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Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test

Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test

also known as: Toxoplasma gondii

The Toxoplasma Antibody Panel test is applied to detect the infection that is created by Toxoplasma gondii parasite. The infection can enter the human body through undercooked meat like venison, pork or lamb. Contaminated water can create the parasite as well. The test is applied to assure the safety of the mother or an individual. The disease affects the pregnant woman or an individual's immune system. The infection hasn't any symptom, but it became serious in giving birth or a person can be affected by any germs because of low immunity power. Therefore, the microscopic parasite is being determined through a lab test.

The blood test is taken normally and there are no special rules of it unless you have missed clarifying the cat's connection. The patient has to remember if there is bleeding and special medication for stopping that. The doctor would guide you to the test after know the case details.

There can be a past infection or the person can be affected suddenly. The test happens to detect the presence of the infection.
Pregnant woman exposes the T. gondii affection during the pregnancy. Therefore, the Toxoplasma Antibody Panel test is prescribed the presence of the woman's body. If the answer is positive, then some other tests are happening to clarify the presence of that infection into the baby's body.
If any person is affected by this infection, then less immunity causes fever, pain in throat, headache, swollen lymph nodes or aches in muscles and joints. The test is performed to assure the actual cause (whether it's happening for the specific T. gondii infection or not). Thus, the doctors can take the right diagnosis method to treat.

The T. gondii test for child or adult is very safe and efficient. The trained physician doesn't make any mistake in rubbing alcohol on the arm, binding elastic band and using fresh needle. The needle would enter into the vein of an arm and pull the blood. The expert knows the exact quantity, which would enough for testing. The last step is important, where the hand would get a gauze and medicine cover to prevent the excessive bleeding. The patients shouldn't worry about the pain, fever or any other side effects for blood taking. The entire process is accomplished very smoothly.
The Toxoplasma Antibody Panel test is prescribed for testing the babies. In case of pregnant woman is affected by the infection then there is 30% chance of affection of the baby in her. Therefore, doctors, perform some more tests like amniocentesis and ultrasound.

3.5ml gold top
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Toxoplasma Antibodies IgG,IgM
All age groups
approx. Rs 1000

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Table of Content

What is Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test?
Preparation for Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test
Uses of Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test
Procedure for Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test
Price for Toxoplasma Antibody Panel, IgG IgM Test
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