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Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test

Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test

also known as: MHA-TP, Syphilis

Syphilis test is used to screen for and/or diagnose infection with Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes Syphilis. The antibody test detects the antibodies in the blood and also in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). There are two general types of tests available for syphilis test, non treponemal antibody, and treponemal test. Either of these tests is used to detect active syphilis. The nontreponemal test is highly sensitive but since it is nonspecific, false-positive test results can be caused due to pregnancy, Lyme disease, malaria, tuberculosis, or other autoimmune disorder. Treponemal antibody test is highly specific for syphilis which can detect for active syphilis. The symptoms of this infection are skin rash often on the palms of the hands and bottom of the feet which do not cause itching, sore throat and body aches.

No special information is required while going for the test. You need to inform the doctor about all the medicines that you take so that the doctor can advise against it till the test if any of the medicines can alter the results of the test.

A negative blood test means that it is possible that the infection is not present. However, it means that only at that time there is no evidence of the disease. Antibodies may be detected after several weeks after the exposure to the bacteria. So if the patients have familiar symptoms, they should get tested again.

A band is wrapped around the arm, preferably near the elbow pit such that vein is clearly seen The area is cleaned with 70% alcohol The needle is inserted into the visible vein causing a small prick and the required amount of blood sample is collected The collected blood is transferred into the blood container from the nozzle and the syringe is hygienically disposed immediately

1 mL
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Treponema Pallidum Antibodies
All age groups
Detected in positive cases
Average price range of the test is between Rs.600 to Rs.1200 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test?
Preparation for Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test
Uses of Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test
Procedure for Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test
Price for Treponema Pallidium Antobody Test

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C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
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Dear Sir, VDRL showing non reactive and TPHA showing week positive. What does it mean and how I can cure or make my t...
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Yours husband seems to have contracted 'Syphilis' a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Take him to a good doctor (MD DVL or Gen. Medicine) and get him treated.
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PGD In Ultraasonography, Non Invasive Cardiology Course, MD - Medicine, MBBS
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Yes. If it is treated early enough, syphilis can be cured completely by modern treatment before any permanent damage is done to the body. It is imperative that syphilis is diagnosed and treated in its very early stage. This also helps prevent its spreading. But most of the patien...
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DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), PGDHHM, MBBS
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My treponema pallidum test results is 7.52. What does it indicate about the titre of the infection. I am 10 weeks pre...
if you already taking medicine then your treatment for syphilis is already started so,don't worry you will be cure early.your test show that you have positive test for syphilis.

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