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T3 and T4 Test

T3 and T4 Test

The T3 test also known as a free or total triiodothyronine is used to asses the thyroid function. It tests for T3 and T4 (thyroxine) hormones produced by the thyroid gland. These hormones help control the metabolism of the body. T4 is primarily secreted by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and T4 is converted into T3 by the liver. Most of the T4 and T3 hormones are bound to protein in the blood. The blood test can measure total T4 (unbounded and bounded), free T4, total T3 or free T3. This test helps in diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and can also help monitor patients with thyroid disorder.

It is recommended that you wear a sleeveless or short-sleeved shirt or a full-sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled up to enable easy withdrawal of blood from your arm. No test preparation is required. There are no dietary restrictions that you have to follow before the test. Certain medications including estrogen, certain types of birth control pills and high doses of aspirin may affect the test results. So, make sure to inform your doctor regarding all the medications, vitamins, herbs and supplements you are taking. In case the blood withdrawn is to be used for further tests, your doctor will inform you the necessary preparations in prior.

The test is used to diagnose thyroid disorders. Increased or decreased thyroid hormone levels indicate an imbalance between the body’s requirement and supply. The T3 and T4 tests may be used when the TSH test results are abnormal. The TSH, T3 and T4 tests are generally taken together. The normal results of T3 range from 80 to 200 nanograms per decilitre (ng/dL). T4 range is between 4.5 and 11.7 mcg/dL. When both T3 and T4 are low, it may be hypothyroidism. When both T3 and T4 are high and TSH is low, it is indicative of hyperthyroidism.

A few millilitres of blood sample is required for this test. This will be obtained directly from your arm. The insertion site is prepared for the withdrawal of blood. An elastic band is wrapped around your arm to make the veins swell with blood. The site to be injected is cleansed with antiseptic. The needle is inserted into the vein and a tube attached to the needle is then filled up with blood. A gauze pad or cotton ball is placed over the punctured area as the needle is removed. The sample is transferred to the laboratory for further examination.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
80 - 200ng/dl
All age groups
4.5 - 11.7 mcg/dl
Average price range of the test is between Rs.300 to Rs.350 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is T3 and T4 Test?
Preparation for T3 and T4 Test
Uses of T3 and T4 Test
Procedure for T3 and T4 Test
Normal values for T3 and T4 Test
Price for T3 and T4 Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

Popular Questions & Answers

My wife is 42 year old. She is suffering thyroid knot at right side. What type of medicine she should take. My nearest doctor suggest aloevera juice take and rub jelly on neck.

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. First thing to be done is to do a Thyroid Function test, check the hormone levels and come back with the results. The swelling could be due to hypothyroidism or due to hyper activity. Plus there is a need to get ultra sonography of the gland should be done. Please do not rub any juice on the gland. It may do more harm than any good. The thyroid swellings occur because of some internal functional problems. Which can be detected only by proper testing. Hence you may have to go to an endocrinologist near by for getting these things done. Thanks.
3 people found this helpful

Hi am 32 age female. I have thyroid. Last two year my weight increase nearby 9 kg .right now am 76 kg. My height is 5.4 please advice me good diet which useful me weight loss and healthy skin also. Just becoz of thyroid my skin so much dry .and am working girl so can't able to give time for exercise. So suggest me some good exercise which can I do in home.

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Hubli-Dharwad
Hi am 32 age female. I have thyroid. Last two year my weight increase nearby 9 kg .right now am 76 kg. My height is 5...
lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. In hypothyroidism if TSH is not well controlled weight increase, dry skin, dry hair and hair fall, irregular menstruation, muscle and joint pains, swelling of face and legs and anxiety etc symptoms are quite common. First thing is to bring down TSH level <3 mU/L. Without that there is no improvement. Plus efforts to reduce weight will not succeed. Same is the case with dry skin. So please check your TSH and come back. There is no special diet required, what is needed is to reduce the food intake so that caloric intake matches your ideal body weight (62 kgs). Plus regular exercise. Madam if you can not give time to maintain your own health then there is no way I can be of help. Thanks.
1 person found this helpful

I have no child after my 4 years married life. I am under treatment since 2 yrs. The report of my anti mullerian hormone test is 1.27 NG/ML. Doctor told me that the egg quality is very low which affects for getting pregnant. Kindly advise me.

MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, Fellowship in Infertility
IVF Specialist, Noida
I have no child after my 4 years married life. I am under treatment since 2 yrs. The report of my anti mullerian horm...
Hi. AMH of 2- 4 ng/ ml is optimum .However, this alone is not sufficient to arrive at a conclusion regarding the fertility status. We always co relate it with an ultrasound. Moreover. It is the egg number that can be commented upon and there is no test in the lab for egg quality except to see the fertilisation rate. Therefore. Kindly get ultrasound done too.
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Popular Health Tips

Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG)
IVF Specialist, Alwar
Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

At times being able to conceive becomes a challenge due to certain biological reasons. Feeling positive and eating healthy naturally takes you a step nearer to getting pregnant. In case of no medical condition acting as an obstruction, consuming the right food can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Here’s a list of supplements you can include in your diet to maximise your chances of getting pregnant.

1. Choose whole grains over refined carbohydrates: Reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates (found in milk, potatoes, corn to name a few) can reduce inflammation of the genitals, which will help increase fertility. You can still continue to have your favourite foods, but ensure they are low GI (glycaemic index- a figure used to represent the ability of carbohydrate to increase glucose in blood) carbohydrates.

You can consume whole grains, which help in reducing insulin levels that in turn reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes and also help lower cholesterol levels. Try having whole grain bread instead of white bread and porridge instead of sugary processed cereals to reduce your GI ingestion.

2. Harness the power of Proteins: Proteins are an important part of your diet and the type of proteins you require careful consideration as they help make new hormones. Try having 25gms of vegetable protein like seeds, legumes and nuts instead of animal protein.

Add dairy foods to your diet as they are also a rich source of protein. They provide vital minerals and nutrients like magnesium, calcium and vitamin B12 to the body and at the same time are low in calories. Include milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese to your meals so that you have a minimum of three servings of dairy products a day, which is essential to meet your nutritional needs and increase your chances of having a baby.

3. Welcome Good Fats: Processed foods, fatty meats and takeaways are high in saturated fats including trans fats. These lead to inflammation and an increase of oxygen free radicals in the body, which decrease fertility. So, incorporate good fats in your diet in controlled quantities. Try having avocado and tomato on a whole grain toast, for instance.

4. Make folate an integral part of your diet: Folate is an essential nutrient that helps in decreasing the incidence of birth defects in babies, while ensuring a healthy conception. Along with the prescribed supplements, try to increase its intake in its natural form. The best way to do this is by having green leafy vegetables, which are a rich source of folate. You can also have veggie sticks and vegetable soup along or green vegetable dishes to increase your folate intake. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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Diet During Pregnancy - Healthy Eating While Pregnant!

Gynaecologist, Mumbai
Diet During Pregnancy - Healthy Eating While Pregnant!

Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life when there is an added focus to take care of yourself and your unborn child. The adage 'You are what you eat' takes on a whole new meaning during this period as it becomes the soon to be mother's responsibility to pack in extra nutrition to nourish her growing bump. Doctors often add in a dose of vitamins to ensure that the both mother and child are well nourished. But beyond that, the food choices you make will maintain a healthy weight gain for you and your baby and eventually even help when you want to shed the extra weight after your child is born.

Here are some tips to have a perfect diet during your pregnancy

Load up on the good stuff: Even if you've always been eating healthy, it is time to crank things up a notch and include more proteins, vitamins, minerals especially folic acid and iron and some extra calories for energy and increase it as you progress in your pregnancy. But eating to get more nutrients doesn't have to mean eating more in general. If you are already at a healthy weight, then you don't need extra calories in the first trimester. In the second trimester, you need about 340 extra calories a day and about 450 extra calories a day in the third trimester. The numbers will change if you are underweight or overweight.

Say no to some: During pregnancy, give a skip to food items like raw sea food and undercooked meat and poultry. This could lead to potentially dangerous infections. Other foods to steer clear from include unpasteurized milk and soft cheese. All of these are possible sources of bacteria that can be harmful to an unborn child. It is always good to give your fruits and veggies a good extra wash, as always. Try to avoid the known culprits like popular local fruits that may be laden with artificial ripeners. Also avoid food with excess oil or preservatives. You will also have to say a complete no to alcohol or smoking during this period. While most sites suggest that you also ditch your caffeine fix, you can best keep it less than 200mg or 12 ounces in a day. Stick to decaffeinated tea and sodas when possible. Some other foods that have to be avoided during pregnancy are packaged food, cold drinks, preserved food items as they contain preservatives, which are harmful. Also, chinese food should be avoided as it contains monosodium gulmate, which is again harmful due to teratogenic chemical.

Diet a big no: Another big no during pregnancy is dieting or controlling the intake of food to lose weight. Pregnancy is the time you actually, for once, get to legally gain weight and be happy about. Don't mess up your natural system with forced diets.

Keep the food coming: Pregnancy is the time for food craving at all odd hours - and the time to give into them without an ounce of guilt! If you are dealing with nausea and food aversion, try to stick to small meals throughout the day. Replace the chips with carrot sticks and the pizza slice with soup. If that sweet tooth starts acting up, give it a frozen fruit desert or shake. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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Pregnant - The Healthy Indian Diet For You!

BSc - Food Science & Nutrition, PGD in Sports Nutrition and Dietitics , Diabetes Educator, Translational Nutrigenomics, FSSC 22000 ,Internal Auditor
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Pregnant - The Healthy Indian Diet For You!

When you are pregnant, it is important for you to have a proper diet, which is full of essential nutrients. A lot of these nutrients are used as supplements for the growing fetus. This is vital for the fetus to grow properly and receive proper nourishment. Every pregnancy is different, so does the diet differs based on issues based by a young mother. The biggest myth ever is to expect young mother to eat for two, but the truth is a pregnant woman just needs about 500 kcal extra from her normal RDA. It is always better to get a personalised diet chart, so coping up with physical and mental stress by an expectant mother becomes easier, leading to a happy and healthy pregnancy. A customised diet not only helps to be mother to take care of herself and lil one, but also ensure a positive wellbeing post pregnancy. Rest is equally important and to be mother should ensure she is active throughout her pregnancy for easy labour and fitness. Postpartum complications are prevented when the fetus receives sufficient nourishment. Here is a healthy Indian diet to follow during pregnancy:

  1. Meat, fish, eggs, poultry, nuts: These food items provide ample protein, zinc and iron. During pregnancy, the body requires an increased amount of protein, especially during the second trimester. You should consume at least 15 grams of protein regularly as an additional protein intake is important for tissue demands.
  2. Milk, cheese, yoghurt: These dairy products are a good source of calcium, protein, vitamins and phosphorus. The body requires high amounts of calcium during pregnancy. You should consume low-fat dairy products, if you are concerned about getting overweight.
  3. Fruits: Fruits are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber and potassium. You should add fruits such as grapefruit, orange, melons and berries to your diet. Also you should have several servings of fruit regularly. Have fruit juices and fruit desserts as well.
  4. Vegetables: During pregnancy, you must include several types of vegetables in your diet. Raw, leafy vegetables such as spinach and other vegetables including carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, corn and potatoes should be a part of your diet. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron and magnesium. Moreover, constipation is prevented because of their low-fat and fiber content.
  5. Breads, rice, cereals, pasta: These food items contain complex carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy. Pregnant women require 6 to 10 servings of these food products. Grains are also good sources of protein and help in the development of the baby’s body tissues.
  6. Fats, sweets and oils: These food items are necessary for your diet when you are pregnant. However, you should avoid these in excess because of the high-calorie content. Try to consume food items, which contain low fat.
  7. Food rich in iron: Many Indian women suffer from anemia because of blood loss or improper diet. The body needs to get fortified with increased iron amounts. You should consume meat, prunes, raisin, spinach and soya beans. The body absorbs iron better when taken with food items, which are rich in vitamin C, like broccoli, potatoes and citrus fruits.

For getting an ideal diet chart during pregnancy, you should visit a dietitian. He or she will provide you with a diet chart, which will help you focus on the food items that are essential for you and your baby’s health. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.

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Pregnancy - 13 Signs To Look For

Gynaecologist, Dehradun
Pregnancy - 13 Signs To Look For

Early indications of pregnancy are not generally perceived, but the modest changes in your body capacity might be telling you something. Here are some signs, which mean, perhaps you are pregnant.

- Missed Period or Late Period
The clearest indication of pregnancy is a missed period. However, a missed period doesn't always mean you are pregnant. If your period is late when your menstrual cycle is quite regular, it might be an indication of pregnancy.

- Swollen Breasts
Soreness or shivering in your breasts is one of pregnancy's most basic symptoms. Right on time in pregnancy, the breasts will round out and change shape as they get ready to deliver milk.

- Nausea
Nausea is among one of the most well-known symptoms of pregnancy. It's brought about by an increase in the hormone levels. Almost 80 percent of women experience "morning sickness" during the initial three months of pregnancy. For some, this sickness is not just confined to the mornings and may take place throughout the entire day.

- Spotting
After 5 to 10 days of conceiving, light spotting might be found when the embryo implants itself in the uterus.

- Enhanced Urine Frequency
If you're pregnant, your uterus puts pressure directly on the bladder prompting more urination. The additional weight and intestinal changes may bring about a blockage.

- Fatigue
Women feel exceptionally tired and drained during pregnancy. Fatigue is one of the primary indications of pregnancy.

- Mood Swings

Avid emotional mood swings occur in women during pregnancy. If your temper is always fluctuating or going up and down, it may be an indication that you might be pregnant.

- Enhanced Sensitivity to Smell
Women during pregnancy develop an enhanced smell sensitivity. Any common or normal smell may seem to be intense and long lasting. This is a genuine signal.

- Darkening of the Areolas
Areolas are the circles around your nipples. During pregnancy, due to increased hormone secretion, the areolas become dark and wide. This is a common indication.

- Enhanced Craving for Food
Pregnancy increases the drive for food craving in women. Pregnant women find themselves consuming a huge amount of food, which is abnormal.

- Headache
Headache due to migraine increase during pregnancy. This is more common during early pregnancy.

- Strange Metallic Taste in the Mouth
Some women may feel an odd metallic taste in their mouth, which may signify pregnancy.

- Constipation
Added pressure on the kidneys and bladder may lead to constipation in pregnant women. This is another indication.

These are some common signs, which may imply that you are pregnant, and should take a pregnancy test soon. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

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All You Need to Know About the Surrogacy Process

Advanced Infertility, Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS
IVF Specialist, Delhi
All You Need to Know About the Surrogacy Process

Surrogacy is a boon for couples who cannot conceive naturally or give birth to a child. Surrogacy is a process in which a woman's unfertilized eggs are implanted into the uterus of another woman who is called the surrogate mother. The egg is fertilized in the surrogate mother's uterus with the biological father's sperm. The surrogate mother lets the child develop in her womb and gives birth. Although, there are various medical treatments available, but not all of them have a high success rate.

The two primary methods of surrogacy are:

  1. Traditional surrogacy: In this process, the surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the sperm, which belongs to the biological father of the baby. The sperm gets implanted into the surrogate mother's uterus and the child develops in her womb.
  2. Gestational surrogacy: For women who want to have a biological child in spite of being incapable of pregnancy, the gestational surrogacy method is used. During the process, in-vitro fertilization is undertaken and the eggs from the woman who wants to become a biological mother are harvested. The eggs, along with the sperm from the biological father are implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother, who will carry the embryo and will give birth to the child.

Process involved in surrogacy:
Here are the several processes and procedures, which need to be undertaken, after you have chosen a surrogate mother for carrying your child.

  1. Medical testing: After a surrogate mother is chosen, the woman goes through several health checkups, medical and psychological tests to ensure that she gives birth to a healthy child.
  2. Legal agreements: There are several legal considerations that have to be addressed for a surrogacy. All the legal requirements regarding the surrogacy should be written down. Some issues include both the surrogate mother and the biological parents. A financial contract must be presented as well, which will reimburse the medical expenses and requirements of the surrogate mother.
  3. Medical process: The medical processes required for surrogacy include in-vitro fertilization and the transfer of the eggs, which are done in a clinic under the supervision of a reproductive endocrinologist. The eggs are transferred to the uterus of the surrogate, where fertilization takes place after combining it with the sperms of the biological father.
  4. Pregnancy and birth: After successful fertilization, the surrogate mother gets pregnant. Proper care and precautions should be taken by her to ensure a successful birth. Finally, the surrogate mother gives birth to a child, who belongs to the biological parents.

This method of having a child has become very popular in the recent times. It is a great blessing for people who cannot conceive due to medical conditions or otherwise. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an IVF Specialist.

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