Stool Reducing Substance Tips

Black Stool Treatment Home Remedies

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), PGDMLS, PGDCR
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
Black Stool Treatment Home Remedies

Some foods with a black tint can cause you to have black stools. However, it can also happen due to various medical reasons like gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, colon polyps, stomach ulcers or esophageal varices giving it a rather dark appearance than its bright red colour.

It has been upheld by many medical studies that the appearance of one’s stool can tell a lot about their health and what illnesses and conditions they have. Similarly, a black stool (if not eaten something that could potentially change the colour of your poop) can tell that from where the blood is coming down. The farther the haemorrhage site is the darker the colour of your stool would be.

There are broadly two main reasons that may change the colour of your poop from normal brown to black;

Food or Medications 

  • If eaten dark-colored foods like; blueberries, black licorice
  • Iron supplements can also give it a black appearance
  • Post-pregnancy medicines containing iron and folate supplements
  • Newborn kids pass black stool during 24 hours of birth due to ingesting amniotic fluid, bile, and mucus 
  • Breastfed newborn can also excrete black stool if mother’s milk is coming mixed with blood
  • Medicines containing bismuth has also a potential effect on the colour of your stool

Medical conditions 

  • After a surgery
  • Stomach ulcers can discharge blood that get mix with your digestive fluids and may turn your poop black
  • Upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding can also do the same 
  • Esophageal varices is also one of the causes for black stool

Depending on what is causing the issue, there are many ways to treat black stools. If you have no symptoms and suspect that a certain food or medicine can be responsible for the black colour of your stool, you don’t need to be worried about it. 

However, if you have symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, or upset stomach along with black colour stool you should contact your doctor right away.

Home remedies for black stool treatment are among the most popular ways to lessen clinical symptoms at home. These treatments are generally secure and may be favoured when someone treats themselves without the assistance of a doctor or other specialist. 

The most effective preventative measures and treatments for black stools are;

  • Drinking more water will keep you not only hydrated but might also help you with diarrhoea and bloody black stools from constipation
  • As black stools are typical after drinking, stay away from smoking, drinking, vaping, and other hazardous substances
  • Avoid using artificial food colouring because it can lead to more stools with black patches
  • Avoid taking unnecessary over-the-counter medications since they may alter the colour of your stool
  • Increasing the intake of high fibre foods can be the best course of action if you experience constipation and dark stools. A diet high in fibre can benefit your GI system and lower your risk of haemorrhoids or any other complications that might develop as a result
  • Reduce acid reflux by consuming less spicy food and including fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Arugula, bay leaf, allspice, and basil are a few herbs that can help treat loose, black stools
  • Carrots, avocado, almond milk, cooked apples, barley, acorn, acai,  alfalfa sprouts and apple cider vinegar are a few fruits and vegetables that you should think about including in your diet
  • One of the most popular ayurveda remedies for black stools is almond-date drinks with cinnamon. You can also make a banana-cinnamon smoothie made with almond milk, or a pesto made of chickpeas and coconut to help you with black poop
  • Avoid acai, anise, buckwheat, cardamom, and celery seeds as much as possible because they can induce tarry, black stools

Treatment for black stool in newborns

Mucusy, dark-colored stools could be an indication of a bacterial infection, and taking antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor could help. Anti-inflammatory or anti-bacterial medications should be used to treat strep skin infection, which frequently results in red spots in black stool.

Also, if the kid is taking Pepto-Bismol, which may turn his/her stool black, such a case also doesn't require any treatment.

Treatment for black stool in kids

If you notice your kid excreting thin or oily stools with gas, you can cure them with easy at-home remedies. A black stool or a black stool with blood and mucus, however, makes the situation more complicated. Cow milk colitis, a common cause of the illness, can be prevented by using formula milk in place of cow milk. 

In older kids, black stool problems can be healed by improving food, addressing constipation with medication, and staying hydrated.


Black stool with additional clinical symptoms may be a sign or indication of an underlying medical illness, hence, it’s always advisable to consult your healthcare provider if you are sure the black colour is not coming from something that you have eaten.  

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Blood Stools? An Alarming Sign

Dr. Ankur Singhal 93% (2277 ratings)
MD - Ayurveda, Dems, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Hapur
Blood Stools? An Alarming Sign

Black stools! An alarming sign.

Black stool is a condition in which the feces are very dark or black in color. Black stool may be normal in some cases and caused by ingesting certain substances or medications, such as iron supplements. However, black stool can also be caused by a serious condition, such as bleeding in the digestive tract caused by a peptic ulcer.

Black stool that is tarry in texture and foul smelling is often a symptom of upper gastrointestinal bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or small intestine. This is called melena.

Very small amounts of blood in the stool may be seen by the naked eye and not significantly change the color of stool. This is called fecal occult blood, which can be a symptom of a serious disease and may be found with regular, routine medical examination. Black stools can be a symptom of a serious condition, such as esophageal varices or peptic ulcer. Seek prompt medical care if you have unusually dark stools or any change in the color or texture of your stool. Black stool may be accompanied by other symptoms, which vary depending on the underlying disease, disorder or condition. 

Symptoms that may accompany black stool include:

Serious symptoms that might indicate a life-threatening condition:

In some cases, black stool can indicate a life-threatening condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency settings.

Change in level of consciousness or alertness, such as passing out or unresponsiveness

Change in mental status or sudden behavior change, such as confusion, delirium, lethargy, hallucinations and delusions

DizzinessHigh fever (higher than 101 degrees fahrenheit)

PalpitationsRapid heart rate (tachycardia). Respiratory or breathing problems, such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, labored breathing, wheezing, not breathing, or choking

Complications include: Anaemia, cardiomegaly, shock, generalised body edema.

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How Can You Reduce Weight?

Dr. Rabbanie 92% (18 ratings)
General Physician, Srinagar
How Can You Reduce Weight?

Struggling with extra weight and flab? Well, we are here to help! Remember to take it slow and easy with your weight loss journey so that the effects are more lasting. Reducing weight is a matter of making the best use of dietary tweaks and work out regimen. 

Here are a few tips to lose weight. Set a realistic goal of about 5 to 6 kgs in a month and get set go!

  1. Food Diary: What you eat is the first thing that affects how smooth and effective your weight loss journey is. Remember to take stock of what you are eating in a day. Maintain a food diary for at least a week and take a look at it at the end of the week to realize where you may be going wrong. Remember to report even a bite of a snack or that piece of chocolate you took! You will be surprised with your findings. 
  2. Diet Alterations: Get your diet under control by dividing it up into five or six small meals. Include vegetables, fruit, grains, water and some amount of dairy. Try to eliminate meat and sugar from your diet for a month. Also, you can substitute white rice with brown rice or other grains like quinoa. Have oats for fibre and remember to drink green tea three times a day
  3. Dietary Additives: Adding ingredients like almonds, prunes, blueberries, and even chia seeds will do wonders for your overall diet plan. When you are in the mood for a snack, reach out for these fat burning substances that will get your metabolism to work overtime. 
  4. Mental Hunger: Do a quick check every time you get hungry out of turn. If it is not your meal time, there may be chances that you are suffering from emotional or mental hunger, which usually passes in a few minutes once you down a glass of water and distract yourself with an enjoyable activity and deep breaths. 
  5. Exercise: This is one aspect that many people ignore. Work out every day to support your diet and weight loss journey. Have coffee an hour before your workout session for quick fat burning. 
3059 people found this helpful

How To Reduce Cholesterol?

M.Sc - Dietetics & Food Service Management, Post graduate diploma public health Nutrition , Certified in EFT and TFT, Lactation consultant, certified in energy healing, Certified in plant based diet, Certified NLP Practioner
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Lucknow
How To Reduce Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an oil-based substance that does not mix with blood and is found in every cell of the body.LDL (low density lipoprotein) is the bad cholesterol and HLD (high density lipoprotein) is the good cholesterol. Cholesterol, at normal levels is good for us.But, if it gets too high then it can prove to be dangerous for us. Here’s a guide on how to reduce cholesterol and cholesterol diet, lowering high cholesterol, cholesterol medicine.

Cholesterol diet:Diet can help you to lower your cholesterol levels by 10 to 20 per cent.The best dietician in India says that the best cholesterol diet and for lowering high cholesterol you should include the following ten cholesterol reducing foods:

Foods rich in fibre, soya, nuts, healthy oils, oats, red wine, salmon, fenugreek, garlic, beans.

These are cholesterol lowering foods. And, suggested by the best dietician in India to lower high cholesterol naturally. For reducing cholesterol, you must add these foods to your daily diet.

Cholesterol Medicines: Various medicines are also used to lower high cholesterol. If your cholesterol is too high, then these are the medicines that are generally prescribed by doctors.The cholesterol medicines are:

Niacin: Niacin (Niaspan, Nicoar) is a B-vitamin. It is prescribed by doctors to lower bad cholesterol (LHL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL)

Statins (Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Pitavastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, and Simvastatin) Statins can lessen the chance of cardiac events. These are also prescribed by doctors to lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good cholesterol.

Exercise: The best dietician in India says that exercise is very helpful to lower your cholesterol. Exercise at least for 3 hours a week to raise your HDL. This is one of the very important parts for lowering high cholesterol.

Other tips to lower cholesterol: Here are other tips that you can follow for lowering high cholesterol. Apart from the above tips on cholesterol diet and cholesterol medicines, the best dietician in India says that you should:

  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Limit intake of foods containing saturated fats, trans fats, and dietary cholesterol

Follow the above tips and cholesterol diet for lowering your cholesterol naturally.


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Substance Abuse - Types And Causes!

Dr. Gopal Bhatia 87% (10 ratings)
MBBS, MD - Psychiatry, Senior Resident Psychiatrist
Psychiatrist, Ahmedabad
Substance Abuse - Types And Causes!

Substance abuse is used to describe abuse of a variety of things including tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. These produce a feeling of false well-being and therefore often misused. These are stimulants and tranquilizers, which give a “happy go lucky” feeling and so are misused.

Tobacco: The primary habit-forming ingredient in tobacco is nicotine. While it is commonly used for pleasure and as a stress buster, it also is a major contributor to a lot of health issues including heart disease, lung cancer, breathing disorders, infertility, peptic ulcers, depression, and sleep disorders. For someone who is addicted to smoking, quitting can lead to withdrawal symptoms including tremors, anxiety, and seizures.

Alcohol: Alcohol depresses the depression center in the brain and therefore produces a feeling of high. Getting addicted to alcohol leads to reduced inhibitions, slurred speech, poor muscle coordination, and reduced cognitive skills. Withdrawal can lead to tremors, anxiety, hallucinations, and delirium tremens. Alcohol ups the risk for heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and cancer of the digestive tract. In addition, alcohol alters a person’s eating habits and leads to considerable weight gain.

Illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines): There are a large number of these drugs, which are not to be used but unfortunately are. They are used in various forms including snorting, smoking, chewing, and injections. While most of them produce a feeling of well-being, it is transient, and in the long run, they reduce alertness, energy levels, cause confusion, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. They also affect the health of all body organs including brain, liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, muscles, etc. Sharing of needles also carries the risk of hepatitis B and HIV.

Causes: Whatever the substance being abused, there are some common reasons why a person ends up with abusing them. Some of them include:

  1. Poor social structures: Most of the substance abusers have a poor social structure, for instance, broken families
  2. Poor economic environment
  3. Lack of parental support and/or attachment
  4. Lack of coping skills
  5. Peer pressure
  6. History of childhood abuse

The added concern here is the younger age group at which this problem is seen.

Family and close friends may be the first ones to identify symptoms of abuse, which may include

  • Isolation
  • Non-participative in group activities (which is new) with family and friends
  • Declining performance at school/college/work
  • Disappearing money or valuables
  • Irritable and aggressive

All these could be indicative of an underlying problem, and if they are not open to a frank chat, medical help should be sought. It is definitely not easy to get them out but can be done, if they are willing to and have strong social support.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Substance Rehabilitation - Know The Process!

MD - Psychiatry
Psychiatrist, Delhi
Substance Rehabilitation - Know The Process!

Addiction is the absolute dependency on a particular substance or situation. Substance addiction includes a variety of substances apart from alcohol and drugs. Examples include porn, food, chocolate, nicotine, etc. Situation addiction includes gambling, shopping and sex among others. The problem in our society with addiction is it is treated as a choice than as a major problem faced by an individual. De-addiction is the process of ridding the individual of his dependence on certain substances or activities.


  1. Rehabilitation psychology studies the process of de-addiction and helps addicts blend with the normal lifestyle. Rehab centers offer several forms of therapy to reduce substance usage.
  2. Group therapy is always the go to form of therapeutic technique to deal with cases of addiction owing to the common feeling among users that people who aren’t addicted and do not know what they’re going through. In those cases, it is rather important to have support from a group of people who are exactly where they are.
  3. Family therapy is also essential to make the individual know how their loved ones feel and also remind them of the unconditional support. Some rehab centers also use horse therapy (focuses on interaction with horses which facilitates emotional and occupational development in patients) which is rather interesting to witness.
  4. In addition to therapy, rehab centers teach life skills and cooperation. Apart from all this, drugs are also prescribed to deal with addiction along with the weekly scheduled personal therapy sessions.

Although an unfamiliar concept in India, halfway homes are the next step after the rehab. The individuals learn different skills and ways to manage themselves outside the house while still continuing their therapy. This is done to make sure one doesn’t relapse right after the rehabilitation has been completed. Most rehabs also suggest support group meetings. Even otherwise support groups are extremely effective in the de-addiction process. ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ and ‘Narcotics Anonymous’ are two of the most widely managed support groups around the world.

Addiction is an immense issue which has spiraled out of control in today’s times. However, it is necessary to understand it isn’t the question of the individual’s morality. The removal of labels and stigma is essential in the entire process. Support from loved ones is an extremely important step towards de-addiction, right after the acceptance that one is addicted.

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Steel cut Oats vs Rolled Oats - A Short Comparison!

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh 92% (194 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Lakhimpur Kheri
Steel cut Oats vs Rolled Oats - A Short Comparison!

Oats are among the most common cereals eaten across the world and incredible food which is a complete package of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, etc. They contain some unique components known as soluble fiber beta-glucan and avenanthramides.

This grain is generally consumed by people of every age as a breakfast meal. Some prefer cooking with sugar while some love the spicy recipe made from oats. Today, oats are available in many different forms. Here, we will discuss about the difference between rolled oats and steel-cut oats.

Steel-cut oats:

These oat groats are cut into 2 to 3 smaller pieces using a steel blade. Steel-cut oats are also known as Irish oats. They have a delicious nutty flavour that makes it different from other types of oats.

Rolled oats:

They are flattened in texture and requires less time to be cooked in comparison to steel-cut oats. It is also known as old-fashioned rolled oats. It is used to make quick oats and is often used in baking. They sustain round shape and retain creamy and smoother texture than steel-cut oats.

Nutritional Comparison of rolled oats and steel-cut oats

Components Steel Cut Oats Rolled Oats
Total Fat 6.0 g 6.5 g
Protein 12 g 13.15 g
Fiber 10.6 g 7.7 g
Calcium 2 % 5 %
Carbs 72 % 67.7 %
Saturated Fat 1.0 g 0.9 g
Calories 375 379


The macronutrients present in rolled oats are fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, thymine, iron and dietary fibers. On the other hand, the macronutrient present in steel-cut oats are thymine, iron, magnesium, zinc, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids with no sugar, etc.

Benefits of Steel-Cut Oats and Rolled Oats

Steel Cut Oats Benefits

  • It is high in dietary fiber
  • Steel-cut oats have a low glycemic index
  • They are naturally gluten-free
  • It is a good source of iron
  • Steel-cut oats provide a sufficient amount of energy to start your day
  • They are also considered as complex carbohydrates
  • It is high in protein

Rolled Oats Benefits

  • They provide a sufficient amount of nutrients, fiber and beneficial phytochemical in your body
  • Rolled oats provide low cholesterol
  • It contains a high amount of fiber
  • It helps in reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Rolled oats also help in preventing constipation

Overnight Steel Cut Oatmeal Recipe

Here, we have shared some delicious recipes of steel-cut and rolled oats which you should definitely add into your breakfast. These dishes not only enhance your taste buds but also provide sufficient amounts of nutrients needed in our body.

You can also make your own recipe by boiling rolled oats or steel-cut oats or both for 5 minutes. Adding it into the milk/almond milk or yogurt and serving it with delicious toppings that include berries, bananas, apples, walnuts, almonds, cashew, seeds, etc.

  1. Instant pot oatmeal for steel-cut oats:


    • 2 cups of water
    • 1 cup almond milk
    • 1 cup steel-cut oats
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • Salt to taste

    How to make:

    • Add oatmeal of your choice (or both) and some water in your instant pot or electric pressure cooker with a cinnamon stick and salt
    • Cook for 3 minutes
    • Once its cooked, allow the oatmeal to sit in the pot until the steam is released naturally
    • Now add the toppings of your choice with almond milk
    • You can also refrigerate this dish for 3-4 days
  2. Steel-cut oats recipe


    • 1 teaspoon butter or olive oil
    • 1 cup steel-cut oats
    • 3 cups of water
    • Pinch salt
    • 1 cup milk (optional)

    How to cook

    • Heat 2 spoon butter or oil in a saucepan and toast the oats
    • Toast it for 3 minutes until it starts smelling toasty
    • Add water and salt
    • Cover the lid and let it sit for overnight
    • Reheat the oatmeal in the morning and serve it in the breakfast by topping it with your favorite fruits and dry fruits

Side effects of rolled oats and steel-cut oats

Here, we have commonly listed the cons of rolled oats and steel-cut oats:

  1. You should not consume oats if you feel difficulty in swallowing or chewing
  2. Poorly chewed oats can result in blockage of the intestine
  3. Regular consumption of oats can create problems related to disorders of the digestive tracts including esophagus, stomach and intestines

Conclusion: Rolled oats and steel-cut oats both provide an adequate amount of energy to our body and contain a sufficient portion of protein, fiber, minerals, etc. As rolled oats are easy to cook in comparison to steel-cut oats.

Therefore, you are advised to consume rolled oats in your breakfast or any time in a day. Steel-cut oats also take slightly more time in cooking as compared to rolled oats.

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Way To Reduce Swollen Feet In Pregnancy!

 Motherhood 86% (39 ratings)
Speciality Birthing Care
Gynaecologist, Bangalore
Way To Reduce Swollen Feet In Pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a normal life function that many women go through. Yet, this is a function or a part of life where one has to take special care of one’s health and condition as there are many biological changes that happen in one’s body. Swollen legs and ankles are a common part of one’s pregnancy. This condition is most commonly known as edema and it usually occurs when fluid collects in the tissue. This in turn happens when the blood chemistry changes and the fluid gets routed to the tissue. This is a common occurrence due to the hormonal changes that one goes through during pregnancy. The condition usually troubles pregnant ladies during their third trimester.

Read on to find out the various ways in which one can deal with it.

  1. When to call a doctor: Call a doctor or a midwife for a thorough check up if you happen to see any puffiness or swelling in your face and eyes. This could point at a more serious problem like the onset of preeclampsia. Also, if you happen to notice that one leg is more swollen than the other, then you may want to see a doctor about it, as it could mean that there is a blood clot in the leg.
  2. Put your feet up: This is especially important if you are at a desk all day. The best way to deal with such swelling is to put your feet up every once in a while, so that the swelling may reduce. You can use a foot stool or even a pile of books for this purpose.
  3. Breaks: If you are constantly sitting or lying down, it would be a good idea to give it a break and walk around a little so that there is better blood circulation. This also keeps the blood from pooling into the lower regions of the legs, which can prevent an increase in the swelling.
  4. Comfortable footwear: One should stick to flat and comfortable footwear with an even elevation as well as foam soles so that the comfort level while walking and standing is optimum. Choose your shoes so that they can accommodate your swelling instead of pinching your feet. Also, you can choose to wear snug socks and stockings, which will form a band around your feet. This will ensure that the swelling does not increase to a painful level. At the same time, you must avoid socks that have bands, which are too tight as this may lead to blood pooling and subsequent swelling in the legs and ankles.
  5. Water: Drinking plenty of water ensures that there is less fluid retention. This is one of the best ways of fighting edema whether or not you are pregnant.
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Tips To Reduce Weight In A Month

Dr. Satish Kankariya 89% (63 ratings)
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Sexologist, Nashik
Tips To Reduce Weight In A Month

Struggling with extra weight and flab? Well, we are here to help! Remember to take it slow and easy with your weight loss journey so that the effects are more lasting. Reducing weight in a month is a matter of making the best use of dietary tweaks and a work out regimen that will not take the mickey out of you.

Here are a few tips to lose weight in a month. Set a realistic goal of about 5 to 6 Kgs in a months and get set go!

- Food Diary

What you eat is the first thing that affects how smooth and effective your weight loss journey is. Remember to take stock of what you are eating in a day. Maintain a food diary for at least a week and take a look at it at the end of the week to realise where you may be going wrong. Remember to report even a bite of a snack or that piece of chocolate you took! You will be surprised with your findings.

- Diet Alterations

Get your diet under control by divvying it up into five or six small meals. Include vegetables, fruit, grains, water and some amount of dairy. Try to eliminate meat and sugar from your diet for a month.

Also, you can substitute white rice with brown rice or other grains like quinoa. Have oats for fibre

Remember to drink plenty of green tea and water. One of the health benefits of green tea is that it helps in weight loss as it contains caffeine which acts as a stimulant and helps in burning fat. This matcha, also known as catechins boosts metabolism which plays a key role in losing weight. Choose the best green tea for weight loss which will show the results after the regular consumption for over a month.

- Dietary Additives

Adding ingredients like almonds, prunes, blue berries, and even chia seeds will do wonders for your overall diet plan. When you are in the mood for a snack, reach out for these fat burning substances that will get your metabolism to work overtime.

- Mental Hunger

Do a quick check within every time you get hungry out of turn. If it is not your mealtime, there may be chances that you are suffering from emotional or mental hunger, which usually passes in a few minutes once you down a glass of water and distract yourself with an enjoyable activity and deep breaths.

- Exercise

This is one aspect that many people ignore. Work out everyday to support your diet and weight loss journey. Have coffee an hour before your workout session for quick fat burning.

Losing weight is a matter of patience, and with these tips, you will be able to lose a substantial amount of weight in a month.

3553 people found this helpful

Itching Of The Skin - How To Reduce It?

MD - Dermatology, MBBS, National Law School of India Univeristy, Bangalore
Dermatologist, Bangalore
Itching Of The Skin - How To Reduce It?

Skin irritants are everywhere. Even in your house, there is practically no place where there are no skin irritants. Laundry detergents, air fresheners and floor polishes are just a few factors that cause skin itching. The reason why this happens is that the products like air fresheners and floor polishes take away essential oils and water from the skin which leads to dryness and irritation. This type of dry, itchy skin can also progress to skin conditions like eczema.

Here are some ways you can stop your skin from becoming dry and itchy:

1. Wear gloves
The ideal thing to do would be to wear soft, thin cotton gloves and only wear rubber gloves on top of that. Do not touch a bucket or sponge without it. Even if you cannot wear soft, thin cotton gloves underneath, at least wear the rubber gloves as this protects your hands from irritants. 

2. Rinse after swimming
Chlorine is one of the principal causes of itchiness in your skin. It is absolutely essential that once you have finished swimming you rinse your body with water and a little soap. Even more importantly, use a moisturizer with glycerin in it, as this will keep the moisture trapped inside. Glycerin is particularly good at holding on to moisture.

3. Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly has been proven to reduce the chances of dry, itchy skin because it contains only one ingredient. This one-ingredient formula is especially great when it is applied to sensitive skin. The reason why one ingredient is better than a moisturizer with many chemicals is that one ingredient formula is gentler and therefore creates a protective barrier against irritants.

4. Oatmeal baths
For this kind of treatment, grind oatmeal in a blender and then sprinkle it in your bath water. Oatmeal has an anti-inflammatory substance known as avenanthramides which decreases itching and redness of the skin.

5. Cleanliness 
This is perhaps the most important tip which can be given. If you do not regularly clean your floors or wash your bed sheets in hot water than you are at a high risk of getting mites and these are one of the most common irritants of your skin.

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