. What this means is that parts of the stomach that have turned cancerous are removed surgically. The lymph nodes along the left gastric artery, celiac axis, common hepatic artery, and proper hepatic artery are removed in D2 gastrectomy. The doctor may make minor modifications to the exact lymph nodes based on the location of the tumour.

This remains the primary mode of treatment for stomach cancer cases especially if chemotherapy and other treatment methods fail to produce the desired results.

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Stomach Cancer - Know The Symptoms & Causes Of It!

DNB(Gastroenterology), Gujarat University
Gastroenterologist, Ahmedabad
Stomach Cancer - Know The Symptoms & Causes Of It!
Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases in the world. Stomach cancer is also known as 'Gastric cancer'. Like other diseases, it is crucial that it gets identified in the early stages and gets treated before it reaches the incurable stage. Like other forms of cancer, the exact cause of stomach cancer is still not yet known. However, certain things make stomach cancer more likely to happen.

The possible causes of stomach cancer are given below:

Some of these causes apply to nearly all forms of cancer. However, some of them only apply to stomach cancer.

Bad diet
Stomach surgery for an ulcer
Type-A blood
Epstein-Barr virus infection
Exposure to certain materials in certain industries
Helicobacter pylori bacteria
Some of the symptoms of stomach cancer are:

Stomach cancer like all other forms of cancer has various stages and it is crucial that it is diagnosed in the early stages so that the progression of it is stymied. At first, the symptoms of stomach cancer include indigestion, loss of appetite, slight nausea, heartburn and the feeling of being bloated after a meal.

However, indigestion and heartburn, doesn't always mean that you have stomach cancer, but if these conditions persist, you should visit a doctor to rule out the possibility of stomach cancer.

The growth of the tumor in your stomach can lead to various serious symptoms too, such as:

Stomach pain
Blood in your stool
Weakness or exhaustion
Diarrhea and constipation
Weight loss for no apparent reason
Swelling in your stomach
Trouble in swallowing
Eyes and skin turn yellowish
1905 people found this helpful

Stomach Cancer - Debunking The Myths Around It!

MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Senior Residency Training Program (Surgical Oncology), Fellowship in Cancer Surgery
Oncologist, Mumbai
Stomach Cancer - Debunking The Myths Around It!
Gastric cancer is more commonly known as stomach cancer. It is usually diagnosed in later stages as symptoms are few in early disease and are often neglected by people. Feeling of fullness in upper abdomen, decrease in hunger, weight loss, weakness, vomiting, are some of the common symptoms. Like all cancers, stomach cancer is shrouded in a culture of myths and baseless facts. Here are some of these myths and actual facts to dispel any doubts:

It s not cancer if there is no pain: In the early stages of stomach cancer, symptoms are either absent or very mild so that they are usually neglected. This leads to delay in diagnosis. It needs to be stressed again that absence of pain does not mean that cancer can not be there. Slight fullness in the upper abdomen, decrease in appetite, etc. can be signs of stomach cancer.
Sustained indigestion equals stomach cancer: While it is true that one of the symptoms of stomach cancer is indigestion, burping and/or acidity. But, indigestion doesn't always mean that it is stomach cancer. Most of the times, indigestion is not due to cancer. However, if there is recent onset of indigestion (from 2 weeks to a few months) with loss of appetite, weight loss and vomiting, possibility of cancer should be thought of and testing carried out.
Stomach cancer is rare: Stomach cancer occurrence varies and it is more common in some areas and much less common in other areas. However, in totality, it is one of the very common cancer types. In India, stomach cancer is more common in southern and north-eastern parts of the country but it can occur in persons in any part of the country.
Stomach cancer is not genetic: Even though it is not commonly seen as a hereditary disease, stomach cancer can be passed down through the genes, thereby increasing the chances of stomach cancer in people who possess it by 70 to 80 percent. Mutation in the CDH1 gene is usually the reason behind this. Sometimes also known to contribute to breast cancer in women.
Stomach cancer has no cure: This is a misconception. Except for most advancer stage of cancer (stage IV), stomach cancer can be cured by proper treatment. Surgery is the mainstay of curative treatment for stomach cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also required in addition to surgery in many cases."
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Abdominal Cancer - How Lethal Is It?

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.), MD - Medicine, DM - Medical Oncology
Oncologist, Mumbai
Abdominal Cancer - How Lethal Is It?
In Abdominal cancer, there is a rapid growth of cancerous cells in the abdomen area i.e., between the lower chest and the inguinal region. The Abdomen area includes several organs like esophagus, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines, etc. Cancer in any of these organs can be considered as Abdominal Cancer.

Types of Abdominal Cancer:

Some common types of Abdominal Cancer:

Liver Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Renal Cell Cancer (kidney cancer)

Gastric Cancer (stomach cancer)

Pancreatic Cancer

Some rare type of Abdominal Cancer:

Adrenocortical Cancer: Adrenal glands help in producing hormones. Cancer that develops in these set of organs are known as Adrenocortical Cancer.

Peritoneal Cancer: This type of cancer is caused due to the exposure of asbestos in the abdomen, specifically inside the lining of the abdomen.

Primary Peritoneal Cancer: Cancer that develops inside the lining of the abdomen that covers other organs is called Primary Peritoneal Cancer.

Generally, the old and damaged cells in the abdominal area die themselves and do not multiply. Young and healthy cells grow and take their place. When the old and damaged cells start multiplying instead of dying, it forms a lump of cells. This lump is also known as a tumor.

If cells have developed as a tumor in the abdominal area, it requires immediate medical attention. These tumors may result in metastasis, in which a cancerous cell in the abdominal area spread to different organs and body parts. Cancerous cells can take over important organs like kidneys, lungs, etc. And, it will interfere in the vital bodily functions.

Impact of Abdominal Cancer

Abdominal Cancer is a life-threatening disease. Especially, when it is not diagnosed on time or not treated properly. The medical condition of a patient suffering from Abdominal Cancer depends upon the stage, condition, and severity of cancer. It also depends upon age, overall health, and existing diseases of the patient.

Often colorectal cancer develops from noncancerous cells which later form into cancer. In this case, it is very hard to detect cancer. The patient does not show any early or advanced stage symptoms of cancer. Under such circumstances, it is ideal to remove the lump before it turns cancerous. This lump can be spotted with ultrasound.

Forms of Abdominal Cancer like stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, and liver cancer are very hard to detect. Early symptoms of these forms of cancer are very normal, like gut health or pain in the stomach. It is often confused with the normal gastric issue. And as time passes, the cancer stages turn to advance. It then becomes harder to treat.
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Stomach Cancer - Know Ways Of Tackling It!

MBBS, MS - General Surgery, DNB - Surgical Oncology
Oncologist, Hyderabad
Stomach Cancer - Know Ways Of Tackling It!
A study conducted by the World Health Organization across the globe revealed that approximately 723,000 cancer-related deaths annually, are caused due to stomach cancer. Stomach or gastric cancer is the growth of abnormal cells that form a mass in any part of the stomach. The most common stomach cancer, which has been reported around 90-95% of the total cases, affects the mucosa or the most superficial lining inside the stomach. This type of stomach cancer is referred to as adenocarcinoma.

Causes of Stomach Cancer

Any type of cancer occurs due to a change in the DNA structure, which disrupts the instructions that control cell growth. However, the exact medical cause of stomach cancer is still unknown, but some common knowledge of the disease may let you know that it can also be caused due to smoking, unhealthy diet and hereditary factors.

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

The symptoms of stomach cancer in its early stage is difficult to diagnose. As the initial symptoms are associated with some very common medical conditions, most people fail to recognize them as stomach cancer. This includes a sensation of feeling full during meal, dysphagia or swallowing difficulties, feeling bloated after meals, excessive rate of burping, heartburn, continuous ingestion, stomach ache that rises to the breastbone, trapped wind and vomiting that contains blood.

As the tumor grows more prominent symptoms starts to appear. They include a staggering condition of dysphagia and extreme indigestion along with unexpected weight loss, continuous sickly feeling or anaemic. Symptoms like accumulation of fluid inside the stomach, black and bloodied stool, fatigue also constitutes to an advanced stage of stomach cancer.

Treating Stomach Cancer

The treatment of stomach cancer will depend on the stage of cancer and the overall health of the patient. There are several treatments available to treat, not cure, stomach cancer.


Surgery involves removal of part or entire stomach along with the surrounding lymph nodes. In subtotal gastronomy, a part of the stomach is surgically removed, whereas, in total gastronomy, the whole stomach is removed. Patient is able to eat normally, though smaller quantities than before. Patients undergoing laparoscopic or robotic surgery recover quicker than those undergoing open surgery. Surgery is the main treatment of cancer.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy uses energy rays to target and kill the cancerous cells. This, however, is not commonly used to treat stomach cancer as there is a chance of harming the adjacent organs.


This treatment uses drugs to stop the fast division and multiplication of the cancerous cells and shrink the tumor. The drugs for chemotherapy are known as cytotoxic medicines, and they travel through the whole body to attack the particular affected area and other areas where cancer is located.

These are just a few, there are many more treatments that have brought results in treating and controlling stomach cancer, and the doctor will advise on the procedure most suitable for any particular condition.
2838 people found this helpful

Stomach Cancer - Know The Causes And Treatment!

MCh (Surgical Oncology, MBBS
Oncologist, Guwahati
Stomach Cancer - Know The Causes And Treatment!
A study conducted by World Health Organization across the globe revealed that approximately 723,000 cancer-related deaths annually, are caused due to stomach cancer. Stomach or gastric cancer is the growth of abnormal cells that form a mass in any part of the stomach. The most common stomach cancer, which has been reported around 90-95% of the total cases, affects the mucosa or the most superficial lining inside the stomach. This type of stomach cancer is referred to as adenocarcinoma.

Causes of Stomach Cancer

Any type of cancer occurs due to a change in the DNA structure, which disrupts the instructions that control the cell growth. However, the exact medical cause of stomach cancer is still unknown, but some common knowledge of the disease may let you know that it can also be caused due to smoking, unhealthy diet and hereditary factors.

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

The symptoms of stomach cancer in its early stage is difficult to diagnose. As the initial symptoms are associated with some very common medical conditions, most people fail to recognize them as stomach cancer. This includes, a sensation of feeling full during meal, dysphagia or swallowing difficulties, feeling bloated after meals, excessive rate of burping, heartburn, continuous ingestion, stomach ache that rises to the breastbone, trapped wind and vomiting that contains blood.

As the tumor grows more prominent symptoms starts to appear. They include a staggering condition of dysphagia and extreme indigestion along with unexpected weight loss, continuous sickly feeling or anemic. Symptoms like accumulation of fluid inside stomach, black and bloodied stool, fatigue also constitutes to an advanced stage of stomach cancer.

Treating Stomach Cancer

The treatment of stomach cancer will depend on the stage of cancer and the overall health of the patient. There are several treatments available to treat, not cure, stomach cancer.

1. Surgery

Surgery involves removal of part or entire stomach along with the surrounding lymph nodes. In subtotal gastronomy, a part of the stomach is surgically removed, whereas, in total gastronomy, the whole stomach is removed. Patient is able to eat normally, though smaller quantities than before. Patients undergoing laparoscopic or robotic surgery recover quicker than those undergoing open surgery. Surgery is the main treatment in cancer.

2. Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy uses energy rays to target and kill the cancerous cells. This, however, is not commonly used to treat stomach cancer as there is a chance of harming the adjacent organs.

3. Chemotherapy

This treatment uses drugs to stop the fast division and multiplication of the cancerous cells and shrink the tumor. The drugs for chemotherapy are known as cytotoxic medicines, and they travel through the whole body to attack the particular affected area and other areas where cancer is located.

These are just a few, there are many more treatments that have brought results in treating and controlling stomach cancer, and the doctor will advise on the procedure most suitable for any particular condition.
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