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Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test

Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test

Tests helps in diagnosing various thyroid issues including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The symptoms may be constipation, diarrhea, dry skin, puffy skin, eye problems and changes in sleep pattern, fatigue, weakness, hair loss, hand tremors, increased heart rate, sensitivity to cold or light, menstrual irregularity or weight changes.

Foods are restricted for 6-8 hours prior the test however medications can be taken with a small amount of water as directed by the physician. The dentures/partials and eye glasses should be removed, however the hearing aid can be used so that the physician’s instructions can be heard.

The test results if used electrophoresis will range from 10 to 24/100ml of normal and if used radioimmunoassay, the normal results will range from 1.3 to 2.0 mg/100 ml. High TBG levels don’t always indicate that you have a problem and high results on this test are normal in pregnancy and in newborns. In other cases, high TBG levels may be due to liver disease, a rare genetic blood disorder called “acute intermittent porphyria,” or hypothyroidism which occurs when thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Low TBG levels may usually be due to acromegaly which occurs due to much growth hormone and if the body grows disproportionately as a result. It could be due to hyperthyroidism, which is an increased production of thyroid hormones. Malnutrition could be one of the reasons and nephrotic syndrome which is a group of syndromes caused by kidney damage which leads to protein in the urine and high cholesterol levels.

The test results may slightly differ depending on the type of technique the laboratory uses which are of two types, electrophoresis and radioimmunoassay. The results for both types of tests re measured in milligrams per 100 milliliters or mg/100 ml. During electrophoresis, a lab technician places part of the patient’s blood called the serum on specially treated paper or a gel like substance. An electric current then runs through it making the proteins move along the paper or gel and form bands that indicate how much of each protein is in the sample. Radioimmunoassay involves exposing a sample of the blood to an antibody which is attached to TBG. The antibody has a low level radioactive isotope attached to it.

LimitationsTBG is normal in familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia, an entity which can be incorrectly identified as thyrotoxicosis.4 Triiodothyronine uptake was described as having produced information equivalent to TBG in a study of 372 subjects.5
0.5 mL
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Thyroxine Binding Globulin
All age groups
12 - 26mcg/m
Thyroxine Binding Globulin
All age groups
11 - 27 mcg/ml
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1200 to Rs.8400 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test?
Preparation for Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test
Uses of Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test
Procedure for Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test
Limitations of Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test
Price for Thyroxine Binding Globulin Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

Popular Questions & Answers

I have mistakenly given thyronorm 50 mcg tablet to my 7 months old baby in his formula milk I thought its was his calcium medicine as it has a similar bottle please suggest is it going to harm my baby. Please help.

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
I have mistakenly given thyronorm 50 mcg tablet to my 7 months old baby in his formula milk I thought its was his cal...
Hello, Thanks for the query. Giving Thyronorm 50 mcg just once is not going to cause any harm. But if one gives that repeatedly for more number of days, then can cause symptoms of excess thyroxine. Anyway, if you have realised the mistake and stopped it, then there is no need to worry. Thanks.
3 people found this helpful

I have been taking lithium long time and regularly and taken blood test of lithium serum and TSH (Thyroid) every 6 months, it shows Lithium Serum 1.13 and TSH 0.01 after taking 1 mg of thyroxine (Hypothyroid) medicine. Please advise me I am in correct range, if not advise me.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Gurgaon
I have been taking lithium long time and regularly and taken blood test of lithium serum and TSH (Thyroid) every 6 mo...
Your TSH levels is below normal - means you in Hyperthyroidism condition from excessive use of thyroxine. You need to consult your endocrinologist for reducing the dose of thyroxine.
1 person found this helpful

My cousin BP measured 150/100 Doctor advised some tests After blood test doctor found he have Hypothyroidism Does hypothyroidism can cause high BP? Doctor started Thyroxine tablet 50 mg. please help me

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
My cousin BP measured 150/100 Doctor advised some tests After blood test doctor found he have Hypothyroidism Does hyp...
Hello, Thanks for the query. Hypthyroidism is unlikely to cause high blood pressure. During the course of investigation it might have detected. Both need to be treated. Thanks.
4 people found this helpful

My wife 55, is taking thyrox50 for thyroid treatment for last 30 months. But for last few years her both the legs have swelled up and no pain. Will you please tell me what to do. Thanks

Physiotherapist, Latur
My wife  55, is taking thyrox50 for thyroid treatment for last 30 months. But for last few years her both the legs ha...
Keep pillow below her legs while sleeping or lying this will help in slow down the swelling. Use cold pack to the area

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Homeopathy in Treating Autism - How Helpful Is It?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, PG HOM (London), CCH, CGO, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Homeopathy in Treating Autism - How Helpful Is It?

Autism is identified by characteristics like difficulty in communication, the use of language, understanding abstract concepts and building bonds with other people. This brain development disorder is also characterized by the performance of repetitive behaviors in the affected individual.

Treatment of this condition requires an understanding of every vital factor associated with the condition. The hardcore approach is vital for understanding the stimulus/response connection of symptoms. This is because whenever an autistic child undergoes stressful situations, the reaction is a sign that a homeopath cannot ignore. By completely understanding the cycle of stress and reaction, a homeopath can only be able to suggest the right treatment program.

What about the remedies prescribed for treating the condition?

Being a holistic branch of medicine, homeopathy takes into account the complete physical as well as the mental makeup of the individual. Additionally, in this alternative medicine, the homeopath also takes into consideration the details of the disease while recommending remedies.

Remedies like Carcinocin, Secretin and Thuja are favored the most for treating the condition. At the same time, the appropriate remedies are recommended after having a thorough understanding as to whether the individual falls within the constitutional makeup of the remedies considered.Another essential aspect of this branch of medicine in the treatment of this brain development disorder is the practice of using LM potencies (homeopathic medicines on the last scale of potency). These remedies are not only acted faster but are also gentler compared to others. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Homeopath.

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IVF Treatment Using a Donor

Advanced Infertility, Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS
IVF Specialist, Delhi
IVF Treatment Using a Donor

According to a report, more than 70 percent of the woman who are above 45 and trying for ARTs such as in vitro fertility (IVF), use a donor egg for conceiving a baby. With the advancement in the egg-freezing technology, it has become quite easy to make the use of a donor egg for fertility treatment. These days, there are a number of egg banks, sperm banks and egg donation agencies where donor eggs and embryos are collected and frozen for purchase. Some of the recognized fertility centres have also started their own egg and embryo banks for the convenience of the patients.

Who is eligible to go for fertility treatment with donor embryos and eggs?
Well, IVF treatment using a donor egg or embryo is a safe option for all those women who are above 40 years of age and are unable to conceive through their own egg. It is quite helpful for them in conceiving and delivering a baby of their own. Donor embryo is a wonderful option for all those couples in which both the partners are having fertility problem or have faced multiple miscarriages.

There are numerous reasons why someone might need an IVF treatment using donor eggs and sperm. Premature menopause, producing poor-quality eggs, risks of genetic disorder and absence of ovaries are some of the issues where a doctor recommends going for an IVF treatment using a donor.

How are recipients and donors matched?
It is important that the person who is donating the egg is under 36 years and has children. A donor should be healthy and fit. Physical characteristics, such as eye color, height, build, complexion, blood group and race are also matched before using an egg. According to the instruction from HFEA, the doctor is not allowed to share additional information about the donor before the matching. The donor needs to undergo a health screening process under the supervision of IVF experts. Once the clinic or agency finds a suitable donor match, the next step is to provide professional counseling on the ethical, medical and emotional impact of the donation. 

Lastly, the most crucial step is to make the process legal. It involves a lawyer who draws a contract between the donor and the recipient that defines financial obligations, parental rights and future contacts. Different states have different laws, but a donor usually signs their rights to the child. It is wise to follow the legal process properly in order to avoid any future issues. A legally binding contract is of great help, especially when the donor wants to stay in touch after the child is born. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an IVF Specialist.

3097 people found this helpful

Mind & Body - Therapies That Help You Improve It!

International Certified Addiction Professional
Psychologist, Mumbai
Mind & Body - Therapies That Help You Improve It!

So you love you job and don't mind working after-hours every once in a while. Are you plagued by hypertension, stomach disorder and sleeplessness often? It's probably about time that you started paying more attention to the dual functioning of your body and mind. Straining on one while neglecting the other will only bear dire consequences in the near future and render your body weak and your mind restless. 

The regulation of the mind-body dualism is the most integral aspect of your being. Your mind has the potential of affecting your health in more ways than one. Having a better outlook towards life helps deal with health issues such as depression, headaches, pain and stress. The dual functioning of mind and body is bound to have greater implications on your health and one needs to be well aware of the facet of it:

Your mind reflects what your health has to say!
The brain creates gamma globulin and endorphins which toughen your immunity and serve as natural painkillers, respectively. The production of these substances depends significantly on how you're feeling at the moment. Having a positive outlook even when you're down with fever, pain or stress enables your body to create better regulatory hormones which accelerate healing. On the other hand, if you're being too hard on yourself as a result of work overload, emotional crisis or any personal mishap, and adopt a negative perspective towards most things, your body will know and slow down its mechanism for creating endorphins and gamma globulin. This means you'll take longer to regain normalcy.

What you're doing to your body affects how your brain works?
On the flipside, if your body is under extreme pressure to perform and as a result you're missing out on your regular healthy regime, your mind is guaranteed to function differently. Eating differently, losing sleep, exercising less, and burn-outs will affect your mental well-being, mostly negatively. The fight-or-flight reaction and blood pressure levels are considerably influenced by how you're feeling and how you are dealing with things in life. As a result, you might feel depressed, moody, restless or sick. 

Therapies to increase the mind - body functioning!
Practicing therapy and exercising to improve the dual functioning of your brain and body are therefore indispensible for keeping well. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) suggests some integrative measures that are sure to have a positive impact on your over-all well being:

  1. Meditation
  2. Cognitive-behavioral management
  3. Yoga and relaxation
  4. Proper diet and regular physical exercise
  5. Active involvement in music, art or dance
  6. Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle

Despite everything else, if you're still willing to work beyond your deadline, at least don't forget to eat the salad that you had packed for lunch! If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Psychologist.

4278 people found this helpful

How Can You Revive Excitement In Marriage?

MD - Psychiatry
Psychiatrist, Udaipur
How Can You Revive Excitement In Marriage?

Marriages in our country usually last a lifetimeand and require effort from both parties involved to make them work. Often, marriages end because of boredom, as the partners begin to believe that the spark is gone. But there are many ways couples can perk up their marriage. 

While it is true that many people are short on precious time in today’s day and age, what is also true is that a marriage is well worth some prioritisation. 

Leaving dirty dishes in the sink for a little while longer does make good sense, if it means that the time is well-used to bond with one’s significant other. Leisure time spent between couples is crucial for the success of a marriage. Many couples do not make it a habit of listening to each other and this really does work to their detriment. Paying close attention to what the other one says and providing a response may not need a lot of effort but the dividends are rich in the form of the partner feeling good. 

Intimacy is a valued feeling of being wanted and it has a big part to play in the success of a marriage. Over the long term, many couples do not make the required effort and the overall quality of their bond is reduced, as a result. While reinitiating contact may be as simple as holding the other’s hand, many people do not do this as they feel their partner should be the one to do so. Intimacy does not only equate to sexual intimacy, but can even simply be looking into one’s partners eyes with love. 

Laughter is said to be the best medicine, and this happens to be true in the case of a marriage, as well. It has been found that couples who laugh about their past experiences are happier and get along a lot more amicably than those who do not. Recalling together where the couple first met and started seeing each other also has a positive impact as it makes both partners feel valued and thankful about what they have. 

Below, are tips that don’t require much—if any—money, time or even hard work! 

Engage in a new activity with your partner. Doing novel activities with your partner enables you to re-experience the original emotional state at the beginning of your marriage. In other words, trying something new sparks excitement, producing passion. You can do anything from deep-sea fishing to salsa dancing to hiking a mountain to eating at a different restaurant. 

Add the element of mystery or surprise. Both mystery and surprise also mimic the emotional state of a new romance. But it doesn’t mean whisking your wife away to the Mediterranean or surprising your husband with expensive dinners. Here, little gestures also go a long way. Examples include, surprising your wife at work and whisking her away for lunch, or sending a greeting card in the mail. 

Do something that kicks up your adrenaline and arousal. Young marriages start out with an adrenaline rush. Your heart races, you get giddy, you’re alert, awake and excited. Arousal-generating activities can include exercising, going on a vigorous hike, and even watching a scary movie. So it’s almost like fooling your brain that the arousal produced to this scary movie (or any other arousing activity) is really due to your marriage, and this helps to perk up the passion. 

Take a mini-vacation — just the two of you. Get out of the house for at least one night and two days, somewhere that interests both of you and creates new memories together. You don’t have to go far from home or spend a lot of money. The key is to spend quality time together away from home. Studies show that for women, in particular, getting away is important. They feel more passionate when they’re away from the pressures of their lives. At home, women have a tough time compartmentalizing things. They’re thinking about the laundry, lunch, paying the bills, cleaning the house, and checking things off their mental to-do list. 

Touch more often. Touch produces arousal, comfort and support both physiologically and psychologically, and it doesn’t have to be much of a touch. Holding hands on a walk, making sure you give a hug or kiss or embrace daily reminds you that you’re physiologically bonded. When reigniting your relationship, the key is to shake things up consistently. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a psychiatrist.

2842 people found this helpful

The Unique Seven Step Approach to Weight Loss!

Homeopathy Doctor, Faridabad
The Unique Seven Step Approach to Weight Loss!


1. Ultrasonic Lipolysis - 

  • Ultrasonic Lipolysis is an innovative, gentle non surgical procedure to remove the accumulation of fat deposits in specific regions of the body. It is one of the safest methods for removing localised  fat in, and around the waist, inner thigh, abdomen, under the upper arms, knees, and ankles.
  • This method removes unwanted fatty deposits that can change the shape of our bodies .

How does lipolysis treatment work?

  • This type of lipolysis  technique uses ultrasound  to reduce fat. A transducer (a device that converts one form of energy to another) is applied directly to the skin of the treatment area and do not employ injections (as in injection lipolysis) or incisions (as in laser assisted liposuction).
  • A transducer kept on the skin emits high-intensity Ultrasonic waves in a conical manner. Two beams of ultrasound energy warm and treat fatty tissue beneath the skin. It promotes fat cell mobility and encourages the body to metabolize   , drain or reabsorb excess fluids.
  • These are focused 1.5 cm below the skin causing rupture of the fat cells. The transducer is then advanced further to destroy the new layer of fat cells.
  • Is ultrasonic lipolysis safe? Any side effects?
  • Ultrasonic Lipolysis is completely safe and non-surgical, permanent, instant fat reduction method without diet, exercise, injections, medicine, heat, cuts, redness, surgery, and anesthesia. Only fat cells are targeted without affecting other organs and therefore no side effects have been observed for this treatment.
  • As explained earlier, it is a non-invasive procedure, and hence, patients can return to work quickly after the treatment although hot showers best are avoided for eight hours after the session.
  • Ultrasonic lipolysis results
  • It is an entirely non–invasive treatment; one can resume the daily activities immediately without any rest. 80% patients experience an immediate reduction in fat. 18% take 7-10 days to see the effect whereas 2% of the patients need Mesotherapy to destroy brown fat cells.
  • The method helps to improve the effects of dieting and exercise.
  • People who are committed to a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise and a well-balanced diet should experience long-term improvement.
  • You will lose inches and look slimmer. Moreover, this procedure helps to tighten the loose skin with the radiofrequency treatment done following the Ultrasonic Lipolysis.
  • A typical Ultrasound Lipolysis session takes around one hour.
  • The treatments are done weekly once and need to be repeated for at least 6-8 sessions although patients who are committed to a healthy lifestyle and regular water replenishment should experience permanent results between one and three treatments depending on the patient’s’ response to treatment.



  • Radio frequency body contouring (also known as skin tightening) is becoming all kinds of popular as it removes fat, tightens the skin and improve tone, without any pain or downtime at all!
  • The treatment is offered by the expert aesthetics Clinic involves third generation radio frequency technology to offer a non-invasive, pain-free body treatment to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, firm skin, boost collagen production and tackle any pesky fatty deposits that won’t budge with exercise.
  • It’s a pretty versatile treatment as it can also help reduce flabby skin, tighten bingo wings, contour and tighten a post pregnancy tummy, reduce fine lines and wrinkles (on the face and body), reduce saddle bags and even lift and tighten your bum.
  • What’s more radio frequency body contouring comes with the guarantee that you won’t need any recovery time and is FDA approved after all.
  • How does it work? The radio frequency energy penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue where the collagen fibres are embedded. The local heating causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibres, and fat cells drain then shrink, while those all important fibroblast cells (part of our connective tissue) are stimulated to produce new collagen and elastic fibres. The effect of this is tighter, smoother, younger looking skin with a visible ‘lift’. Fat cells are reduced and stubborn cellulite looks a lot less noticeable.
  • What is the treatment like? The treatment itself is surprisingly relaxing. Each area on your body is treated for 20-30 minutes. All that’s required is to show your therapist your problem areas and lie back on the treatment bed and wait for the magic to begin. The technique is so relaxing that actually it’s easy to fall fast asleep – always a sign of a good treatment.
  • When can I expect to see results?
  • Most patients will be able to notice an immediate result in the tightness of their skin, but results continue to emerge in the days following the treatment too. Skin is remarkably smoother and muscle tone is more visible too. Normally, multiple sessions are required, generally 1 per week until you’ve had about 4-8 treatments in total, this depends on the results you want and the advice of your aesthetic practitioner.
  • Are there any side effects? Normally there are no side effects from the treatment, but some people might find the treatment area is a little red post treatment but this usually resolves after 30 mins post treatment.


Deep heat therapy increases the intermolecular temperature of fat cells which further results in breakdown of the binding between tissues and muscles of the treated area, resulting in loosening of fat cells enhancing the process of slimming.

The heat provided during the therapy helps in instant pain relief but also increases blood circulation and enhances metabolism. This therapy helps burn more calories than conventional forms of physical exercise.


• Improves blood circulation

• Provides penetrating warmth

• Improves muscle tone and strength

• Increase energy levels

• Reduces toxins.


Vaccum therapy is based on mixing two techniques of deep massage and negative pressure. This noninvasive technique causes local heat effect. The sucking and releasing action, helps in mobilizing and breaking down excessive, accumulated body fats. Once broken down, the fat is more easily converted into energy and consumed by the body. Vaccum therapy is one of the most powerful therapies against cellulite.


• Reducing of the cellulite

• Weight loss when combined with diet

• Stimulates the metabolism

• Removes toxins and waste products

• Reduce stiffness.


Electrogym uses Bio-electrical stimulation technology that strengthens and tones muscles. These machines employ special combination of frequencies that target tough body tissues precisely to activate metabolism resulting in concentrated slimming and slackening the surrounding fats.

The sequential pattern of low amplitude frequencies stimulate muscles in the treated areas making them work. This work creates great energy and the muscles utilize the surrounding fat as an energy source, burning fats exactly as they do during a strenuous workout.

ELECTROGYM  works by targeting not just the muscles you can see, but also the muscles that are more difficult to reach with conventional exercise.


• Strong controlled muscle contraction and relaxation for strengthening and muscle

• Increase in metabolism

• Circumferential inch loss

• Improvement in sleep.

6. Lipo Laser

There are some areas on our bodies that tend to readily accumulate fat, such as the abdomen, & thighs, chin and arms. We can target these troublesome areas for spot fat reduction with non-invasive, pain-free Lipo Laser.

What is Lipo Laser?

Lipo Laser is a non-surgical cold laser procedure that uses low level, laser-based light to reduce the stubborn, subcutaneous fat

on targeted areas of your body.

Lipo Laser treatment reduces inches in targeted areas of the body including the Abdomen, Thighs, Arms, Underarms, Chin, Waist, and Back.

Most patients will see circumferential reduction of fat loss in a (2-18) treatment protocol in the abdominal region. Other regions of treatments including Arms, Chins, and Thighs will see fat loss proportionally as well. Each region is treated as a Zone and results may vary depending on the size (BMI) and health of each patient.  

How does Lipo Laser work?

  • During a Lipo Laser session, laser energy painlessly penetrates the skin and focuses on fat (adipose) cells. This energy is in the form of low level laser-based light (635nm-660nm wavelength). 
  • When the light reaches the fat cells, they are stimulated to release their contents (water, triglycerides and free fatty acids), which instantly shrinks the fat cells and reduces inches in the targeted area. The contents of the cells are drained into your lymphatic system where they are later metabolized or eliminated. 
  • The release of contents from fat cells is a completely natural and essential bodily function – it is how we utilize energy reserves for everyday life. However, when we have too many energy stores in our body, it becomes troublesome fat and shows up in undesirable areas. Lipo Laser accelerates the natural process of energy release from fat cells in targeted areas, resulting in a contoured body and loss of inches and cellulite. 
  • Following the Lipo Laser treatment, a whole body vibration platform is used to flush the lymphatic system and collect the fat that has been released from the fat cells. The vibrations stimulate metabolism and increase circulation so that the fat is more readily eliminated.
  • Once the Lipo Laser treatment has ended, you will be asked to step onto a vibrating platform to enhance the circulation and elimination of the fat cells’ contents from your body. 

Lipo Laser Facts

What does a Lipo Laser treatment involve?

  • When you arrive for your session, we will take careful measurements of the areas you wish to target. These measurements will serve as a baseline to track your results. Next, we will ask you to lie down on a comfortable table. Targeted areas will be outlined with a pencil. 
  • Then, paddles from the Lipo Laser machine will be placed and secured on your body, and the machine will be turned on. You will likely not feel anything, but some clients feel a mild sensation. The paddles will be moved around to any additional areas that you wish to target. 
  • The Lipo Laser packages at Skin Body Soul automatically include vibration platform treatment.
  • What results can I expect with Lipo Laser, and where does the fat go?
  • After your Lipo Laser treatment, the fat released from the fat cells will drain into your lymphatic system and be metabolized or eliminated through your urinary system.
  • Most clients see a circumferential reduction after their first session. 
  • For the best results, we recommend at least 10 treatments.
  • There is no tissue damage, cell damage or downtime following the treatment. The Lipo Laser empties the fat cells causing them to shrink.


  • Healthy and nutritious food is very important for maintaining a good health. Healthy food involves, regular and timely food, nuts, snacks and much more. A balanced diet, good food habits are essential for a healthy life. In the normal course of life, we forget to take necessary nutrition that is required for our body and hence we tend to get into many life style diseases majorly OBESITY. It is very essential for a person to know and understand the benefits of nature's creation like fruits, vegetables, nuts,etc.
  • The value of food is more when it is taken in a systematic manner and also by understanding the benefits of every bite we take.


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