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Triple Marker Test

Triple Marker Test

Triple marker test is a screening test which is done around the end of the first trimester. It is commonly called as triple test, triple screening, multiple marker or AFP marker. Triple marker test helps to detect whether the unborn baby is suffering with Down syndrome or not. This is a very useful method to know genetic defects in the babies before their birth. This test records the levels of some markers present in blood, namely, AFP (alpha-fetoprotein), HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estriol. This test can be done successfully in clinics, hospitals and in diagnostic centres and the results should be discussed with your gynaecologist.

To undergo this test no prior precautions are needed to be taken. This test can be done at any time of the day between the 14th and 18th weeks of pregnancy. For better analysis, the results of this test are taken into consideration along with the sonography reports of your anomaly scan which is usually done during the start of your second trimester. Often the doctor advises the Pregnant lady to undergo this test to check for any abnormality in the baby. There is absolutely no risk involved in this test and it is done by trained pathologist.

The results of the triple marker test are interpreted based on some factors like Mother’s Age, Ethnicity, Mother’s weight, Presence of diabetes, number of weeks of pregnancy and Single or multiple Pregnancy. The result gives a probability in the form of a ratio of the unborn having a chromosomal defect. If the probability or risk ratio is high, then further testing needs to be carried out such as Amniocentesis, which is done under ultrasound guidance and if it is low there is nothing to worry about. If AFP levels are high, doctor check baby skull and spine for neural tube defects by using Ultrasound. If AFP level is low with high HCG, down syndrome is suspected.

It is quick and simple and is done at the doctor’s clinic or a laboratory. The technician will tie a tourniquet around your upper arm which will swell up the veins below it. A needle attached to a pre-sterilized vacute bulb is inserted into the vein and the blood is collected. The tourniquet is immediately opened and the pressure is released. The needle is withdrawn and blood collected is tested to check level of some markers. You may feel discomfort at the puncture site for an hour or two but it will fade away soon.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Triple Marker Test for Alpha Fetoprotein
All age groups
0.20ng/ml to 250 ng/ml at 32 weeks
All age groups
4,060 - 165400 mIU/ml
All age groups
< 14.60ng/ml (Pregnancy Third Trimester)
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1500 to Rs.4200 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Triple Marker Test?
Preparation for Triple Marker Test
Uses of Triple Marker Test
Procedure for Triple Marker Test
Normal values for Triple Marker Test
Price for Triple Marker Test

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